Macroeconomics Final

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Using PPP​ prices, China's standard of living in 2010 is


CPI​ = ______.

(Cost of CPI basket at​ current-period prices divided by ÷Cost of CPI basket at​ base-period ​prices) times ×100

In August 2017​, the U.S. the unemployment rate was​ ______ the natural unemployment rate and in the second quarter of 2017 the output gap was​ ______.

. below​; negative

Using PPP​ prices, China's ranks as the​ world's number ____ economy in 2010.


What events in the foreign exchange market could have brought this riserise in the value of the U.S.​ dollar?

1. World demand for U.S. exports increases. Y 2. World demand for U.S. exports decreases N 3. U.S. import demand increases N 4. U.S. import demand decreases Y 5. The U.S. interest rate differential rises Y 6. The U.S. interest rate differential falls N 7. The expected future exchange rate rises Y 8. The expected future exchange rate falls N

The CPI in 2001 was 177.1. The CPI in 2002 was 179.9. The inflation rate in 2002 was


In August 2017​, the real interest rate was ______. Between April 2017 and August 2017​, the real interest rate ________.

1.7% increased

In a standard of living​ comparison, China ranks​ ______ in the world. This rank is​ ______.

105th; rising because physical capital and human capital growth and technological change are proceeding rapidly and​ China's real GDP is growing

How many jobs were added to private payrolls in February​ 2014?

139,000 jobs were added to private payrolls in February 2014.

In 2013 and in​ 2014, consumers in Dexter consumed only books and pens. The prices and quantities for 2013 and 2014 are listed in the table. The reference base period for​ Dexter's CPI is 2013 and 2013 is also the year of the Consumer Expenditure Survey. The CPI in 2014 is​ ______.


The unemployment rate peaked​ ______ after the 2001 recession. During the​ 2002-2008 recession, the unemployment rate reached its lowest point at the beginning of​ ______.

18​ months; 2007

Over the past 100​ years, the average growth rate of U.S. real GDP per person is 2 percent. Over the past 100​ years, growth was most rapid during the​ ______ and slowest during the​ ______.

1960s; Great Depression

The CPI in 2003 was 184.0. The CPI in 2004 was 188.9. The inflation rate in 2004 was

2.7 percent

Suppose that in 2014​ China's real GDP is growing at 1212 percent a year and its population is growing at 2.0 percent a year. If these growth rates​ continue, then​ China's real GDP per person in​ ______ will be twice what it is in 2014.


If real GDP per person doubles in 20​ years, then the annual growth rate of real GDP per person is​ ______ percent a year.


Apparel comprises​ ______ percent of the CPI basket.


The table above and graph to the right provide information about the U.S. labor market in August, 2017. In​ August, 2017​, the unemployment rate in the United States was


Hyperinflation is an inflation rate of​ _____ or higher that grinds the economy to a halt and causes a society to collapse.

50 percent a month

When the Fed buys securities from a​ bank, a sequence of events begins. The events are listed below. Number each event in the order in which it occurs.

6. Some of the new money is a currency drain 3. The quantity of money increases. 8. Excess reserves decrease. 5. Some of the new money remains on deposit. 1. Banks have excess reserves. 2. Banks lend excess reserves. 7. Desired reserves increase because deposits have increased. 4. New money is used to make payments.

The table above and graph to the right provide information about the U.S. labor market in August, 2017. In August, 2017​, the labor force participation rate in the United States was


Choose the statement that is incorrect.

A country with a large population cannot have a high standard of living.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

All unemployment at the natural unemployment rate is structural unemployment.

Choose the statement about the​ long-run Phillips curve that is incorrect.

An unexpected increase in aggregate demand shifts the​ long-run Phillips curve rightward.

Did the events​ you've described change the demand for U.S.​ dollars, the supply of U.S.​ dollars, or both demand and supply in the foreign exchange​ market?

Change in world demand for U.S.exports D Change in U.S.import demand S Change in U.S. interest rate differential B Change in expected future exchange rate B

What is the largest component of​ M1?

Checkable deposits

​China's real GDP per person was​ 13,165 yuan in 2013 and​ 14,088 yuan in 2014.​ India's real GDP per person was​ 49,516 rupees in 2013 and​ 51,521 rupees in 2014. By maintaining their current growth​ rates, _______.

China will double its standard of living first.

Choose the correct statement.

Commercial banks are financial institutions that accept​ deposits, provide payment​ services, and make loans to firms and households.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Comparisons of real GDP between countries are most accurate when we use market prices.

Who in the following statements is a discouraged worker​?

Dan is available to work but has not looked for a job in the past eight weeks because of repeated applications but no single offer.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Deposits are not money because you cannot settle a debt with a deposit.

Choose the correct statement.

Deposits are​ money, checks are not​ money, and credit cards are not money.

Does​ Europe's unemployment arise from cyclical or structural​ problems?

Europe's unemployment arises from both cyclical and structural problems.

How will the labor force change if the following events​ occur? 1. Sarah starts a second job 2. Pat finds a good job and is hired. 3. Mary takes a job at​ McDonald's while she waits to start her new job.

Events​ 1, 2, and 3 will not change the labor force.

The news article reports that China is the second largest economy in the world based on​ ______.

GDP converted to U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate

U.S. Workers​ World's Most Productive The article defines productivity as​ ______. Real GDP per person is​ ______.

GDP divided by the number of people​ employed; real GDP divided by the population

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

If a financial​ institution's net worth is​ positive, the institution must be solvent and liquid.

​*Real-time data provided by Federal Reserve Economic Data​ (FRED), Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis. The table shows the quantities of the components of M1 and M2 in August 2017.

In August 2017​, M1 was ​$3,564.2 billion. In August 2017​, M2 was ​$13,649.7 billion.

The table provides information about the money wage rate and the CPI in the United States for the past five years.

In July 2017​, the nominal wage rate was ​$30.48 per hour. In July 2017​, the CPI was 244. In July 2017​, the real wage rate was ​$12.49 per hour.

