Management & Supervision in LE 7th Edition (Ch 8 Definition & Notes)

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Several factors that could lead to Dissatisfaction on the job include:

Inadequate pay Difficult work schedules Inadequate benefits Poor working conditions

Factors that affect Motivation & Morale

Incentives must be worthwhile to employees Must be reasonably attainable Employees must feel a sense of responsibility to achieve them. *Employees must be empowered*

Expectancy theory

Vroom's motivational theory that employees will choose the level of effort that matches the performance opportunity for reward.

*Internal, Intangible motivators* can:

spark employees to give their best effort to accomplish individual & dept goals.

Morale is a person or groups:

state of mind level of enthusiasm amount of involvement with work & with life

Pygmallion effect

what managers & supervisors expect of their officers & how managers treat officers largely determine officers' performance & career progress.

A first step is to identify

why morale might be low.

Work motivation is the force that helps explain

why officers pursue certain goals how they attempt to accomplish those goals how hard they will work to do so, and the degree of adversity they are willing to overcome

Hawthorne effect

workers are positively affected by receiving attention, which affects research.

Incentives such as Praise & Recognition, GIVEN IMMEDIATELY,

can be powerful motivators.

Operational goals should be set by:

First line & Middle managers with the participation of patrol officers.

Morse & Lorsch's Contingency theory suggests that

Fitting tasks, Officers, and agency goals so that officers can feel competent. It further suggests that *highly structured tasks might be performed better in highly structured organizations*

Achievement is a motivator, recognition is also a

Motivator, whether it comes from peers or managers.

Among the *MOST COMMON* indicators of morale problems are:

Noticeably less positive attitude Loss of interest & enthusiasm, Negativism, and Lack of respect

*CAUSES* of an unmotivated work force might include:

Overwork Downsizing Endless restructuring Boredom Frustration Promotions (who gets them & why) Work conditions Court system

Understanding officers' needs is a

critical part of managers' abilities to motivate their subordinates.

Self-motivated officers are:

dedicated to their work and make every hour on the job count.

Self motivation is:

derived from within an individual.

Vrooms Expectancy theory suggests that:

employees will choose the level of effort that matches the performance for opportunity.

Jobs should provide:

greater control over outcomes of work, have clearly established goals and have more to do rather than less.

Negative reinforcement

increases a given behavior by removing an unwanted stimulus as a consequence of that behavior.

Positive reinforcement

increases the likelihood that a behavior will occur in the future by introducing an appealing or pleasurable stimuli as a consequence of that behavior.

Effective motivation & a climate of high morale are:

vital to retention efforts & are a Primary responsibility of supervisors & managers.

Problems associated with punishment-oriented management style:

*First,* and perhaps *MOST IMPORTANT*, punishment can cause a get even attitude. This can take the form of "fight" where the employees cause problems by what they say or do. or "flight" where the workers quit but stay. *Second,* managers have to be constantly be watching over employees, *Third,* subordinates may come to associate punishment with the managers presence & may dread seeing the manager coming around. *Fourth,* sometimes any kind of attention, even punishment is considered more positive than being ignored.

What do we know about praise?

*First,* it must be believable, credible and appropriate to the situation & person. *Second,* it also needs to be timely and if at all possible, *Public, where others can hear it.*

Motivator factors

*INTANGIBLE* rewards that can create *SATISFACTION* *Motivator, Intangible, Create Satisfaction*

*Within the department,* the most frequently cited reason by police executives of why officers leave is :

*Inadequate pay*

Studies reveal that although monetary rewards are a necessary part of jobs,:

*Money is not the major consideration* as long as it is basically adequate for pay.

Skinner's Reinforcement theory suggests that:

*Positive reinforcement* increases a given behavior by providing a desirable stimulus as a consequence of that behavior. *Negative reinforcement* increases a given behavior by removing a negative stimulus.

Hygiene factors

*TANGIBLE* rewards that can cause *DISSATISFACTION if lacking* *Hygiene, Tangible, Cause Dissatisfaction*

*High or Low* morale characterizes the

*entire organization.*

Knowing where an agency stands is the:

*first step* in improving morale.

The most frequently cited reason by police executives of why officers leave is:

*inadequate pay.* Other factors include: Poor supervisor or leadership Poor job fit Higher ordered needs Dysfunctional organizational cultures Generational differences Lack of career growth or better opportunities Inadequate feedback Inadequate recognition Inadequate training Inadequate equipment

*Good or poo*r morale is generally attributed to


Vroom's theory of motivation, employees become motivated to take action when the following three step process takes place:

1. A motivating factor exists that is important to the employee. 2. The employee believes that by putting in the required or requested effort, the job can be performed. 3. The employees believe that by successfully performing the job as requested, the need will be satisfied or the goal will be achieved.

