Management Final

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advantages of hiring externally

1.Applicants may have specialized knowledge and experience. 2.Applicants may have fresh viewpoints.

advantages of hiring internally

1.Employees tend to be inspired to greater effort and loyalty. Morale is enhanced because they realize that working hard and staying put can result in more opportunities. 2.The whole process of advertising, interviewing, and so on is cheaper. 3.There are fewer risks. Internal candidates are already known and are familiar with the organization.

what are the three elements in the expectancy theory

1.Expectancy: belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance. 2.Instrumentality: expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the desired outcome. Valence: the value a worker assigns to an outcome

what are Common challenges to employee resistance to change

1.Individual's predisposition toward change. 2.Surprise and fear of the unknown. 3.Climate of mistrust. 4.Fear of failure. 5.Loss of status or job security. 6.Peer pressure.

4 I's of transformational leadership

1.Inspirational motivation: "Let me share a vision that transcends us all." 2.Idealized influence: "We are here to do the right thing." 3.Individualized consideration: "You have the opportunity to grow and excel here." 4.Intellectual stimulation: "Let me describe the great challenges we can conquer together."

disadvantages of hiring internally

1.Internal recruitment restricts the competition for positions and limits the pool of fresh talent and fresh viewpoints. 2.It may encourage employees to assume that longevity and seniority will automatically result in promotion. 3.Whenever a job is filled, it creates a vacancy elsewhere in the organization.

4 Components of core self-evaluations

1.Self-efficacy 2.Self-esteem 3.Locus of control 4.Emotional stability

Disadvantages of hiring externally

1.The recruitment process is more expensive and takes longer. 2.The risks are higher because the persons hired are less well known.

Jeff's workgroup is having a lot of disagreement over the direction the group should take. They are involved in the __________ stage of group development A.forming B.storming C.norming D.performing

B storming

According to Maslow, the need for status, reputation, and recognition is part of a person's ________ needs. A) self-actualization B) love C) esteem D) safety E) physiological

C Esteem

Alex compliments his co-worker Joe on the great job he did on the weekly report, and then informs their mutual boss. Alex is using ______ power. A.legitimate B.referent C.reward D.punishment

C Reward

ways to manage team conflict

Conflict •Process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. Functional conflict •Benefits the main purposes of the organization and serves its interests. Dysfunctional conflict •Hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interest.

The risk of "wrongful termination" lawsuits is reduced with careful • A) coaching. B) training and development. C) discussion at the time of dismissal. D) documentation. E) goal setting.

D Documentation

Jeremy shares information with his fellow task-force members about their project. Jeremy is communicating A.externally. B.downward. C.upward. D.horizontally.

D Horizontally

Greg was thinking about how he just did on his Economics test when his Management professor talked about tomorrow's Management quiz. This is an example of a(n) _____ barrier. A.encoding B.decoding C.medium D.receiver

D Receiver

what are the Dos and don'ts of nonverbal communication

DO-•Maintain eye contact. •Lean toward the speaker. •Speak at a moderate rate. •Speak in a quiet, reassuring tone. •Smile and show animation. •Occasionally nod head in agreement. •Be aware of your facial expressions. DONT-•Look away from the speaker. •Turn away from the speaker. •Speak too quickly or slowly. •Speak in an unpleasant tone. •Yawn excessively. •Close your eyes. •Lick lips, bite nails, play with your hair.

Which of the following is an inside force for change? A) domestic competition B) recession C) advancements in automation D) immigration E) low productivity and turnover

E Low productivity and turnover

Odell is frequently nervous, tense, and worried, both at work and at home. He likely scores high on which of the Big Five personality dimensions? A) self-monitoring B) conscientiousness C) extroversion D) openness to experience E) neuroticism

E neuroticism

what is the justice equity theory

Equity theory •A model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships. •Based on cognitive dissonance, the psychological discomfort people experience between their cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior.

what is the Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards

Extrinsic rewards- •Payoff a person receives from others for performing a particular task. Intrinsic rewards- •Satisfaction a person receives from performing the particular task itself.

what are the types of team conflict

Personality conflicts, intergroup conflict and multicultural conflict

benefits and challenges in the teams

Potential benefits:- •Reduced real estate costs. •Ability to leverage diverse knowledge across geography and time. •Reduce commuting and travel expenses. Potential challenges:- •Difficult to establish team cohesion. •Inability to observe nonverbal cues. •Not a substitute for face-to-face contact.

the types of program conflict

Programmed conflict. Devil's advocacy. Dialectic method.

difference between motivation and team composition

Team member interdependence •Extent to which team members rely on common task-related team inputs, and the amount of interpersonal interactions needed to complete the work. Team composition •Reflects the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members. •Teams perform better when members: •Have a high tolerance for uncertainty. •Possess high levels of emotional stability. •Are diverse in their backgrounds.

