Management Exam 2

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functional chimneys/functional silos problem

A lack of communication, coordination and problem solving across functions. It happens because the functions become formalized not only on the organization chart, but also in people's mind-sets; They end up viewing the function as the center of the organizational world rather than one among many key components. The _____ or _____ problem tends to get more common as organizations grow larger and more rigid. When GM CEO Mary Barra was asked what she would do to prevent future failures like the ignition switch debacle that scandalized the company and caused several deaths, for example, she said one of her priorities was to reorganize so that safety information didn't get lost in "silos" within the firm.

Autocratic Style

A leader identified with an _____ emphasizes task over people, retains authority and information and acts in a unilateral, command and control fashion

Human Relations Style

A leader with a _____ does just the opposite and emphasizes people over task

Laissez-Faire Style

A leader with a _____ shows little concern for the task, lets the group make decisions, and acts with a "do the best you can and don't bother me" attitude

Democratic Style

A leader with a _____, the "high-high" team manager, is committed to both task and people. This leader tries to get things done while sharing information, encouraging participation in decision making and otherwise helping others develop their skills and capabilities.

Core Culture

A second and deeper level of organizational culture, the _____, consists of underlying assumptions and beliefs that shape and guide people's behaviors. You know core values, so to speak, when you experience them. This may be when you are trying to claim lost luggage at an airline counter and are treated really well or are returning a product to a retail store and are greeted with a smile and "no questions asked." Values set in the _____ are a strong influence on how such transactions play out. And when customer experiences aren't positive, the culprit may well be weak or just plain bad core values.


All managers must decide what work they should do themselves and what should be left for others. At issue here is _____- the process of entrusting work to others by giving them the right to make decisions and take action.

Performance Management System

An important part of human resource management is the design and implantation of a successful _____. This system ensures that performance standards and objectives are set, that performance is regularly assessed, and that steps are taken to improve employee's future performance following the provision of performance feedback by managers.


As it does in everyday life, _____- the belief that one's subculture or co-culture is superior to all other, can creep into organizations and negatively affect that way people relate to one another

Self-Serving Bias

Attribution theory also recognizes tendencies toward _____. This happens when individuals blame their own personal failures or problems on external causes while attributing successes to internal causes. You can recognize it as the "Its not my fault" error when something is wrong but as the "It was me, I did it" error when things go right. Think of the self serving bias the next time your favorite team loses a close game- "it was bad officiating" or when your team wins a close game- "It was great coaching and playmaking" _____ creates a false sense of confidence. We don't place responsibility for outcomes in a consistent way, which also causes us to overlook opportunities for personal change and development. Because the outcome influences where we ultimately place responsibility, we can't learn effectively from either our victories or defeats.

Organizational Subcultures

Consists of members who share similar beliefs and values based on their work, personal characteristics or social identities


Delegation that is done well leads to _____. This concept was defined in the chapter opener as letting others make decisions and exercise discretion in their work. Empowerment occurs when delegation provides decision-making authority to individuals most capable of doing the work. It builds performance potential by allowing individuals freedom to use their talents, contribute ideas and do their jobs in the nest possible ways. And because _____ creates a sense of ownership, it also increases commitment to follow through on decisions and work hard to accomplish goals.

Glass Ceiling

Even though demographics and hiring practices are changing, there is still likely to be more workforce diversity at lower and middle levels than at the top. It depicts the _____ as an invisible barrier that limits the professional advancement of women and minorities in some organizations. What are the implications for women and minority members seeking to advance and prosper in an organization where the majority culture consists almost exclusively of white males? How easy is it for women and people of color to move up when promotions are controlled by decision makers who are part of an alternative and dominant culture?

Double-Bind Dilemma

Female leaders can suffer a _____ due to subculture expectations. This occurs when they get criticized as being to soft when hey act consistent with female subculture stereotypes, but also get criticized as being "too hard" when acting consistent with male subculture stereotypes. In other words, female leaders may be damned if they do and damned if they don't and find it hard to get credit for effective leadership

Employee Value Proposition

Human resource managers use the term _____ to describe the organization's intentions for creating value on the employee and employer sides of the psychological contract. The ideal _____ is one where the exchanges made on each side of the psychological contract are perceived as fair by both parties Problems are likely to occur when the psychological contract is perceived as out of balance or broken. For example, employees who perceive they are receiving too little in exchange for what they contribute might compensate by reducing their performance and withdrawing through absenteeism or tardiness

360-Degree Appraisals

It is also increasingly popular to include more than immediate supervisors in the performance appraisal process. In _____, feedback is gathered from multiple sources in order to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of employee's performance. These typically include input, not only from an employee's supervisor but from peers, subordinates and even customers- stakeholders inside and outside of the organization who depend on the job holder's performance. Most ____ also include a self evaluation by job holders. Assessments from all of these sources are used to identify employee's strengths, weaknesses and development needs.

boundary-less organization

It is popular today to talk about creating a _____ that eliminates many internal subsystem boundaries as well as boundaries with the external environment. The _____ can be viewed as a combination of the team and network structures, with the added feature of temporariness. A photograph that documents this organization's configuration today will look different from one taken tomorrow, as the form naturally adjusts to new environmental pressures and circumstances.

