MAN 4701: Chapter 16 "Employees and Corporation."

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Women owned businesses

More women owned businesses now and more people are starting their own businesses because of the glass ceiling and glass walls

Ethical Managers

New position: people in charge to make sure a company is making ethical decisions

Sexual Harassment

Occurs at work when: -Any employee, woman or man, experiences repeated, unwanted sexual attention or -When on‑the‑job conditions are hostile or threatening in a sexual way -It includes both physical conduct—for example, suggestive touching—as well as verbal harassment

Reasons for Community Involvement

Reasons for ______: -Major way to carry out corporate citizenship mission -To win local support for business acidity, be granted informal "license to operate" in the community -Helps to build "social capital" - the norms and networks that enable collective action

Social Contract

Refers to the implied understanding between an organization and its stakeholders. This is not legal, but rather a set of shared expectations


Refers to variation in the important human characteristics that distinguish people from one another. Primary: age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation Secondary: communication style, family status

Employee Rightss

Right to: -form unions -fundamental human rights -duty to punish fair and just -blow the whistle -privacy -Safe and healthy workplace -equal emp. opp.

Women Business Ownership

Some women and minorities have chosen to avoid the glass ceiling by opening up their own businesses -In 2010, 40% of over 10 million U.S. businesses were owned or controlled by women -Although most female-headed firms are small, collectively they employed over 13 million people in the United States and generate $1.9 trillion in sales

Moral atmosphere

The "moral climate" in the company, the unspoken understanding among the employees as to whats okay and whats not okay. Multiple of these can exist

Business/Community Relationships

The definition of the community is changing theres online communities, competitor communities, geographical communities and the overall community

Social Capital

The good reputation a company gets for doing ethical things and doing good things for the community: they benefit socially and the community will be more open for them to build a plant

Men And Women In the Workplace

The graph of these two show that the proportion of ____ to _____ is getting much closer now.

Affirmative Action Laws

The laws have to be temporary because they will promote reverse discrimination: companies have quotas for how many women and minorities should be in your company to make up for past discrimination

law and ethics

They both define proper and improper behavior. Societys attempt to formalize ethical standards

Work and Family Support Programs

Types of programs companies are offering: -Child Care -Elder Care -Parental and family leave -Work flexibility -Benefits to non-traditional families

Racial Harassment

Under EEOC guidelines: Ethnic slurs, derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical harassment based on race are against the law if they create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment or interfere with an individual's work performance

Diversity Policies & Practices

Well run companies go beyond legal requirements: -articulate a clear diversity mission, set quantitative objectives, & hold managers accountable -spread a wide net in recruitment -Identify persons of color & women -set up diversity of councils to monitor the company's goals and progress towards them

Corporate Giving

-Important aspect of business - community relationship, involves corporate giving to non-profit organizations -Also called corporate philanthropy -America has historically been a generous society

Drug Testing Cons

-Invades privacy -Violates employee's right to due process -Lowers employee morale -May yield unreliable test results -Ignores effects of prescription drugs, alcohol, and over-the-counter drugs

Electronic Monitoring

-Management justifies the increase in employee monitoring for a number of reasons: -Employee efficiency -Fear of lawsuits if employees act inappropriately

Worker Privacy - Electronic Monitoring

-New technologies enable companies to gather, store, and monitor information about employees' activities. -A company's need for information, particularly about its workers, may be at odds with an employee's right to privacy


-Occupational Health & Safety Act: Administers the safety and health act, passed in 1970, gives workers the right to a job "free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm"

Drug Testing Occasions

-Pre-employment screening -Random testing of employees -Testing for cause

Ethics Policies or Codes

-Provides guidance to managers and employees on what to do when faced with an ethical dilemma -In U.S. policies tend to be instrumental, providing rules and procedures -In Japan policies tend to be combination of legal compliance and company values -Just having a code or policy is insufficient, must be widely distributed and have associated training

Ethics and Compliance Officers

-Relatively new position (started in 1980's) that has grown significantly -Membership in professional association, Ethics and Compliance Officers Association, doubled between 2000 and 2004

Employee Rights

-Right to organize and bargain -Right to a safe and healthy workplace -Right to privacy -Duty to discipline fairly and justly -Right to blow the whistle -Right to equal employment opportunity -Right to be treated with respect for fundamental human rights

Ethics: Compliance-based approach

-Seeks to avoid legal sanctions -Emphasizes threat of detection and punishment to promote lawful employee behavior

