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​Trade-offs force society to make​ choices, particularly when answering the following three fundamental​ questions:

1. What goods and services will be​ produced? 2. How will the goods and services be​ produced? 3. Who will receive the goods and services​ produced?

​Tom's lawn service specializes in mowing lawns and trimming bushes. Tom has 4 hours to devote to lawn services. In 1​ hour, he can mow 5 lawns or trim 6 bushes.

5x4=20 6x4=24

Economics is a social science because A. it considers human behavior—particularly ​decision-making behavior. B. it is based on studying the actions of individuals. C. it applies the scientific method to the study of the interactions among individuals. D. all of the above.

All of the above

According to Adam​ Smith, which of the following is necessary for the proper functioning of the market​ system?

For markets to​ work, people must be free to pursue their​ self-interest.

What happens if we measure GDP by adding up the value of every good and service produced in the​ economy?

GDP is overestimated because of double counting.

How does the U.S. economy create and destroy millions of jobs each​ year? ​(Mark all that​ apply.)

In the market​ system, new firms are constantly entering and exiting various industries. Some businesses are​ expanding, while others are contracting.

Which of the following is not a step economists follow when developing an economic​ model?

Make value judgments to be proven or disproven.

According to most​ economists, is it a serious shortcoming of GDP that it does not count household production or production in the underground​ economy?

Most economists would answer​ "no" because these types of production do not affect the most important use of the GDP​ measure, which is to measure changes in total production over short periods of time.

Suppose an analyst estimates the gains to workers from family leave laws. This is an example of

Positive analysis

Macroeconomics is

The study of the economy as a​ whole, including topics such as​ inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

Which country has an absolute advantage in producing​ tacos? Which country has a comparative advantage in producing​ tacos? Suppose the United States is currently producing 140 tons of hamburgers and 42 tons of tacos and Mexico is currently producing 28 tons of hamburgers and 35 tons of tacos. If the United States and Mexico each specialize in producing only one good​ (the good for which each has a comparative​ advantage), then a total of _______ additional​ ton(s) of hamburgers can be produced for the two countries combined

United States Mexico 42 28

Which of the following equations sums up the components of Gross Domestic Product​ (GDP)?


A recession occurs when an economy experiences a period in which there is

a decrease in total production.

Suppose that you are available to go to work but have not looked for a job for at least the last four weeks because you believe that there​ aren't any jobs available. You would be counted as

a discouraged worker.

Which of the following are the two key groups of participants in the circular flow of​ income?

households and firms

What is the outcome of enforcing contracts and property rights in a market​ system?

increased economic activity


is when economists assume that consumers and firms use all available information as they act to achieve their goals

The __________ is the percentage of the​working-age population in the labor force.

labor force participation rate

labor force participation rate

labor force/populationx100

If prices rise over​ time, then real GDP will be

larger than nominal GDP in years before the base year.

One major component of GDP that can be negative is

net exports

When economists develop models designed to explain the choices people​ make, they generally assume that

people are rational

One of the basic facts of life is that people must make choices as they try to attain their goals. This unavoidable fact comes from a reality an economist calls


The production possibilities frontiers depicted in the diagram to the right illustrate

technological advances in the tank industry.

Property rights are

the rights individuals or firms have to the exclusive use of their​ property, including the right to buy or sell it.

Every society faces​ trade-offs because we live in a world of scarcity. Suppose a​ student-athlete has the opportunity to earn ​$800,000 next year playing for a minor league baseball​ team, ​$500,000 next year playing for a European professional football​ team, or​ $0 returning to college for another year. The opportunity cost of the​ student-athlete returning to college next year is


Your father earned​ $34,000 per year in 1984. To the nearest​ dollar, what is that equivalent to in 2014 if the CPI in 2014 is 215 and the CPI in 1984 is​ 104?

70,288 value in 1984 X ( CPI in 2014/CPI in 1984)

From the PPFs shown above it can be determined that the opportunity cost of oil is lower in country ______Given the comparative opportunity costs as revealed by the PPFs shown​ above, the comparative advantage for country Upper BB lies in _______After these two countries specialize and trade with each​ other, country Upper AA will be importing ________

A Corn Corn

Even perfectly anticipated inflation imposes costs.​ Why?

All of the above

Which of the following events would create economic​ growth, that​ is, shift the production possibilities frontier​ outward?

All of the above

Why is the unemployment​ rate, as measured by the Bureau of Labor​ Statistics, an imperfect measure of the extent of joblessness in the​ economy?

All of the above

When does allocative efficiency​ occur?

