MAN ch 11

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Initiating structure/task oriented behavior

the extent to which the leader directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment.

Consideration/people-oriented behavior

the extent to which the leader is mindful of subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust

Interactive leadership

the leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority -assc with women leaders

the favorability of a leadership situation can be analyzed in terms of three elements:

the quality of relationships between leader and followers, the degree of task structure, and the extent to which the leader has formal authority over followers.

Sunk Cost Effect in case study

-2 o'clock rule -turnaround times were ignored -climbers could not ignore the substantial prior investments that they had made

Case Objectives Mt Everest

-Examine how teams make high-stakes decisions -Examine a catastrophic failure -Examine two leaders during a crisis

Overconfidence Bias

-Hall and FIscher were very accomplished climbers -Hall had a tremendous record of successful ascents on Everest

Components of Authentic Leadership

-Pursues purpose with passion -Practices solid values -establish connected relationship -Demonstrates self-discipline -Leads with the heart as well as the head

The impact of charismatic leaders comes from the following:

-Stating a lofty vision -Displaying an ability to understand and empathize with followers -Empowering and trusting subordinates to accomplish results

Fieldler's Contingency Theory

-The starting point is the extent to which the leader's style is task-oriented or relationship-(people) oriented. -considered a person's leadership style to be relatively fixed and difficult to change; -the suitability of a leader's style is determined by whether the situation is considered favorable or unfavorable to the leader.

passive follower

-exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation. Being uncritical, these people show neither initiative nor a sense of responsibility -characterized by a need for constant supervision and prodding by superiors. often regarded as laziness; does nothing that is not required and avoids added responsibility.

situational model of leadership

-focuses attention on the characteristics of followers in determining appropriate leadership behavior. -A leadership model that links the leader's behavioral style with the readiness level of followers. -People low in readiness—because of little ability or training or insecurity—need a different leadership style than those who are high in readiness and have good ability, skills, confidence, and willingness to work

Conditions affecting safety on Everest

-leadership styles of Hall and Fischer -status differences -lack of discussion -lack of familiarity

Other sources of power that are not linked to a particular person or position but rather to the role that an individual plays in the overall functioning of the organization.

-personal effort -relationships with others -information

servant leadership

-transcends self-interest to serve others, the organization, and society. -A leader who serves others by working to fulfill followers' needs and goals, as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission.

6 principles for asserting leader influence

-use rational persuasion -help people to like you -rely on the rule of reciprocity -develop allies -ask for what you want -appeal to higher authority

Principles of persuasion

1. authority 2. commitment to consistency: proof 4.liking 5. reciprocity 6. scarcity

transformational leadership

A leader distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change by creating an inspiring vision, shaping values, building relationships, and providing meaning for followers. -focus on intangible qualities, such as vision, shared values, and ideas, to build relationships, give larger meaning to diverse activities, and find common ground that will encourage followers to enlist in the change process

Transactional leaders

A leader who clarifies subordinates' roles and task requirements, initiates structure, provides rewards, and displays consideration for followers. -rely solely on tangible rules and incentives to control specific transactions with followers.

Charismatic leader

A leader who has the ability to inspire and motivate people to transcend their expected performance, even to the point of personal sacrifice.

contingency approaches

A model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific situations. -leaders are more effective when their style matches the situation


A simple rule of human nature is that people want more of what they don't have very much of. The less available something is, the more valuable it seems.


A situational variable that counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors.

substitute for leadership

A situational variable that makes a leadership style redundant or unnecessary.

work-related characteristics of leaders

Achievement drive, desire to excel Conscientiousness in pursuit of goals Persistence against obstacles, tenacity


An attractive, ideal future that is credible yet not readily attainable.

