Management Exam 1

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Benjamin has accepted a management position overseas in Japan. He is excited about this opportunity and has been learning about Japanese culture and how his current environment will change. In the context of the dimensions of a global mind-set, Benjamin is most likely using the _____.

cognitive dimension

_____ is a system whereby managers and employees define goals for every department, project, and person and use them to monitor subsequent performance. a. Centralized leadership b. Management-by-objectives c. Autocratic leadership d. Authoritarian management

b. Management-by-objectives

Managers work in an internal environment, which includes


A so-called B2B company sells products to other businesses, which are its (Blank)


Raj, a lower-level manager at a content writing firm, instructed his subordinate to complete 12 articles by the end of the week. This is most likely an example of a(n) _____. a. distal goal b. operational goal c. tactical goal d. strategic goal

b. operational goal

Goals that are precise and measurable and carried out by departments, work groups, and individuals are called _____. a. tactical goals b. operational goals c. strategic goals d. official goals

b. operational goals

Hannah has invested in a business unit in a new and rapidly growing industry that has a small market share. In the context of the BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix, Hannah has most likely invested in a _____. a. dog b. question mark c. star d. cash cow

b. question mark

The people in the country Bleusville focus on the past and the present rather than on the future. In Bleusville, tradition and social obligation are considered important. This scenario best illustrates a(n) _____.

short-term orientation

When Ford celebrated the 35th anniversary of "Built Ford Tough," Truck Group marketing manager Doug Scott said the company had no plans to scrap the (blank) for its top-selling vehicles, saying "We plan to deliver."


Taking into consideration the (Blank) of its environment, General Mills ran an advertisement for Cheerios that featured a mixed-race family and decided to air a follow-up during the 2014 Super Bowl.

sociocultural dimension

Bureaucratic Organizations

A systematic approach developed in Europe that looked at the organization as a whole, a subfield within the classical perspective. Max Weber (1864-1920), a German theorist, introduced most of the concepts on bureaucratic organizations.

Human Relations Movement - Hawthorne effect

Observation that employee motivation is affected as much or more by recognition and show of concern, as it is by improvements in their work conditions. Observed by the US productivity researcher George Elton Mayo (1810-1949), during 1927 to 1933 at the Hawthorne (Illinois) plant of Western Electric.

_____ is defined as the risk of loss of assets, earning power, or managerial control due to actions by host governments.

Political risk

Check My Work Which of the following statements is true of global leaders?

They have extensive experience interacting with people different from themselves

The Basic functions of Management

1. Set Objectives: Establish goals for the group and decide what must be done to achieve them 2. Organize: Divide work into manageable activities and select people to accomplish tasks 3. Motivate and Communicate: Create teamwork via decisions on pay, promotions, etc., and through communication 4. Measure: Set targets and standards; appraise performance 5. Develop People: Recognize the value of employees and develop this critical organizational asset

Oil seeping into pelican nesting grounds, which will place the brown pelican back on the endangered species list


Examine the following companies and their decisions. Which of them is most likely to have faced an ethical dilemma during the decision-making process? a. A company that has surplus production of wheat and, hence, exports it to other countries b. A company that wants to enhance its positive public image and, hence, pledges 30% of its annual sales profits to a cancer foundation c. A company that wants to lower its costs and, hence, outsources its production to a foreign company that uses child labor d. A company that makes significantly high profits in a particular quarter and, hence, rewards each employee with a $200 gift voucher

A company that wants to lower its costs and, hence, outsources its production to a foreign company that uses child labor

Administrative Principles Approach

Another major subfield within the classical perspective that focuses on the total organization rather than the productivity of the individual worker. The major contributor to this approach was Henri Fayol (1841-1925), a French mining engineer.

At Virginia Tech, students and professors remember the courage of professor Liviu Librescu, who died protecting his students from a gunman in 2007.


In your company, people talk about Owen, the auto mechanic who stripped an entire car to find an electrical problem, as a role model for everyone to follow.


Some organizations are staying in touch with customers using Twitter and Facebook.