Allocative efficiency occurs when production is in accordance with consumer preferences.

Your neighbor's consumption point before trade is illustrated by point _______


Any model is based on making assumptions because

Both A and B: models have to be simplified to be useful. we cannot analyze an economic issue unless we reduce its complexity.

A market is a group of _______ of a good or service and the institution or arrangement by which they come together to trade.

Buyers and sellers

In a simple​ circular-flow model, there are flows of​ _________ and flows of​ _________. A. factors of​ production; goods and services B. funds received from the sale of factors of​ production; spending on final goods and services C. Both​ (a) and​ (b) are correct. D. None of the​ above; there are no flows in the circular flow of income.

C- both are correct

In a market​ system, how does society decide what goods and services will be​ produced?

Consumers, firms, and the government determine what goods and services will be produced by the choices they make.

Economists assume that the only reason people take the actions they do is in response to economic incentives


In a market​ system, what determines how goods and services will be​ produced?

Firms determine how goods and services will be produced.

Which of the following is not a shortcoming of GDP as a measure of​ well-being?

GDP only counts final goods and services and not intermediate goods.

If Americans still worked​ 60-hour weeks, as they did in​ 1890,

GDP would be much higher than it​ is, but the​ well-being of the typical person would not necessarily be higher.

These are the production possibilities frontiers for Greenland and Iceland. Each country produces two goods, snow cones and popsicles.Which country has a comparative advantage in the production of popsicles?


Which of the following is a correct statement about a mixed​ economy?

In a mixed​ economy, most economic decisions are made in markets but the government plays a significant role in the allocation of resources.

​Today, which of the following countries has a centrally planned​ economy?

North Korea

________ analysis is concerned with what is​, and _______ analysis is concerned with what ought to be. Economics is about _______analysis, which measures the costs and benefits of different courses of action.

Positive, Normative, Positive

When does productive efficiency​ occur?

Productive efficiency occurs when a good or service is produced at the lowest possible cost.

Suppose the base year is 2001. Looking at GDP data from the United States from 2001 to the​ present, what would be true of the relationship between nominal GDP and real GDP

RGDP​ < NGDP because prices are rising.

Frictional Unemployment

Short-term unemployment that arises from the process of matching workers with jobs.

Which of the following statements about the consumption component of GDP is not​ correct?

Spending on services is smaller than the amount of consumption spending on durable and nondurable goods.

What happens if a country produces a combination of goods that efficiently uses all of the resources available in the​ economy? Refer to the graph to the right. What is the opportunity cost of moving from point B to point​ C?

The country is operating on its production possibilities frontier. 20 sedans

When the federal government crafts environmental policies that make it less expensive for firms to follow green​ initiatives,

The economic policies are consistent with economic incentives

Which of the following statements about the idea that people are rational is​ correct?

The idea assumes that consumers and firms use all available information as they act to achieve their goals.


The study of how households and firms make​ choices, how they interact in​ markets, and how the government attempts to influence their choices.

How do unemployment insurance payments in the United States and social insurance programs in other countries increase the unemployment​ rate?

They decrease the opportunity cost of job search.

​"A wage rising slower than the rate of inflation is actually​ falling."

True. If wages are increasing slower than the average price of goods and​ services, purchasing power falls.

Structural Unemployment

Unemployment arising from a persistent mismatch between the skills and characteristics of workers and the requirements of available jobs. i.e. when a job becomes obsolete

In a market​ system, how does society decide who will receive the goods and services​ produced?

Who receives the goods and services produced depends largely on how income is distributed.

A production possibilities frontier​ (PPF) is

a curve showing the maximum attainable combinations of two products that may be produced with available resources and current technology.

A hypothesis in an economic model is

all of the above

If a market system functions​ well, which of the following is necessary for the enforcement of contracts and property​ rights?

an independent court system

Household production and the underground economy

are not accounted for in the Bureau of Economic​ Analysis' estimates of GDP.

The production possibilities frontiers depicted in the diagram to the right illustrate

both the labor force and capital stock increasing.

How are economic resources allocated in a market​ economy?

by the decisions of households and firms interacting in markets

The basis for trade is _____ advantage


Specializing in the production of a good or service in which one has a comparative advantage enables a country to do which of the following?

consume a combination of goods that lies outside its own production possibilities frontier

In economic​ terminology, the inputs used to make goods and services are referred to as

factors of production

Equity is

fair distribution of economic benefits.

Inventories are part of investment and therefore included in GDP because

firms produce​ goods, however sometimes the goods may be unsold at the time GDP is computed.

