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the manager's characteristics, including personality traits

Managerial effectiveness is determined by complex interactions between the nature of the job and organization in which a manager works and ______.


Managers high on the ???, Correct Unavailable continuum tend to be affectionate, likable, and get along well with other people and work well with most members of a work group.


Managers who are ______ on the conscientiousness continuum sometimes appear to lack direction and self-discipline.


Managers who are ______ on the conscientiousness continuum tend to be organized and self-disciplined.

be outgoing

Managers who are high on extraversion scale tend to ______.


Managers who are high on the ______ continuum are likable, tend to be affectionate, and care about other people.

continue to explore new ways to grow.

Managers who are high on the level of openness to experience _____.


Managers who are low on ??? may still be successful in jobs that do not require excessive social interactions.


Managers who are sociable, affectionate, outgoing, and friendly tend to be at the high end of the ______ trait.


Managers with an internal locus of control believe that outside forces are responsible for what happens to and around them; they do not think their own actions make much of a difference.

Big Five

Managers' personalities can be described by a point on a scale where each of the ______ traits has a high and low range.

experience negative moods. feel anger towards oneself. experience negative emotions.

Negative affectivity can be described as the tendency to: (Choose all that apply.)

push workers to improve performance.

One benefit of working with managers with high negative affectivity is that they _______.

be open to a wide range of stimuli. be original.

Openness to experience is the tendency to ______.


People with ______ self-esteem question their ability to succeed at different endeavors.

no one trait is always right or wrong for being effective as a manager

Personality traits that may be effective in one situation may be detrimental in another. This illustrates the fact that ______.


Personality traits, particular tendencies to feel, think, and act in certain ways, are ______ characteristics.

need to achieve

Rashida had been a top performer two quarters running. She was organized; she was an outstanding manager; and she always performed her task with accuracy and efficiency. It was Rashida's ______ that drove her to meet her own standards of excellence.

Big Five

Researchers consider individuals' personalities as having enduring characteristics that they refer to as the ________ personality traits.


True or false: Managers who are high on the agreeableness continuum are likable, tend to be affectionate, yet tend to be distrustful of others.


True or false: One of the major implications of the Hawthorne studies was that the behavior of managers and workers in the work setting is less important than the technical aspects of the task in explaining the level of performance.


True or false: The Hawthorne studies suggested it is important to understand that the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of both the work-group members and management affect performance.


Under the assumptions of Theory Y, it is the role of the ______ to create a work setting that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and to exercise initiative and self-direction.

Feel angry Complain about their own progress Dissatisfied with work Complain about others' progress

What are the traits of managers that experience high negative affectivity?(Choose all that apply.)

They get along well with people.

What best characterizes managers high on the agreeableness continuum?

They believe their own actions and behaviors are major and decisive determinants of outcomes such as levels of job attainment.

What do managers with an internal locus of control believe about the impact of their own actions and behaviors?

It determines whether employees consider work to be a source of satisfaction or punishment.

What does Theory Y contend about the role of the work environment?


What is it called when individuals feel good about themselves and their capabilities?


What kinds of goals do people set for themselves when they have a high need for achievement? (Choose all that apply.)

Upper-level managers First-line managers Middle managers

What types of employees are likely to have the attributes of high needs for achievement and power? (Choose all that apply.)

external locus of control

When Leland learned of the flood in the basement of the building that was impacting production of the highly touted asthma medication that was expected on the market any day, he had his department continue business as usual, believing that there was nothing his team could do to help the situation. He was demonstrating his _______, demonstrating his belief that there was nothing he could do to help make a difference or solve the proble

personality traits

When describing every individual as having the tendencies to feel, think, and act in certain ways, these enduring characteristics are known as ______.


When individuals feel good about themselves and believe they are competent, deserving, and capable of handling most situations, they are ??? in self-esteem.

internal; external

When managers believe that they themselves are responsible for their own fate, they have a (an) ______ locus of control; when they believe they that external factors are responsible for situations around them that they cannot control, they have a (an) ______ locus of control.