Boundary-spanning roles

BP stock prices falling 25% during the first month after the oil spill


The triple bottom line provides a systematic way to identify the expectations, needs, importance, and relative power of various stakeholders. a. True b. False

False -Stakeholder mapping provides a systematic way to identify the expectations, needs, importance, and relative power of various stakeholders. The term triple bottom line refers to measuring an organization's social performance, its environmental performance, and its financial performance. See 4-5: What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

The management of Axil Inc., an investment firm, believes in providing the best facilities to its employees. It decides to provide the employees with expensive Colombian coffee and free lunch. In the context of human action, the firm's decisions and beliefs pertain to the domain of _____. a. compensatory justice b. ethical responsibility c. free choice d. codified law

Free choice

Ropalique is a popular clothing brand in the country Wesabania. The company wants to expand its market and decides to establish itself in the country Tristonville. To accomplish this, Ropalique collaborates with a local clothing brand called Vestinx in Tristonville and provides resources and trademark rights to Vestinx. This enables Vestinx to produce and market Ropalique's products. In the context of strategies for entering the international arena, Ropalique is most likely using _____.


In a _____, people use communication primarily to exchange facts and information.

low-context culture

The triple bottom line measures an organization's: a. social performance, legal performance, and financial performance. b. performance on the aspects of Profit, Productivity, and Process. c. organizing, planning, and controlling functions. d. performance on the aspects of People, Planet, and Profit.

performance on the aspects of People, Planet, and Profit

In the context of the approaches that help managers in ethical decision making, the _____ holds that moral behavior produces the greatest good for the greatest number. a. utilitarian approach b. moral-rights approach c. justice approach d. individualism approach

utilitarian approach

Hannah is an HR specialist at an investment firm, and she is responsible for conflict management. She believes that conflicts should be resolved in a way that is beneficial to all involved. Therefore, when a conflict arose between the heads of the finance department and the legal department over the shared use of an employee, she came up with a schedule that allowed both the departments to use the expertise of the employee without hindering each other's schedules. In the context of the various ethical decision-making approaches, Hannah's beliefs and actions are consistent with those asserted by the: a. individualism approach. b. utilitarian approach. c. moral-rights approach. d. virtue ethics approach.

utilitarian approach.

Henry & David Inc. is a law firm in the United States. Recently, a female employee of the firm filed a sexual harassment complaint against her supervisor. To maintain the firm's internal and external reputation, the CEO of the firm directed the HR manager to turn a deaf ear to the complaint and suppress any rumors related to it. However, Seth, an employee at the firm, discovered this and reported the actions of the CEO to the concerned authorities. In this scenario, Seth is a(n): a. headhunter. b. ethical ombudsman. c. boomerang employee. d. whistle-blower.


Playyonic is a gaming console manufacturer that manufactures compact high-end gaming devices. None of Playyonic's competitors have been able to meet its standard. This is most likely an example of Playyonic's _____. a. corporate mission b. core competence c. corporate culture d. customer capital

b. core competence

Which of the following is the most cost-effective strategy for a company to enter the international arena?


At the preconventional level of moral development, individuals are guided by an internal set of values based on universal principles of justice. a. True b. False

False -At the preconventional level of moral development, individuals are concerned with external rewards and punishments and obey authority to avoid detrimental personal consequences. At the postconventional level of moral development, individuals are guided by an internal set of values based on universal principles of justice and will even disobey rules or laws that violate these principles. See 4-4: The Individual Manager and Ethical Choices

Scientific Management

Scientifically determined jobs and management practices as the way to improve efficiency and labor productivity.

"Just Do It" serves both as a catchphrase for Nike and as a way of telling employees what is expected of them.


"Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There" serves as a tagline for the insurance company's commercials, but also enforces the company's philosophy of being a good neighbor.


People moving from Louisiana to Oklahoma to avoid the effects of the spill


Trux Inc. is a Wisconsin-based manufacturer of engineered wood building products such as beams and panels. It sources wood from a local supplier and ships products to customers all over the United States. In the given scenario, the local supplier is a(n) _____ of Trux. a. seed investor b. ombudsman c. boomerang employee d. stakeholder


At a local university, students talk about being able to retake an exam three times as a way of showing how committed the school is to helping them learn.


