Mana chap 1-3

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Lyft and Uber are not good companies because they don't really get cars off the road. In fact, when these companies come to town, use of public transportation goes down by up to 10%. In the long run, this hurts more people than it helps.


Which of the following are problems associated with diversity? Check all that apply.

Diversity can cause people to resist change. Diversity can slow down decision making. Diversity can reduce the cohesiveness of groups.

Dhani is generally a good boy, helpful and sweet to his parents and their friends alike. That might be the reason why Dhani's parents didn't pay any attention when Dhani's grades started slipping at school. They were so focused on his good qualities, they didn't notice anything bad about him.

Selective perception

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is ________________ designed to measure_________________

a self-report questionnaire, personality disorders .

You are in a team and you realize that several members of the team have a negative affect. In order to encourage them to have a positive affect, you coul

allow them to make decisions for the group .

When compared to younger employees, older employees tend to be which of the following? Check all that apply.

More satisfied with their jobs, More committed to the organization, More internally motivated

Think about the school where you attended 6th grade. The qualified teachers that are hired by that school are _________ , while graduated students are ________ . Teaching 6th graders about world history is a _________ .

1. Inputs 2. Outputs 3. Throughput

Juliet is guilty of the fundamental attribution error. During a conversation, you mention that you hear that Rincon Park is a great place to take kids. Juliet never takes her kids to Rincon Park, and she

thinks that someone gave you incorrect information .

Identify the order in which the steps are usually taken. -Master basic objective knowledge -Develop specific skills and abilities -Apply knowledge and skills

-1 -2 -3

Doctors follow the Hippocratic Oath. In part, a modern version of that oath states that "The health and well-being of my patient will be my first consideration." This pledge serves as what for the medical profession?

A code of ethics

Yesterday, your employee, Hank, ruined the casings for 5,000 personalized pens. You are convinced that Hank's performance was caused by having the wrong equipment for the work. is this an internal or an external theory of organizational behavior.


Which of the following companies has high power distance?

In Allegra Systems, all of the managers wear suits and ties, while all of the employees wear casual dress. Managers are asked to speak first in every meeting, and employees rarely contradict what they say.

The ___________________ is a national award given to companies that excel in leadership, information and analysis, strategic quality planning, human resource utilization, quality assurance of products and services, quality results, and customer satisfaction.

Malcolm Baldrige Award

Identify each of the following examples based on their sector of the economy. Proctor & Gamble Co., or P&G, makes a wide variety of cleaning and personal care agents. You have probably used Bounty paper towels and/or Tide detergent, two of their more famous products.


A manager who is trying to figure out the best way to motivate her employees might use concepts from which discipline?


Individual differences as classified by Carl Jung are measured using:

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

Angela has just started working at Digital Dynamics, a company that manufactures state-of-the-art speakers for high-end digital sound systems. During her interview, Angela told the human resources representative that she didn't want to work for a company that would make her do her work according to a company plan. Instead, Angela wants to choose her own work projects and creatively solve problems for the organization. Angela is most likely to be a member of

The millennial generation (generation Y)

Which of the following do employees need in order to make quality work in an organization? Check all that apply.

Authority & Skills

The assumption that African American employees are not qualified to take on senior management positions.


Identify each of the following examples based on their sector of the economy. OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. They were created by the U.S. Congress in 1970 to provide the training, outreach, education, and assistance that assures a safe and healthy workplace for employees. They are part of the United States Department of Labor.


Chinese companies participate in _________, or networks where managers can ask favors of other managers and expect to return those favors in the future.


Based on the preceding conversation, what could you do to improve your situation? Check all that apply.

Imagine seeing each of your potential roommates wearing the same outfit. For example, no matter what the person wears to your first meeting, pretend they are wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Rate all of your potential roommates on six other characteristics in addition to physical attractiveness. Work on improving your cognitive complexity.

Why are students ultimately asked to apply their skills in both the classroom and at work when learning about organizational behavior?

In order to transfer new skills from a structured to an unstructured setting

Last year, you opened a small, U.S.-based, furniture store. But now you are worried—many overseas furniture stores are advertising on the Internet, and you are facing increasing global competition. What is the best action for you to take in this situation?

Increase the quality of your furniture and your service to clients.

Which of the following is a good example of a strong situation?

A fifth grade classroom, where the teacher has strict rules about student behavior

Select the correct labels for components of the open-systems model of organizations.

A. Inputs B. Organizational boundary C. Technology

Which of the following companies has high uncertainty avoidance?

At Sipria Insurance, little has changed since the 1960s. Few employees even know how to use e-mail, and most business is conducted by telephone or in person with a simple handshake. Since Sipria caters exclusively to older people who are less likely to use the Internet, its practices work well for the company.

Lyft is a better company than Uber because Logan Green, the cofounder of Lyft, is concerned about the environment and trying to make it better in any way he can. Green and Zimmer believe in the importance of the community, and they show evidence of good judgement and integrity.

Character ethics

In order to compete in a global economy, companies have to handle social changes, political changes, and cultural differences. Suppose that you are originally from Iran. You have been offered a job as an expatriate manager in New Zealand, a country with a culture that is radically different from yours. What competencies would you need to take on this assignment? Check all that apply.

Cultural adventurousness & Flexibility

It is impossible to compare Lyft and Uber because Uber operates overseas, and Lyft does not. The companies' ethical values will be different in different locations and we should not expect either company to have practices that are considered ethical worldwide.

