Management Test 1

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Amanda works as a technical support executive at ColorWare Systems. Which of the following factors, if true, could trigger certain stereotypes about Amanda among her co-workers, though not necessarily reflecting the way they feel or think about her?

Amanda has a Swedish mother and an African American father.

Moreno's Pub Burgers has enjoyed its status as the Numero Uno hamburger restaurant in Pleasantville for the past ten years. Its only competitor is a national fast food chain preferred by children rather than adults. Which of the following, if true, would make Moreno's business environment more uncertain?

Because of the growth of Pleasantville's population, more hamburger chains build facilities in Pleasantville

________ is a term that describes a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology.


A transnational organization reflects an ethnocentric attitude.


It is time for Jane to order laminated plywood again. She typically orders from one of three vendors. She knows the price, delivery time, and quality of each vendor. In this situation, Jane has ________.


The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is called ________.


Effectiveness is associated with ________

Doing the right things

The final step in the decision-making process is to

Evaluate the outcome of the decision

A dynamic and simple environment is characterized by the greatest level of environmental uncertainty.


A dynamic environment is characterized by the absence of new competitors, few technological breakthroughs by current competitors, and little activity by pressure groups to influence the organization.


A policy is an explicit statement that tells a manager what can or cannot be done.


According to projections of the U.S. population, the ethnic groups that will exhibit the most change are the Hispanic and African American populations.


Age discrimination is prohibited by the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


An organization is said to adopt the market approach to going green when it responds to the environmental demands made by its stakeholders.


Because a company's culture has so much influence on managers' decisions, it is important that each manager have a published code clearly stating the company's cultural guidelines.


Because of the advances in social media and the extensive use of technology in business communications, social skills have diminished in importance in the workplace


Because of the advances in social media and the extensive use of technology in business communications, social skills have diminished in importance in the workplace.


Deep-level diversity refers to easily perceived differences that may trigger certain stereotypes, but that do not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel.


Directing and motivating are part of the organizing function of management.


Figurehead, leader, and liaison are all informational managerial roles according to Mintzberg.


Inclusion is one of the most popular and controversial topics in management.


Licensing is primarily used by service organizations and franchising is primarily used by manufacturing organizations.


Men are found to follow a nurturing, inclusive, and collaborative style of leadership, in contrast to women.


Nonprogrammed decision making relies on procedures, rules, and policies.


One of the most difficult aspects of the increasing use of technology in the workplace has been to make employees comfortable around robots.


Research shows that the quality of management has little impact on the success of the business.


Rules and procedures are the same


The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development developed a global trade agreement.


The most outspoken advocate of the classical view of organizational social responsibility is Alan Greenspan.


The shared aspect of culture implies that all employees in an organization agree with the organization's values and beliefs


The shared aspect of culture implies that all employees in an organization agree with the organization's values and beliefs.


The symbolic view of management impact is useful in explaining the high turnover among sports coaches, who can be considered the "managers" of their teams.


When a firm engages in social actions because of its obligation to meet certain economic and legal responsibilities, it is said to be socially responsive.


When an American company earns profits in a foreign country, those profits are taxed according to the tax laws of the United States.


Women tend to be more argumentative and less willing to conform to authority than men


Worldwide population trends indicate that we will witness dwindling labor supply and increasing total global savings rates.


Melanie joined an international student association in order to better understand the views of students from other countries. She is trying to become more ________ in her attitude.


What is the connection between managers and customers?

Managers must create a customer-responsive organization in order to survive successfully in today's environment.

Which one of the following represents the highest level of environmental uncertainty?

Mario's restaurant competes against 325 others in the city; the city's ethnic mix is constantly changing.

Managers with titles such as regional manager, project leader, or division manager are ________

Middle Managers

The most outspoken advocate of the classical view of social responsibility is economist and Nobel laureate ________.

Milton Friedman

Which one of the following would make Mary realize that the company where she works has a strong culture?

Most employees are aware of company history

Which one of the following represents the basic difference between multidomestic corporations and global companies?

Multidomestic corporations decentralize management to the local country, while global companies centralize management in the home country.