Lessons to be learned about Encouragement:

1. Destructive words to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. 2. Encouraging words to someone who is down can lift them up & help them make it through the day

Managers can build individual self esteem in the following ways: (1-8)

1. Do not embarrass subordinates, especially in front of others 2. Recognize & build on individual accomplishments 3. Give praise for things done well at the same time as you give criticism for things not well done. 4. Give personal attention 5. Ask employees' opinions on problems 6. If an employee gives an opinion or suggestion,act on it in some way. **Do not ignore It** 7. Help individuals develop to their potential. 8. Give employees breathing rooms for ideas, creativity & innovation

Signs employees may be considering other job opportunities include the following.

1. Expressing prolonged disappointment about being passed over for transfer or promotion 2. Perceiving that a close friend who has gone to another job has better opportunities. 3. Reviewing personnel & training records to update their resume. 4. Making inquiries of human resources about early retirement or transfers of benefits.

LE work can be made more interesting & motivating in 3 important ways;

1. Job rotation 2. Job enlargement 3. Job enrichment

Among the* job-related factors* contributing to low morale are:

1. Lack of administrative support 2. Ineffective supervision 3. Lack of necessary equipment or training to perform effectively 4. Lack of promotion opportunities 5. Political interference 6. Corruption within the dept. 7. Criminal justice system

Indicators of LOW MORALE include:

1. Lack of productivity, enthusiasm & cooperation 2. Absenteeism 3. Tardiness 4. Grievances 5. Complaints 6. Excessive turnover

Four key components of the contingency theory:

1. People have a basic need to feel *COMPETENT.* 2. How people fill this need varies and will depend on how the need interacts with other needs & the strengths of those needs. 3. Competence motivation is most likely to exist when *TASK & ORGANIZATION "FIT"* 4. Feeling competent continues to be motivating even after competence is achieved.

Maslow's hierarchy of need is, in the order they need to be met:

1. Physiological 2. Safety & Security 3. Social 4. Esteem 5. Self-Actualization

*Causes* for low morale include:

1. Poor management 2. Job dissatisfaction 3. Failure to meet important individual goals

*Most of the blame for low morale* can be placed on controllable factors such as:

1. Poor management 2. Internal politics 3. Favoritism by supervisors

Safety & Security includes:

1. Protection from serious injury & death 2. Freedom from fear 3. Clear authority structure

Key considerations in building morale include:

1. Salary 2. Quality of supervision 3. Organizational & Peer support 4. Physical conditions at work 5. Favoritism

Other indicators of morale problems are

1. excessive absenteeism, sick leave & turnover. 2. longer lunch hours or breaks 3. coming in late & leaving early. 4. low productivity 5. less attention to personal appearance 6. increasing number of grievances & complaints 7. rise in the number of accidents.

Effective manager's know that people's job performance is directly related to:

1. how they feel about the job 2. themselves 3. their peers 4. their managers 5. their agency

Three primary sources of Job Satisfaction:

1. importance of work itself 2. sense of responsibility while doing the work 3. feeling of recognition for that work

Managers can build individual self esteem in the following ways, Continued (9-17)

9. Give special task assignments 10. Get to know employees as individuals 11. Give certificates of appreciation when deserved 12. Truly listen 13. If employees express ideas, write them down in their presence. 14. If someone has complimented an office, pass it on. 15.Assign part of the next departmental meeting to different officers. 16. Share important information. 17. Acquire a piece of equipment that will help officers do a better job.

*SYMPTOMS* of an unmotivated work force might include:

Absenteeism Constant complaining Lack of care for equipment Lack of respect for other officers lack of respect for rules & regs Low Morale Sleeping/Loafing on duty Slovenly appearance Tardiness

Physiological needs are:

Air- mandatory Food - mandatory Water- mandatory Sleep- mandatory Shelter Sex

Managers can create an environment that will motivate people by:

Creating opportunities for success and recognizing accomplishments

Accomplishing goals provides room for:

Creativity Innovation Diversity Sense of accomplishment

Disadvantages of positive reinforcement;

Does not consider human needs Tends to simplify behavior and rewards Does not consider that employees may be motivated by the job itself May be self motivated May consider rewards as punishments, which they will eventually reject.

