Management Final

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The factory you work for goes through a lot of ear plugs. You've been tasked with deciding how many you should order at a time to get the best prices and also minimizing holding costs. What do you use to figure it out?

Economic Order Quantity

Which of these is an example of what Nehemiah did that could be classified as organizing. (The others are either not something Nehemiah did or don't fit the category of organizing.)

He had people building the wall close to their house.

_______ is the process by which individuals attend to, interpret, and retain information from their environments.


A large meat packing plant in Worthington, MN has over 2,000 employees who speak over 60 native languages. This is an example of ____.


The three formal communication channels in organizations are categorized as ___________.

downward, horizontal, upward

Getting an A on this test is the goal. According to our video last week, that makes it the _____.

lag measure.

Fiedler's Contingency Theory believes that if you're going to figure out if I'm a good leader you need to:

assess how my team does.

A organization that exercises control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience is a:


In what decade did the US Congress pass the Fair Labor Standards Act that set standards for minimum wage and overtime?


Why and how do organizations try to control the ethical behavior of their employees?

Controlling the ethical behavior of employees is important because without someone monitoring employees, the company could fall apart from things like stealing, harassment, etc. Companies can control ethical behavior by putting rules in place, enforcing those rules, and disciplining employees who do not follow those rules. For example, I used to work for a doggy daycare where ethical rules were put in place as far as how dogs should be treated, but they were sadly not always enforced. A coworker of mine was slightly abusive to the dogs at times and would be caught on the live stream cameras by the owners of dogs watching. Our manager would find out and wouldn't do much about it. This led to bad reviews, loss of customers, and any chance of growth the company could have had in the future. I quit because I didn't agree with how the management handled ethical problems they came across.

IKEA sells almost all of its furniture needing to be assembled at home. This means that it takes significantly less room in shipping and at the store, can be easily stacked in their warehouse-style store, and requires no assembly by their employees. As a consumer, you are going to see this efficiency reflected in lower prices. IKEA follows which of Porter's 3 strategies?

Cost Leadership

Which of these questions is NOT one of the 3 big parts of planning?

Are we on track to get there?

Which is NOT one of the keys to an organizational culture that fosters success?


Describe the benefits and pitfalls of planning for a company.

Benefits: Increase strategies Increase productivity Increase effort Gives a guide for success Pitfalls: Slow change Give false hope You can't have questions or doubt the plans

According to Situational Leadership, a ____________ leadership style represents low task behavior and low relationship behavior.


___________ means permanently passing decision-making authority and responsibility from managers to workers.

Empowering workers

___________ involves searching the environment for important events or issues that might affect an organization.

Environmental scanning

Coaches of professional teams are often promised a large bonus if they lead the team to the playoffs and/or a national championship. Which motivation theory tries to evaluate if the coach will see this as motivating?

Expectancy theory

When Millard Fuller, who founded the world-renowned Christian housing ministry Habitat for Humanity International with his wife, ended his service as president his role was limited to that of a figurehead. After this change, what functions did Fuller most likely do until he retired?

He performed ceremonial duties like greeting company visitors.

One of the important things to do in change is to determine the things that drive the change and the _____ that hinder or block change.

resistance forces

The USA decides to charge a tax of $300 per ton on imported steel. This is an example of a:


In our video last week, Chris McChesney argued that one of the best ways to create a culture of accountability is to create a _________ in the minds of employees.

winnable game

Functional departmentalization involves organizing:

work and workers into separate units responsible for particular business operations or areas of expertise.

The ____ determined that companies can be prosecuted and punished for the illegal or unethical actions of employees even if management didn't know about the unethical behavior.

U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines

Which of the following is buried deep below the surface of an organization's culture?

Unconsciously held assumptions of employees

According to a SWOT analysis, which of these would fully fit as an opportunity for Bethel?

University of Northwestern - St. Paul files for bankruptcy and closes.