Blue Fin and ChrisCraft, two boat manufacturers, have merged. Top managers now must decide how the work will be divided and who will do what work. Such an arrangement makes up a(n) ________.


As part of Dave's controlling function of management, he must monitor and evaluate performance.


Which of the following trends has been observed in the world population in terms of aging?

People aged 65 and older will soon outnumber children under age 5 for the first time in history.

A(n) ________ typically contains an ambiguous term that leaves interpretation up to the decision maker.


One of the workers in Henry's department submitted his two weeks' notice so Henry needs to hire a replacement. The HR department issued a set of instructions Henry must follow to initiate the search for candidates. In other words, there is a ________ Henry must follow.


The last time he flew Jet Value Air, Juan's plane developed a fuel leak and had to make an emergency landing. The time before that, his plane was grounded because of an electrical problem. Juan is sure his current trip will be fraught with problems and he will once again be delayed. This is an example of the ________ bias


A(n) ________ is an explicit statement that tells a manager what can or cannot be done.


Abigail is shopping for a new copier for her company. She has set her price range between $5,000 and $6,000. The copier must handle a minimum of 10,000 copies per month and have a useful life expectancy of five years. If Abigail selects the first copier she finds that meets these criteria, we would say she is ________.


Whenever anyone praises Mark for his good performance, he has the tendency to attribute his success to his personal qualities such as his ability to thrive under pressure and his eye for detail. However, any negative performance feedback is always met with excuses such as unsupportive team members or insufficient time. This is an example of the ________.

Self-serving bias

The term ________ is used to collectively refer to any constituencies in an organization's environment that are affected by its decisions and actions.


Which one of the following types of managerial positions is most likely to involve clerical duties?


Hofstede's Five Dimensions of National Culture would predict which of the following?

The French employees believe that rank should have its privileges.

Terry has recently been promoted from shift manager to department manager. As a result, ______.

The importance of his technical skills is reduced

Which one of the following correctly reflects the characteristics of the current U.S. population?

The median age of the U.S. population has risen significantly over the last decade.

Kenneth is a vice president of operations. His position would be regarded as a ________.

Top Manager

. Managers with an ethnocentric attitude do not trust foreign employees with key decisions or technology.


A global mind-set refers to attributes that allow a leader to be effective in cross-cultural environments.


A strategic alliance is a partnership between an organization and a foreign company partner in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products or building production facilities.


At the principled level of moral development, an individual values the rights of others and upholds absolute values and rights regardless of the majority's opinion.


Demographic characteristics such as differences in age, gender, race, etc. reflect surface-level diversity among employees.


Design thinking is an interesting new line of thinking with broad implications for making effective business decisions by integrating emotional elements into the process


Design thinking is an interesting new line of thinking with broad implications for making effective business decisions by integrating emotional elements into the process.


Giving service-contact employees the discretion to make day-to-day decisions on job-related activities is instrumental in creating a customer-responsive culture.


In the decision-making process, after allocating weights to the decision criteria, the decision maker lists viable alternatives that could resolve the problem.


In traditionally structured organizations, managers can be classified as first-line managers, middle managers, or top managers


In traditionally structured organizations, managers can be classified as first-line managers, middle managers, or top managers.


It is important that firms be concerned with both the ends and the means used to achieve them.


Licensing and franchising are similar approaches involving one organization giving another organization the right to use its brand name, technology, or product specifications in return for a lump sum payment or a fee usually based on sales.


Managers have greater influence over organizational performance when relationships with the stakeholders are obvious and secure.


Managers play an important role in dealing with various challenges being faced by organizations today.


Managers use decision-making in every function, from planning to controlling.


Men with a strong sense of fairness make the best mentors for women.


Mexico is an example of a collectivistic nation.


Organizations help employees adapt to the culture through socialization.


People aged 65 and older are expected to soon outnumber children under age 5 for the first time in history.


Possession of resources is an argument in favor of social responsibility.


Risk is the condition in which a decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes.


Rules and procedures are the same.


The anchoring effect describes when decision makers fixate on initial information as a starting point and then, once set, fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information.


