Macroeconomics Final

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if an economy gross at the rate of 3% per year, how many years will it take for income and that country to double


if the public holds no currency and the minimum Reserve requirement is 20%, the money multiplier is


Currently the U.S. is importing much more than is exported. What is the relationship between this Net Capital Flow and the Trade and Fiscal Deficits?

A negative net export implies that there is a net capital inflow or the U.S. is borrowing money from foreigners. A trade deficit is by definition the same as a net capital inflow. When the U.S. government borrows, some of this money can (and does) come from foreigners. So increases in the fiscal deficit will likely increase the trade deficit. This does not, however, have to be the case since the government borrowing may come from U.S. citizens or government savings (excess tax receipts over government spending).

In the early 1980's the U.S. economy was faced with stagflation. How is this consistent with the behavior of the Phillips Curve?

Although in the short-run the Phillips Curve outlines the negative relationship between inflation and unemployment, over the long-run the Phillips Curve can shift. The high inflation and high unemployment that characterized the early 1980's is consistent with a shift of the Phillips Curve outward.

Say you have just had a child who will live until she is 70 years old. How many times will the standard of living of this child double over her lifetime if theannual U.S. output growth rate is 2% compared to if it was 4%?

At a 2% growth rate her standard of living will double twice before she dies. If her standard of living is $20,000 today she will end up living at a standard of living of $80,000 when she dies. Compare this to what would happen if the growth rate is 4%. She could expect her standard of living to double in 18 years, then double again in another 18 years, then double again in another 18 years, and almost double again before she dies. Say the standard of living is $20,000 today. She would have a standard of living of $40,000 in 18 years, $80,000 in the second 18 years $160,000 in the third 18 years and almost get to a standard of living of $320,000 by the time she dies. Even if your daughter does not get to enjoy much of the $320,000 standard of living in her final years this would certainly improve the lives of her children compared to a 2% growth rate. So you, your kids and especially your grandchildren will live the good life if we can increase the output growth rate by just a few percentages.

What is crowding out?

Crowding out is when a balanced budget increase in government spending causes a reduction in private consumption and investment. TA: Crowding out occurs when government borrowing increases real interest rates and this causes a reduction in investment (and consumption).

the price index that represents a comparison between what it would cost to buy the total mix of goods and services within the economy today and in a base year is called the

GDP deflator

Why do economists feel that the full-employment deficit be zero even when the economy is in a recession?

In a recession the actual deficit is expected to be positive since tax receipts are less than they would have been at full employment. As long as the government does not spend more than they could have expected to get if the economy was operating at full employment the government would not run a full-employment deficit. In effect a zero full-employment deficit means the government can spend more then their current tax receipts during a recession. (This implies that the actual deficit is positive.)

the field of macroeconomics with its emphasis on understanding fluctuations in employment and production begins with which of the following economists?

John Maynard Keynes

each of the following presidents used tax cuts to stimulate the economy except president

Lyndon B Johnson

Explain what it means when economists say that the economy is operating at its potential GDP?

My answer: The economy is said to be operating at its potential GDP when labor and machines are used to capacity. TA: """then the labor market is in a long run equilibrium and the economy is at full level output. At this level of output the economy is producing the maximum amount given all the available labor is working at nominal work hours and all the available capital is being used efficiently. (also the amount of output that can be produced without causing any inflation.)

What is the difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics?

My answer: The microeconomic perspective is a bottom up view of the economy whereas macroeconomics looks at the performance of the economy as a whole. TA:Macroeconomics deals with the aggregate demand or whole economy whereas micro looks at the behavior of individuals, firms, and industries. Some topics covered in macro are; unemployment, inflation, GDP, money supply, and deficits.

Why are Efficiency Wages "efficient"?

Normally we think firms will operate efficiently if they can produce more for less. If a firm can reduce the cost of manufacturing a product (without sacrificing quality) then the firm is operating more efficiently. Efficiency Wages provide this by lowering the cost of producing the good. Even though the firm is paying a higher wage rate the total cost of the labor is lower since the firm will attract and retain the best workers and therefore reduce the costs of turnover.

if P is the price level, Y is the output, and M is the money supply, velocity equals


if the federal government receives more than revenues in any given year than it spends, the difference is called the federal budget


From 1988 to 2001 GDP has almost doubled. Does this mean that standard of living or the quality of societies well-being has doubled over this time period? Why?