You manage a bed and breakfast with 6 rooms. You think it is taking the housekeeping staff too long to clean the rooms, but don't know how long it should take to clean them. Use scientific management to increase the efficiency of your bed and breakfast. {Hint, be sure to communicate that you know what scientific management is and how it would be used.}

Using the scientific management style, I would test different ways of cleaning the rooms to figure out which was most efficient. First, try assigning each housekeeping staff member to a certain number of rooms to clean themselves. Next, try having each housekeeper clean one room at a time together and giving each person a specific role. They could also try cleaning in different orders to see what made the most sense and what was quicker.

_____ is the customer perception that the product quality is excellent for the price offered.Value


A SWOT (situation analysis) falls during which part(s) of planning?

Where we are now

______ is defined as unethical behavior that violates organizational norms about right and wrong.

Workplace deviance

Which is NOT an advantage of satisficing in decision making?

You can choose the absolute best option.

Assume you work at a Chipotle. Which of these would be an example of feedforward control?

You check the freshness of the avocados before you make them into quac.

I was talking to a business student about his summer internship and they said it was difficult because the company didn't really have a set job for him to do, so most days he had no idea what he was suppose to be working on. He also had a hard time figuring out who to go to in the company to ask his questions to, especially since most of the employees were working remotely. Which of our chapter 2 theories would be most disappointed in this company?

bureaucratic management

When Rubberstamp Productions, a previously small-time production house, grew in size, the first thing its chief executive officer (CEO) did was establish a set of guidelines that detailed all the principles, standards, and procedures to be followed in the company's line of business. The CEO set specific standards on topics ranging from treatment of coworkers to protecting the environment to maintenance of financial records. This scenario illustrates that the CEO developed a _______.

code of ethics

A manager told her employee that she needed to start doing things the new way or she could be fired. She was using ____ to reduce resistance to change by using formal power and authority to force the employee to change.


Producing milk is a simple business that has experienced few environmental changes. This means it has a low level of:

environmental complexity.

Let's say a group of students from Lissner were sitting around coming up with ideas for their homecoming cheer. They were throwing out all sorts of idea, no matter how wild, and building off each others' answers. They were:


According to ____, people will be motivated when they perceive they are being treated fairly.

equity theory

An accident at Millwood Oil Refinery severely injured two workers. The company is conducting an investigation to understand what went wrong. In this scenario, Millwood Oil Refinery is using the mechanism of _____.

feedback control

You stop in at Cub Foods to buy a donut from the bakery section. As you are paying for it, you think to yourself: "That is one fewer donut that Cub has in its _________ ".

finished goods inventory.

Which of these jobs is most specialized?

Lucas works at a window frame factory where he puts glass into frames over and over again each shift.

Keenan is working on a paper for a class. He is really enjoying the topic and is doing well writing the paper. In fact, one day he became so absorbed in writing the paper that time just flew by and he wrote for 2 hours longer than he thought he did. This is an example of the psychological state of _________.


Which of these is FALSE?

Managers can not be held legally responsible for their employees' decisions.

Which of these is does NOT enable a larger span of control?

Managers perform functional tasks in addition to management tasks.

Which type of departmentalization needs the best and most skilled managers to run effectively (mostly due to their complexity and high need for coordination)?


Your book gave the example of Procter & Gamble, where a manager on the Pampers team reports to both a head of Baby Care and a head of Marketing. This is an example of ________ departmentalization.


Bethel is most likely to ensure our donors are told about our:

Mission statement

For Forensic Pathways to be considered to have a first-mover advantage, which of the following describes the most likely result of its search of the Intellectual Property Office's database?

No other company has a patent on software that is similar to the software it is developing.

Organizations try to ensure the ethical decision making of their employees in many ways. In class on Wednesday, we said one of these is the most powerful (think about the difference between Jameson's gas station on first vs second shift). Which one has the most influence on employee behavior?

Organizational culture

Professor Olsen and I typically lead a study abroad together. To do so, we met to divide up some responsibilities to determine what things would be part of his job and what would be part of my job. What management function does this represent?


Which of these believes that the leader CAN change how they lead?

Path-Goal Theory

Which of these leadership theories uses rewards to motivate employee behavior?

Path-Goal Theory

Who is the author of your supplemental (3 Signs/Truth about Employee Engagement) book?