The BLS reported that in July​ 2012, employment decreased by​ 195,000 to​ 142,220,000 and the unemployment rate increased from 8.2 percent to 8.3 percent. About 3.4 million people were marginally attached workers and 0.9 million of them were discouraged. Calculate the change in unemployment in July 2012.

In July​ 2012, the number of unemployed changed by 151528.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in October 2017​, employment decreased by negative −484,000 to 153,861,000 and the unemployment rate decreased from 4.2 percent to 4.1 percent. About 1.6 million people were marginally attached workers and among the marginally attached​ workers, 0.6 million were discouraged workers. Calculate the change in unemployment in October 2017.

In October 2017​, unemployment changed by −182,312.

If the natural unemployment rate is 5.5​ percent, is there an output gap in the U.S. economy and is it a recessionary or an inflationary​ gap?

In October, 2017 the U.S. economy has an inflationary gap.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

In a​ deflation, the inflation rate is positive but decreasing in consequent years.

The table provides information about three U.S. price indexes for AugustAugust each year from 2011 to 2017.

In the year to August 2017​, the inflation rate measured by the CPI was 2 percent. In the year to August 2017​, the inflation rate measured by the PCE was 1.4 percent. In the year to August 2017​, the inflation rate measured by the PCE less food and fuel was 1.4 percent.

Shoppers Stimulate Discount Stores The​ ______ macroeconomic school of thought justifies the policy discussed in this news clip.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the following data for September 2017. Labor force participation rate: 63.1 Employment to population ratio: 60.4 ​Working-age population: 255,562 Use the above data to calculate for September 2017​:

Labor force: 161,260 Employment: 154,359 Unemployment rate: 4.3 percent

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Labor hours are all equally productive.

Which of the following statements about the monetarist view of the macroeconomy is ​incorrect?

Left​ alone, the economy rarely operates at full employment.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Liquid assets have a higher interest rate than securities.

Which of the following statements illustrates structural unemployment​?

Outsourcing resulted in many job losses in the mid​ 2000s

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Over the business​ cycle, aggregate supply fluctuates around potential GDP.

The core inflation rate is the annual percentage change in the​ _____ price index​ _____ the prices of food and energy.

PCE; excluding

Use the data reported by the Current Population Survey in July 2014 to answer the following question. 1. Who does the BLS classify as being​ unemployed, a​ part-time worker, an employed​ person, a discouraged​ worker, and not in the labor​ force? Explain your classification. ​______ are​ unemployed, ______ is a​ part-time worker,​ _____ is a discouraged​ worker, and​ _____ is not in the labor force.

Pat and Mary; Sarah; Kevin; Johnie

Choose the statement that is incorrect

Real GDP per person grows whenever real GDP grows.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Real GDP per person grows whenever real GDP grows.

Which of the following statements illustrates frictional unemployment​?

Robin is quitting his current job to find another that has better prospects.

What is the largest component of​ M2?

Savings deposits

Choose the correct statements. 1. The unemployment that arises from normal labor turnover is frictional unemployment. 2. Frictional unemployment increases during a recession and decreases during an expansion. 3. The fluctuating unemployment over the business cycle is structural unemployment. 4. A worker who is laid off because of the recent recession is cyclically unemployed.

Statements 1 and 4 are correct.

Choose the correct statements. 1. The unemployment that arises when changes in technology or international competition change the skillsThe unemployment that arises when changes in technology or international competition change the skills needed to perform jobs or change the locations of jobs is cyclical unemployment.needed to perform jobs or change the locations of jobs is cyclical unemployment. 2. The unemployment that arises from normal labor turnover is cyclical unemployment.The unemployment that arises from normal labor turnover is cyclical unemployment. nothing 3. Upper A worker who is laid off because of the recent recession is cyclically unemployed.A worker who is laid off because of the recent recession is cyclically unemployed. nothing 4. When a steel plant becomes more automated and workers lose their jobs comma the workers are structurally unemployed.When a steel plant becomes more automated and workers lose their jobs, the workers are structurally unemployed. nothing

Statements 3 and 4 are correct.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports six alternative measures of the unemployment rate. Choose the correct statements. a. U-3 adds discouraged workers to the official unemployment rate. b. U-2 measures the job losers. c. U-4 adds discouraged workers to the official unemployment rate. d. .U-4 is the official unemployment rate.

Statements b and c are correct

The people on Coral Island buy only juice and cloth. The CPI basket contains the quantities bought in 2014. The average household spent ​$60 on juice and ​$30 on cloth in 2014 when the price of juice was ​$2 a bottle and the price of cloth was ​$5 a yard. In the current​ year, 2014, juice is ​$4 a bottle and cloth is ​$6 a yard. Calculate the CPI basket and the percentage of the​ household's budget spent on juice in 2014.

The CPI basket is 30 bottles of juice and 6 yards of cloth. The percentage of the​ household's budget spent on juice in 2014 is 66.7 percent.

A typical family on Sandy Island consumes only juice and cloth. Last​ year, which was the base​ year, the family spent ​$2727 on juice and ​$66 on cloth. In the base​ year, juice was ​$33 a bottle and cloth was ​$22 a length. This​ year, juice is ​$77 a bottle and cloth is ​$77 a length. What is the CPI​ basket? What is the CPI and the inflation rate in the current​ year?

The CPI basket is 99 bottles of juice and 33 lengths of cloth. The CPI in the current year is 254.5 The inflation rate in the current year is 154.5 percent.

The people on Coral Island buy only juice and cloth. The CPI basket contains the quantities bought in 2013​ (the reference base​ year). The average household spent ​$60 on juice and ​$30 on cloth in 2013 when the price of juice was ​$2 a bottle and the price of cloth was ​$5 a yard. In the current​ year, 2014, juice is ​$4 a bottle and cloth is ​$6 a yard. Calculate the CPI and the inflation rate in 2014.

The CPI in 2014 is 173.3. The inflation rate in 2014 is 73.3 percent.

Choose the statement about the Consumer Price Index that is incorrect.

The CPI is defined to equal 1.00 for a period called the reference base period.