This not correct for a number of reasons. Although nominal GDP has almost doubled, the real GDP has only increased by a third. (See the Bureau of Economic Analysis spreadsheet at this link Also, since the standard of living is measured as real GDP divided by the number of people (or per capita GDP) changes in the population will affect the standard of living. Finally, there are many other important components that measure of society's well-being that are not included in the GDP per capita calculation.

a country with a blank will experience a net Capital Blank

Trade Surplus, outflow

The Federal Reserve can increase the money supply by selling treasury bills. The Fed. wants to increase the money supply by $2 million. In order to calculate the dollar amount of treasury bills the Fed. must sell what will you need to know?

You since the total increase in the money supply is the initial increase times the money multiplier you need to know the multiplier. If the multiplier was 10 then the Fed. would have to sell $200,000 in treasury bills, but if the multiplier was 2 then the Fed. would have to sell $1 million in treasury bills to ultimately increase the money supply by $2 million.

a macroeconomist classifies the purchase of all of the following as investment with the exception of

a share of stock; Investments include a new Factory, a new home, and new machinery

in 1996, the Bureau of economic analysis began using a chain weighted method of computing real GDP. The change accomplishes all of the following except

accurately accounting for the level of underground economy

in income expenditure analysis, if total inventories exceed planned inventories

aggregate expenditures are less than National output

the marginal propensity to save is the

amount by which saving increases when disposable income Rises by $1

which of the following would not cause the monetary policy rule linking real interest rates and inflation to each other to shift

an increase in inflation. shifting factors include, a contractionary fiscal policy, decreased autonomous consumption a decrease in income tax rates, an increase in investment demand

which of the following increases the productivity of Labor

an increase in the Capital stock

in light of the fed's policy rule, which of the following statements is untrue

as inflation Rises, real interest rates fall and output Rises. true statements include, as inflation Rises, the real interest rate Rises. As inflation Falls, aggregate expenditures and output rise. As the real interest rate Rises, aggregate expenditures fall. As inflation Rises, aggregate output Falls.

which of the following explanations best explains why the short run inflation adjustment curved has a positive slope

as output expands unemployment Falls placing upward pressure on prices

why is the savings curve believed to be highly inelastic or a straight upward line? how does a change in interest rates affect your savings?

as real interest rates increase the income households earn on their current savings increases. This reduces the need for additional saving. At the same time higher interest rates will make any additional saving more worthwhile since the return is now larger on every dollar saved. The combination of these two effects results in the highly inelastic savings curve. How interest rate changes affect your savings depends upon your personal spending preferences and income levels. ........ in short the savings curve is inelastic because it is not dependent on the interest rate whether or not people will want to save. People actually save more when the interest rate is higher because they will earn a higher return from interest.

lenders suffer losses from inflation

as the purchasing power of their payments Falls

efficiency wage Theory argues that firms may not lower wages in the face of persistent unemployment because the firms

believe that hire wages may lead to higher productivity

since the beginning of the 1990s, which of the following groups of people has experienced the highest rates of unemployment

black males, 16 to 19 years of age

inflationary expectations play a prominent role in the expectations augmented short-run inflation adjustment curve. From it we can conclude that when blank, the rate of inflation blank.

both ANC, output remains above potential; output remains below potential; decreases

each of the following is included in the income approach to calculating GDP except

capital gains

each of the following is included in the income approach to calculating GDP except

capital gains; what is included in the income approach to calculating GDP are the interest payments, and direct taxes, depreciation, and profit

in the circular flow model, all of the following are injections except


consider the general equilibrium for a closed Economy based on the competitive model. An increase in taxes to finance higher government spending reduces disposable income, which discourages both consumption and saving. The reduction and saving leads to a higher real rate of interest and lower investment. The offsetting impact on consumption and investment of the higher government expenditure is referred to as

crowding out

government policy is aimed at reducing the frequency and magnitude of

cyclical unemployment

arguments against the trade deficit include

decreased demand for domestically produced products, foreign ownership of our debt obligations, loss of American jobs, answer is all of the above