Cultural relativism

The person is gregarious, assertive, and sociable (as opposed to reserved, timid, and quiet).


Sarah is writing a performance review for Melanie. In her first week at work, Melanie made several large mistakes. Despite the fact that Melanie's work has improved dramatically over the last year, Sarah is giving her a low rating based on what she saw when Melanie joined the company.

First Impression

You are researching DynaTech, a new start-up in your neighborhood. In order to get a good understanding of the company, you investigate its goals and objectives, financial resources, and authority structure. You are looking at the ______ parts of the organization.


Classify each of the following as being part of the formal or informal organization. A company posts the job description for an accounting manager.

Formal Organization

What is the one factor that best predicts work performance across occupations and cultures?

General mental ability (GMA)

Deborah has been working with your company for the past 15 years. She is very shy, and you know that her favorite activity on weekends is to spend a few hours in her local library, finding and reading a good novel. Deborah likes it when her boss spells out his expectations clearly for her. If possible, she would like someone else to figure out all the details of every assignment before she starts her work. That doesn't mean she doesn't do work her way. She tends to make her decisions based on her strongly held values, rather than simply taking the most logical approach. What's interesting about Deborah is that she likes making decisions and getting things done. Her favorite job at work is checking things off her to-do list!


Classify each of the following as being part of the formal or informal organization. A new employee feels resentful because she sees other employees going home before the company's closing time.

Informal Organization

Last week, your employee, Azula, missed an important deadline. You are convinced that she didn't get the work done because she doesn't care about the company. internal or an external theory of organizational behavior.


You believe that Tony is going to go to college next year because he is so smart. This is an _______ attribution.


Last week, Jill found out that her company was implementing a new accounting system. Jill's manager told her that she would need to start formatting all her reports differently and that she would need to learn the details of the new system quickly. Jill is threatened by these changes, and she isn't sure they will be good for the company. Which of the following actions is she most likely to take? Check all that apply.

Jill may look for ways in which the new reports are similar to the reports she has already been filing. Jill may look for keycodes in the new system that are the same as the keycodes used in the old system.

Reay, Golden-Biddle, and Germann (2006) suggest that change is most successful when managers implement three microprocesses: "(1) cultivating opportunities for change, (2) fitting a new role into prevailing systems, and (3) proving the value of the new role" (p. 977). Your textbook authors suggest that using these microprocesses, plus other actions, can make a change successful. Suppose that you are a manager of a six-person team of advertising managers, and you want your team to become much more involved in the client recruiting process. This will require that they learn new skills and start working together with the other employees in your advertising agency. Which of the following activities would be most likely to make your change successful? Check all that apply.

Letting your employees know how their new jobs will use the skills they acquired in their old jobs. Explaining to your employees how the change will benefit them, as well as benefiting the company as a whole.

Which of the following are self-enhancing techniques of impression management? Check all that apply.

Mentioning that the dean of the School of Business is a good friend of your family's when you talk to your business statistics professor about your poor grade in her class Making sure you look your best when you go in for an interview

Identify each of the following examples based on their sector of the economy. The Human Rights Watch is a human rights organization that produces more than 100 reports and briefings a year on human rights conditions in 90 countries.


According to the U.S. Department of Labor, which of the following skills do people need to be successful in the workplace? Check all that apply

Personal interaction skills, Resource management skills, Technology utilization skills

DENA: Hey, how are you doing? I heard you were moving! YOU: Yeah, if I can ever find a roommate. I'm getting a little frustrated. DENA: What's causing you problems? YOU: I just found this new app called Roomi and it's showing me pictures of potential roommates. I keep gravitating to the ones who are better looking than the other ones. I know PHYSICAL APPERANCE can influence perceptions, and I'm worried about that. DENA: You're talking about characteristics of the TARGET . Have you ever thought that your pattern of thinking, or COGNITIVE STRUCTURE , might be influencing your perceptions?

Physical apperance, target, cognitive structure

Giving a lesbian employee a lower raise than a straight employee because she doesn't have a family to support.


Matilda is really excited. Today she found out that her company, A.K. Auto Repair, is changing their performance review system to include self-reviews from individuals. Matilda thinks the new review process will have a big impact on __________ at the company, and she is excited to see the company include _____________ in their policies.

Procedural justice, organizational justice.

When gaining objective knowledge about organizational behavior, students must participate in which of the following activities? Check all that apply.

Research & Scientific activities

Ron's boss, Wendy, liked Ron from the first day she met him. Wendy expected great things from Ron. She was sure that he could rise as high as he wanted to in their company. Sure enough, because of the challenging assignments Wendy gave him, Ron was promoted 4 times in 6 years.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Emotional stability

The person is calm, self-confident, and cool (as opposed to insecure, anxious, and depressed).


The person is cooperative, warm, and agreeable (rather than cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic).

Openness to experience

The person is creative, curious, and cultured (rather than practical with narrow interests).


The person is hardworking, organized, and dependable (as opposed to lazy, disorganized, and unreliable).

When a company has LGBT-friendly policies, its stock price is likely to go


Although Fred is a store manager, he wants to become a regional manager. In fact, he applied for the job last year, but didn't get it. Now Fred believes he simply doesn't have the skills needed to move up in Nike. Fred is likely to be

a failure-oriented individual .

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