What are the values of the M1 money multiplier and the M2 money multiplier in August 2017​?

The M1 money multiplier is 1.1 The M2 money multiplier is 4.4

In the United Kingdomthe United Kingdom​, the currency drain ratio is 38 percent of deposits and the reserve ratio is 2 percent of deposits.

The U.K. money multiplier is 3.45

The U.S. dollar exchange rate decreased fromdecreased from ​$1.33 Canadian in October, 2016 to ​$1.25 Canadian in October, 2017​, and it increased from 103.91 Japanese yen in October, 2016 to 112.50 yen in October, 2017. Did the U.S. dollar appreciate or depreciate against the Canadian​ dollar? Did the U.S. dollar appreciate or depreciate against the Japanese​ yen?

The U.S. dollar depreciated against the Canadian dollar. The U.S. dollar appreciated against the Japanese yen.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The U.S. government cannot create jobs. Jobs are created by the private sector.

The IMF World Economic Outlook reports the price level data​ (2000 =​ 100) given in the table. The region with the highest inflation rate in 2010 is​ ______. The region with the highest inflation rate in 2011 is​ ______.

The United States; the United States

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The bias in the CPI eliminates the need for people to shop in discount stores

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The bias in the CPI increases government outlays

How can the change in U.S. wealth differ from U.S.​ saving?

The change in wealth includes changes in the prices of assets owned and saving excludes these items.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The core PCE is a broader measure than the CPI that attempts to overcome biases by placing extra emphasis on food and​ fuel, two goods which are large components of household expenditure.

In​ Japan, potential GDP is 600 trillion yen and the graph shows the aggregate demand​ curve, the​ short-run aggregate supply​ curve, and the​ long-run aggregate supply curve.

The graph shows that Japan has an output gap that is an inflationary gap. The size of the inflationary gap is yen ¥100 trillion.

BrazilBrazil​'s real GDP was 1,180 trillion reais in 2013 and 1,202 trillion reais in 2014. Brazil​'s population was 198 million in 2013 and 200 million in 2014. Calculate the growth rate of real GDP and the growth rate of real GDP per person in Brazil in 2014.

The growth rate of real GDP in Brazil in 2014 was 1.9 percent. The growth rate of real GDP per person in Brazil in 2014 was 0.9 percent. The approximate number of years it takes for real GDP per person in Brazil to double if the 2014 growth rate of real GDP and population growth rate are maintained is 78.

The table shows three years of CPI data. Calculate the inflation rate for the year ended June 2001 and for the year ended June 2002. Did inflation increase or decrease between June 2001 and June 2002​?

The inflation rate for the year ended June 2001 is 3.2 percent. The inflation rate for the year ended June 2002 is 1.1 percent. Between June 2001 and June 2002​, inflation decreased

The BLS reported the CPI data shown in the table to the right. Calculate the inflation rates for the years ended October 2016 and October 2017.

The inflation rate in the year ended October 2016 was 1.6 percent per year. The inflation rate in the year ended October 2017 was 2.0 percent per year. the inflation rate increased

Choose the correct statement.

The inflation rate is the annual percentage change in the price level.

The table shows the data reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2005. Calculate the labor​ force, employment, and the unemployment rate.

The labor force is 149 million. Employment is 142 million. The unemployment rate is 4.7 percent.

What is happening to the labor force participation​ rate?

The labor force participation rate is decreasing.

What was the reported level of jobless claims in the news​ article?

The level of jobless claims reported in the news article is 292,000.

In​ Australia, the quantity of M1 is​ $150 billion, the currency drain ratio is 33 percent of deposits and the reserve ratio is 8 percent.

The monetary base in Australia is ​$46.24 million.

Suppose an increase in the monetary base of ​$4​00,000 increases the quantity of money by ​$800,000. Calculate the money multiplier.

The money multiplier is 2.

What is the most recent level of jobless claims and did the number increase or decrease during the past​ month?

The most recent level of jobless claims is 238,000​, and the number increased during the past month.

The table provides information about the U.S. CPI for August each year from 2011 to 2017.

The numbers in the table are price levels . The reference base year for the CPI is 1982−1984 . The CPI for August 2017 tells us that since the reference base​ year, the price level has increased by 145 percent. ​ In the year to August 2017​, the inflation rate measured by the CPI was 2 percent.

Choose the statement about the Fed that is incorrect.

The policy decisions of the Federal Open Market Committee are implemented each month by a different Federal Reserve Bank.

Choose the statement about an increase in the population that is incorrect.

The production function shifts upward.

Choose the correct statement.

The quantity of real GDP demanded is the sum of the real consumption​ expenditure, investment, government​ expenditure, and exports minus imports.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The size of an economy is irrelevant.

AD0 is the aggregate demand curve when investment is​ $1.0 ​ trillion, and AD1 is the aggregate demand curve when investment is​ $1.5 trillion. What is the size of the multiplier in the short​ run?

The size of the multiplier in the short run is 4.

Describe what happened to the unemployment rate and the labor force participation rate during the most recent​ expansion, using the same data graphs.

The unemployment rate decreased to about 4 percent and the labor force participation rate decreased to about 63 percent during the most recent expansion.

What was the unemployment rate in December​ 2013?

The unemployment rate in December 2013 was 7 percent.

What is the unemployment rate in​ Europe, has it increased or​ decreased, and is it higher or lower than in the United​ States?

The unemployment rate in Europe is 12 percent. It has increased, and it is higher than in the United States.

What is the most recent reported unemployment rate and did it​ increase, decrease, or not change during the past​ month? How did it change over the past​ year?

The unemployment rate in October, 2017 was 4.1 percent and it decreased over the past month and decreased over the past year.

The table gives information about the labor market in July 2014 in the economy of Sandy Island. What is the unemployment rate and the ​employment-to- population ratio in July ​2014? Calculate the number of people​ unemployed, the number​ employed, and the unemployment rate at the end of August 2014.

