LS SQ injections

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what type of needle is used for subcutaneous injections?

25-30 gauge needle should be used (from 3/8 of an inch to 5/8 of an inch)

The nurse is preparing to administer a subcutaneous injection for an adult client. The nurse knows that the volume of the injection is limited to how many milliliters of fluid?

1 mL

For subcutaneous injections, the maximum amount of drug that can be administered is

1 millilter

inject medication at a rate of

10 seconds per milliliter

The nurse needs to prepare an insulin pen for injection of a prescribed dose of insulin. Place the following steps in the correct order. Use all options.

1)Clean the tip of the reservoir with alcohol. 2)Screw the correct needle onto the reservoir. 3)Dial the dose selector to 2 units. 4)Hold the pen upright and press the plunger firmly. 5)Watch for a drop of insulin at the needle tip. 6)Verify the dose selector returned to "0.

The nurse has just finished administering the 0800-prescribed 10 units regular insulin in the left arm using an insulin injection pen. What will the nurse include in the documentation?

Administered 10 units regular insulin subcutaneous at 0800 in the left arm.

Steps in medication administration

Check dr order wash hands gather equipment obtain medication, check 3 times ID patient 2 types gather proper data prior to giving medication give medication document evaluate theraputic response

The nurse administering a subcutaneous injection to a client avoids massaging the site after injecting the medication. Why is massaging the site contraindicated?

It can damage underlying tissue.

Rights of Medication Administration

Right medication Right patient Right dosage Right route Right time Right reason Right assessment data Right documentation Right response Right to education Right to refuse

The nurse has just finished administering an insulin pen injection on a client and documents the administration in the electronic health record. Which is the correct information to document?

The fact that the medication was given, the dose and the time, and the site.

The nurse is demonstrating to a client with diabetes how to properly self-inject insulin. Which injection site would be most appropriate to recommend to the client?


The nurse is preparing to administer a subcutaneous injection of insulin to a client. Which site would the nurse choose?

abdomen; Outer aspect of the upper arm.

Know the:

appropriateness of medication method of delivery actions special nursing considerations safe dose ranges purpose of administration contraindications adverse effects

The nurse is preparing to administer 10 units regular insulin via insulin injection pen to a client with a body mass index (BMI) equal to 40. How will the nurse best administer this medication?

at 90-degree angle using a 5/8-in (1.6-cm) needle (An obese client would require the longer needle size; injections using an insulin pen should be administered at a 90-degree; Subcutaneous injection using an insulin syringe and needle would be given at a 45-degree angle.)

when should the shorter needle be used for SQ injections?

less tissue; insert at 90 degree angle

Insulin needs to be ____ ____ before injection

room temp; double checked by 2nd nurse

The nurse is teaching the student nurse where a subcutaneous injection is administered. How would the nurse describe the appropriate skin layer?

the adipose layer; underneath dermis and epidermis

where can you administer a SQ injection?

the outer aspect of the upper arm, the abdomen (from below the costal margin to the iliac crests), the anterior aspects of the thigh, the upper back, and the upper ventral- or dorsogluteal area.

use your non dominant hand to...

uncap the needle

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