Macro Test 3 Review

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Which of the following statements about the Keynesian view of the macroeconomy is ​incorrect?

Technological change is the most significant influence on both aggregate demand and aggregate supply.

Examples of fiscal policy that increase aggregate demand include​ ______.

an increase in government​ expenditure, a decrease in​ taxes, and an increase in transfer payments

An economy is in a​ long-run equilibrium. An increase in aggregate demand creates​ ______ gap. A rise in the money wage rate decreases​ ______ and returns the economy to a​ full-employment equilibrium.

an​ inflationary; the quantity of real GDP demanded

If the U.S. exchange rate changes from​ $1.00 Canadian to​ $1.05 Canadian, then the U.S. dollar has​ _______ and the Canadian dollar has​ _______.

appreciated; depreciated

If the government increases its expenditure on goods and services and as a​ result, the money wage rate​ increases, the economy has experienced​ _______.

a​ demand-pull rise in the price level

A rise in the price of oil creates​ _______.

a​ one-time cost-push rise in the price leve

Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per U.S. dollar and the United States wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per U.S. dollar. If the demand for U.S. dollars decreases ​, the Fed​ ______.

buys dollars to raise the exchange rate

An increase in investment shifts the AE curve upward by an amount equal to the​ ______, and shifts the AD curve rightward by an amount equal to the​ ______.

change in​ investment; change in investment times the multiplier

In real business cycle​ theory, all of the following events can be sources of fluctuation in productivity except​ _______.

changes in the growth rate of money

The business cycle occurs because​ ______.

aggregate demand and​ short-run aggregate supply​ fluctuate, but the money wage rate does not adjust quickly enough to keep real GDP at potential GDP

Equilibrium expenditure is the level of aggregate expenditure that occurs when​ ______.

aggregate planned expenditure equals real GDP

You observe that unplanned inventories are decreasing. You predict that there will be​ _______.

an expansion

A country that is lending more to the rest of the world than it is borrowing from the rest of the world is a​ ______. A country that during its entire history has invested more in the rest of the world than other countries have invested in it is a​ ______.

net​ lender; creditor nation

A​ ______ macroeconomist believes that business cycle fluctuations are the efficient responses of a​ well-functioning market economy that is bombarded by shocks that arise from the uneven pace of technological change.

new classical

In​ ______ cycle​ theory, the rational expectation of the price​ level, which is determined by potential GDP and expected aggregate​ demand, determines the money wage rate and the position of the SAS curve.

new classical

A​ ______ macroeconomist believes that the​ short-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal at a fixed price level.

new keynesian

​Long-run macroeconomic equilibrium​ ______.

occurs when real GDP equals potential​ GDP, and the LAS​, SAS​, and AD curves intersect

The private sector balance and the government sector balance tend to move in​ ______. Net exports respond​ ______.

opposite​ directions; to the sum of the government sector and private sector balances

An economy has no imports and no taxes. The marginal propensity to save is 0.5 . A​ ______ increase in autonomous expenditure increases equilibrium expenditure by​ $60 billion. The multiplier is​ ______.

$30 ​billion; 2.00

If the trend rate of change of velocity is 1 percent a​ year, potential GDP grows by 4 percent a​ year, and the money growth rate is 2 percent a​ year, what is the trend inflation​ rate?

-1 percent a year

An economy with no income taxes or imports has a marginal propensity to consume of 0.75. The multiplier in the long run is​ _______.


Choose the statement about real business cycle theory that is incorrect

Economists have not been able to isolate the RBC theory impulse

Suppose a Canadian dollar bank deposit in Toronto earns 1 percent a year and a U.S. dollar bank deposit in Chicago earns 5 percent a year. What expectations do people hold if interest rate parity is to​ hold?

For interest rate parity to​ hold, people expect that the U.S. dollar will depreciate by 4 percent a year

Choose the statement that is incorrect

In the long​ run, a change in the nominal exchange rate brings an equivalent change in the real exchange rate

Choose the correct statements. 1. The foreign exchange market is a place. 2. The foreign exchange market is made up of thousands of people, including international tourists and foreign exchange brokers. 3. If $ 1 buys 100 yen, then the exchange rate is 100 yen per dollar. 4. In a growing economy, the exchange rate is always rising.

Statements 2 and 3 are correct.

Choose the statement about flexible exchange rates that is incorrect.

The world economy has operated a flexible exchange rate regime since the end of World War II.

