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T or F: Maria just completed a series of personality assessments and is found to be high on external locus of control and introversion. Based on findings from research, it is likely she also has positive work attitudes.


T or F: Motivation is a function of the interaction between performance, ability and environment.


T or F: Race, age, and attitudes are examples of surface-level diversity.


T or F: Research shows that those organization that are more effective limit the amount of feedback they provide employees, limit the amount of information shared, and allow roles to be ambiguous.


T or F: Salary is a motivator in Herzberg's two-factor theory.


T or F: Successful organizations tend to limit the amount of information shared by maintaining a centralized structure.


T or F: The three levels of analysis examined by organizational behavior research are individual, organization, and society.


T or F: There is usually strong relationship between good person-organization fit and high job performance.


T or F: Value orientations change dramatically as individuals age and mature.


T or F: When people fit their jobs, they experience higher levels of stress.


T or F: While the American workforce is becoming more diverse, the world's workforce is not.


Maslow's physiological needs may be satisfied by:


Workforce satisfaction is related to

Greater customer loyalty

Ability refers to

Having the skills and knowledge required to perform the job

T or F: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment with regard to race, color, sex, religion, and national origin.


T or F: When discrimination complaints are field, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) acts as a mediator between the company and the complainant.


Interactional Justice

the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness, and dignity in interpersonal interactions

SHRM conducted a recent study that indicated at least ___ of those who responded are, at the very least, somewhat satisfied with their jobs.


Which of the following is a need-based theory of motivation? A. ERG theory B. Equity theory C. Expectancy theory D. Reinforcement theory

A. ERG theory

Person-job fit is the A. Degree to which a person's skill, knowledge, abilities, and other characteristics match the job demnds B. Degree to which a person's attitude matches the culture of the work group C. Degree to which a person's values, personality, goals and other characteristics match those of the organization D. Degree to which a person likes an organization


Which of the following is a processed based theory of motivation? A. Skinner's reinforcement theory B. Herzberg's two-factor theory C. Alderfer's ERG theory D. McClelland's acquired needs theory


Which of the following statements is correct? A. Performance is a function of the interaction between motivation, ability, and environment B. Motivation is a function between ability, environment and performance C. Performance is a major influence on motivation, ability and environment D. Ability is a function of the interaction between motivation, performance, and environment


Which of the following statements regarding the Big 5 personality traits is true? A. Individuals high in openness seek feedback on what they are doing and thus adjust to their jobs more quickly B. Individuals high in extraversion are model employees C. Conscientiousness is related to how well employees get along with others D. Individuals high in neuroticism tend to be better performers


The faculty of a Midwestern business school is comprised of 33 males and 4 females. The past five candidates hired have all been male. There seems to be a(an) ____ diversity issue in this workplace. A. Gender B. Religion C. Race D. Age

A. Gender

During the first day of an organizational behavior class at your university, the instructor tells the students that during the term they will learn all of the following except: A. How different organizations interact with each other B. How to work effectively on team projects C. How to make more effective decisions about their academic and social lives D. How to cope with the stress of finals week

A. How different organizations interact with each other

Which of the following is a key level of analysis investigated in Organizational Behavior? A. Individual B. Society C. Industry D. Meta

A. Individual

T or F: In firms pursuing a growth strategy, there is a negative relationship between racial diversity in the firm and company performance.


Organizational behavior draws heavily on personality and motivation studies from what other discipline? A. Psychology B. Economics C. Political Science D. Physiology

A. Psychology

T or F: Instrumental values are end states people desire in life.


Companies track employee work attitudes through

Attitude surveys

Which of the following is true about motivation? A. Motivation is the sole reason why people perform well B. Motivation is a key influence over an employee's performance level C. Motivation is usually the most critical factor in a person's performance D. Being motivated is the same as being a high performer


According to Rokeach, which of the following is not accurate about values? A. Values are grouped into terminal and instrumental categories B. Values are shaped late in life C. Values are relatively stable over time D. Values are hierarchially ordered


Organizational behavior is: A. Common sense B. A systematic approach to understanding human behavior C. Most important for executives D. Only relevant for large businesses


Which of the following is not an explanation that has been offered to account for the earnings gap of 19% between females and males? A. Women are often pursue lower-paying occupations than men puruse B. Women lack the high-level skill sets that men posses C. Women tend to negotiate less than men and when they do negotiate, women attain lower levels to pay than men do D. Women have resume gaps due to time off for childcare


T or F: Job satisfaction can be fully explained by the work environment.