In your company, people talk about making deliveries, even when the weather was so bad that the post office didn't deliver mail, as a way of emphasizing the value of customer service.


Your manager has a bigger office than you do to show that your company values rank and position within the organization.


Using deep-sea submersibles to take pictures of the oil leak a mile below the surface of the water



The attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources. The definition includes two important ideas: (1) the four functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, and (2) the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.

Organizational Effectiveness

The degree to which the organization achieves a stated goal, or succeeds in accomplishing what it tries to do.

Human Relations Movement - Hawthorne Studies

The human relations movement was based on the idea that truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control.

Human Resource Perspective

The human resources perspective maintained an interest in worker participation and considerate leadership but shifted the emphasis to consider the daily tasks that people perform. The human resources perspective combines prescriptions for design of job tasks with theories of motivation.

Ron, the general manager of a chain of fitness accessories, gave his employees the task of creating a breakthrough fitness device. This task was challenging yet clear, and it motivated his employees to innovate. This is most likely an example of a _____. a. strategic plan b. stretch goal c. proximal goal d. succession plan

b. stretch goal

Organizational efficiency

refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organizational goal. It is based on how much raw material, money, and people are necessary for producing a given volume of output. Efficiency can be defined as the amount of resources used to produce a product or service. Efficiency and effectiveness can both be high in the same organization.

At the Wedge Natural Co-op in Minneapolis, employees talked about how the long-time general manager had fired almost the entire staff when he took over because they did not show the work ethic he required. This (blank) reinforced the idea that, though it had grown out of the hippie culture of the 1970s, the food co-op was a serious business that delivered great customer service and made money for its member-owners.


In the country Blestonia, people value relationships over business. They use communication as a means of building social relationships rather than to merely exchange information. Given this information, it can be concluded that Blestonia has a _____.

high-context culture

Brenda believes that her country lacks adequate public facilities. She sets up a program to establish facilities such as highways and clean public restrooms in different parts of the country. In this scenario, Brenda is most likely contributing to improving the country's _____.


At the social media company NetApp, the culture emphasizes teamwork, and managers and employees have rooftop meetings. All of these are elements of the (blank)

internal environment

the following statements are true about organizational culture

-Culture can create a competitive advantage for a company -Culture can create a competitive advantage for a company - A company's culture cannot be taught—managers must hire people who fit the organizational culture.

Manager roles - 10 roles

1. Monitor: Seek and receive information 2. Disseminator: Forward information to other organization members 3. Spokesperson: Transmit information to outsiders through speeches and reports 4. Figurehead: Perform ceremonial and symbolic duties 5. Leader: Direct and motivate subordinates 6. Liaison: Maintain information links inside and outside the organization 7. Entrepreneur: Initiate improvement projects 8. Disturbance Handler: Take corrective action during conflicts or crises 9. Resource Allocator: Decide who gets resources 10. Negotiator: Represent team or department's interests

Every year, the entire company gathers to watch employees with 25 years of service get a gold watch, showing that the company values loyalty and length of service.


Flickr wants to make sure its employees balance work and fun. If things in the office get too stressful, the in-house DJ hosts a dance party.


Which of the following is a category of human behavior in which values and standards are written into the legal system and are enforceable in the courts? a. Ethics b. Free choice c. Norms d. Codified law

Codified Law

_____ is the highest level of total corporate social responsibility, is voluntary, and is demonstrated by a company's contributions to the community. a. Ethical responsibility b. Legal responsibility c. Economic responsibility d. Discretionary responsibility

Discretionary responsibility

Manager Roles - Mintzberg's 3 categories

Information (managing by information) Interpersonal (managing through people) Decisional (managing through actions)

Rayovac produces batteries in special Disney packaging for sale at all Disney theme parks.

Inter-organizational partnerships

Lack of oil in the United States causing other countries to increase the number of wells they drill


Which of the following statements is true of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?

It intended to spur investment.

Panasonic partnered with DirecTV to bring 3-D television shows into people's homes.

