Lymphatic System

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12) The "white pulp" of the spleen is composed of A) lymphocytes. B) trabeculae. C) arteries. D) veins. E) fibrous connective tissue.


19) Immunity that results from the natural exposure to an antigen in the environment is called ________ immunity. A) active B) natural passive C) passive D) auto E) innate


26) The cells that are actively involved in immunological surveillance are the ________ cells. A) NK B) plasma C) B D) helper T E) suppressor T


27) Stem cells that will form T cells are modified in the A) bone marrow. B) liver. C) spleen. D) thymus. E) kidneys.


32) Immunoglobulins that are primarily found in glandular secretions are A) IgA. B) IgD. C) IgE. D) IgG. E) IgM.


51) Hematopoiesis is to ________ as lymphopoiesis is to ________. A) blood production; lymphocyte production B) lymphocyte production; blood destruction C) formation of lymph; blood formation D) production of antibodies; production of lymph E) all of the above


53) If you are taking care of a female patient with a damaged spleen, you would expect to see that A) she is anemic as her body has difficulty storing iron. B) she is not affected physically by the injury. C) she will have decreased urine production. D) her heart rate increases. E) her circulation is poor.


8) All of the following are true of the thymus gland, except that it A) activates B cells. B) reaches its greatest size relative to body size during the first to second year of life. C) undergoes involution after puberty. D) produces T cells. E) lies behind the sternum in the anterior mediastinum.


1) The lymphatic system is composed of all of the following, except A) lymphatic vessels. B) the thyroid gland. C) the spleen. D) lymph nodes. E) lymph.


15) The release of interleukin-1 by active macrophages would A) cause inflammation. B) produce a fever. C) activate complement. D) result in opsonization of pathogens. E) result in B-cell producing antibodies.


16) Defense of the body against a particular bacteria or virus is provided by A) nonspecific immunity. B) specific immunity. C) immunological surveillance. D) skin. E) fever.


20) In active immunization, the A) immune system attacks normal body cells. B) body is deliberately exposed to an antigen. C) body receives antibodies produced by another person. D) body receives antibodies produced by another animal. E) genes for antibodies are introduced into the body.


21) The cells responsible for the production of circulating antibodies are ________ cells. A) NK B) plasma C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) suppressor T


23) The cells responsible for humoral immunity are the ________ cells. A) NK B) B C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) suppressor T


3) The lymphatic system does all of the following, except that it A) helps maintain normal blood volume. B) transports gases to and away from lymph nodes. C) eliminates variations in the composition of interstitial fluid. D) transports lipids from the digestive tract. E) fights infection.


31) Immunoglobulins that are found on the surface of B cells and may play a role in regulation of the humoral immune response are A) IgA. B) IgD. C) IgE. D) IgG. E) IgM.


38) When an antigen is bound to a Class II HLA molecule, it can stimulate a ________ cell. A) plasma B) helper T C) NK D) suppressor T E) cytotoxic T


40) Helper T cells do all of the following, except A) promote B-cell division, plasma cell maturation, and antibody production. B) encode the antigenic genetic information for use during future exposures to the antigen. C) stimulate T-cell divisions that produce memory T cells and accelerate maturation of cytotoxic T cells. D) attract and stimulate the activity of NK cells. E) enhance nonspecific defenses.


41) The following are steps in the cell-mediated immune response. 1. Several cycles of mitosis occur. 2. Antigen is engulfed and presented by a macrophage. 3. Cytotoxic T cells migrate to focus of infection. 4. Undifferentiated T cells with specific receptors recognize the antigen. 5. T cells differentiate into cytotoxic T cells and T memory cells. 6. Cytotoxic T cells release perforin and/or lymphotoxin. The correct sequence for these steps is A) 4, 1, 5, 3, 6, 2. B) 2, 4, 1, 5, 3, 6. C) 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6. D) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6. E) 3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2.


46) One major difference between a virus and a parasite is that A) viruses are killed with antibiotics. B) viruses usually live within a cell and then destroy their host. C) parasites live within a cell more often than viruses. D) both A and C E) none of the above


49) T is to ________ as B is to ________. A) top; bottom B) thymus-dependent; bone marrow-derived C) natural killer; bone marrow-derived D) non-thymus-dependent; bottom E) none of the above


5) Most of the lymph returns to the venous circulation by way of the A) right lymphatic duct. B) thoracic duct. C) cisterna chyli. D) hepatic portal vein. E) dural sinus.