the rule of 70 allows us to estimate the number of years it takes for income to blank by blank the annual growth rate into / by the number 70

double; dividing

when demand equals Supply and the aggregate labor market there is no unemployment in the sense that

every qualified worker willing to work at the market wage can find a job

when demand equals Supply and the aggregate labor market, there is no unemployment in the sense that

every qualified worker willing to work in the market wage can find a job

unemployment that occurs as the result of a transition from one job to another is called

frictional unemployment

when economists talk of government savings being positive they mean

government revenue exceeds government expenditure, so there is a federal budget surplus

when a country has a budget surplus

government revenue is more than government spending

in the study of macroeconomics, the term GDP stands for

gross domestic product

business cycle fluctuations generally involve

high unemployment and low inflation

which of the following statements best describes the logic behind the Phillips curve

if unemployment is low, workers May more readily leave firms not keeping Pace with current wage rates thus contributing to inflation

a decrease in the tax rate in the model of income expenditure analysis

increases the multiplier and makes the aggregate expenditures schedule steeper

all of the following are ways to increase GDP per capita except

increasing population growth

linking increases in wage levels to increases and price is termed


the first years of the 21st century involved heated debates over each of the following except


higher living standards are best evaluated on the basis of all of the following aspects except

inflation, aspects include access to Medical Services, Environmental Quality, educational achievement, life expectancy

in the circular flow model all of the following are leakages except

investment; leakages include taxes, savings, spending on Imports

the microeconomic perspective

is a bottom-up view of the economy

the macro economics perspective

is a top-down view of the economy

which of the following is true of the aggregate expenditures schedule

it's intercept is positive and it's slope is less than that of the 45 degree line

money cannot serve as a store of value unless

it's purchasing power remains relatively stable

the Keynesian consumption function relates a household's consumption primarily to

its current income

if gross domestic product rises, in percentage terms, blank the rising prices, this indicates blank Real gross domestic product

less than; a decrease in

the Full Employment Act of 1946 requires the federal government to do all of the following except promote maximum

living standards

which of the following began or resulted from the Great Depression

macroeconomics, Deposit Insurance, Social Security, the answer is all of the above.

which of the following government expenditures is not an example of non discretionary spending

military spending

when the level of national saving in the United States declines all of the following occur except

more investment in the United States

when the level of national saving in the United States declines, all of the following occur except

more investment in the United States; occurrences include an increase in real interest rates throughout the world, less investment in the US, reductions and investment throughout the world, a smaller impact on us investment then if the US were a closed economy

the presence of deflation means that

nominal interest rates understate the rates of return on financial assets

the Consumer Price Index Over States true cost of living increases because of all of the following reasons except

none of the above all are problems; problems are the fixed basket or unchanging nature of the composition of the CPI, the nature of the changing quality of goods and services over time, the pure technical nature of the way the data are collected and analyzed, the recent revisions made to address the CPI bias

the term recession usually refers to periods

of significant decrease in Real GDP

the money neutrality principle states that in the Full Employment model, changes in the money supply will

only affect the price level

suppose the economy experienced a decrease in potential GDP. Indicate which of the outcomes would follow as a result, ceteris paribus

potential GDP shifts left, inflation Rises, interest rates rise, output Falls, inflation remains higher

if the Consumer Price Index for a given year is below 100, it implies that, relative to the base year,

prices have fallen on average

when economist talk of national saving they mean

private plus public plus foreign saving, National saving plus borrowing from abroad, the equivalent of total investment, both domestic and foreign saving, d all of the above

the need to account for the developments made in computer software falls into which of the following categories of issues regarding the Consumer Price Index

quality changes and products contained in the basket of goods

the need to account for the developments made in computer software falls into which of the following categories of issues regarding the Consumer Price Index

quality changes in products contained in the basket of goods

the Full Employment Act of 1946 and the humphrey-hawkins ACT give the federal government responsibilities for each of the following except

raising living standards; responsibilities include promoting full employment, increasing real income, balancing the federal budget, maintaining price stability

a balanced budget increase in taxes and government expenditures will, ceteris paribus,

reduce consumption and investment and raise the real interest rate

which of the following is not a potentially adverse effect of unemployment

reduced racial divisions

which of the following is not a potentially adverse effect of unemployment

reduced racial divisions; an adverse effect of unemployment would be lower future productivity, reduced self-esteem, lower wages upon Reemployment, decreased tax revenue

all of the following except one, are consequences of inflation. Which is the odd one out?