Patrick Lencioni

____ occurs when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work.

Social loafing

________ is higher in large teams than it is in small teams.

Social loafing

When you read the book of Nehemiah, you learned about how he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. It was a major initiative, that took the whole nation to accomplish, but it was actually able to be accomplished in a fairly short time frame. It also wasn't the ultimate thing God was trying to do through Nehemiah. At which level in our planning levels was building the wall?

Strategic Goal

___________ occurs when customers purchase new technology to replace older technologies. For example, just 20 years ago, nearly all phone calls were made via hardwired landline telephones.

Technological substitution

Information technology has been used to improve both internal and external access and sharing of information. Three main kinds of information technology allow access and sharing of information internally among employees: executive information systems, intranets, and portals. Match their names to the definitions.

Uses a web browser to give employees access to both customized information and specialized transactions. - Corporate portal A private company network that allows employees to share information - intranet Provides real-time information, so managers can track company progress themselves. - executive information system

During the 1980's a movement began in the US to try to regain some ground lost to Japanese businesses--who where outpacing us in producing excellent goods at reasonable prices. This initiative was called:

Total Quality Management (TQM).

Once a company has decided to go global, they need to decide how to go global. There are two different strategies that companies use in a global marketplace. [Hint, in class we talked about my alum who has worked for both General Mills and Medtronic - they would fall under different strategies.]Define and contrast these two strategies. Give an example of each (you can make the example up, as long as it demonstrates you understand the difference).

Two different strategies used for going global include global consistency and local adaptation. Global consistency is having one business in multiple areas that go by the same rules and regulations and sell the same products or services. An example of this would be Apple. Their company is essentially the exact same all around the world as they sell the same products and have the same goals. Local adaptation is having one business in multiple areas that go by different rules and regulations based on their location, management style, and may sell different products. An example of this would be McDonald's. This company is all over the world but depending on where you go, they may have different products than what they have at another McDonald's location in a different country.

Which of the following is true of a joint venture?

Two existing companies collaborate to form a third company, which both the companies remaining intact and unchanged.

In our Cola Wars video, we knew that the Great Depression was in the _________ environment because it affected everyone in all industries.


The purpose of trade barriers like tariffs and quotas is to:

give an advantage to US companies by decreasing international competition or making the cost of imports higher.

Kamala Harris is the first woman elected to either the position of President or Vice President. This is anticipated to be a step toward reducing the ___________, an invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to top organizational jobs..

glass ceiling

H&M is a Swedish-based clothes retailer. They have stores in 30+ countries and they carry the same products worldwide. This is an example of:

global consistency.

Sometimes when a team has been together so long they start to have the same ideas and perspectives. They also sometimes just agree with each other so that they'll be liked. This is called:


For one of your assignments for chapter 12, you took the IAT. It is designed to measure your reaction time in matching pairs of things that your mind believes are more likely to go together (fast reaction time) or don't go together (slower reaction time). The purpose of the IAT is to:

help identify your stereotypes or biases.

Which of these is the most recent idea (came last chronologically)?

human relations management

One of the things I'm involved with at Bethel is ensuring all incoming students are registered for their first semester classes. Over the years, we've made small changes to gradually improve the process. This is an example of:

incremental change.

Patterns of innovation over time that can create sustainable competitive advantage are called ____.

innovation streams

ISO 14000 ____.

is a series of international standards for managing, monitoring, and minimizing an organization's harmful effect on the environment

In your supplemental book, Brian said the drive-through window employee (Carl) shouldn't use how many cars he serves each hour as his measurement because:

it was outside of his control.

The __________ inventory system, where we try to hold our inventory levels close to zero has been really in the last decades. We've seen some problems with it through COVID-19, though, when companies haven't been able to get the supplies they need delivered and they don't have any on hand to use. (Think masks and other PPE)


One of the keys to a Force-Field Analysis is to:

look at the change from as many perspectives as possible.

A manager regularly reads the Wall Street Journal to keep up to date with what is happening in the business environment. The manager is performing the role of a _______.