Joint ventures

President Barack Obama's placing a six-month moratorium on offshore drilling


Wells Fargo combined with Wachovia to form the nation's fourth largest banking corporation.


Difference between traditional and new management competencies

Traditional Managers: who are accustomed to being "in charge," making all the decisions, and knowing where their subordinates are and what they're doing at every moment. Even more changes and challenges are on the horizon for organizations and managers. This is an exciting and challenging time to be entering the field of management New Management: competencies include the ability to be an enabler rather than a controller, using an empowering leadership style, encouraging collaboration, leading teams, and mobilizing for change and innovation.

Brazil's economic growth slowed over the past few years, but it is still one of the fastest-growing emerging economies in the world.


One result of globalization is that countries, businesses, and people become increasingly interdependent.


Which of the following is a difference between principle-based statements and policy-based statements? a. Unlike principle-based statements, policy-based statements contain general language about company responsibilities, quality of products, and treatment of employees. b. Unlike principle-based statements, policy-based statements generally outline the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations. c. Unlike principle-based statements, policy-based statements define the fundamental values of a company. d. Unlike principle-based statements, policy-based statements are a type of codes of ethics.

Unlike principle-based statements, policy-based statements generally outline the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations.

____ refers to what sets an organization apart from others and provides it with a distinctive edge for meeting customer or client needs in the marketplace. a. Competitive advantage b. Organizational culture c. Due diligence d. Organizational nepotism

a. Competitive advantage

Which of the following goals applies primarily to middle management? a. Tactical goals b. Strategic goals c. Operational goals d. Ad hoc goals

a. Tactical goals

In the context of the BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix, the _____ exists in a mature, slow-growth industry but is a dominant business in the industry, with a large market share. a. cash cow b. question mark c. star d. dog

a. cash cow

In the context of competitive advantage, when an organization's parts interact to produce a joint effect that is greater than the sum of the parts acting alone, it is referred to as _____. a. synergy b. catharsis c. dysergy d. turnover

a. synergy

_____ identifies important factors in the environment and defines a range of alternative responses to be taken in the case of emergencies, setbacks, or unexpected conditions. a. Strategic planning b. Tactical planning c. Contingency planning d. Single-use planning

c. Contingency planning

_____ are broad statements of where an organization wants to be in the future and pertain to the organization as a whole, rather than to specific divisions or departments. a. Operational goals b. Tactical goals c. Strategic goals d. Ad hoc goals

c. Strategic goals

Which of the following statements is a characteristic of effective goals? a. They are not too specific. b. They are flexible in terms of time period. c. They are linked to rewards. d. They are not challenging

c. They are linked to rewards.

In the context of the BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix, the _____ is a poor performer that has only a small share of a slow-growth market. a. star b. cash cow c. dog d. question mark

c. dog

An organization's _____ is at the top of its goal hierarchy. a. strategic goal b. tactical plan c. mission statement d. ad hoc goal

c. mission statement

When managers look at current trends, visualize the future, and think about what could be, rather than looking only at history and thinking about what has been, they are most likely using _____. a. job evaluation b. random sampling c. scenario building d. company branding

c. scenario building

David, a middle-level manager in a graphic design firm, presents a detailed estimate of his team's budget and the approximate number of resources required for the next one year. In this scenario, David has most likely contributed to developing the company's _____. a. ad hoc plan b. strategic plan c. tactical plan d. single-use plan

c. tactical plan

A manager with a global mind-set:

can perceive and respond to many different perspectives at the same time

In the context of Porter's competitive strategies, which of the following is an organizational characteristic typically associated with differentiation? a. It involves weak coordination among departments. b. It involves strong central authority. c. It involves weak marketing abilities. d. It involves rewarding employee innovation.

d. It involves rewarding employee innovation.

