Lower Extremity

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The primary blood supply to the foot extensors of the distal phalanges and the great toe is delivered by which of the following arteries? Fibular Artery Posterior Tibial Artery Anterior Tibial Artery Saphenous Artery

Fibular Artery

What arterial branch extends to the lateral leg compartment from the posterior tibial artery?

Fibular Artery

A patient with the inability to extend the knee against resistence most likely has sustained a lesion to which of the following nerve roots? S2 S1 L5 L4


Which structure or vessel listed is NOT contained within the "femoral triangle"? Great Saphenous Vein Femoral Artery Femoral Nerve Lateral Femoral Cutaneous

Lateral Femoral Cutaneous

A person with a positive Trendelenburg sign has an injury to which nerve? Nerve to Piriformis Sciatic Superior Gluteal Inferior Gluteal

Superior Gluteal

The Tensor Fascia Lata muscle is innervated by which of the following nerves? Femoral Inferior Gluteal Superior Gluteal Sciatic

Superior Gluteal Nerve

What functional muscle group is innervated by Gluteal nerve?


The Strongest tendon below the hip of the lower extremity is the______ Patellar Plantaris Posterior Tibialis Calcaneal/Achilles


Where is the quadrate tubercle?

Upper third of interotrochanteric crest

The blood supply to the muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg is dervied primarily from which of the following arteries? Anterior Tibial Saphenous Posterior Tibial Fibular


How many muscles in the lateral compartment?

2, fibularis longus,fibularis brevis

Branch of Lumbar plexus from L1

Ilioinguinal, Iliohypogastric

two mucles of Layer 4 of foot?


How many muscles in the anterior compartment?

4 muscles

How many spinal levels comprise the lumbar plexus on one side of the body?

6 branches

How many muscles in the posterior compartment?

7, Gastrocnemius,Soleus,Plantaris, Popliteus, Flex Hallicus Longus, Flex Digitorum longus

The Quadratus Plantae muscle receives its nerve supply from which spinal nerve roots? L3,L4 L4,L5 S3,S4 S2,S3

S2, S3

3 muscles on first layer of plantar foot?

Abductor Hallucis Flexor Digitorum Brevis Abductor Digiti Minimi

Where is the adductor tubercle located?

Above the medial epicondyle, medial supracondylar ridge

What are the actions of the pectineus muscle?

Adduction, Flexion, Medial Rotation

What is the medial border of the femoral triangle?

Adductor Longus

Which Adductor Magnus part is the lateral part?

Adductor Part

What are the two parts of adductor magnus?

Adductor part, hamstring part

What functional muscle group is linked with obturator nerve


A patient presented to you with pain in the anterior lower leg causing an inability to dorsiflex their foot after begining a running program. They also complained of having a loss of sensation of foot (dorsal surface) between digits 1 and 2. your diagnosis? Popliteal Aneurysm Anterior Compartment Syndrome Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Lateral Compartment Syndrome

Anterior Compartment Syndrome

The "terrible triad of O'Donahue" refers to an injury of the knee involving the following structures of the knee? -Posterior Cruciate ligament, lateral collateral ligament, Lateral meniscus -Posterior Cruciate Ligament, medial collateral ligament, lateral meniscus -Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Medial Collateral Ligament, Medial Meniscus Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Lateral Collateral ligament, medial meniscus

Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Medial Collateral Ligament, Medial Meniscus

What is the motor innervation to the adductor longus and brevis?

Anterior Division of Opturator Nerve

What functional muscle group what be innervated by femoral nerve?

Anterior Thigh

What palpable artery is located along the medial malleolus of the ankle? Dorsalis pedis Femoral Posterior Tibial Anterior Tibial

Anterior Tibial, MIGHT BE WRONG

A high ankle sprain involves what ankle ligament?

Anterior Tibiofibular

The most injured ligament with a high ankle inversion sprain is the? Anterior talofibular Calcaneofibular Calcaneonavicular Anterior Tibiofibular

Anterior Tibiofibular

What muscle lies deep to the vastus lateralis whos actions retract the synovial capsule of the patella during leg extension to prevent pinching? Articularis Genu Plantaris Popliteus Biceps Femoris

Articularis Genu

What muscle lies to the vastus intermedius and pulls up on the synovial capsule and prevents pinching

Articularis Genu

What muscle is supplied by the common fibular nerve? Biceps Femoris (short head) Biceps Femoris (Long head) Semimembranosus Adductor Magnus

Biceps Femoris (short head)

Which muscle listed helps form the superior lateral wall or margin of the popliteal fossa? biceps femoris Plantaris Semimembranosus Gastrocnemius

Biceps femoris (long head)

In the following joint combinations, identify the INCORRECT joint classifications Acetabulum-Ball and socket Superior tibiofibular-synovial plane Middle Tibiofibular- syndesmosis Distal Tibiofibular- Synovial Plane