reduced tax revenue for the government; consequences of inflation are changes in relative prices, increased variability and relative prices, increased risk, increased uncertainty

in a closed economy, an increase in the federal budget deficit

reduces equilibrium investment and increases the real rate of interest

in a small open economy, a decrease in the budget deficit

reduces foreign borrowing but leaves the real rate of interest unchanged

in order for the Capital Market to be in equilibrium

savings must equal investment but the economy need not be fully employed

and economy faced with inflation shock will experience a blank impact on output and a blank long run impact on inflation if the slope of the ADI curve is steep

smaller, larger

Thomas Malthus predicted that population would expand more rapidly than the capacity of the economy to support it. That his predictions were not born out can be attributed to

technological change

List and explain two of the reasons for why the U.S. savings rate is so low?

that is related to savings but even if debt was 0 savings could still be zero. I don't see how Lowered Expectations of future growth would result in less savings. Explanations for why the US savings rate is so low include, people's faith and Social Security as a pension, improved insurance and capital markets, and changes in people's values. My answer one of the reasons the US savings rate is too low is because of its large current deficit. Another reason the US savings rate is so low is because of Lowered Expectations of future growth.

the field of macroeconomics began as an attempt to understand the causes of

the Great Depression

all of the following except one are examples of a financial intermediary. Which is not?

the US Treasury; Financial intermediaries include commercial Banks, Savings and Loan associations, mutual funds, and credit unions

the federal debt is

the accumulated difference between what the federal government has spent and what it has received and revenues

when real wages adjust to clear the labor market

the aggregate supply curve is vertical

a country's overall trade balance depends primarily upon

the balance between its National saving and investment

if the federal government spends more than any year than it receives and revenues the difference is called

the fiscal deficit

the United States experience with stagflation in the 1970s was influenced heavily by

the formation of OPEC the organization of petroleum exporting countries, gas-guzzling automobiles, energy and efficient production techniques, the answer is all of the above.

in a recession, when there is reduced demand for labor, we often observe lower employment without a fall in the real wage. All of the following, except one, are explanations offered for this. Which is the odd one out?

the labor supply curve is perfectly inelastic; explanations include, the labor supply curve is perfectly elastic, the labor supply curve is Shifting to offset shifts in the labor demand curve, the real wage is downwardly rigid, the labor supply curve is horizontal

when economist speak of human capital they are referring to each of the following except

the level of Capital stock owned by workers at the firm; human capital includes the level of Education that makes workers productive, the stock of accumulated experience that makes workers productive, the ability of workers to shift the production function represent output per worker, the stock of accumulated skills that make workers productive

the relevant cost of funds to a firm that is considering making an investment is

the market interest rate minus the rate of inflation

which of the following definitions is correct

the market or nominal rate of interest equals the real rate of interest plus the rate of inflation

in the case of a negative externality

the private Market produces too much of the good

each of the following economic factors can cause the ADI curve to shift, accept changes in

the rate of inflation. factors include, consumption spending, government expenditures, income tax rates, investment spending

which of the following government institutions / programs is a direct outgrowth of the Great Depression?

the social security system

the value-added goods approach to Computing gross domestic calculates

the sum of all firm's revenues less the cost of the intermediate Goods they use

potential gross domestic product is

the total money value of the goods and services the residents of a country could produce during a specified period if labor and machines were used to capacity

the inflation rate is positive if

there is an increase in the general level of prices

if the exchange rate between the dollar and the Yen changes from 100 yen per dollar - 125 Yen per dollar

this represents an appreciation of the dollar

the fed's concern over Rising inflation is based on which of the following sequences

tight labor markets, increased labor costs, higher prices

countries with a blank will experience a net Capital Blank

trade deficit; inflow

inflation is much more of a problem when it is


the Phillips curve plots the relationship between

unemployment and wage inflation

if the exchange rate between the dollar and the Yen changes from 100 yen per dollar to 125 Yen per dollar

us Goods become relatively more expensive in Japan, reducing the quantity supplied of Japanese Yen

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