When we opened our new business during the first week of class, we were trying to decide between two different ways of structuring our jobs. On one hand, we thought about having 5 different employees each responsible for 1 and only 1 thing. On the other, we thought about having everyone trained on everything so we could then move them around as needed. What we were doing?


During COVID, more employees have been working from home and their managers aren't there to directly supervise. That means they have relied more on ________, a control method that measures the results of managers' and workers' efforts instead of measuring how much time they spend doing it.

output control

At the end of the semester you will complete IDEA evaluations providing feedback about your experience in this class. My manager will review them to see if I did a good job or not. This is a form of ________.

performance management.

In addition to my Diet Coke addiction, I also like Fresca. At the beginning of the pandemic, Coca-Cola had a hard time getting enough aluminum cans for all their products. They decided to temporarily halt production of smaller beverages like Fresca in order to put all the cans they did have to their better selling products of Coke/Diet Coke. They did not have enough __________ inventory.

raw materials

Some years Trout Lake Camp has a table in the commons to try to find students to work there over the summer. This is:


As a pitcher, Abby was given advice about how to change one of her pitches. She has to remind herself often to throw the new way, or else she goes back to her old way of pitching. This is an example of:


In our class example we saw that General Mills significantly narrowed their product lines, selling off segments like Izod and Eddie Bauer and keeping product lines that are all food-based. Their portfolio can now be classified as:

related diversification

Ferrero Group buys approximately 25% of the world's hazelnut production to make their Nutella (the food spread that is pretty much chocolate in a jar). Now that other companies are also making a similar hazelnut spread to compete with Nutella, the availability of hazelnuts is shrinking and the price is skyrocketing. To combat this ___________, the Ferrero group bought the largest hazelnut producer in the world to try to ensure their supply.

resource scarcity

To understand if two firms would be classified as direct competitors, you would look at a combination of their marketing commonality and their __________.

resource similarity

A casual jogger noticed that the San Diego Zoom was prohibiting people in motorized wheelchairs from viewing the zoo's baby panda and saw nothing wrong with this policy. Another zoo patron, who uses a wheelchair, saw the notice and felt he was being discriminated against because he could not access the panda site. This is an example of _________.

selective perception

Which of the following would be a component of Red Robin (the hamburger restaruant)'s general environment?

the US inflation rate

Theo Chocolate measures its value to society by

the company's impact on consumers, farmers, and the natural environment.

The basic control process of business begins with ____.

the establishment of clear standards of performance

An advantage of a buy strategy for expanding our portfolio is that:

there are already existing products and sales, causing an immediate revenue stream.

Goals and plans tend to be set from the ______________ and implemented from the _____________.

top down; bottom up

The United States--Mexico--Canada Agreement (USMCA) is an example of a __________, which is designed to facilitate increased trade between the three member countries.

trade agreement

Abbie is an just took a job completing tax returns for clients. In order to complete the returns her boss showed her how to use a computer software package. This is an example of:


I heard a student say "she's really outgoing, so I'm sure she'd be a good leader". They we relying on the ________ theory of leadership to make this assessment.


We said one of the disadvantages of internal recruiting is that:

you can't expand the skills of your team this way.

Part A) According to your class notes, what are mission statements and what do good mission statements do? Part B) use the mission statement for the non-profit Habitat for Humanity as an example to help make your points."Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope."

A) Mission statements are a message for potential customers. It is created by the company and should state what the company stands for, its goals, and how they do so. Good mission statements should act as these 4 things: Glue - because it holds the company together Magnet - because the company should attract new customers and repel others Yardstick - because it gives a chance for company leaders to measure their growth Laser - because they want to point customers and their company in the right direction B) The mission statement for Habitat for Humanity does not have a great mission statement because it is very short and it doesn't provide the yardstick-like feel to it where they can measure their growth. It does have the glue and they say it "brings people together." Overall, it is not a terrible mission statement, but they can add more to make it more unique and intentional.

You manage a youth community center. You have a staff of 3 workers whose job it is to keep the center clean and looking nice. You could control their behavior using either bureaucratic control or normative control. Describe what these are, how the control would be different, and why you would choose one over the other. Be sure to give a couple of examples as it relates to the community center.