Transformational Leadership

Leadership scholars James MacGrgeor Burns and Bernard Bass link charismatic qualities like enthusiasm and inspiration with something called _____. They describe transformational leaders as using their personalities, characters and insight to inspire followers. These leaders get others so excited about their jobs and organizational goals that these followers strive for extraordinary performance accomplishments. Indeed, the easiest way to spot a truly transformational leader is through his or her followers


Members of minority cultures may resort to _____ in attempts to adapt to uncomfortable situations and avoid harassment or discriminations by majorities. This means they try to display majority culture characteristics that seem necessary to succeed in the work environment. For example, gay and lesbian employees Amy hide their sexual orientation from co-workers out of fear of prejudice or discrimination. Similarly, an African American employee may train herself to not use words or phrases that might be considered to be subculture "slang" when communicating with white co-workers.

psychological contract

One of the ways in which perceptions influence work behavior is through the _____, or what the individual employee expects both to give and to receive from the employment relationship. Figure 15.1 shows that a healthy _____ offers a balance between the contributions individuals make on behalf of their organization and inducement they receive. These contribution include time, energy, effort creativity, commitment and loyalty. Inducements are what the organization gives to employees in exchange for these contributions. These inducements include pay, fringe benefits, training and opportunities for personal growth and advancement, a sense of professional identity and job security.

Emotional Intelligence

Popularized by the work of Daniel Goleman, _____, or EI for short, is the ability to understand emotions in yourself and others and use this understanding to handle social relationships effectively. "Great leaders move us," say Goleman and his colleagues. "Great leadership works through emotions." A leader strong in _____ possess self awareness. This is the ability to understand one's own moods an emotions, and to understand their impact on one's own work and on others' work. _____ leaders are good at self-managment or self-regulation. This is the ability to think before acting and to control otherwise disruptive impulses. _____ in leadership involves motivation and persistence in being willing to work hard for reasons other than money and status. Leaders who are high in _____ display social awareness or empathy. They have the ability to understand the emotions of others and to use this understanding to relate to them more effectively. A leader high in _____ is good at relationship management. This is the ability to establish rapport with others and to build social capital through relationships and informal social networks.

Organizational Culture

Sometimes called corporate culture, this is the system of shared beliefs and values that shapes and guides the behavior an organization's members. _____ can be thought of as the personality of the organization or the atmosphere within. which people work. The _____ is what you see and hear when walking around an organization as a visitor, a customer or an employee. Look carefully, check the atmosphere and listen to the conversations. Whenever someone speaks of "the way we do things here," for example, that person is providing insight into the _____. Just as nations, ethnic groups, and families have culture, organizations also have cultures that create unique identities and help to distinguish them from one another. These cultures have a strong impact on an organization's performance and the quality of work experiences of its members.

Strong Organizational Culture

The culture is clear, well defined, and widely shared by members. When the _____ is positive, it acts as a performance asset by helping fit together the nature if business and the talents if the employees. It discourages dysfunctional behaviors and encourages helpful ones while keeping the vision clear and goals compelling for all to rally around. But when the _____ is negative, its power is equally strong in the other direction. In responding to a devastating product recall scandal, for example, General Motor's CEO Mary Barra pledged to change a string and negative organizational culture for the better. She claimed GM's historical culture of cost containment and avoidance of responsibility encouraged covering up rather than addressing problems. She criticized the GM Nod where meeting participants would nod in agreement but take no action and the GM Salute symbolized by crossed arms indicating "responsibility belongs to someone else not me"

Employee Value Proposition

The foundations for strategic Human Resource management are set with _____ that align people with organizational strategies and objectives. These are packages of opportunities and rewards, such as pay, benefits, meaningful work and advancement possibilities, that make diverse and talented people want to belong to and work hard for the organization. Organizations with compelling _____ have the edge over others in hiring and retaining talented people in scarce labor markets. Starbuck's for example, teamed up with Arizona State University to offer online degree programs for employees who work at least 20 hours per week. In return for paying part of the tuition bills, Starbucks expects to attract and retain talented workers while lowering it hiring and training costs.

