M by Fritz Lang

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Fritz Lang places "M," the killer....

As the piece that won't comfortably fit, and brings a crisis to the system.

In M (by Fritz Lang), the gangster boss most closely resembles...

A CEO managing his business venture.

In the film M (Fritz Lang, Germany, 1931), we see that capitalism pervades...[Merriam Webster Definition of milieu: the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops]

All milieus, from house-wife who does her house-work, to beggars, who "trade" in their own market.

M (by Fritz Lang) is one of the first sound films that reflects on

Its own use of sound.

M (by Fritz Lang): As in the films Alien and Jaws, the "monster" in M sees only

Meat to satisfy his hunger

In the Sherlock Holmes adventure, "The Adventure of Silver Blaze", the following exchange takes place:Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?Holmes: To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time. So: what did the dog do?

The dog did nothing.

M (by Fritz Lang): the person who is able to finally identify the serial killer is

a beggar

M (by Fritz Lang): Fritz Lang finally reveals the identity of the serial killer

a good 15 minutes into the film

When offered the job of leadership of the German film industry by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Fritz Lang politely ...

accepted, but actually packed whatever valuables he could carry (leaving behind most of his wealth) and fled first to France, later moving to the USA

M: In Fritz Lang's sarcastic portrait of the Weimar Republic, the criminal underworld follows the laws of


M by Fritz Lang could be considered the

first serial killer movie ever

In M, Fritz Lang points out similarities between

gangsters and police.

The sequence in the beggars' headquarter is shot [.... fill in the blank.....] , a remarkable feat considering the technical limitations at the time, stressing the coherence of this community and space.

in one continuous take

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