Drug Testing Pros

-Supports U.S. policy to reduce illegal drug use and availability -Improves employee productivity -Promotes safety in the workplace -Decreases employee theft and absenteeism -Reduces health and insurance costs

Components of ethics management

-Top management commitment -Policies & codes -Ethical Audits -Ethical Managers and officers -Ethical Reporting Mechanisms -Ethical Training Programs

Fair Labor Standards

-Voluntary corporate codes of conduct -Nongovernmental organizations labor codes -Industry-wide labor codes

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

-offer counseling, rehabilitation programs, and follow-up

Whiste-blowing & Free Speech

-when an employee believes his/her employer has done something that is wrong or harmful to the public, and he/she reports the alleged misconduct to the media, government, or high-level company officials

-Drug-Free Workplace Act (1988)

1988 Act: -required federal contractors to establish and maintain a workplace free of drugs

Whiste-blowing Conditions

4 conditions must be satisfied to justify whistle-blowing: -Organization is doing (or will do) something that seriously harms others -Employee has tried and failed to resolve the problem internally -Reporting the problem publicly will probably stop or prevent the harm -The harm is serious enough to justify the probable costs of disclosure to the whistle-blower

4 Whistleblowing requirements

4! -has to (or will) cause harm to others -has tried to solve the problem internally -going public will help solve the problem -harm is serious enough to justify probably costs of disclosure

Employer Rightss

6... -no alcohol and drug use -loyalty -honestly -no harassment -respect personal belongings -nothing can endanger others

Civic Engagement

Civic engagement - The active involvement of businesses and individuals in changing and improving communities

Ethical Safeguard

Companies have a sentencing guideline: a bunch of rules that if the company kept important information from risky individuals and something unethical happens then they can get out of trouble.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave. Eligible employees are entitled to: -Twelve workweeks of leave in a 12-month period for: -the birth of a child and to care for the newborn child within one year of birth; -the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement; -to care for the employee's spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition; -a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job; -any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee's spouse, son, daughter, or -parent is a covered military member on "covered active duty"

Privacy In the WorkPlace

Drug and Alcohol Testing -Drug abuse costs U.S. industry and tax payers an estimated $181 billion a year -About two-thirds of companies test employees or job applicants for illegal substances, according to a 2011 study

Relationship between law and ethics

*-Both define proper and improper behavior Laws: are society's attempt to formalize ethical standards Ethical concepts: are more complex than laws

Privacy in the Work Place

-An important right in the workplace as elsewhere, is privacy -In the business context, privacy rights refer to primarily protecting an individual's personal life from an unwarranted intrusion by the employer -Key workplace issues where privacy dilemmas often emerge include electronic monitoring, office romance, drug and alcohol abuse, and honesty testing

Right to a Safe and Healthy Workplace

-Annually, more than 3 million workers in private industry are injured or become ill while on the job, according to the U.S. Department of Labor

Integrity-based approach

-Combine concern for law with emphasis on employee responsibility for ethical conduct -Employees instructed to act with integrity and conduct business dealings honestly

Managing Diversity

-Companies that promote equal employment opportunity generally do better at attracting and retaining workers from all backgrounds -Businesses with employees from varied backgrounds can often more effectively serve customers who are themselves diverse

Strategic advantages of managing diversity effectively

-Companies that promote equal employment opportunity generally do better at: attracting & retaining workers from all backgrounds -businesses with employees from vaned backgrounds can often more effectively serve customers who are themselves diverse

Strategies of Corporate Giving

-Draw on the unique assets and competencies of the business -Align priorities with employees interests -Align priorities with core values of the firm -Use hard-nosed business methods to assess the impact of gifts (return on social investment)

Ethics Audits

-Formal study of deviations from company ethical standards -Management must report on corrective action to be taken in response to found deviations

Types of Contributions

service or product (main one), monetary donations, or time Biggest thing donated is: healthcare, natural disasters, and education Least popular contribution: environment

Affirmative Action

to reduce job discrimination by encouraging companies to take positive steps to overcome past discriminatory employment practices

The Glass Ceiling

Invisible barrier that exists in those not white and male to move up in management of a company (women and minorities)


_______ is defined as a questionable or unjust payment often to a government official to ensure or facilitate a business transaction


________ is more likely in countries with low per capita income, low salaries for government officials, and less income variation

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