Bureaucratic control is when hierarchical authorities influence the behavior of their employees by either punishment or reward based on whether or not they follow company policies, rules, and regulations. Normative control is when the employee's behavior is simply based on the companies beliefs and values. In this situation, I would choose normative control because of the smaller amount of employees. With normative control, you can instill the values of keeping the place clean to get more customers. And that working quickly allows them to go home sooner. It would be difficult to punish someone in this kind of setting because I think the values would be to do their job efficiently, and them not doing their job efficiently would be hard to punish. Unless they were to not show up for their job in which they would get fired.

Which of these was feedforward control from our video about Kettle Chips?

Buying a certain type of potato because of their sugar content.

You are the owner of a coffee shop and have decided to open a second location. You are trying to decide on the organizational structure. Describe what the company/locations would be like if you decide to have a centralized structure versus a decentralized structure. Be thorough so I know that you both know what these mean, and how the company/coffee shop/employees would be different under each choice. Remember, centralized/decentralized is not the same as tall/flat...they might overlap, but I want you to focus specifically on centralized/decentralized for this question.

Centralized structure and decentralized structure are two different types of organizational structure. Decentralized structure refers to having authority in lower levels of and organizational d centralized structure refers to having authority at higher levels in the organization. If I decided to have a centralized structure for my coffee shops, I, the owner, and the managers would establish rules and goals for our company and our employees to follow. But if I decided to have a decentralized structure, lower-level employees could have say and authority in how each shop runs and what norms they have for their specific shop. I think having a centralized structure would benefit me more as it would allow me being the owner to establish what I want for my own company and give my employees specific objectives. It is also hard to tell how much structure there would be if employees were able to make certain decisions themselves.

Which management thinker would most agree with this: I can encourage you to come to class, I can reward/punish you for coming to class, but the ultimate decision as to whether or not you come to class is yours. Additionally, you will be more likely to come to class if you respect me as a teacher enough to accept my authority.

Chester Barnard

_________ is a kind of one-on-one communication used by managers to improve an employee's on-the-job performance or behavior.


Linda is a manager of a local restaurant. She wants to introduce a new loyalty program that she thinks will improve customer satisfaction. She wants to convince her team to get on board with her idea without being forced into it. In this case, which type of conflict will be most healthy?

Cognitive conflict

How would you respond to the following statement? "Group conflict is always bad."

Cognitive conflict is strongly associated with improvements in team performance.

Which of the following statements regarding cohesiveness is true?

Cohesive groups have lower turnover.

____ is the extent to which team members are attracted to a team and motivated to remain with it.


Compare Functional Departmentalization with Divisional Departmentalization. Be sure to tell me what they are, how they are different, and the advantages/ disadvantages of them. Now, assume you are Apple. Name 4 different departments they could have if they used functional departmentalization, and 4 different departments they could have if they used divisional departmentalization (any of the 3 types of divisions).

Departmentalization is dividing workers and specific jobs up into different units to complete specific jobs. In functional departmentalization, workers are split up based on their areas of expertise and knowledge. In divisional departmentalization, workers are split up based on their department. For Apple, 4 functional departments could be: Marketing Team Accounting Finance Graphic Design team For Apple in a divisional departmentalization: Producing iPhones Producing Macbooks Producing products for European countries Producing products that are more kid-friendly

Which of the following is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Our video last week talked about the 4 disciplines of execution. What was NOT one of the four?

Embrace risk.

Contrast feedforward, concurrent, and feedback control. Be sure to 1) describe them, and 2) give at least 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages for each one.

Feedforward control monitors performance before any happens by measuring the inputs. 2 advantages of this would be: Prevent bad things from happening beforehand. Lower maintenance costs. 2 Disadvantages of feedforward control would be: Not always being prepared for when something does go wrong. Everything must be measured correctly. Concurrent control is when measurements and information about something are gathered as they occur. 2 advantages: Can correct problems before they become too far gone. Can increase response time. 2 Disadvantages: Sometimes you can't gather the information in time to fix the problem. Requires you to act quickly. Feedback control is when you solve problems after they happen and measure the outputs. 2 advantages: Can improve control and reduce errors. Reliable. 2 Disadvantages: Not being able to fix the problem in time. Can be costly.