Ask for what you want

An explicit proposal is sometimes accepted simply because others have no better alternative.

an inspiring vision, an attractive, ideal future that is credible yet not readily attainable

Both charismatic and transformational leaders provide followers with

Styles of Followership

By Robert E.Kelley -conformist, passive, effective, alienated -ranked on two dimensions: independent critical thinking vs dependent uncritical thinking and passive vs active behavior

Social background characteristics of leaders

Education, Mobility

Physical characteristics of Leaders

Energy Physical stamina

uncritical thinking

Failing to consider the possibilities beyond what one is told, accepting others' ideas without thinking.

Manager qualities

Focus on organization, rational, maintains stability, assigns tasks, organizes, analyzes, position power.

Leader qualities

Focus on people: visionary, promotes change, defines purpose, nurtures, innovates, personal power

Top 5 qualities for followers

Honest, Competent, dependable, cooperative, loyal

Top 5 qualities for leaders

Honest, competent, forward-looking, inspiring, and intelligent

low-readiness follower, higher-readiness follower.

In general, a task-oriented leader style fits a ________, and a relationship-oriented leader style fits a _________.

Learning from failure

Individuals often attribute their own failures to external factors -but personal characteristics and mistakes cause others' failures

Intelligence and ability characteristics of leaders

Intelligence, cognitive ability,Knowledge, Judgment, decisiveness

authentic leadership

Leadership by individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistent with higher-order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness and authenticity.

Leadership vs. Management

Management promotes stability and efficient organizing to meet current commitments, whereas leadership often inspires engagement and organizational change to meet new conditions. -Both leadership and management are important to organizations, and people can learn to be good leaders as well as good managers.

Commitment and Consistency

People align with others who have clear commitments.


People repay in kind. We should try to repay to a comparable level what another person has provided us

social proof

People tend to follow the lead of other similar people. We view a behavior as correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.

Expert power

Power that results from a leader's special knowledge or skill in the tasks performed by subordinates.

Referent power

Power that results from characteristics that command subordinates' identification with, respect and admiration for, and desire to emulate the leader.

Reward power

Power that results from the authority to bestow rewards. -have access to formal rewards, such as pay increases or promotions. They also have at their disposal rewards such as praise, attention, and recognition.

Legitimate power

Power that stems from a manager's formal position in an organization and the authority granted by that position.

Coercive power

Power that stems from the authority to punish or recommend punishment. -the right to fire or demote employees, criticize them, or withhold pay increases.

Fischer's logistical problems

Prior to summit push: -customs problem -poor weather in Nepal -Labor unrest among porters During final summit push: -assumption that ropelines in place -leadsherpa not at front of pack -Fischer was the sweep

corporate governance

Refers to the framework of systems, rules, and practices by which an organization ensures accountability, fairness, and transparency in its relationships with stakeholders.

intermediate favorability.

Relationship-oriented leaders are considered to perform better in situations of

Leadership Grid

Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton of the University of Texas proposed a two-dimensional theory -a two-dimensional leadership model that measures the leader's concern for people and concern for production to categorize the leader in one of five different leadership styles. -concern for people on y axis (1 -9) -concern for production on x axis (1-9)

Social characteristics of leaders

Sociability, interpersonal skills Cooperativeness Ability to enlist cooperation Tact, diplomacy


Status, or anything that implies it, increases obedience.

either highly favorable or highly unfavorable situations

Task-oriented leaders are considered to perform better in

Two basic leadership behaviors identified as important for leadership are attention

Tasks and attention to people

How do leaders play a tremendous role in the organization's success?

The attitudes and behaviors of leaders shape the conditions that determine how well employees can do their jobs


The effect a person's actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others.