58) Antibodies are primarily effective against ________ rather than ________. A) viruses; pathogens B) bacteria; viruses C) viruses; bacteria D) pathogens; viruses E) none of the above


6) The thoracic duct drains lymph from all of the following regions, except the A) left side of the head. B) upper lobe of the right lung. C) left arm and shoulder. D) body regions below the diaphragm. E) left side of the thorax.


65) In an experiment, Roger injects some mice with interleukin II, and after 3 days he examines the blood and lymph for changes. What would you expect to observe following this treatment? A) decreased number of T cells B) increased number of T cells C) decreased number of B cells D) increased number of mast cells E) both A and D


9) The term lymphadenopathy refers to A) a congenital lack of lymph nodes. B) a chronic or excessive enlargement of lymph nodes. C) a condition characterized by large accumulations of lymphatic fluid in the tissue space. D) the lack of lymphocytes in peripheral circulation. E) diseases of the immune system characterized by increased numbers of circulating lymphocytes.


10) Areas of the spleen that contain large numbers of lymphocytes are known as A) Peyer's patches. B) adenoids. C) white pulp. D) red pulp. E) lymph nodes.


11) Lymphatic organs are different from lymphatic tissues in that lymphatic organs A) contain lymphocytes and lymphatic tissues do not. B) are found in the digestive tract and lymphatic tissues are found in the thorax. C) are separated from surrounding tissues by a fibrous capsule and lymphatic tissues are not. D) do not produce antibodies, whereas lymphatic tissues do. E) both B and C


14) An inflammatory response is triggered when A) red blood cells release pyrogens. B) T cells release interferon. C) mast cells release histamine, serotonin, and heparin. D) neutrophils phagocytize bacteria. E) blood flow to an area increases.


2) The primary function of the lymphatic system is A) circulation of nutrients. B) the transport of hormones. C) the production, maintenance, and distribution of lymphocytes. D) the production, maintenance, and distribution of plasma proteins. E) both C and D


28) The various classes of immunoglobulins are differentiated on the basis of their A) shapes. B) affinity for antigens. C) variable regions. D) fixed segments. E) both B and C


30) Immunoglobulins that attach to mast cells and basophils and are involved in allergic reactions are A) IgA. B) IgD. C) IgE. D) IgG. E) IgM.


35) The role of accessory cells in immunity is to A) produce antibodies. B) produce memory cells. C) digest foreign cells and molecules and present antigens. D) actively lyse bacterial cells. E) coat pathogens with antigens.


39) B cells are primarily activated by the activities of A) antigens. B) antibodies. C) helper T cells. D) macrophages. E) plasma cells.


4) Compared to blood capillaries, lymph capillaries exhibit all of the following, except that they A) have no basement membrane. B) are larger in diameter. C) have walls of endothelial cells that overlap like shingles. D) are not held in place by a loose connective-tissue framework. E) are frequently irregular in shape.


43) Newborn infants gain most of their immunity from A) early immunizations. B) contact with viruses and bacteria. C) antibodies passed from the mother across the placenta. D) contact with siblings. E) innate factors.


45) Inappropriate or excessive immune responses to antigens are A) immunodeficiency diseases. B) autoimmune diseases. C) allergies. D) the result of stress. E) common in the elderly.


52) Lymph nodes range in diameter from A) 0 nm to 10 nm. B) 1 inch to 2 inches. C) 1 mm to 25 mm. D) 1 cm to 30 cm. E) 1 cm to 1 inch.


62) Infection with the HIV virus occurs through A) eating contaminated food. B) airborne droplets from coughs and sneezes. C) intimate contact with an infected person's body fluids. D) casual contact with an infected individual. E) sharing clothes with an infected individual.


64) Leslie has a bad sore throat and the lymph glands in her neck are swollen. This would indicate that A) the focus of the infection is the lymph glands. B) lymph is not flowing through these lymph glands. C) the affected lymph glands contain an increased number of lymphocytes. D) the lymph gland is actively producing phagocytes. E) the lymph gland has increased its secretion of thymosin.


13) Each of the following is a physical barrier to infection, except A) body hair. B) epithelium. C) secretions. D) complement. E) basement membranes.