Empathy is to agreeableness as sociability is to ___ A. Neuroticism B. Extraversion C. Conscientiousness D. Openness

B. Extraversion

According to the authors of Organizational Behavior, a company's greatest asset is A. It's location B. It's people C. It's financial resources D. It's product

B. It's people

The relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has is A. Conscientiousness B. Personality C. Values D. Self-esteem

B. Personality

Work on team process has been carried out in what area? A. Finance B. Sociology C. Economics D. Physics

B. Sociology

The interactionist perspective suggest

Behavior is a function of the person and the situation interacting with each other

The glass ceiling A. Is the result of the less effective leadership styles practiced by women B. Is an issue that was a problem until a decade ago C. Is the underrepresentation of women and minorities in executive and upper level management positions of companies D. Is based on faultline in the employee workgroup


Which of the following is accurate according to organizational behavior research? A. Successful companies are more centralized B. Successful companies have very simple and informal hiring systems C. Successful companies treat their employees well D. Successful companies emphasize the status differences between their employees


person-organization fit is the A. Degree to which a person likes an organization B. Degree to which a person's skill, knowledge, abilities, and other characteristics match the job demands C. Degree to which a person's values, personality, goals, and other characteristics match those of the organization D. Degree to which a person's attitude matches the culture of the work group


A stereotype is A. A difference in values, attitudes or beliefs B. A way in which people are similar or different from each other C. A generalization about a particular group of people D. An attribute along with a group is split into subgroups

C. A generalization about a particular group of peopl

Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary field that draws on all of the following areas except: A. Sociology B. Psychology C. All of these D. Economics

C. All of these

Surface-level diversity traits include A. Values B. Attitudes C. Gender D. Beliefs

C. Gender

T or F: Legal complaints charging organizations with discrimination have largely been eliminated due to the passage of a number of laws in the U.S. prohibiting discrimination against protected classes.


How could a firm best satisfy an employee's safety needs?

Create a job security clause in the employment contract

T or F: The job characteristics of autonomy and high skill variety are positively related to organizational commitment.


The ways in which people are similar or different from one another is A. Stereotypes B. Culture C. Faultlines D. Diversity

D Diverstiy

___ is a terminal value A. Obedient B. Broad-minded C. Forgiving D. Inner harmony


Work on decision making has been conducted in what are? A. Humanities B. Anthropology C. Philosophy D. Economics

D. Economics

Demographic traits make up a part of A. Collective diversity B. Deep-level C. Cultural diversity D. Surface-level diversity

D. Surface-level diversity

T or F: Employees who are discriminated against are no more likely to leave their jobs than those who have not faced discrimination.


T or F: Financially there is little incentive to attain a higher level degree.


T or F: If I am examining how my manager's behavior influences my work group, I am looking at the organizational level of analysis is the organizational behavior discipline.


T or F: A high need for power is always a destructive element in the workplace.


T or F: Attitudes are more strongly related to actual behaviors than to intentions to behave


T or F: Deep-level diversity traits are most important for early interactions in the workplace, but as time goes on, surface-level traits become more important.


T or F: Emile is seated in a lecture where the instructor is discussing personality. She is most likely in a sociology class.


A person's enthusiasm, involvement, and satisfaction with their work is considered.

Job engagement

If one looks at the number of studies conducted on attitudes, which of the following seems to be the most important?

Job satisfaction

___ is the degree to which a person is anxious, irritable, aggressive and moody.


The systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work is

Organizational behavior

An attitude is

Our opinions, beliefs and feelings about our environment.


Refer to the stable life goals people have, reflecting what is most important to them

"Eskimos are bad drivers," is an example of a


Role conflict, role ambiguity, organizational politics, and job insecurity are indicators of

Stress at work

T or F: The similarity/attraction phenomenon suggest that individuals are attracted to those who are similar to them.


In expectancy theory, valency is

The anticipated satisfaction that will result from an outcome

Organization commitment refers to

The emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for

Job satisfaction refers to

The feelings people have toward their jobs.

Motivation refers to

The intention of achieving a goal, leading to goal-directed behavior

T or F: There is a high degree of overlap between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.


T or F: Those firms that are categorized as successful tend to pay employees well, train employees, and reduce status differences.


Gender discrimination is prohibited by which of the following laws?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Which of the following laws prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

T or F: A more diverse work team produces higher quality decisions because more alternatives are considered.


T or F: A risk-averse individual is generally a poor fit for a high-tech firm in a dynamic environment.


T or F: According to Herzberg, hygiene factors are part of the context of the job.


T or F: Alderfer's existence needs correspond to Maslow's physiological and safety needs.


T or F: Applicant-matching software reduces the time required to hire candidates.


T or F: Based on the number of studies conducted, job satisfaction is the most important job attitude.


T or F: Behavior is a function of the person and the situation interacting with each other.


T or F: Behavior is influenced by attitudes and situations


T or F: Behavior may be affected as much by what is expected of us as how we want to behave.


T or F: Current research suggests that the average employee will change jobs 12 times in their career.


T or F: Family security is a terminal value.


T or F: Individuals with a high need for achievement may neglect managerial activities, like coaching, because they view it as a waste of time.


T or F: Job security is an example of Maslow's safety needs.


T or F: Organizational behavior is the systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work.


T or F: Organizational behavior matters because it analyzes what you care about, what employers care about, and what organizations care about.


T or F: People with positive affective dispositions tends to be more satisfied with their jobs and committed to their companies.


T or F: Person-job fit and person-organization fir are positively related to job satisfaction and job engagement.


T or F: Person-job fit is positively related to job satisfaction.


T or F: Process-based theories view motivation as a rational process


T or F: Realistic job previews help prevent beaches of the psychological contract


T or F: The absence of hygiene factors in the work environment leads to worker dissatisfaction


T or F: The frustration-regression hypothesis offered by Alderfer suggests individuals frustrated in their attempts to satisfy one need regress to another.


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