The phenomenon of escalation of commitment refers to an increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence that it may have been wrong.


The phenomenon of escalation of commitment refers to an increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence that it may have been wrong..


The term "values" refers to basic convictions about what is right and wrong behavior.


First-line managers are typically those who ________.

are typically involved with producing the organization's products or providing its service

The view of managers as omnipotent is consistent with the stereotypical picture of the take-charge business executive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization's objectives.


Today's managers are just as likely to be women as they are men.


When employees are evaluated only on outcomes, they may be pressured to do whatever is necessary to look good on the outcomes, and not be concerned with how they got those results.


When the original members formed the European Union in 1992, the primary motivation was to reassert the region's economic position against the United States and Japan.


If Nanette is able to strengthen the culture of her organization, which one of the following could she reasonably expect as a result?

a decrease in employee turnover

if Nanette is able to strengthen the culture of her organization, which one of the following could she reasonably expect as a result?

a decrease in employee turnover

Which of the following environments is characterized by the highest level of environmental uncertainty?

a dynamic and complex environment

Miller's Multivitamins uses only organically grown fruits and vegetables in its vitamins. It purifies any water used in its processes before releasing it back into the environment and exceeds the EPA requirements for cleaning particulates from the air it uses. Which approach to green management does Miller's Multivitamins use?


A ________ economy is one in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the private sector.

free market

Kathleen likes cats. She believes people who own cats are independent and free spirits. She finds out Linda has a cat. Therefore, Linda is independent and free-spirited. In order, what is happening here?

bias, prejudice, stereotyping

Before actually putting the decision into action, the decision-maker may find it prudent to ________.

check to make sure the conditions that existed at the time of the decision still exist, and make sure the decision is still the best one

Appleton would like to build a coal-burning electric generating facility located in a remote area because the cost involved is moderate. Appleton is following which of the social responsibility views?

classical view

Bruce will be making a presentation to the senior management team to encourage them to support efforts to improve the company's diversity policies and practices. One of the more compelling arguments he can use is ________.

companies with inclusive practices outperformed their competitors

Mildred was persuaded by a fast-talking salesperson to carry an expensive brand of yarns in her retail needlecraft shop. Seldom does a customer buy this brand, but on those rare occasions Mildred tells herself she made the right decision. The yarns have been sitting on the shelf for several months and she has yet to profit from them. Mildred suffers from the ________.

confirmation bias

The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is called ________.


The phrase "My word is my bond" is likely to be spoken by someone at the ________ stage of moral development.


Target's donation of 5% of its annual income to community support is an example of ________.

corporate philanthropy

The term ________ refers to repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the important values and goals of the organization.

corporate rituals

________ is a process whereby an experienced organizational member provides advice and guidance to a less-experienced member.

deep-level diversity

Older workers in an organization are subjected to ________ if they are laid off for being highly paid and having lucrative benefits.

discriminatory practices

The aspect that differentiates social responsibility from other similar concepts is that it adds a(n) ________

ethical imperative

The aspect that differentiates social responsibility from other similar concepts is that it adds a(n) ________.

ethical imperative

While talking with her advisor at the university, Jane deduces that she has a(n) ________ attitude, as she has never traveled abroad and relates well only to people from her home country.


The final step in the decision-making process is to ________.

evaluate the outcome of the decision

Bernard's company knows it must constantly create new products to stay ahead of the competition. Which of the following characteristics are we likely to find in this culture?

freedom for employees to exercise discretion

Despite reassurances from R&D's internal testing lab, Stephen believes the new material for climbing ropes should not be used in their manufacture until it has been certified by an independent lab. It would appear that Stephen has ________.

high ego strength

When Sam Walton visited his Walmart stores, he would often lead the employees in cheers and give inspiring speeches. Sam knew the importance of ________ skills.


An ethnocentric attitude ________.

is the belief that the home country has the best work approaches and practices

Intuitive decision making ________.

is the process of making decisions based on experience, feelings, and accumulated judgment

During which era was the term "workforce diversity" first used?

late 1980s

In which of the following approaches of going green does the organization exhibit the least environmental sensitivity?

legal (light green) approach

As part of the orientation for her internship, Rebecca was informed that ________ are the people who direct the activities of others in an organization.