17) The first line of cellular defense against pathogens are the A) T cells. B) B cells. C) NK cells. D) phagocytes. E) plasma cells.


22) The cells responsible for cellular immunity are the ________ cells. A) B B) plasma C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) suppressor T


24) The medullary cords of a lymph node contain ________ cells. A) cytotoxic T B) suppressor T C) NK D) B E) nodule


25) Lymphocytes that attack foreign cells or body cells infected with viruses are ________ cells. A) B B) plasma C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) suppressor T


29) Immunoglobulins that are single molecules and are mainly responsible for resistance against viruses, bacteria, and bacterial toxins are A) IgA. B) IgD. C) IgE. D) IgG. E) IgM.


33) The binding of an antigen to an antibody can result in A) neutralization of the antigen. B) agglutination or precipitation. C) complement activation and opsonization. D) all of the above E) A and B only


34) In order for a lymphocyte to respond to an antigen, the antigen must A) be phagocytized by the lymphocyte. B) enter the cytoplasm of the lymphocyte. C) bind to the DNA of the lymphocyte. D) bind to specific receptors on the lymphocyte membrane. E) depolarize the lymphocyte.


36) When an antigen is bound to a Class I HLA molecule, it can stimulate a ________ cell. A) B B) plasma C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) NK


37) Class II HLA molecules are found only attached to which of the following? A) all body cells with a nucleus B) red blood cells C) granulocytes and microphages D) lymphocytes and macrophages E) liver cells and macrophages in the spleen


42) The following is a list of the stages that occur during a bacterial infection. 1. Cytotoxic T cells appear. 2. Inflammation, lymphokines, and monokines attract phagocytes. 3. Neutrophils and NK cells migrate into the infected area. 4. B cells differentiate and the number of plasma cells increases. 5. A gradual, sustained increase in antibodies occurs. The proper sequence for these steps is A) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5. B) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5. C) 4, 5, 2, 1, 3. D) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5. E) 3, 1, 2, 4, 5.


44) The only antibodies that normally cross the placenta are A) IgA. B) IgD. C) IgE. D) IgG. E) IgM.


50) Lymphocyte production involves A) bone marrow. B) thymus tissue. C) peripheral lymphoid tissues. D) all of the above E) none of the above


57) ________ is the first class of antibody secreted after an antigen arrives. A) IgG B) IgE C) IgD D) IgM E) IgA


60) T cells and B cells can be activated only by A) pathogens. B) interleukins, interferons, and colony-stimulating factors. C) cells infected with viruses, bacteria, or cancer cells. D) exposure to a specific antigen at a specific site in a cell membrane. E) disease-causing agents.


61) The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes the disease known as AIDS selectively infects ________ cells. A) B B) plasma C) cytotoxic T D) helper T E) suppressor T


18) Immunity that is genetically determined and present at birth is called ________ immunity. A) active B) natural passive C) passive D) auto E) innate


47) The body's lymphocytes are produced and stored in all of the following, except A) the tonsils. B) lymphoid tissues. C) lymphoid organs. D) the spleen and thymus. E) the kidneys.


48) Lymphatic capillaries are known for A) beginning the lymphatic network. B) being the smallest lymphatic vessels. C) having large diameters and thinner walls than veins. D) being lined by endothelial cells. E) all of the above


54) Specific defenses depend on the activities of A) monocytes. B) leukocytes. C) agranulocytes. D) erythrocytes. E) lymphocytes.


55) Examples of physical barriers that you have against pathogens include A) sebaceous glands. B) hair. C) epithelium. D) epidermal surface of the skin. E) all of the above


56) Inflammation produces localized A) swelling. B) redness. C) heat. D) pain. E) all of the above


59) Lymphatic vessels are located everywhere, except the A) brain. B) central nervous system. C) spinal cord. D) throat. E) A, B, and C


63) Milly has just received a kidney transplant and is taking cyclosporin A. What does this medication do? A) prevents inflammation from destroying the transplanted kidney B) depresses hematopoiesis C) decreases the chemotaxis of macrophages to the transplanted kidney D) increases the number of antibodies in the blood E) suppresses cytotoxic T cells, thus preventing rejection


7) Lymph nodes do all of the following, except that they A) produce antibodies. B) monitor the contents of lymph. C) remove debris and pathogens from the lymph. D) act as a "way station" for cancer cells. E) remove excess nutrients from the lymph.


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