The multiplier is the amount by which a change in​ ______ expenditure is magnified or multiplied to determine​ ______.

autonomous; the change in equilibrium expenditure and real GDP

A​ ______ macroeconomist believes that the economy is​ self-regulating and always at full employment. A​ ______ macroeconomist believes the economy requires active help from fiscal policy and monetary policy to maintain full employment.

classical; Keynesian

If the Fed continually responds to successive increases in​ costs, a​ ______ inflation evolves


Aggregate demand increases if fiscal policy​ ______ taxes or​ ______ transfer payments.


Aggregate demand increases if the exchange rate​ ______ or foreign income ​______.


Planned saving​ + Planned consumption expenditure​ = ______.

disposable income

A rise in the money wage rate​ ______.

does not change the LAS curve because along the LAS curve a rise in the money wage rate is accompanied by an equal percentage change in the price level

An economy at a​ full-employment equilibrium experiences an increase in aggregate demand. The unemployment rate​ ______ its natural​ rate, and to return to the​ long-run equilibrium, the money wage rate begins to​ ______.

falls below-rise

Between 2007 and​ 2012, the U.S. exchange rate​ ______ against the Japanese yen because the U.S. interest differential​ _______ ​ ______ against the yen. The expectations about the exchange rate​ ______ the demand for U.S. dollars and​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars.

fell; decreased and because currency traders expected the dollar to depreciate decreased; increased

The law of supply of foreign exchange states that other things remaining the​ same, the​ ______ the exchange​ rate, the​ ______ in the foreign exchange market.

higher; greater is the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied

The law of demand for foreign exchange states that other things remaining the​ same, the​ ______ the exchange​ rate, the smaller is the​ ______ in the foreign exchange market.

higher; quantity of U.S. dollars demanded

Unanticipated deflation does all of the following except​ _______.

increases the velocity of circulation

Aggregate demand increases if monetary policy​ ______ the quantity of money and​ ______ interest rates.


Aggregate demand increases if expected future​ income, inflation, or profits​ ______. And aggregate demand increases if fiscal policy​ ______ government expenditure.


In an​ expansion, an increase in the rate of technological change​ _______ investment demand. The real interest rate​ _______.


When costs increase and the Fed wants to return the economy to full​ employment, the Fed responds by​ ______ the quantity of money.


Consumption expenditure minus​ imports, which varies with real​ GDP, is called​ _______.

induced expenditure

if aggregate planned expenditure exceeds real​ GDP, then​ _______.

inventories​ decrease, and as real GDP increases a movement up along the AE curve occurs

If aggregate planned expenditure is less than real​ GDP, then​ _______.

inventories​ increase, and as real GDP decreases a movement down along the AE curve occurs

For a given increase in aggregate​ demand, the steeper the slope of the​ short-run aggregate supply​ curve, the​ ______ is the increase in the price level and the​ ______ is the multiplier effect on real GDP in the short run.


A decrease in the marginal propensity to import​ _______, everything else remaining the same.

makes the multiplier larger

An increase in income taxes​ _______, everything else remaining the same.

makes the multiplier smaller

In​ ______ cycle​ theory, fluctuations in both investment and consumption​ expenditure, driven by fluctuations in the growth rate of the quantity of​ money, are the main source of fluctuations in aggregate demand.


The multiplier is greater than 1 because the change in autonomous expenditure leads to​ _______.

more induced expenditure

if inflation is expected

neither a​ cost-push inflation nor a​ demand-pull inflation occur

In​ ______ cycle​ theory, past rational expectations of the current price level influence the money wage rate and the position of the SAS curve.

new Keynesian

In the​ long-run macroeconomic​ equilibrium, ______.

potential GDP and aggregate demand determine the price​ level, and the money wage rate adjusts so that the SAS curve intersects the LAS curve at the​ long-run equilibrium price level

Economic growth is the persistent increase in​ ______. Economic growth is accompanied by inflation when the​ ______.

potential​ GDP; AD curve shifts rightward at a faster rate than the LAS curve shifts rightward

According to mainstream business cycle​ theory, ______ grows at a steady rate and​ ______ grows at a fluctuating rate.

potential​ GDP; aggregate demand

The quantity of real GDP supplied depends on all of the following except the​ _______.

quantity of real GDP demanded

In real business cycle​ theory, _______ are the main source of economic fluctuations.

random fluctuations in productivity

The best forecast​ available, which is based on all the relevant information is called​ _______.