Distal Tibiofibular-Synovial Plane

A patient presented to you with pain in the anterior lower leg causing an inability to dorsiflex their foot after begining a running program. They also complained of having a loss of sensation of the foot (dorsal surface) between DIGITS 1 and 2. The loss of SENSATION to the dorsum of the foot between the web of digits 1 and 2 is due to the injury of what nerve? Sural Tibial Superficial Fibular Deep Fibular

Deep Fibular

The Cutaneous innervation on the anterior medial aspect of tibia (lower leg) is supplied by which nerve? Superficial fibular Deep fibular Lateral Sural Cutaneous Saphenous

Deep Fibular

The Extensor Digitorum Brevis muscle is innervated by which nerve? Deep Fibular Medial Plantar Superficial Fibular Lateral Fibular

Deep Fibular

Which of the following nerves innervates the fibularis tertius muscle? Superficial Fibular Tibial Deep Fibular Common Fibular

Deep Fibular

In the following combinations, identify the INCORRECT muscle/invervation Extensor Hallucis Brevis - Superficial fibular nerve Flexor Hallucis Longus- Tibial Nerve Flexor Digitorum Brevis- Medial Plantar Nerve Extensor Digitorum Brevis - Deep fibular nerve

Extensor Hallucis Brevis - Superficial Fibular Nerve

A construction worker severed his tibial nerve just distal to the popliteal fossa. which of the following muscles would remain intact and functional? Soleus Flexor Hallucis Longus Tibialis Posterior Extensor Hallucis Longus

Extensor Hallucis Longus

In a patient with a lumbar herniated disc (L4) causing a L5 radiculopathy, which of the following muscles is MOST likely to exhibit weakness upon manual muscle testing? Soleus Extensor Hallucis Longus Vastus Medialis Piriformis

Extensor Hallucis Longus

What functional muscle group is innervated by Sciatic Nerve?


Cutaneous Innervation to the femoral triangle

Femoral Branch of Genitofemoral nerve

Saphenous nerve is a branch off of what?

Femoral Nerve

What nerve innervates the anterior thigh

Femoral Nerve

What two veins enter the femoral triangle from the inferior?

Femoral Vein, Great Saphenous Vein

Which muscle listed is NOT innervated by the deep fibular nerve? Fibularis Tertius Fibularis Brevis Tibialis Anterior Extensor digitorum longus

Fibularis Brevis

Actions of Femoral Nerve?

Flexion and Extension

What muscle listed below is NOT found in the second layer(plantar) of the foot? 4th lumbrical Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Quadratus Plantae 1st Lumbrical

Flexor Digiti Minimi brevis

Which of the following is NOT a constituent within the tarsal tunnel? Flexor Digitorum brevis tendon Posterior Tibial Artery Flexor Hallicus Longus Tendon Tibial Nerve

Flexor Digitorum Brevis Tendon

3 muscles of third layer of foot

Flexor hallucis Brevis Adductor Hallucis Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis

Cutaneous Innervation to the Femoral Triangle is supplied by which of the following nerves? Anterior Femoral Cutaneous Illioinguinal Iliohypogastric Genitofemoral


Lumbar plexus branch that pierces the psoas major

Genitofemoral Nerve

How many gluteal muscles will medially rotate and abduct the thigh?

Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Tensor Fascia lata

what muscle attaches to the adductor tubercle?

Hamstring part of adductor magnus

What is the name of the anatomical space where the femoral artery and vein pass through, as well as two nerves

Hunters Canal, Adductor Canal, Subsartorial canal

What part of the lumbosacral plexus that innervates the gluteus maximus

Inferior Gluteal

Where is the quadratus muscle lying in relation to the inferior gemelus?

Inferior to inferior gemellus

Genitofemoral Branch Spinal Levels?

L1 and L2

Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Spinal Branches?

L2 and L3

Femoral Spinal Branches?


Obturator Nerve spinal levels?


Assessory Obturator Nerve spinal levels?


The Extensor Hallucis Brevis muscle receives most of its axons from which nerve root level? S1/S2 L5/S1 S2/S3 L4/L5


The cutaneous termination (branch) of the sural nerve is the ___________ lateral dorsal cutaneous Deep Fibular Superficial Fibular Saphenous

Lateral Dorsal Cutaneous

All of the following anatomy listed passes through the hunters canal EXCEPT? Femoral Artery Lateral Femoral Cutaneuous Nerve Nerve to the vastus medialis Saphenous Nerve

Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve

Which of the following nerves innervates the abductor digiti minimi of the foot? Medial Plantar Deep Fibular Superficial Fibular Lateral Plantar

Lateral Plantar

A 49 yr. old overweight male presents with numbness and burning pain of his anterior /lateral right thigh. your most likely diagnosis? Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Obturator Nerve Entrapment Saphenous Nerve entrapment Sciatica

Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment

Which of the following statements with respect to lateal femoral cutaneious neuralgia is correct? Leads to pain and Numbness on anterior lateral thigh Leads to pain and numbness on the anteral lateral lower leg Leads to pain and numbness on the posterior medial thigh Leads to pain and numbness on medial thigh

Leads to pain and numbness on anterior lateral thigh

What vein runs with the sural, and empties into the popliteal vein

Lesser or small saphenous vein

At what point does the tibial nerve bifurcate into 2 plantar nerves?