In​ economics, the term capital refers to

goods used to produce other goods

If a country has a comparative advantage in the production of a​ good, then that country

has a lower opportunity cost in the production of that good.

Since the late​ 1940s, the overall labor force participation rate

has risen because the decline in the labor force participation rate of adult men has been more than offset by the increase in the labor force participation rate of adult women.

Suppose an increasing number of school districts across the country find themselves with too few teachers at a time of rising enrollments and calls for improved outcomes in terms of student performance. A​ market-based remedy for this emerging mismatch between the availability of teachers and school​ districts' needs would likely emphasize

higher compensation to elicit both a larger quantity of teacher services and a greater reliance by districts on​ non-traditional instruction methods.


is the study of the choices people make to attain their​ goals, given their scarce resources.

Unemployment rates are

lower for college graduates than for people without a high school​ degree, and vary greatly among ethnic groups.

Economists use the word marginal to mean an extra or additional benefit or cost of a decision. An optimal decision occurs when

marginal benefit equals the marginal cost

According to Adam​ Smith, which of the following is the instrument the invisible hand uses to direct economic​ activity?


If the GDP deflator in 2012 has a value of​ 98.0, then

prices have decreased 2 percent between the base year and 2012.

Absolute advantage is the ability of an​ individual, a​ firm, or a country to

produce more of a good or service than competitors using the same amount of resources.

The primary difference between product markets and factor markets is that

product markets are markets for​ goods, while factor markets are markets for factors of productionlong dash—​labor, ​capital, natural​ resources, and entrepreneurial ability.

Over​ time, prices may change relative to each other. To take this change into​ account, the Bureau of Economic Analysis calculates

real GDP using chain weights.

A large corporation that runs nursing homes estimates that changes to Medicare will result in lower payments by Medicare to nursing homes for​ short-term stays by patients that require therapy or care upon leaving hospitals. Assume the corporation is considering expanding the number of​ "beds" it offers at its nursing homes. Given the changes to​ Medicare, if the marginal benefit of offering an additional bed is ​$9000 and the marginal cost is ​$4000 per​ bed, then the corporation _____ offer additional beds.


The unemployment rate

shows the percentage of the labor force that is considered unemployed.

The principle of increasing marginal opportunity cost states that the more resources devoted to any​ activity, the​ __________ the payoff to devoting additional resources to that activity.


In calculating​ GDP, which levels of government spending are included in government​ purchases?

spending by​ federal, state, and local governments

One of the great benefits of trade is

that it makes it possible for society to become better off by increasing its consumption.

A freelance​ singer-songwriter is planning the restoration of a recently purchased civil​ war-era farmhouse. While he professes an enjoyment​ of, and talent in the construction​ trades, the theory of comparative advantage implies that

the income lost while away from music will likely exceed the savings realized by doing the work​ himself, thus, he should hire professionals to do the restoration work.

Prepping for a​ next-day exam over the course of an evening​ (and possibly into the wee hours of test​ day) poses increasing costs since

the longer you choose to study will result in an increase in the number and value of foregone activities.

Gross domestic product is best defined as

the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a period of time, typically one year

Opportunity cost

the most desirable/highest valued alternative given up as the result of a decision

Which of the following is included in the​ economist's definition of​ investment?

the purchase of new​ machines, factories, or houses

A number of political leaders have expressed concern about the​ nation's decline as a major steel producer. Many have advocated policies to restrict imports and promote domestic production. These individuals would see their position weakened most by the knowledge that

the substitution of domestic steel for foreign steel absorbs resources that would otherwise produce goods of greater value.

Real GDP is

the value of goods and services evaluated at base year prices.

Without technological advancement, how can a nation achieve economic growth?

through an increase in supplies of factors of production

Tom's opportunity cost of mowing lawns in terms of trimming bushes is _______ trimmed bushes per mowed lawn.

total bushes/total lawn = 24/20= 1.2

The business cycle exists because

total production experiences periods of increases and periods of decreases.

Transfer payments are not included in GDP calculations because

transfer payments are simply transfers of income from one group to another and not a purchase of a new good or service.

Unemployment rate

unemployed/labor forcex100

A free market exists

when the government places few restrictions on how a good or a service can be produced or sold or on how a factor of production can be employed.

What are the four major categories of​ expenditure?

​Consumption, investment, government​ purchases, and net exports.

The people of a previously quiet and peaceful country have come to recognize the need to expand and improve their security forces after a wave of terroristic threats and acts. Considering their resource​ limitations, the extent to which security is enhanced will most likely be determined by

​society's willingness to forego other goods and​ services, both public and private.

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