The unemployment rate is 14.3 percent. The ​employment-to-population ratio is 72 percent. At the end of August ​2014: The number of people unemployed is 2,890. The number of people employed is 18,000. The unemployment rate is 13.8 percent.

The table gives information reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2007. What is the unemployment​ rate, the labor force participation​ rate, and the​ employment-to-population ratio?

The unemployment rate is 4.6 percent. The labor force participation rate is 66.0 percent. The​ employment-to-population ratio is 63.0 percent.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The unemployment rate is zero when the economy is at a business cycle peak.

Visit FRED to get the data and describe what happened to the unemployment rate and the labor force participation rate during the most recent recession.

The unemployment rate rose to about 10 percent and the labor force participation rate decreased to about 65 percent during the most recent recession.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The unemployment rate was lower during the recession in 1982 than it was during the recession of​ 1990-1991.

The bank plans to hold ​$44 for every​ $100 in deposits. The bank holds desired reserves of ​$9,000 and actual reserves of ​$15,000. What is the​ bank's desired reserve ratio and its excess reserves​?

The​ bank's desired reserve ratio is 4 percent. The banks excess reservesexcess reserves are ​$6,000.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The​ employment-to-population ratio fluctuates less than the labor force participation rate.

The graph to the right shows the data on the differences between various unemployment rate measures. Match each variable with its correct description.

U6 dash- U5 "economic part-time workers" U3 dash- U1 "unemployed for less than 15 weeks" U5 dash- U3 "all marginally attached workers" U4 dash- U3 "discouraged workers"

Why does unemployment affect young people more than older​ people?

Unemployment affects young people more than older people because young people are mostly ​first-time job​ seekers, so a greater percentage of young than old are job seekers every year.​ Also, when firms fire​ workers, they usually fire last hired which often means the youngest.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the following data for October 2017. Labor force: 160,381 Employed: 153,861 Working-age population: 255,766

Unemployment rate: 4.1 percent Labor force participation rate: 62.7 percent Employment to population ratio: 60.2 percent

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the following data for August 2017August 2017. Labor force: 160,571 Employed: 153,439 Working-age population: 255,357 Use the above data to calculate for August 2017August 2017​:

Unemployment rate: 4.4 percent Labor force participation rate: 62.9 percent Employment to population ratio: 60.1 percent

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

When the quality of a good improves over time, the CPI does not include the portion of the price rise attributable to the higher quality in its calculation.

If an economy is at a​ full-employment equilibrium and a decrease in consumption expenditure​ occurs, the new​ short-run equilibrium is​ _____ and​ _____ gap emerges.

a below​ full-employment equilibrium; a recessionary

Read the news​ clip, then answer the following question. A​ bank's attempts to pursue profit can sometimes lead to bank failure because​ _______.

a combination of all of the above

A mortgage is​ _______.

a legal contract that gives ownership of a home to the lender in the event that the borrower fails to meet the agreed loan payments​ (repayments and​ interest)

The effect of the United States returning millions of workers to their countries of origin is​ _____ the U.S. PF and​ _____ in potential GDP.

a movement down​ along; a decrease

Deflation is​ _______.

a persistently falling price level

The best forecast​ available, which is based on all the relevant information is called​ _______.

a rational expectation

Classify each of the following into the appropriate category of unemployment. Your choices​ are: Frictional Cyclical Structural Seasonal Not unemployed a. An unemployed auto assembly line worker during a sales slump. b. A snow plow driver during the summer. c. A record player repairman who has not learned the latest laser disk player repair technology. d. A computer programmer who quits his job to look for a job with better benefits. e. A high school dropout with few skills who has been looking for a job unsuccessfully for weeks. f. A person who leaves their job to attend graduate school full time. g. A recent business school graduate looking for her first job. h. A person whose job has been automated out of existence. i. A vendor who sells beer at major league baseball games during the winter months. j. A welder who finds that robots have replaced most of the welding jobs on assembly lines. k. A top salesman for a computer company who quit because he did not like his boss. l. A parent who quit to care for his or her child at home. This person has removed themself from the labor force

a. cyclical b. seasonal c. structural d. frictional e. structural f. not unemployed g. frictional h. structural i. seasonal j. structural k. frictional l. not unemployed

If inflation is anticipated to be 5 percent per year and actual inflation for that year turns out to be 7​ percent, identify whether each of the following groups would be helped or hurt by​ this, or if the effort is indeterminate. a. People who are living on fixed incomes. b. Banks that have made​ long-term fixed rate loans. c. People who have purchased bonds. d. A person who has purchased real estate with a bank loan. e. A recent college graduate with many loans to pay back. f. People who have purchased stock. g. Governments that have sold bonds. h. Savers with open passbook accounts. i. People who have purchased precious metals. j. Wage earners who are members of a strong union.

a. hurt b. hurt c. hurt d. helped e. helped f. helped g. helped h. hurt i. helped j. indeterminate

A person is in the labor force if any one of the following statements is true except that he or she is​ ______.

aged 16 and over and not in​ jail, hospital, or some other form of institutional care

Deflation occurs when​ _______.

aggregate demand increases at a persistently slower rate than aggregate supply

In the United​ States, the CPI basket consists of items that​ ______ . ​______ has the greatest weight in the CPI basket.

an average urban household​ buys; Housing

The expansion of​ 2002-2008 created jobs at​ ______ rate. The first two years of the expansion created few jobs because​ ______.

an unusually​ slow; the expansion was very​ weak, so employment growth was weak

When labor productivity​ increases, there is​ _____ the production function and​ _____ in potential GDP.

an upward shift​ of; an increase

Over​ time, on average the demand for loanable funds​ ______, so the real interest rate​ ______.

and the supply of loanable funds increase at a similar​ pace; has no trend

At arrow​ 2, the economy is in​ ______ full-employment equilibrium and the intersection of the AD and SAS curves is to the​ ______ of the LAS curve.

an​ above; right

Suppose that Sara withdraws​ $1,000 from her savings account at the Lucky​ S&L, keeps​ $50 in​ cash, and deposits the balance in her checking account at the Bank of Illinois. The immediate change is​ ______ in M1 of​ $1,000 and​ ______ in M2.