Medial Malleoulus or Tarsal Tunnel

What is the nerve branch that comes off of the tibial branch(division) that goes to the sural nerve?

Medial Sural Cutaneous Nerve

Where is the obturator nerve cutaneous innervation?

Medial lower thigh by the

The superior gemellus muscle is innervated by which of the following nerves? Nerve to obturator internus Nerve to quadratus femoris Nerve to the superior gemellus Nerve to Obturator Externus

Nerve to Obturator Internus

What nerves innervates the obturator internus?

Nerve to the obturator internus

What cutaneous nerve supplies the distal medial thigh region Anterior Femoral Cutaneous Obturator Illioinguinal Genitofemoral


Which nerves innervate the adductor magnus? -Obturator posterior division and sciatic common fibular division -Obturator anterior division and sciatic common fibular division -Obturator posterior division and sciatic tibial division -Obturator anterior division and sciatic tibial division

Obturator Posterior Division and sciatic tibial division

A patient with hip/thigh pain presents for a consultation. There is pain and paresis (weakness) upon resisted external (lateral) rotation of the posterior hip joint. Which muscle would not be implicated as the primary pain/weakness generator. Pectineus Piriformis Quadratus Femoris Superior Gemellus


A construction worker has his common fibular nerve completely severed and all contents destroyed when a plate glass window falls and strikes his fibular head region. Which of the following action can NOT be performed as a result? Inversion of Foot Eversion of foot Plantar Flexion of foot Flexion of foot digits

Plantar Flexion of Foot

What muscle tendon is commonly harvested for surgical tendon grafting of the hand Pes Anserine Arcuate Ligament Plantaris Oblique Popliteal


What compartment of the lower leg is affected with a tibial nerve injury?

Posterior Compartment

Excessive anterior movement of the tibia when pulling the tibia forward on the leg with the knee in non weight bearing flexion (a positive anterior drawer sign) indicates damage to which structure Popliteal Ligament Anterior Cruciate Ligament Posterior Cruciate Ligament Medial Meniscus

Posterior Cruciate Ligament

What nerve innervates the obturator externus?

Posterior Division of Obturator Nerve

The Fibular Artery branches off from what other aterial branch? Anterior Tibial Artery Popliteal Artery Posterior Tibial Artery Tibial artery

Posterior Tibial Artery

Function of Posterior Cruciate Ligament?

Prevents anterior displacement of femur on tibia

Function of Anterior Cruciate Ligament?

Prevents posterior displacement of femur on tibia

*What 2 nerves are in the hunters canal?*

Saphenous Nerve, Nerve to vastus medialis

What nerve typically exits inferior to piriformis muscle?

Sciatic Nerve

Name the muscle whose distal tendon inserts into the posterior aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia and continues from medial to lateral across the popliteal fossa as the oblique popliteal ligament? Semitendinosus Popliteus Biceps Femoris Semimembranosus


Where is the oblique popliteal ligament reflects off of a muscle of the posterior thigh, which muscle is it?


What 3 muscles make up the upper and lower borders of the popliteal fossa, 2 upper borders, 1 lower border

Semimembranosus, Semitendonosus (superior), medial head of gastrocnemius(lower border)

Name the posterior compartment thigh muscle that contributes a muscle tendon to the pes anserene


What are the three muscles that form the pes anserene

Semitendonosus, Gracilis, Sartorius

Motor innervation to the lateral compartment of lower leg and cutaneous innervation to the majority dorsum of the foot is innervated by which of the following nerves? Common Fibular Saphenous Sural Superficial Fibular

Superficial Fibular

Positive Trendelenberg sign is a lesion of what nerve?

Superior Gluteal nerve

cutaneous innervation down the posterior calf and into the lateral foot is provided by which of the following nerves? Sural Femoral Saphenous Posterior Femoral Cutaneous


The Popliteal artery bifurcates into what 2 arteries?

The Anterior and posterior Tibial arteries

Where does the deep fibular nerve go after coming off the common fibular?

The anterior compartment

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome typically involves a lesion of which nerve? Saphenous Tibial Superficial Fibular Deep Fibular


In a patient that is suspected of having an SI radiculopathy, which of the muscles listed below would be the LEAST likely to exhibit evidence of paresis? Tibialis Anterior Gastrocnemius (Lateral Head)

Tibialis Anterior

Which muscle listed is the primary or strongest dorsi-flexor of the ankle? Tibialis Anterior Fibularis Longus Extensor Hallucis Longus Tibialis Posterior

Tibialis Anterior

What 4 muscles laterally rotate an extended thigh, and abduct a flexed thigh?

Triceps coxxae(superior gemellus, Piriformis

Adductor Magnus innervation?

posterior division of obturator nerve

What attaches to intertrochanteric crest?

quadratus femoris

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