Victoria is a top executive working with the managers in the major divisions of a multinational corporation to develop their own goals. This is most likely an example of _____. a. autocratic leadership b. top-down leadership c. centralized planning d. decentralized planning

d. decentralized planning

Kia, a top-level manager in a software firm, is allocating the company's resources to meet the organization's long-term goals. She is also defining the organization's activities for the next five years. In this scenario, Kia is most likely contributing to developing the company's _____. a. tactical plan b. single-use plan c. ad hoc plan d. strategic plan

d. strategic plan

100% Correct 11. 100% Correct 12. 100% Correct 13. 100% Correct 14. 100% Correct 15. 100% Correct 16. 100% Correct Check My Work For some time now, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a pharmaceutical company, has been making anti-AIDS drugs available in underprivileged areas of Africa at up to 75% less than the global price. By providing the drugs at a lower cost, GSK is fulfilling its _____. a. technological responsibility b. economic responsibility c. discretionary responsibility d. legal responsibility

discretionary responsibility

Laws such as the Affordable Care Act and technologies such as mobile apps are components of CVS Health's (Blank) , while the company's customers are not.

general environment

Delwazic Inc. is a multinational corporation (MNC) that does not favor any specific country. It operates globally and does not identify as a company of any particular nationality. In this scenario, Delwazic Inc. is most likely a(n) _____.

geocentric company

Vladimir is a manager at Auttowort Inc., an automotive plant in the United States. Auttowort has started expanding to other countries and is now sourcing 25 percent of its parts at a discounted rate from an automotive supplier in Brazil. It has also outsourced some of its operations to India. This scenario most likely exemplifies:


The 2008 global financial crisis hit Greece especially hard, and that country's debt crisis, which was still ongoing seven years later and threatened the European Union, is part of the (blank) of companies around the world, including in the United States.

international dimension

Ford Motor Company and Russian auto maker Sollers formed a (Blank) , Ford-Sollers, to manufacture and sell Ford vehicles in Russia, with both companies having a 50 percent equity stake.

joint venture

Worldwide, a shortage of health care workers is expected; supply and demand of these workers is one aspect of the (blank)

labor market

MAS Holdings is an apparel manufacturer in Sri Lanka and has made a commitment to contribute to economic development while also improving the lives of employees, their families, and the community. More than 90 percent of the MAS employees are women, so MAS has built factories in rural areas with easy access so that women can work close to their homes and families. The given scenario illustrates the concept of _____. a. distributive justice b. organizational virtuousness c. organizational citizenship behavior d. ethnocentrism

organizational virtuousness

A lifeguard in Florida was fired for leaving his assigned zone because he opted to help a drowning man even though his supervisor had ordered him not to leave his zone and to call 911 for help instead. The actions of the lifeguard were motivated by his internal values. In the given scenario, the lifeguard is at the _____ of moral development.

postconventional level

Jessica is a recent graduate. She begins her first job at a publishing house as a trainee editor. Jessica's manager is a highly authoritative person who closely monitors her performance. Jessica believes that if she obeys her manager's instructions, she can avoid harmful personal consequences. In the context of ethics, Jessica is at the _____ of moral development.

preconventional level

Julia, the manager of a software firm, considers multiple perspectives before making crucial decisions. She handles unforeseen difficulties tactfully and is not afraid of taking risks. In the context of the dimensions of a global mind-set, this scenario best illustrates the _____.

psychological dimension

For decades, three major television networks dominated news and entertainment. Today's increasing fragmentation of the media market along the lines of audience and technology is a (Blank) that poses an opportunity for some media companies.

strategic issue

Cell phones and laptops work because of minerals like tin, tantalum, and tungsten. The (Blank) for these elements stretches from mines in Africa to trading houses, exporters, and refiners before entering the device-manufacturing process.

supply chain

The CEO of a hospital had an open-door policy, where anyone could visit his office to talk about issues they were dealing with. He had the door to his office removed, and hung in the hospital lobby. This (blank) signified to everyone that they could approach the CEO at any time to discuss their concerns.


The (blank) of Office Depot includes, where many people order office supplies, as well as manufacturers of office supplies such as International Paper Company, but does not include state and local laws affecting the sales tax it must collect from customers.

task environment

Although genetic engineering, part of the (Blank) of agriculture, could allow scientists to develop crops that are resistant to pests and bad weather, it is highly controversial.

technological dimension

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