an​ increase; no change

The natural unemployment rate is the unemployment rate when the economy is​ _____.

at full employment

The multiplier is the amount by which the change in​ ______ expenditure is magnified or multiplied to determine the change in equilibrium expenditure and real GDP. For every dollar increase in​ ______ expenditure, the multiplier determines the increase in real GDP.

autonomous; autonomous

The multiplier is the amount by which a change in​ ______ expenditure is magnified or multiplied to determine​ ______.

autonomous; the change in equilibrium expenditure and real GDP

A marginally attached worker is a person who does not have a​ job, is​ _____ and​ _____ to​ work, has​ _____ specific efforts to find a job within the previous​ _____ weeks, but has looked for work sometime in the recent past.

available; willing; not​ made; four

The price level is the​ _____.

average level of prices

The Consumer Price Index is a measure of the​ _____ of the prices paid by​ _____ consumers for a fixed market basket of consumption goods and services.

average; urban

A central bank is​ ______. The central bank in the United States is the​ ______.

a​ bank's bank and a public authority that regulates a​ nation's depository institutions and conducts monetary​ policy; Federal Reserve System

At arrow 1 in the​ graph, the economy is in​ ______ full- employment equilibrium and the intersection of the AD and SAS curves is to the​ ______ of the LAS curve.

a​ below; left

If the government increases its expenditure on goods and services and as a​ result, the money wage rate​ increases, the economy has experienced​ _______.

a​ demand-pull rise in the price level

A rise in the price of oil creates​ _______.

a​ one-time cost-push rise in the price level

Cyclical unemployment is the fluctuating unemployment over the business cycle that increases during​ _____ and decreases during​ _____.

a​ recession; an expansion

An increase in potential GDP increases​ ______.

both​ long-run aggregate supply and​ short-run aggregate supply

Inflation expectations​ "become self-fulfilling" because consumers decide to​ _____, which​ ______.

buy more goods and services at​ today's lower​ prices; increases aggregate demand

If the interest rate is 5​ percent, people will​ ______.

buy​ bonds, bid up their​ price, and the interest rate will fall

The four price indexes that are alternatives to the CPI are​ ______.

chained CPI, personal consumption expenditure deflator, GDP deflator, and core PCE

A​ ______ macroeconomist believes that the economy is​ self-regulating and always at full employment. A​ ______ macroeconomist believes the economy requires active help from fiscal policy and monetary policy to maintain full employment.

classical; Keynesian

Changes in consumption spending play a large role in the business cycle because​ _______ accounts for approximately​ ______ percent of GDP.

consumption​ expenditure; 70

The slow job growth and rise in unemployment after​ mid-2007 is most likely​ ______.


Full employment is when there is no​ _____ unemployment​ or, equivalently, when all the unemployment is​ _____ or​ _____.

cyclical; frictional; structural

A​ "credible business​ plan" for the government to adopt is a plan to​ ______.

decrease government expenditure

In August 2016​, the U.S. unemployment rate was 4.9 percent. In August 2017​, the unemployment rate was 4.4 percent. Assuming that the labor force remained constant between August 2016 and August 2017​, then unemployment​ _______.


In October 2009​, the U.S. unemployment rate was 10.0 percent. In October 2011​, the unemployment rate was 8.9 percent. Assuming that the labor force remained constant between October 2009 and October 2011​, then the number unemployed​ _______.


In October 2016​, the U.S. unemployment rate was 4.8 percent. In October 2017​, the unemployment rate was 4.1 percent. Assuming that the labor force remained constant between October 2016 and October 2017​, then unemployment​ _______.


Describe the path of the price level in Japan. The price level​ ______.

decreased in both years

G-20 Leaders Look to Shake off Lingering Economic Troubles The requirement to hold more capital can make financial institutions safer because by using more of its own funds and less borrowed​ funds, a financial institution​ ______.

decreases its risk of insolvency

An increase in expected future income ________.

decreases the supply of loanable funds today because households with larger expected future income will save less today

The multiplier increases when the marginal propensity to import​ ______ or the income tax rate​ ______.

decreases; decreases

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising An increase in discouraged workers​ ______ the official unemployment rate and​ ______ U-4.

decreases; does not change

Aggregate demand increasesincreases if fiscal policy​ ______ taxes or​ ______ transfer payments.

decreases; increases

Aggregate demand increasesincreases if the exchange rate​ ______ or foreign income ​______.

decreases; increases

An increase in the population​ ______ the real wage rate and​ ______ the equilibrium quantity of labor.

decreases; increases

Read the news​ clip, then answer the following questions. FDIC insurance helps to minimize bank failures and bring more stability to the banking system because​ _______.

depositors know that money they have deposited with a bank will be repaid

The ratio of reserves to deposits that a bank plans to hold is its​ ______. If a bank has​ $10 million in actual reserves and​ $8 million in desired​ reserves, then it has​ ______.

desired reserve​ ratio; excess reserves

Potential GDP is​ ______.

determined by the​ full-employment quantity of labor

What is unemployment and do the jobless claims numbers measure​ it? Unemployment is the number of people who​ _____ , so the initial jobless claim numbers​ _____ measure unemployment.

do not have work, are available for work, and have made specific efforts to find work or are waiting to return from layoff; do not

Does unemployment fall by the same number as jobs​ added? Unemployment​ _____ by the same number as jobs​ added, because​ _____ .

does not​ fall; unemployment also falls when an unemployed person stops looking for a job

The Rule of 70 states that the number of years it takes for the level of any variable to​ ______ is approximately​ ______.

double; 70 divided by the annual percentage growth rate of the variable

The components of the CPI basket that are experiencing price increases faster than the​ 12-month average include​ ______. And those components that are experiencing price increases below the​ 12-month average include​ ______.

energy, transportation and​ food; clothing

Interest rate parity means​ ______.

equal rates of return

Governor Plans to Boost Economy with Ecofriendly Jobs f these policies are​ successful, we would expect to see​ Oregon's natural unemployment rate​ ______.