rational expectation

Suppose a country has a crawling peg exchange rate policy against the U.S. dollar and the equilibrium exchange rate in units of foreign currency per U.S. dollar is above the target rate. To keep the exchange rate pegged at its target​ level, the​ country's central bank must​ ______ U.S. dollars and​ ______ its foreign currency reserves

sell; decrease

A rise in the price level​ _______.

shifts the AE curve downward and brings a movement up along the AD curve

The business cycle is actually a continuous series of different​ ______

short-run macroeconomic equilibriums

In RBC​ theory, the lower the real interest​ rate, other things remaining the​ same, the​ ______ today.

smaller is the supply of labor

An economy is at potential GDP when it experiences an increase in costs. The economy experiences​ _______.


When the price​ level, the money wage​ rate, and other factor prices rise by the same​ percentage, there is a movement along​ ______. Potential GDP​ ______.

the LAS curve​; does not change

When the price level rises but the money wage rate and other factor prices remain the​ same, there is a movement along​ ______. The quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______.

the SAS​ curve; increases

The U.S. interest rate differential falls when​ ______.

the U.S. interest rate falls and the foreign interest rate rises

The marginal propensity to import is equal to​ _______.

the change in imports divided by the change in real​ GDP, other things remaining the same

When inflation is correctly​ anticipated, _______.

the economy remains at full employment

The impulse in RBC theory is​ _______

the growth rate of productivity that results from technological change

According to mainstream business cycle​ theory, _______

the money wage rate is sticky and consequently if aggregate demand grows faster than potential​ GDP, an inflationary gap emerges

A​ cost-push rise in the price level can arise from an increase in​ _______.

the money wage rate or money prices of raw materials

As we move up along the​ short-run aggregate supply​ curve, ______.

the money wage​ rate, the prices of other​ resources, and potential GDP remain constant

When aggregate demand unexpectedly​ increases, ______.

the natural unemployment rate does not change

Potential GDP increases for all of the following reasons except​ ______.

the price level falls

The quantity of U.S. dollars demanded in the foreign exchange market depends on all of the following except​ ______.

the price of gold

High inflation accompanies economic growth when​ ______.

the quantity of money increases rapidly

A stagflation can turn into a​ cost-push inflation process when​ _______

the quantity of money persistently increases

When firms are unable to meet the demand for their​ output, _____. Prices​ _____.

the quantity of real GDP demanded is greater than the quantity of real GDP​ supplied; rise

An increase in the price level when the money wage rate remains unchanged increases​ ______.

the quantity of real GDP supplied

If most prices increase in Japan and other countries but remain constant in the United​ States, ______.

then for purchasing power parity to​ hold, the demand for U.S. dollars increases and the supply of U.S. dollars decreases

If most prices have decreased in the United States and not decreased in Japan and other​ countries, ______.

then for purchasing power parity to​ hold, the value of the U.S. dollar in the foreign exchange market will rise

If the natural unemployment rate increases and the expected inflation rate remains​ constant, then​ ______.

the​ long-run Phillips curve shifts rightward and the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts rightward

If the expected inflation rate increases and the natural rate of unemployment remains​ constant, then​ _______.

the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts upward and the​ long-run Phillips curve does not shift

A change in the expected future exchange rate changes the supply of U.S. dollars​ ______, and a change in U.S. demand for imports changes the supply of U.S. dollars​ ______.

today; today

A movement​ ______ along the​ short-run Phillips curve occurs when there is an​ ______ increase in aggregate demand


An increase in investment shifts the AE curve​ _______ and the AD curve​ _______.


A rational expectation​ _______

will often turn out to be​ wrong, but no other forecast that could have been made with the information available could do better

Choose the statement about the business cycle that is incorrect

In a business​ cycle, real GDP shows steady growth and steady inflation.

The equation of the aggregate expenditure curve is given by​ _______

AE​ = A​ + ​[b​(1-t​)-m​]Y

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Against the Chinese​ yuan, the dollar appreciated between 2005 and 2014

Choose the statement that is incorrect

Along the LAS curve the money wage rate is constant and the real wage rate rises as the price level rises.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Along the SAS​ curve, the real wage rate and the price level change by the same percentage

Badass knowledge of Ag Demand

An increase in expected future income increases aggregate demand. An increase in the expected future inflation rate increases aggregate demand. An increase in expected future profits increases aggregate demand.