When people feel accountable and responsible for their own actions, an ______ locus of control helps to ensure ethical behavior and decision making.


When people perform above the group norm, they are considered _______.

their capabilities

When people with high self-esteem feel good about themselves, they also feel good about ______.

negative affectivity

When someone experiences negative moods and emotions, and feels distressed, they are high in ______.

personality traits

When we describe the enduring characteristics that make people think, feel, and act in particular ways, we are referring to ______


Which of the "Big Five" personality traits is a good predictor of performance in jobs that require organization and self-discipline?

Highly critical of other people Easy to get along with and likable Demanding and difficult to get along with

Which of the following are personality traits?

Extraversion Negative affectivity Openness to experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness

Which of the following are the Big Five personality traits? (Choose all that apply.)


Which theory or approach suggests that workers are not inherently lazy and, given the chance, will do what is good for the organization?

Theory Y

Which theory suggests that it is the manager's task to create a work setting that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to exercise self-direction?

Theory Y

Which theory suggests that workers, given the chance, will do what is good for the organization; they are not inherently lazy?

quite different, with some employees responding differently to a manager who gives praise than one who is more demanding

While some managers can be demanding and difficult to get along with, others are easy-going and are generous with their praise. These approaches may produce positive results; yet the effects on employees are ______.

Managers with high self-esteem

Who is more likely to set high goals for themselves and push ahead with difficult projects?


Who was known for developing a behavioral approach to management that was very radical for its time?

Because their personalities influence their management approach to people and resources

Why is it important to understand managers' personalities?

Because their personalities impact how they manage people and resources

Why is it important to understand the personalities of managers?


is the enduring tendency to feel, think, and act in certain ways.


A high need for ______ is not all that desirable when choosing managers, because people with this need may prioritize their wish to be liked higher than their responsibility to ensure that performance is as good as it can be.


A manager who is disorganized and seems to lack self-discipline is low in

positive emotions

A manager who is low on the negative affectivity continuum is likely to experience ______


A manager with a high level of ______ is important in jobs where close relationships are required within the work group.


A manager with low level of ______ can be an asset for jobs in the military where antagonistic behavior is used to discipline subordinates.


According to Roethlisberger and Mayo, when employees performed below what is expected according to the group norm, they were referred to as


According to _______, it is the manager's responsibility to create a work setting that encourages employee commitment to organizational goals and gives employees opportunities to innovate and show initiative.


According to the assumptions of Theory X, managers believe that workers: (Choose all that apply.)


True or false: Managers who are high on the agreeableness continuum are likable, tend to be affectionate, yet tend to be distrustful of others.


Because managers are responsible for what happens in organizations, they need a (an) ______ locus of control.

may be an asset for

Being high on extraversion ______ managers whose jobs entail especially high levels of social interaction.


Being on the low end of ? indicates a manager who is less inclined to be social and has a more negative outlook.

They may choose a particular approach part of the time; it is more likely that their personality dictates their approach.

Do managers intentionally decide to use a particular approach to managing employees and resources?

high need for achievement

Effective managers often set standards of excellence for themselves and have the desire to perform challenging tasks at a high level. These managers possess a(n) ______.


Elliot suggests having weekly lunches with his department so that they can discuss how the department can work more effectively. The lunches begin with a brief agenda about the department, and then end with everyone socializing. What is personality trait is Elliot demonstrating?


Employees who violated group performance norms and performed above the norm were referred to as ______.


Employees who violated group performance norms and performed below the norm were called ______.


Enduring tendencies to feel, think, and act in certain ways are ______ traits.


Entrepreneurs who found their own companies tend to be high on the ______ scale


Follett's _______ approach to management was very radical for its time.


Groups and teams can cooperate with management to raise performance or thwart any attempts to do so. Therefore, as the Hawthorne studies suggested, it is important to understand that the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of which two groups can affect performance? (Choose all that apply.)


If a job requires excessive social interaction to be successful, it is likely that the manager needs to be high on ______ to be most effective.