Depending on the weather and the amount of advertising, Kyle has developed six scenarios for his summer profits from his lawn care business. His business has failed to reach his expectations in the past, so he fears the worst. Kyle will likely choose the option that ________.

maximizes the minimum possible payoff

Tom is responsible for project managers who supervise others who perform manual work. He reports to a vice president on another continent. Tom is a ________.

middle manager

As the international operations of their firm continues to grow, Theodore and James have realized that decentralized management using foreign nationals to run operations in the host countries works best. Their firm has developed into a ________ organization.


Carla discovered that the supplier with the highest quality also had the longest lead time. The supplier with the best lead time had the highest price. To help Carla make her decision, she should ________.

multiply her ratings for each criteria by the weight for the criteria then sum the scores

Which one of the following represents the two views of managerial impact on the success or failure of the organization?

omnipotent and symbolic

In his exit interview, James, a member of a minority group, mentioned that he had been passed over for promotions in favor of less qualified internal candidates. This situation relates to ________.

organizational performance

More than a hundred years ago, Henri Fayol proposed that managers performed five functions. They were ________.

planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling

The Corrupt Foreign Practices Act forbids U.S. citizens to offer bribes to officials in other countries, but some of those officials depend on bribes to supplement their meager incomes. This particular dilemma is part of the ________ environment.


Managers with a(n) ________ attitude view every foreign operation as different and hard to understand.


In which of the following stages of moral development do individuals value rights of others and uphold absolute values and rights regardless of the majority's opinion?

principled stage

The last time he flew Jet Value Air, Juan's plane developed a fuel leak and had to make an emergency landing. The time before that, his plane was grounded because of an electrical problem. Juan is sure his current trip will be fraught with problems and he will once again be delayed. This is an example of the ________ bias


Groups made up of employees connected by some common dimension of diversity are known as employee ________.

resource groups

Employers in the global marketplace look for which one of the following?

respect for differences

The decisions many managers make in today's business world typically involve ________.

risk, incomplete information, and time pressure

A(n) ________ is an explicit statement that tells a manager what can or cannot be done.


An organization's culture can be perpetuated by ________.

selecting candidates for employment who share the organizations values

If your university was paying minimum wage when necessary and applying the minimum legal standards to its employees work environment, it would be said to have fulfilled its

social obligation

In the United States a company that meets, but does not exceed, federal pollution control standards and does not discriminate in hiring, promotion, and pay is generally meeting its ________.

social obligation

Years ago McDonald's switched from Styrofoam boxes for its large sandwiches to corrugated boxes made partially from recycled materials because of concerns that Styrofoam took too long to decompose in landfills. In this situation, McDonald's was ________

socially responsive

Which one of the following types of managerial positions is most likely to involve clerical duties?


Jack and Jill are discussing the new hire in their department: her hair color, skin tone, manner of dress, and accent. Jack and Jill are focusing on ________.

surface level diversity

The meaning of "glass" that is used in the term "glass ceiling" signifies ________.

that whatever is blocking the way for women to attain top management positions is not immediately apparent

Which one of the following is a cultural constraint that affects the decisions managers in a company make?

the extent to which employees are encouraged to participate on problem-solving teams

Terry has recently been promoted from shift manager to department manager. As a result, ________.

the importance of his technical skills is reduced

According to the socioeconomic view, managers' social responsibilities go beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society's welfare.


Farrell has a knack for selecting candidates who become very successful workers. When asked how he does it, he answered that he "listened to his gut." Farrell is really ________.

using his intuition

Your university has tried to promote the establishment of shared values so that all members will understand its beliefs. The university has established ________ management.


If Google asks 25 members of its executive team to spend a full day during their annual team-building retreat building a house in Las Vegas with Habitat for Humanity, the executives would be engaging in employee ________.

volunteering efforts

Heinrich, a purchaser for an optics company in Germany, must place an order for materials for use in its production process. He is most likely to order from a company ________.

within the European Union because there would be no barriers to trade

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