What type of managers are responsible for supervising, teaching, and scheduling the workers who are directly responsible for producing the company's goods and services?

First-Line Managers

As you know, one of my favorite models is the stages of team development. Part A: Describe the first 4 stages of team development, in order (from there we diverge and your book talks about it a little differently than I did in class). Part B: Give an example in your life where you saw these 4 stages to help demonstrate your knowledge of the material.

Forming: Getting to know each other. Storming: When there starts to be some conflicts and disagreements. Norming: When people start to settle in and develop norms. Performing: Getting work done. An example for me is when I moved into a house with 5 other girls. Forming: Getting to know my roommates a little better since we spend all day together. Storming: We started to get a little annoyed with each other for several different reasons. Norming: We started to learn how to talk to each other when there was a problem and how to just live with somethings that won't change. Performing: Becoming best friends and learning how to get things done around the house together.

Pitching coaches often help the players identify and eliminate wasted motions that not only make the throw less effective, but also unnecessarily tire out a pitcher's arm. Which management thinker would be most excited by the pitching coach's work?

Frank Gilbreth

Describe Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory and give an example to show you know how to use it.

Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory refers to reading the characteristics of followers to decide on a leadership style. For example, having low readiness leads to the leadership style of telling, having a moderate level of readiness leads to the style called selling, the second level of moderate readiness would lead to the style called participating, and having high readiness leads to delegating. An example of this for me would be in basketball. Through each year I play, I have a higher level of readiness and my coaches can see that so they have used different leadership styles through each year. I would be in the high readiness level where my coaches delegate.

Compare and contrast Scientific Management with Human Relations Management. (How are they the same, how are they different, ...)

In comparing scientific management and human relations management, they both strive for overall efficiency. The difference between the two is that human relations management focuses more on the employees and their satisfaction, and scientific management focuses more on effectiveness. Scientific management looks at testing new ways to be more efficient and effective through new techniques, while human relations management looks at how to be more efficient and also effective but through the happiness and connectedness of all employees.

Describe the differences between incremental and transformational change. What are the advantages of using one over the other (for a business, not my house)?

Incremental change is making small changes over a larger period of time. And transformational change is changing everything all at once. Advantages of Incremental Change: More cost-efficient Can improve things one and a time to focus on it and get it where It needs to be Advantages of Transformational Change: More time-efficient May bring more excitement to employees

Which of the following statements is true of total quality management (TQM)?

It is characterized by customer focus and satisfaction, continuous improvement, and teamwork.

Which of the following is true of job analysis?

It results in job descriptions and job specifications.

A senior says he is motivated to find a job. He goes online and finds some postings, but then never actually applies for any jobs. Based on our class definition, was he motivated?

No, because he didn't persist in his efforts

____ is the process of gathering information about job applicants to decide who should be offered a job.


In both in the book and in class we talked about the 4 different categories of workplace deviance. Which is not one of the 4 types?

Profit minimizing

Fielder believed leadership situations vary because of three things. Which is NOT one of the three?

Readiness Level

Which of these is not one of the pieces of SMART goals?


____ occurs when managers choose an alternative that is good enough, rather than the best possible alternative.


Which management idea first introduced the idea of pay for performance - that if employees meet pre-established levels of productivity they were paid more money?

Scientific Management

________ are the specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get a job done.

Technical skills

In the first chapter, we talked about 4Es of management. Describe these Es. Then talk about how they relate to you right now as a student.

The four E's include effectiveness, excellence, ethics, and efficiency. Efficiency is how quickly something can be done. Effectiveness is just getting something done. Excellence is how well something can be done. And ethics is getting something done in a morally correct way. This definitely applies to being a student. For example, when it comes to homework, you would hope all four E's are put to use. Efficiency in getting the most work done and using time wisely to finish it is important. Effectiveness is also important because you want the homework to be completed. Also, excellence because not only do you want to finish the homework and do so in a timely manner, but also do well on it. And finally, ethics, because along with getting the homework done in a timely manner and doing well on it, you also want to do it without cheating or using plagiarism, which would be ethically wrong.