The consequences of deflation include all of the following except​ _______.

falling real wage rates for workers with​ long-term wage contracts

A government budget surplus​ occurs, which increases the supply of loanable funds. The real interest rate​ ______, household saving​ ______,

falls; decreases and investment increases

An economy at a​ full-employment equilibrium experiences an increase in aggregate demand. The unemployment rate​ ______ its natural​ rate, and to return to the​ long-run equilibrium, the money wage rate begins to​ ______.

falls​ below; rise

When the interest rate fallsfalls​, other things remaining the​ same, the opportunity cost of holding money​ ______ and​ ______.

falls​; the quantity of money demanded increases

Categorize the following statements as either true or false.

false- Congress can pass budget laws only once a year. false- For the United States budget comma the fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31. true - Congress attempted to grant the President a line-item veto but the Supreme Court declared this unconstitutional. true - Congress debates and amends the President's budget proposals and enacts a budget before the start of the fiscal year on October 1.

The natural unemployment rate​ ______.

fluctuates because the frictions and the amount of structural change fluctuate.

A crawling peg exchange rate policy is one that​ _______.

follows a path determined by a decision of the government or the central bank and is achieved by central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market

The core CPI is the CPI excluding​ ______ prices.

food and fuel

The market in which the currency of one country is exchanged for the currency of another country is the​ ______. The price at which one currency exchanges for another currency is the​ ______.

foreign exchange​ market; exchange rate

Governor Plans to Boost Economy with Ecofriendly Jobs The main type of unemployment that Governor Kulongoski is using policies to avoid is​ ______.

frictional and structural

Out of a Job and Out of Luck at 54 Choose the statement that is incorrect. Older unemployed workers might become marginally attached workers or discouraged workers during a recession because​ _______.

given their long employment​ history, they are eligible for longer periods of unemployment benefits

The components of government outlays and receipts which have changed most to contribute to the huge budget deficits in 2011 and 2012 are​ ______.

government expenditure and transfer payments

Nation's Economic Pain Deepens The unemployment rate in May 2008 is​ ______ the estimated natural unemployment rate. This implies that real GDP is​ ______ potential GDP at this time.

greater than; less than

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising A discouraged worker​ ______.

has stopped looking for a job because of repeated failure to find one

Jobs​ Report: Hiring​ Up, Unemployment Down If the only change that occurred was that people gave up job​ searching, then the labor force would ​ _______ and unemployment would​ _______.

have decreased; have decreased

Jobs​ Report: Hiring​ Up, Unemployment Down If the only change that occurred was that all the newly hired people had been unemployed in​ October, then the labor force would​ ______ and unemployment would​ _______.

have not changed; have decreased

With 1.6 million marginally attached workers and 0.6 million of them discouraged​ workers, what are the characteristics of the other 1.0 million marginally attached​ workers? The other 1.0 million marginally attached workers​ _______.

have stopped looking for work for reasons other than their inability to find a job

With 3.4 million marginally attached workers and 0.9 million of them discouraged​ workers, what are the characteristics of the other 2.5 million marginally attached​ workers? The other 2.5 million marginally attached workers​ _______.

have stopped looking for work for reasons other than their inability to find a job

The quantity of labor demanded is the number of labor hours during a given period. The quantity of labor supplied is the number of labor hours during a given period. The wage rate adjusts to bring the labor market to equilibrium.

hired by all the firms in the economy that all the households in the economy plan to work real

What are the three sources of global investment​ funds? (Separate with a​ comma, no plurals or​ abbreviations.)

household saving,government budget surplus,borrowing from rest of world

The aggregate production function is the relationship that tells us​ ______, when all other influences on production remain the same.

how real GDP changes as the quantity of labor changes

A person is not in the labor force if they are​ ______.

in the​ working-age population but neither employed nor unemployed

The multiplier matters because we can use it to determine by how much we should change autonomous expenditure to​ ______.

increase real GDP by a given amount

If speculation like that made by Mr. Reddy becomes​ widespread, the demand for U.S. dollars will​ ______ and the supply of U.S. dollars will​ ______.

increase; decrease The U.S. dollar exchange rate will rise

Aggregate demand increasesincreases if expected future​ income, inflation, or profits​ ______. And aggregate demand increasesincreases if fiscal policy​ ______ government expenditure.

increase; increases

What would likely happen to the official unemployment rate when jobs expand at a slower pace than the population growth​ rate, and​ why? It is likely that the official unemployment rate would​ _____ when jobs expand at a slower pace than the population growth​ rate, because ​ _____.

increase; more people are entering the labor force than are finding jobs

What would likely happen to the number of discouraged workers when jobs expand at a slower pace than the population growth​ rate, and​ why? It is likely that the number of discouraged workers would​ _____ when jobs expand at a slower pace than the population growth​ rate, because​ _____.

increase; the possibility of repeated failure to find a job would increase

In October 2009​, the U.S. unemployment rate was 10.0 percent. In October 2011​, the unemployment rate was 8.9 percent. Assuming that unemployment remained constant between October 2009 and October 2011​, then the labor force​ ______.


In October 2016​, the U.S. unemployment rate was 4.8 percent. In October 2017​, the unemployment rate was 4.1 percent. Assuming that unemployment was constant between October 2016 and October 2017, then the labor force​ _______.


The BLS reported the CPI data shown in the table to the right. Calculate the inflation rates for the years ended August 2016 and August 2017. The inflation rate in the year ended August 2016 was 1.1 percent per year. The inflation rate in the year ended August 2017 was 2 percent per year. How did the inflation rate change in the year ended August 2017August 2017​? The inflation rate​ _____ .