The type of appraisal in which employees are evaluated by their managers, peers, and subordinates is called the 360-degree assessment. A. True B. False


what is the sexual harassment and hostile environment

a hostile environment is when people are discriminated in the job People are hired or promoted—or denied hiring or promotion—for reasons not relevant to the job, and sexual harassment Consists of unwanted sexual attention that creates an adverse work environment, but the civil rights act is to prevent that

what is the Difference between self-efficacy, generalized self-efficacy, and self esteem

self efficacy is the Belief in one's ability to do a task, generalized self efficacy is Career readiness competency desired by employers and self esteem is The extent to which people like or dislike themselves

what is the Awareness of age, racial, and gender discrimination policies

masculine jobs are worded differently in job description to make females not apply equal pay act, civil rights act, etc

What are the big 5 personality traits?OCEAN

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

inside and outside forces for change

outside is demographics, technological, shareholder and social, where inside is human resources and management behavior

what are the stages of team development

storming, forming, norming, performing, adjouring

what are examples of hard influence tactics

•Exchange tactics - reminding someone of past favors or offering to make a trade. •Coalition tactics - getting others to support your effort. •Pressure tactics - using demands, threats, or intimidation. Legitimating tactics - basing a request on implied support from superiors, or on rules or policies

what are Examples of soft influence tactics

•Ingratiation tactics - acting humble or friendly before making a request. •Personal appeals - referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request. •Inspirational appeals - building enthusiasm or confidence by appeals to emotions, ideals, or values. •Consultation - getting others to participate in a decision or change. •Rational persuasion - convincing someone by using logic, reason, or facts.

types of powers from leaders

•Initiating-structure leadership organizes and defines what employees should be doing to maximize output. •Transactional leadership clarifies employees' roles and task requirements and provides rewards and punishments contingent on performance.

what is the difference locus of control

•Internal locus of control: You believe you control your destiny. External locus of control: You believe external forces control you

how to address microaggressions

•Make the invisible visible; simply call out that something is a stereotype or microaggression •Communicate that something is offensive or disrespectful to you; say it's offensive •You don't have to be a member of the target group for something to be offensive to you •Plan responses ahead of time •Ask for help, particularly when there is a power dynamic between you and the offender

diversity in the workplace

•Represents all the ways people are unlike and alike—the differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background.

How organizational development can be used for change?

•Set of techniques for implementing planned change to make people and organizations more effective, and A consultant with a background in behavioral sciences who can be a catalyst in helping organizations deal with old problems in new ways

what is expectancy theories

•Suggests that people are motivated by two things: 1.How much they want something. How likely they think they are to get it

what are the various types of teams

•Work teams: •Project teams: •Cross-functional teams: •Self-managed teams: •Virtual teams:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization

what are the 5 types of power

legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, expert

Imagine that you are the CEO of a cosmetics company. Your company is headquartered in Dallas, where you have more than 3,000 employees. You are planning to give a talk to all the employees, a "state of the company" address that reviews the company's performance, victories, and challenges over the past 12 months. Because you want every employee to be able to listen to your address, you decide to do it as a webcast that employees can watch on their computers in real time. Explain how your webcast includes each element of the communication process.

the elements would be source- can be referred to individual thing or sender message- the info ideas commands encoding-arrangement of message in the design the receiver understand channel- encoded information is being translated to the receiver decoding- the process of converting the encoded info sent by the sender receiver- who is getting info from the sender feedback- actions that which receiver provides to send to let them know they understood noise- barriers in communication

What are microaggressions?

the everyday slights, insults, putdowns, invalidations, and offensive behaviors that people of marginalized groups experience in daily interactions with generally well-intentioned members of the majority group who may be unaware that they have engaged in demeaning and offensive behaviors

What is job analysis?

the process of getting detailed information about jobs

•Cyberloafing and its costs

•A primary concern for employers in their adoption of social media is employees accessing the Internet at work for personal use. •Some studies put the cost of cyberloafing at $85 billion per year in the United States. •Software tools can reduce cyberloafing, limiting access or length of time used, or both.

Trends of and barriers to diversity

•Age: Millennials will replace baby boomers as the largest adult generation in the U.S. by the time this is read. •Gender: Women will make up 47.2% of the workforce by 2024. •Race and ethnicity: U.S. population is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. •Sexual orientation: Workplaces are becoming more inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community. •Physical and mental abilities: People with differing physical and mental abilities make up about 19% of civilian Americans.

what is structured interviews

•Asking each applicant the same questions and comparing their responses to a standardized set of answers.

•When to use what type of communications media

•Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another. •You are an efficient communicator when you can transmit your message accurately in the least time. You are an effective communicator when your intended message is accurately understood by the other person

•Most effective external recruiting methods

•Employee referrals. •E-recruitment tools (member directories, social media such as LinkedIn, "dot-jobs" websites).

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