Describe the similarities and differences between the 1) the trait theory of leadership, 2) the behavioral theory of leadership, and 3) Fiedler's Contingency theory of leadership.

The trait theory says that an effective leader will already have the traits to be a good leader. The behavioral theory says it is not about who they are but about what they do. The contingency theory says certain leaders must be matched to the right situation to maximize their leadership qualities. These are all different in what they ultimately mean and how they lead. The trait theory is about who the leader is and what the leader can't change. The behavior theory is similar in that it is about what the leader can't change but different in that it is about what the leader does. The contingency theory also falls into what the leader can't change and what the leader does, similar to the behavior theory, but it also takes into account if the situation matters, which it does in the contingency theory but not the other 2.

Which of the following is a feature of emotionally stable employees?

They can maintain a calm, problem-solving attitude in even the toughest situations.

We talked about the above chart last week, but it covers information we learned in many of our chapters in this section. Explain this chart, using at least 4 different key terms from our chapters to describe what it happening and why. Mark your 4 key terms with bold.

This chart focuses on how it is important to have diversity in a company because it brings something special t the team. Diverse teams tend to become more productive over time, whereas homogenous teams tend to stay the same. And because of them staying the same, social loafing can settle in. In diverse teams, there tend to be more interpersonal skills being put to use as the diverse teams start to build cohesion with one another. A homogeneous team will get no more work done than a diverse team and both teams will develop norms on how they get work done whether they are beneficial norms or not.

In the Three Signs, Brian believed he was a good CEO because he had:

a passion for people.

It is common and acceptable for people to come in late or leave early from the marketing department's weekly meetings. This is an example of:

a team norm.

A company has extremely creative employees who, in the opinion of the organization, keep the company ahead of the competition. The creativity of these employees would be classified as

an external strength.

Neva, a college student, has to achieve the highest grade in the class; otherwise she isn't satisfied with her work. According to McClelland's Learned Needs Theory, she has a high need for:


According to the Cola Wars video, Pepsi made better use of the technological dimension of the environment by:

advertising on TV.

A company is particularly concerned about pending legislation in Congress that would further regulate their organization. Because it could hurt the company, this legislation would be classified as:

an external threat.

Weber felt one of the main advantages of a bureaucracy is that it:

bases promotions based on qualifications instead of heredity.

During this semester, I learned the most from (hint, all of the answers are marked correct, I just want to know you're opinion):

being in class.

On Tuesday the Bethel women's soccer team beat St. Olaf with a score of 1-0. The box score shows they took 3 shots on goal and scored once, and St. Olaf took 10 shots on goal and didn't score at all. Compared to St. Olaf, Bethel was....

both more effective and more efficient

Last semester I moved to a larger classroom so more students could enroll in this course. That was in order to expand:


Bar codes, radio frequency identification tags, sensors, and scanners are all ways to ______ information.


According to the Boston Consulting Group matrix, the _______ tends to be a very profitable business, and the money earned there can often be funneled to other areas of our business.

cash cow

Quick Trade, Inc., a global brokerage company, currently has the largest market share in a rapidly growing market. If Quick Trade's business were to face a declining market growth, it may need to be reclassified as a:

cash cow.

Let's say that when Melissa, an employee who works at the Land O'Lakes plant in Lincoln, Nebraska, wants to produce a new brochure she has to work through the communications and marketing department at their headquarters here in Arden Hills for approval. This would indicate a high degree of:


Discontinuous change is characterized by ___________, in which an old technology and several different new technologies compete to establish a new technological standard or dominant design.

design competition

The term ____ refers to both the financial and nonfinancial rewards organizations give employees in exchange for their work.


The president of any company needs the ability think strategically, with a broad, long-term view of the company and the industry. This is a

conceptual skill.

One of Mary Parker Follett's main contributions to business was the understanding of how to manage ____.