The multiplier increases when the marginal propensity to consume


An increase in expected future income ______ aggregate demand. An increase in the expected future inflation rate ______ aggregate demand. An increase in expected future profits __________ aggregate demand.

increases increases increases

Starting from a position of​ long-run equilibrium, an increase in government expenditures​ ______ real GDP and​ ______ the price level.

increases real GDP and raises the price level

Starting from a position of​ long-run equilibrium, a world expansion​ ______, and an increase in expected future profits​ ______.

increases real GDP and raises the price​ level; increases real GDP and raises the price level

A government budget deficit​ occurs, which​ ______. The real interest rate​ ______.

increases the demand for loanable​ funds; rises Private saving increases and investment decreases

Aggregate demand increasesincreases if monetary policy​ ______ the quantity of money and​ ______ interest rates.

increases; decreases

Potential GDP​ ______ and potential GDP per hour of labor​ ______.

increases; decreases

A decrease in current income taxes​ ______ the supply of loanable funds today because it​ ______.

increases​; increases disposable​ income, which encourages greater saving

People are more likely to accept a real wage cut that arises from an increase in the price level than a cut in their nominal wage rate because​ ______.

inflation decreases the real wage rate gradually and a cut in the nominal wage decreases the real wage rate suddenly.

In the short​ run, the quantity of real money and real GDP are given and the​ ______ adjusts to achieve equilibrium. In the long​ run, supply and demand in the loanable funds market determines the​ ______.

interest​ rate; real interest rate In the long​ run, the price level adjusts to make the quantity of real money supplied equal the quantity demanded.

Stagflation​ ______.

is a combination of recession and inflation

A flexible exchange rate is one that​ _______.

is determined by demand and supply in the foreign exchange market with no direct intervention by the central bank

A fixed exchange rate is one that​ _______.

is set by the government or the central bank and is achieved by central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market

Read the news​ clip, then answer the following questions. Barter​ ______ a means of payment. When trading on​ e-Bay, barter​ _______.

is; is not as efficient as money because barter requires a double coincidence of wants

Core CPI is a useful measure because​ ______. Core CPI is a misleading measure because​ ______.

it smooths out short-term fluctuations that arise from the volatility in food and fuel prices; it does not include food and fuel price rises

The unemployment rate is the percentage of the people in the​ _____ who are unemployed.

labor force

Suppose the Fed increases the quantity of money. In the long​ run, supply and demand in the​ ______ market determines the real interest rate. The​ ______ adjusts to make the quantity of real money supplied equal to the quantity demanded.

loanable​ funds; price level

The three main types of markets for financial capital are​ _______.

loan​ markets, bond​ markets, and stock markets

A​ Half-Year of Job Losses Read the news​ clip, then answer the following question. According to the news​ clip, the main source of increased unemployment might be​ ______, and the main type of increased unemployment is​ ______.

losses in manufacturing and construction​ jobs; cyclical

The exports effect is the result that the lower the exchange​ rate, other things remaining the​ same, the​ ______.

lower are the prices of​ U.S.-produced goods and services to foreigners and the greater is the volume of U.S. exports

The imports effect is the result that the higher the exchange​ rate, other things remaining the​ same, the​ ______.

lower are the prices of​ foreign-produced goods and services to Americans and the greater is the volume of U.S. imports

Nation's Economic Pain Deepens The unemployment rate in​ May, 2008 is​ ______.

lower than the unemployment rates that occurred in recessions since 1980

Inflation​ ______ the real wage​ rate, everything else remaining the same.


An increase in income taxes​ _______, everything else remaining the same.

makes the multiplier smaller

Which of the following is not a role played by the Budget Committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate in creating fiscal​ policy?

making the initial budget proposal in February

Why did the unemployment rate​ fall? The unemployment rate fell because​ _____.

many people are dropping out of the work force

The unemployment rate is supposed to​ ______. It is an imperfect measure because​ ______.

measure underutilized labor; it does not include marginally attached workers and part-time workers who want full-time jobs

Money serves as a​ ______.

medium of​ exchange, which means that it is generally accepted in exchange for goods and services

The money multiplier is the ratio of the change in the quantity of​ ______ to the change in the quantity of​ ______.

money; monetary base

When the economy goes into​ recession, the output gap is​ _______.


If inflation is​ expected, _______.

neither a​ cost-push inflation nor a​ demand-pull inflation occur

The table shows three years of CPI data. The bias in these CPI numbers might arise from​ ______.

new goods​ bias, quality change​ bias, commodity substitution​ bias, and outlet substitution bias

The labor force is the number of people employed plus the​ _____.

number unemployed

Which of the people described in the table is unemployed because of labor market​ mismatching?

only Tory and David

Examples of physical capital are​ ______. Examples of financial capital are​ ______.

ovens used by Pizza Hut and lawn mowers used by​ Larry's Mowing; bonds issued by​ Wal-Mart and stocks issued by Boeing

The chained CPI​ ______.

overcomes the sources of bias in the CPI by incorporating substitutions and using current and previous period quantities

Rapid inflation in Brazil in the early 1990s caused the cruzerio to lose its ability to function as money. Which of the following commodities do you think would most likely have taken the place of the cruzeiro in the Brazilian​ economy?

packs of cigarettes because they are a good medium of exchange

Some unemployment is unavoidable because​ ______.

people are making transitions through the stages of life and businesses are making transitions

Unemployment arises for all of the following reasons except​ ______.

people leave the labor force

The ​working-age population is the total number of​ _____ aged​ _____ years and over who are not in​ jail, hospital, or some other form of institutional care or in the U.S. Armed Forces.

people; 16

The fundamental precondition for labor productivity growth is the incentive system created by all of the following except​ ______.

population growth

The output gap is real GDP minus​ _____ expressed as a percentage of​ _____.

potential GDP; potential GDP

The inflation rate is the percentage change in the​ _____ from one year to the next. Deflation is a situation in which the​ _____ is​ _____ and the inflation rate is​ _____.

price​ level; price​ level; falling; negative

When the real interest rate fallsfalls​, the​ ______ because the​ ______ is the opportunity cost of loanable funds.

quantity of loanable funds demanded increases​; real interest rate

The output gap is the gap between​ _______.

real GDP and potential GDP.