If a manager heaps praise on an employee for a job well done, and the employee's work continues to improve, what effect could this be attributed to?


In Mayo's and Roethlisberger's bank wiring room experiments, they determined that both ratebusters and ? affect the performance of the work group as a whole.


In establishing the two contrasting assumptions, Theory X and Theory Y, who was the theorist who created an approach to understanding managers' attitudes within organizations as well as their behaviors?

need for achievement

Individuals who have a high ______ set goals for themselves and like receiving performance feedback.

approach to managing resources approach to managing people behavior

It is important to understand the personalities of managers because their personalities influence their ______. (Choose all that apply.)


The "Big Five" personality trait that includes characteristics such as being scrupulous and persevering is ______.

Conscientiousness Negative affectivity Agreeableness

The Big Five personality traits range from "extraversion" to "openness to experience." What are the remaining three traits?

affects the level of a worker's performance

The Hawthorne effect suggests that managers' behavior toward their employees ______.


The Hawthorne studies looked at the importance of the interaction between managers and employees and how their relationships impact employee performance. To look at a company as a whole and consider the factors that impact how individuals as well as groups respond is called organizational


The Hawthorne studies looked at the importance of the interaction between managers and employees and how their relationships impact employee performance. To look at a company as a whole and consider the factors that impact how individuals as well as groups respond is called organizational


The ______ approach is a management approach that advocates the idea that a manager's attitude toward employees can affect productivity; the self-fulfilling prophecy is an example.

Human Relations

The ______ approach is a management approach that advocates the idea that a manager's attitude toward employees can affect productivity; the self-fulfilling prophecy is an example.

Human Relations

The ______ movement advocates that supervisors should receive behavioral training in order to manage subordinates in a way that elicits their cooperation.

Human Relations

The ________ movement advocates for managers to be trained to supervise their staff in a way that will engender their cooperation and increase their productivity.


The goal of the Hawthorne studies was to raise ______.

create a negative work environment

The main drawback of working with managers with high negative affectivity is that they _______.

Openness to experience

The manager with this trait is often original, has a wide range of interests, and is not afraid to take risks. What trait does this manager exhibit?


The need for ______ refers to the desire to be liked, to develop interpersonal relationships, and to be surrounded by others with whom an individual gets along.

power; achievement

The need for ______ reflects the extent to which a person wants to control others, while the need for ______ is the extent to which a person wants to perform challenging tasks well.

establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations. being liked. having people get along with one another.

The need for affiliation is a concern for: (Choose all that apply.)

organizational behavior

The study of the factors that have an impact on how individuals and groups respond to and act in organizations is known as ______.

informal organization

The system of behavioral rules and norms that emerge in a group is known as the ______.


The tendency to identify responsibility for one's fate within oneself is an ____ locus of control.


The tendency to locate responsibility for one's fate in outside forces is known as ______ locus control.


Theories X and Y, the contrasting assumptions about how managers' behaviors and attitude dominate within an organization, was developed by ______


Theory ? suggests that managers should closely supervise employees to maintain control over the worker's behaviors and minimize the worker's control over the pace of work.


Theory ? suggests that managers should create strict work rules and implement a well-defined system of rewards and punishments, while Theory ? suggests that managers should decentralize authority to employees and make sure that employees have the resources necessary to achieve organizational goals.


True or false: Chiselers, but not ratebusters, affected the work group as a whole, as determined in Mayo's and Roethlisberger's wiring room experiments.

closely supervise employees to maintain control

Theory X suggests that managers should _______.


Theory Y managers believe that workers are lazy, dislike work and will try to do as little as possible.

Openness to experience

This type of manager is most likely to be innovative and take risks. What personality trait exhibits these characteristics?


True or False: Extraversion refers to the tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and feel good about oneself and the rest of the world.


True or false. Research suggests that It is the organizational culture, not managers' personalities, that account for the way managers react to different conditions.


True or false: Chiselers were individuals who performed above the group norm.


organization refers to the system of behavioral rules and norms that emerge in a group.

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