The term ____ refers to the degree to which someone is organized, hard-working, responsible, persevering, thorough, and achievement-oriented.


A mission statement is different than a strategic goal because it is:

designed for an external audience.

When The Home Depot opened stores in Canada, it ran a series of ads featuring an animated hammer that showed that the U.S.-based home improvement store had the lowest prices. According to Michael Porter, which of the following positioning strategies did The Home Depot adopt?

cost leadership

According to Sue and Candice in the Boulder, CO location of Camp Bow Wow, one of their most difficulty thing is balancing effectiveness and efficiency in (1 is right, the other 3 I totally made up and weren't in the video at all--the main point of this question is to see if you watched the video for chapter 1):

customer service: interacting with dog owners at check in/pick up to make them feel special but keeping the line moving.

Which term refers to the process of discovering unknown patters and relationships in large amounts of data?

data mining

A main disadvantage of Scientific Management is that it:

dehumanized the workers.

Maslow's Hierarchy assumes that people have different needs at different stages in their life. McClelland's Acquired/Learned Needs Theory:

disagrees; people's needs are stable over time.

Bethel has one department called the College of Arts and Sciences and the College for Adult and Professional Studies. This indicates Bethel is departmentalized:


In 2002, GM knew that their cars had a faulty ignition system but went ahead with production anyway since changing it would be a really large cost. This is an example of a company operating in the __________ level of social responsibility.


Operations management is usually most concerned with


In the decisional role of ____, managers adapt themselves, their subordinates, and their units to incremental change.


Which of these is NOT an advantage of teams:

everybody works harder in a team

One of our business alums, Sarah, is currently (temporarily) living and working in South Korean, although the US is her native country. She would be called a _____.


Ryan is curious about how much he makes as an auditor for Deloitte versus how much his friends makes as an auditor for EY; the same job at different companies. This is an example of:

external competitiveness.

Company X wanted to start using a different supplier for one of their main parts. They looked at every single possible supplier on the market, gathered complete information on all the choices, and choose the optimal supplier. They were ________ in their decision making.


On a day to day basis, we focus on completing our _______ goals, which will in turn mean that we fulfill all our other goals.


According to Chester Barnard, two students working together on a class project could be defined as a(n):


Brian has decided to work hard to get the 94% test average so he doesn't have to take the final. This is an example of the management function of:


This summer, when the US and allied forces left Afghanistan, the government there fell to the Taliban who is now ruling the country. This is an example of _________ for the companies with offices in Afghanistan.

political uncertainty

During his presidency, Trump's trade policies largely came from a position of _________, which is defined as a government's use of trade barriers to shield domestic companies and their workers from foreign competition.

protectionism, is a website where investors can trade stocks at very low rates. As a business, it has less than one percent market share but it faces a very high market growth rate. It can be classified as a:

question mark.

Fiedler's Contingency Theory was important because it showed us that leaders are more effective when their leadership style is matched with the _________.


Dominions Pizza currently states that if your curbside pizza order isn't delivered to your car within 2 minutes of being ready, you'll get a free one. From a control perspective, this is their:


Maltone Corporation expanded its international business. To determine its success, the company compares its current export data to its export data from 2012, the year that marked the company's highest export sales. In this case, Maltone Corporation is using its 2012 export data as a(n) ________.


Bureaucratic and Administrative Management philosophies tend to focus on:

the organization as a whole.

With surface-level diversity, differences are immediately observable, easy to measure, and ____.

typically unchangeable

When Red Arc Enterprises, a shipping company, was thinking about merging with a larger shipping company, there was a strong resistance to change among the employees of Red Arc. When the CEO of Red Arc got to know of this, he met everyone and explained why the change was necessary and how it could serve to benefit everyone. According to Kurt Lewin, Red Arc is in the ______ stage of managing organizational change.


Prior to Scientific Management, most workers:

used their own tools and did their job however they wanted to (including how fast they wanted to).

Jack is being promoted into a management position. He will now be supervising 5 employees, all of whom work remotely from their home (actually they don't even all live in the same state). Your book would define this as a __________, something that is much more common now with COVID.

virtual team

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