The potential ability to influence the behavior of others.

critical thinking

Thinking independently and being mindful of the effect that one's behavior has on achieving goals.

middle of the road management

adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level (5, 5)

Country Club Management

Thoughtful attention to the needs of people to satisfy relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo. (1,9)

help people to like you

When a leader shows consideration and respect, treats people fairly, and demonstrates trust in others, people are more likely to want to help and support this person by doing what he or she asks.

women v men style of leading

Women leaders typically score higher than men on abilities such as motivating others, building relationships, and developing others—skills that are based on humility and authenticity and are particularly suited to today's organizations. -both men and women can be

telling style of leadership (S1)

a highly directive style and involves giving explicit instructions about how tasks should be accomplished. -highest probability of successfully influencing low-readiness followers who are unable or unwilling—because of poor ability and skills, lack of experience, or insecurity—to take responsibility for their own task behavior.

alienated follower

a passive, yet independent, critical thinker. often effective followers who have experienced setbacks and obstacles—perhaps promises broken by their superiors.

effective follower

critical, independent thinker and active in the organization. behave the same toward everyone, regardless of their position in the organization.

Complex interactions

different elements of the system interact in ways that are unexpected and difficult to comprehend in advance


efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree (9, 1)

Impoverished Management

exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership (1, 1)

soft power

expert power and referent power, which are based on personal characteristics and interpersonal relationships more than on a position of authority.


extremely influential because of familiarity and likeability and attractiveness.

pragmatic survivor follower

has qualities of all four extremes—depending on which style fits with the prevalent situation. This type of person uses whatever style best benefits his or her own position and minimizes risk

participating style

one in which the leader shares ideas with subordinates, gives them a chance to participate, and facilitates decision making. -work for followers at moderate-to-high readiness levels. When followers demonstrate very high readiness (i.e., they have high levels of education, experience, and readiness to accept responsibility for their own task behavior)

appeal to higher authority

leaders must use their formal authority as well as gain the support of people at higher levels to back them up.

rely on the rule of reciprocity

leaders who do favors for others can expect that others will do favors for them in return


means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful


natural talents and abilities that have been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills and provide each individual with his or her best tools for accomplishment and satisfaction

selling style of leadership

one in which the leader explains decisions and gives subordinates a chance to ask questions and gain clarity and understanding about work tasks. -work for followers at moderate-to-high readiness levels.

Conformist Follower

participates actively in a relationship with the boss but doesn't use critical thinking skills. In other words, participates willingly, but without considering the consequences of what he or she is being asked to do—even at the risk of contributing to a harmful endeavor

active follower

participates fully in the organization, engages in behavior that is beyond the limits of the job, demonstrates a sense of ownership, and initiates problem solving and decision making.

Network of relationships

people who are enmeshed in a network of relationships have greater power

develop allies

people who can help the leader accomplish his or her goals.


people who have access to information and control over how and to whom it is distributed are typically powerful

Personal effort

people who show initiative, work beyond what is expected of them, take on undesirable but important projects, and show interest in learning about the organization and industry often gain power as a result

Hard power

power that stems largely from a person's position of authority and includes legitimate, reward, and coercive power.

delegating style

provides little direction and little support because the leader turns over responsibility for decisions and their implementation to subordinates.

Level 5 Leadership

refers to the highest level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities, -a key characteristic is an almost complete lack of ego (humility) coupled with a fierce resolve to do what is best for the organization (will).

leadership and management

reflect two different sets of qualities and skills that provide different benefits for the organization.

Personality characteristics of leaders

self confidence, honesty and integrity, optimism, desire to lead, independence

Stifling constructive dissent

several conditions serve to diminish psychological safety, and dissent

The sunk cost effect

tendency for people to escalate commitment to a course of action in which they have made substantial prior investments


the ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals -many different styles can be effective


the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, honesty, self-confidence, and even appearance.


tight couplings paired with complex interactions

tight coupling

time dependent processes, rigid sequence of activities, one dominant path, very little slack

rational persuasion

to apply facts, data, and logical argument to persuade others that a proposed idea, request, or decision is appropriate.

significant influence on leadership styles in recent years

turbulence and uncertainty of the environment

The concept of leadership evolves as the needs of organizations change and may be affected by the following

vEthical and economic difficulties vCorporate governance concerns vGlobalization vChanges in technology vNew ways of working vShifting employee expectations vSignificant social transitions

Team management

work accomplishment is from committed people; interdependence through a common stake in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect (9,9)

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