The demand for labor is the relationship between the quantity of labor demanded and the​ ______. The supply of labor is the relationship between the quantity of labor supplied and the​ ______.

real wage​ rate; real wage rate

How will the labor force participation rate change if Kevin starts creating football apps in his garage and they turn out to be very​ popular? The labor force participation will​ _____ Kevin starts creating football apps in his garage and they turn out to be very popular.


How will the unemployment rate change if Sarah quits and starts to search for a​ full-time job? The unemployment rate will​ _____ if Sarah quits and starts to search for a​ full-time job.


An increase in labor productivity​ ______.

shifts the demand for labor curve rightward and the production function upward

An increase in the population​ ______.

shifts the supply of labor curve rightward and creates a movement along the production function

An economy is at potential GDP when it experiences an increase in costs. The economy experiences​ _______.


Out of a Job and Out of Luck at 54 Older workers are more prone to experience​ ______ unemployment. During a​ recession, the unemployment rate of older workers​ ______.

structural; increases

Some Firms Struggle to Hire Despite High Unemployment The 5 million workers who cannot find jobs because of mismatching in the labor market are counted as part of the​ economy's ______ unemployment because​ ______.

structural; there is a mismatch between their skills and the skills required for the available jobs

When the price​ level, the money wage​ rate, and other factor prices rise by the same​ percentage, there is a movement along​ ______. Potential GDP​ ______.

the LAS curve​; does not change

When the price level rises but the money wage rate and other factor prices remain the​ same, there is a movement along​ ______. The quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______.

the SAS​ curve; increases

Mr. Reddy is investing in the U.S. real estate market because​ ______.

the U.S. dollar depreciated and the price of U.S. investment properties to foreign investors like Mr. Reddy decreased

Although luxury clothing prices have increased dramatically since the late​ 1990s, the clothing category of the CPI has actually declined by about 10 percent because​ ______.

the apparel component of the CPI is weighted more heavily toward​ moderately-priced clothing, and the price of​ moderately-priced clothing has decreased

The price level is​ ______.

the average level of​ prices, and the value of money

To calculate the​ multiplier, we divide​ ______ by​ ______.

the change in equilibrium​ expenditure; the change in autonomous expenditure

The quantity of U.S. dollars demanded in the foreign exchange market depends on many​ factors, the main ones being​ ______.

the exchange​ rate, world demand for U.S.​ exports, interest rates in the United States and other​ countries, and the expected future exchange rate

Economic growth is​ _______.

the expansion of production possibilities

Along the​ short-run Phillips​ curve, ______.

the expected inflation rate and the natural unemployment rate are constant

The U.S. interest rate differential rises if​ ______, and the larger the U.S. interest rate​ differential, the​ ______ is the demand for U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange market.

the foreign interest rate​ falls; greater

One of the​ Fed's main policy tools is​ ______.

the last resort​ loan, which means that if a bank is short of​ reserves, it can borrow from the Fed

A​ cost-push rise in the price level can arise from an increase in​ _______.

the money wage rate or money prices of raw materials

As we move up along the​ short-run aggregate supply​ curve, ______.

the money wage​ rate, the prices of other​ resources, and potential GDP remain constant

Nation's Economic Pain Deepens The unemployment rate tends to actually underestimate the unemployment​ problem, especially during a​ recession, because​ ______.

the number of marginally attached workers​ increases, but these workers are not included in the official unemployment rate

An open market operation is​ ______.

the purchase or sale of securities by the Federal Reserve System in the loanable funds market

A stagflation can turn into a​ cost-push inflation process when​ _______.

the quantity of money persistently increases

Everything else remaining the​ same, an increase in aggregate demand increases​ ______.

the quantity of real GDP supplied

As we move up along the​ long-run aggregate supply​ curve, ______.

the real wage rate remains constant

The two broad sources of potential GDP growth are growth of​ ______ and growth of​ ______.

the supply of​ labor; labor productivity

Along the​ long-run Phillips​ curve, _______.

the unemployment rate is constant at the natural unemployment rate

Some Firms Struggle to Hire Despite High Unemployment Choose the statement that is incorrect. If the labor market is working​ properly, there is still unemployment because​ ______.

there are always discouraged searchers

The price index with the greatest bias is​ ______ because​ ______.

the​ CPI; it​ isn't based on current period actual expenditure weights

When the Fed buys securities from a​ bank, ______.

the​ bank's reserves increase but its deposits do not change

G-20 Leaders Look to Shake off Lingering Economic Troubles The​ "capital" referred to in the news clip is​ ______. The financial institutions that the​ G-20 might require to hold more capital are​ ______.

the​ institutions' own​ funds; banks and insurance companies

If the natural unemployment rate increases and the expected inflation rate remains​ constant, then​ ______.

the​ long-run Phillips curve shifts rightward and the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts rightward

If the expected inflation rate increases and the natural rate of unemployment remains​ constant, then​ _______.

the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts upward and the​ long-run Phillips curve does not shift

Physical capital is​ ______. Financial capital is​ ______.

the​ tools, instruments,​ machines, buildings, and other items that have been produced in the past and that are used today to produce goods and​ services; the funds that firms use to buy physical capital

A movement​ ______ along the​ short-run Phillips curve occurs when there is an​ ______ increase in aggregate demand.

up; unexpected

An unemployed person​ ______.

wants​ work, has made specific efforts to find a job within the previous four​ weeks, or is waiting to be called back to a job from which he or she has been laid​ off, or is waiting to start a new job within 30 days

The table above provides information about the U.S. labor market in August, 2016​, July, 2017​, and August, 2017. The graph shows the unemployment rate since August, 2012. In August, 2017 the number employed decreased and the unemployment rate increased . Over the year since August, 2016 the number employed increased and the unemployment rate decreased . The change in the unemployment rate over the past year suggests that the U.S. economy​ ______.

was in expansion

The labor force participation rate is the percentage of the​ _____ who are members of the labor force.

working-age population

Growth rates are calculated in a similar manner for all variables. Real GDP growth rate​ = [(Real GDP in​ ______ yearminus−Real GDP in​ ______ ​year) divided by ÷Real GDP in​ ______ year ​] times ×100.

​current; previous; previous

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