Choose the statement about the​ long-run Phillips curve that is incorrect

An unexpected increase in aggregate demand shifts the​ long-run Phillips curve rightward

Choose the statement about fixed exchange rates that is incorrect.

If the Fed wanted to fix the U.S. dollar exchange rate against the Japanese​ yen, the Fed would have to buy U.S. dollars to prevent the exchange rate from rising above the target value

Choose the statement about fixed exchange rates that is incorrect

If the Fed wanted to fix the U.S. dollar exchange rate against the Japanese​ yen, the Fed would have to buy U.S. dollars to prevent the exchange rate from rising above the target value.

If in the long​ run, the U.S. dollar appreciates against the Japanese​ yen, then​ ______.

Japan has created money at a faster pace than has the United​ States, and the price level in Japan has risen more rapidly than the U.S. price level

Deflation in Japan arose because​ _______

Japan's money stock did not grow fast enough to accommodate the growth of potential GDP and a trend rise in velocity.

in​ ______ cycle​ theory, animal spirits are the main source of fluctuations in aggregate demand


Which of the following statements about the monetarist view of the macroeconomy is ​incorrect?

Left​ alone, the economy rarely operates at full employment.

Which of the following equations is incorrect​?

MPC ​ + MPS​ = Delta YD

Badass knowledge about the price level and other random good stuff

Other things remaining the​ same, when the U.S. price level​ rises, U.S.-made goods and services become more expensive relative to​ foreign-made goods and services. People spend less on​ U.S.-made items and more on​ foreign-made items. The quantity of U.S. real GDP demanded decreases

Choose the statement that is incorrect

Over the business​ cycle, aggregate supply fluctuates around potential GDP.

The supply of U.S. dollars changes when there is a change in any of the following except​ ______.

The foreign exchange rate

Choose the correct statement

The level of aggregate expenditure that occurs where the AE curve intersects the 45 degree line is equilibrium expenditure.

Choose the statement that is incorrect

The price level falls if aggregate supply increases at a persistently slower rate than aggregate demand.

Choose the correct statement.

The quantity of real GDP demanded is the sum of the real consumption​ expenditure, investment, government​ expenditure, and exports minus imports.

Choose the correct statement.

The​ long-run Phillips curve shifts rightward when the natural unemployment rises and leftward when the natural unemployment rate falls

Choose the correct statement about the U.S.​ short-run Phillips curve.

We can interpret U.S. inflation and unemployment data in terms of a shifting​ short-run Phillips​ curve, which sometimes shifts upward and sometimes shifts downward

Examples of monetary policy that decrease aggregate demand include​ ______.

a decrease in the quantity of money and an increase in interest rates

You observe that unplanned inventories are increasing. You predict that there will be​ _______.

a recession

The output gap in the graph is​ ______ because​ ______.

a recessionary​ gap; potential GDP exceeds real GDP

A country that is borrowing more from the rest of the world than it is lending to the rest of the world is a​ ______, and a country that during its entire history has borrowed more from the rest of the world than it has lent to it is a​ ______.

net borrower, debtor nation

Between 2012 and​ 2014, the U.S. exchange rate​ ______ against the Japanese yen because the U.S. interest rate differential was expected to​ _______.


To calculate the​ multiplier, we divide​ ______ by​ ______.

the change in equilibrium​ expenditure; the change in autonomous expenditure

Along the​ short-run Phillips​ curve, ______.

the expected inflation rate and the natural unemployment rate are constant

When there is a shortage of dollars in the foreign exchange​ market, ______.

the forces of supply and demand pull the foreign exchange market into equilibrium

When there is a surplus of dollars in the foreign exchange​ market, ______.

the forces of supply and demand pull the foreign exchange market into equilibrium

The demand for U.S. dollars changes when there is a change in any of the following except​ ______.

the foreign exchange rate

The U.S. interest rate differential rises if​ ______, and the larger the U.S. interest rate​ differential, the​ ______ is the demand for U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange market.

the foreign interest rate​ falls; greater

When unwanted inventories pile​ up, ​_____. Prices ​_____.

the quantity of real GDP supplied is greater than the quantity of real GDP​ demanded; fall

With a rise in the money wage​ rate, ______.

the quantity that firms are willing to supply at each price level decreases

As we move up along the​ long-run aggregate supply​ curve, ______.

the real wage rate remains constant

Along the​ long-run Phillips​ curve, _______.

the unemployment rate is constant at the natural unemployment rate

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