Workplace Spirituality

The notion of _____ is sometimes discussed along with value based management. Although the first tendency might be to associate "spiritually" with religion, the term is used more broadly in management. It describes an organizational culture that helps people find meaning and a sense of shared community in their work. The core value underlying _____ is respect for human beings. The guiding principle is that people are inwardly enriched when they are engaged in meaningful work and feel personally connected with others inside and outside of the organization. A culture of _____ will have a strong ethical foundation, value human dignity, respect diversity, and focus on linking jobs with real contributions to society. Anyone who works in a culture of _____ should derive pleasure from knowing that what is being accomplished is personally meaningful, created through community, and valued by others. Anyone who leads a culture of _____ values people by emphasizing meaningful purpose, trust and respect, honesty and openness, personal growth and developments, worker-friendly practices and ethics and social responsibility.

Work-Life Balance

Today's increasingly fast-paced, complex, and multifaceted lifestyles have contributed to increased concerns about _____- how people balance the demands of their careers with their personal and family needs. Not surprisingly, the "family friendliness" of an employer is now frequently used as a screening criterion by job candidates. It is also used in "best employer" rankings found in publications such as Working Mother, Fortune and Forbes, and online sources such as Linked In and

Informal Structure

Underneath an organization's formal structure lies an _____. This "shadow" organization made up of social networks compromising the unofficial, but often critical, working relationships that connect organizational members. No organization can be fully understood without gaining insight into its spiderweb of informal networks as well as the formal organization structure. If the _____ could be drawn, to would shop who talks and interacts with whom, regardless of their formal title and relationships. The lines of the _____ would cut across levels and move from side to side. They would show people interacting through social media, meeting for coffee, joining in exercise groups and participating in leisure activities- all driven by friendship and enjoyment rather than formal requirements

Self-Enhancement Bias

Unfortunately, many managers and team leaders don't do enough delegation and one of the reasons is _____. This is the tendency to view oneself as more capable, intelligent and ethical than others. Self-enhancement bias makes it hard to "let go" and give others a chance to work independently without close supervision.

Observable Culture

Visible and readily apparent at the surface of every organization. It is expressed in the way that people dress at work, how they arrange their offices, how they speak to and behave toward one another, the nature of their conversations and how they talk about and treat customers and clients.

Authority-and-Responsibility Principle

When it comes to delegating, a classical principle of organization warns managers to make sure the person being delegated to has sufficient authority to perform. The _____ states that authority should equal responsibility when work is delegated by a supervisor to a subordinate.

Coercive Power

_____ is the ability to achieve influence through punishment. It is the capacity to punish or withhold positive outcomes to influence other's behavior. A manager may attempt to coerce by threatening with verbal reprimands, pay penalties and even termination

Legitimate Power

_____ is the ability to influence through authority. It is the right to exercise control by virtue of organizational positions or status. In mobilizing legitimate power, a manager says, in effect: "I am the boss; therefore, you need to do what I ask." When your instructor assigns homework, exams and team projects, most often you do what the instructor requested. Why? You do it because the requests seem legitimate in the context of the course. But if the instructor moves outside of the boundaries of the course, such as telling you to attend a campus sporting event, the legitimacy is lost and you are much less likely to comply

Employee Engagement

a strong positive feeling about one's job and the organization

Performance Assessment/Performance Review

also called performance appraisal and performance evaluation, is the process of formally assessing employee's work accomplishments and providing feedback. Such a performance review serves both evaluation and development purposes. The evaluation purpose focuses on past performance and measures results against standards. Performance is documented for the record and for the purpose of allocating rewards such as financial incentives and bonuses. The manager provides an evaluation of the job holder's accomplishments and areas of weakness. The development purpose focuses on future performance. Performance goals and obstacles are identified, along with areas where training or supervisory support may be needed. The manager acts in counseling role and gives attention to job holder's development needs.


assigns new hires and early-career employees as proteges to more senior employees

Multicultural Organization

has core values that respect diversity and support multiculturalism


in organizations involves inclusiveness, pluralism, and respect for diversity

Expert Power

is the ability to achieve influence through special skills, knowledge and reputation. It is the capacity to influence other's behavior because of expertise and a high performance reputation. When a manager uses _____, the implied message is one of credibility. "You should do what I want because of what I know and what I have accomplished"


is the ability to get other to do something you want done, or to make things happen the way you want. The "positive" face of power is that it is the foundation of effective leadership. This means using _____ not with the desire to influence others for the sake of personal satisfaction, but for the good of the group or organization as a whole

Person-Job Fit

is the extent to which an individual's knowledge, skills, experiences and personal characteristics are consistent with the requirements of their work

Person-Organization Fit

is the extent to which an individual's values, interests, and behaviors are consistent with the culture of the organization


occurs as an experienced employee offers performance advice to a less experienced co-worker

Change Leader

takes initiative in trying to change the behavior of another person or within a social system

Job Satisfaction

the degree to which an individual feels positive or negative about a job


the process through which people receive and interpret external information from the environment. It affects the impressions we form of ourselves, other people, and our daily experiences. You can think of perception as a screen or filter through which information passes into our consciousness and affects how we think about the world.

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