Closely related to goals are:


Social needs include:

Friendship Love Affection Group & Team belonging

*Internal motivators or Intangible rewards* include:

Goals Achievement Recognition Self-respect Opportunity for advancement Opportunity to make a contribution Belief in individual & department goals

In addition to Recognition, employees want

Growth & Advancement in the jobs.

Two-factor theory is:

Herzberg's motivational theory that employees' needs can be classified as : Hygiene factors **tangible rewards that can cause dissatisfaction if lacking** Motivator factors **Intangible rewards that can create satisfaction**

The goal of supervisors and managers at all levels should be to build a department with high quality professionals who want to stay for many years because of

The quality of the department, Good working conditions and The opportunity to be part of a successful team.

The benefits of having highly motivated personnel are numerous:

Less sick leave Better coverage More Arrests Better investigations

One of the best ways managers & supervisors can let their people know they are important is to:

Listen to them.

In job enrichment the focus is the

QUALITY of the new jobs assigned rather than quantity.

Among the most common *External Motivators or Tangible Rewards* are:

Salary Bonuses Insurance Retirement plans Favorable working conditions Paid vacation & holidays Titles Adequate equipment

When employees know an agency's goals and choose to help meet them, this is:

Self motivation.

Esteem needs include:

Self respect Respect & recognition from others Achievement Status A Title Added responsibility Independence Recognition for job performance

Self esteem involves

Self-confidence, a feeling of self worth.

Reinforcement theory

Skinner's motivational theory that behavior can be modified by using *Positive & Negative reinforcement*

The greatest factor *Outside the department* influencing officer retention is:

The *economy*

Effective listening is an Active form of communication.

You must work at it. Physically show your attentiveness Ask questions Clarify Take notes Maintain eye contact.

Retaining good officers is:

a key concern & challenge of police managers.

Morale is

a person's or groups state of mind, level of enthusiasm & involvement with work & with life: how employees feel, in contrast to discipline,which is how people act.

Recognition is most effective if it can be related to:

a person's personal qualities rather than to the performance itself.

Motivation requires

a sense of well-being self confidence and accomplishment

A motive is:

an impetus, an impulse or an intention that causes a person to act, individually or collectively with others, in a directed manner.

Motivation is

an inner or outer drive to meet a need or goal

A key conclusion of Skinner's research is that:

behavior is a function of it's consequences.

Outer motivation is provided from:

external sources to influence an individual or to furnish a reason for another person to do a desired act in a desired way.

Encouragement can be:

extremely motivating

Specific praise is powerful because:

it teaches the subordinates what you want & respect. It also reinforces employee values & skills.

Another important cause of low morale is:

job dissatisfaction

To keep levels of motivation & morale high:

managers must give recognition.

Self actualization refers to

meeting individual goals and fulfilling one's potential

One benefit often attributed to Community Policing & Problem Solving is:

officers are more motivated & morale is heightened.

As a motivator, *praise is:*

one of the *most powerful tools* we can use, but it must be presented correctly.

Job satisfaction is primarily a reflection of

personal growth factors in one's workplace assignment

Other factors why officers leave are:

poor supervision or leadership poor job fit higher-ordered needs dysfunctional organizational cultures generational differences lack of career growth or better opportunities inadequate feedback Inadequate recognition inadequate training inadequateequipment

Behavior can be shaped and modified using

positive & negative reinforcement

Managers can play an important role in providing on-the-job authority structure. They can provide respect through;

praise & recognition for tasks well done.

In addition to the costs of losing officers, agencies with high turnover and therefore less experienced officers often suffer:

reduced productivity lower quality service delivery more frequent complaints more lawsuits

Self Actualization

refers to meeting individual goals and fulfilling one's potential, including creative talents.

Closely related to the Expectancy theory is:

the Contingency theory

Work motivation is

the energetic force behind the form, intensity & persistence of an employees behavior.

The individual most able to raise or lower Individual & department morale is:

the manager/supervisor through: Leadership & Open communication

Self motivated employees are more apt to work toward organizational as well as personal goals because

the melding of both provides *even more job satisfaction*

Reinforcement is usually more effective than punishment is. Also, the CLOSER in time to the behavior:

the more effective the reinforcement will be.

Studies indicate a more influential factor on whether an officer leaves or stays is:

the officer's immediate supervisor: "People don't quit jobs, they quit bosses".

Self-fulfilling prophecy

the theory that people live up to expectations- if people *believe they can* do a job, they *usually can* but if people *believe they cannot* do a job, they *usually cannot.*

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