Management test 3 CH 14

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trait theory

A type of leadership theory. one way to describe who leaders are. a leadership theory that holds that effective leaders possess a similiar set of traits or characteristics. also known as the "great person" theory because early versions of the theory stated that leaders are born, not made. In other words, you either have the right stuff to be a leader, or you don't. And if you dont, there is no way to get it.

it makes sense for leaders to be both supportive and directive. It also makes sense that leaders could improve subordinate satisfaction and performance by adding participative and achievement oriented leadership styles to their capabilities as leaders.

Does adapting one's leadership style to subordinate and environmental characterisitics improve subordinate satisfaction and performance?

Studies indicate that it often does

Does charismatic leadership work?


Does following path goal theory improve subordinate satisfaction and performance?

There isnt one best leadership style. the best leadership style depends on the situation. In other words, no one leadership behavior by itself and no one combo of leadership behaviors works well across all situations and employees

Is the team management style, with a high concern for production and a high concern for people, the best leadership style?

Initiating structure considerate leading behavior

What are the 2 basic leader behaviors that are essential to successful leadership?

ethical charismatics unethical charismatics

What are the 2 kinds of charismatic leaders?

charismatic leadership/idealized influence inspirational motivation intellectual stimulation individualized consideration

What are the 4 components of transformational leadership?

autocratic decisions (AI AII) consultative decisions (CI or CII) Group decisions (GII)

What are the 5 different decision styles or ways of making decisions using the normative decision theory?

Country club management team management middle of the road management impoverished management authority compliance

What are the 5 different leadership styles according to blake and mouton's leadership grid?

task structure formal authority system primary work group

What are the path goal theory environmental contingencies?(3)

directive supportive participative achievement oriented

What are the path goal theory leadership styles? (4)

Perceived ability locus of control experience

What are the path goal theory leadership subordinates contingencies? (3)

subordinate satisfaction subordinate performance

What are the path goal theory outcomes? (2)

strategic leadership visionary leadership

What are the two types of leadership?

drive the desire to lead honesty/integrity self confidence emotional stability cognitive ability knowledge of the business

Which traits do leaders have that non-leaders dont?

Initiating structure

a basic leader behavior that is essential to successful leadership. forms the basis of many leadership theories. the degree to which a leader structures the roles of followers by setting goals, giving directions, setting deadlines, and assigning tasks. primarly affects subordinates job performance. also known as concern for people in blake and mouton's leadership grid.

consideration (considerate leading behavior)

a basic leader behavior that is essential to successful leadership. forms the basis of many leadership theories. the extent to which a leader is friendly, approachable, and supportive and shows concern for employees. primarily affects subordinates job satisfaction. EX: listening to employees problems and concerns, consulting with employees before making decisions, and treating employees as equals. also known as concern for production in blake and mouton's leadership grid.

charismatic leadership/idealized influence

a component of transformational leadership. means that transformational leaders act as role models for their followers.

intellectual stimulation

a component of transformational leadership. means that transformational leaders encourage followers to be creative and innovative, to question assumptions, and to look at problems and situations in new ways even if their ideas are different from those of leaders.

inspirational motivation

a component of transformational leadership. means that transformational leaders motivate and inspire followers by providing meaning and challenge to their work.

individualized consideration

a component of transformational leadership. means that transformational leaders pay special attention to followers' individual needs by creating learning opportunities, accepting and tolerating individual differences, encouraging 2 way communication, and being good listeners.

unethical charismatics

a kind of charismatic leader. charismatic leaders who control and manipulate followers, do what is best for themselves instead of their organizations, want to hear only positive feedback, share only info that is beneficial to themselves, and have moral standards that put their interests before everyone else's

ethical charismatics

a kind of charismatic leader. charismatic leaders who provide developmental opportunities for followers, are open to positive and negative feedback, recognize others' contributions, share info, and have moral standards and that emphasize the larger interests of the group, organization, or society

country club management

a leadership style according to blake and mouton's leadership grid. (1,9) occurs when leaders care about having a friendly, enjoyable work environment but dont really pay much attention to production or performance. thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organizational atmosphere and work tempo.

middle of the road management

a leadership style according to blake and mouton's leadership grid. (5,5) occurs when leaders show a moderate amount of concern for both people and production. Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the need to get work done with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level.

authority compliance

a leadership style according to blake and mouton's leadership grid. (9,1) High concern for production (9), low concern for people (1). efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree.

team management

a leadership style according to blake and mouton's leadership grid. High-High on blake and mouton's leadership grid. (9,9) Blake and Mouton suggest this leadership style is the best. High concern for people (9), high concern for production (9). Work accomplished is from committed people. Interdependence through a common mistake in organizational purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect

impoverished management

a leadership style according to blake and mouton's leadership grid. the worst leadership style according to the grid. (1,1) this type of leader shows little concern for people or production and does the bare minimum needed to keep his or her job. exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership.

formal authority system

a path goal theory environmental contingency. is an organizations set of procedures, rules, and policies.

primary work group

a path goal theory environmental contingency. refers to the amount of work oriented participation or emotional support that is provided by an employee's immediate work group.

task structure

a path goal theory environmental contingency. the degree to which the requirements of a subordinates tasks are clearly specified.

supportive leadership (supportive)

a path goal theory leadership style. a leadership style in which the leader is friendly and approachable to employees, shows concern for employees and and their wellfare, treats them as equals, and creates a friendly climate. very similar to considerate leader behavior.

directive leadership (directive)

a path goal theory leadership style. a leadership style in which the leader lets employees know precisely what is expected of them, gives them specific guidelines for performing tasks, schedules work, sets standards of performance, and makes sure that people will follow standard rules and regulations. very similiar to intiating structure

achievement oriented leadership (achievement oriented)

a path goal theory leadership style. a leadership style in which the leader sets challenging goals, has high expectations of employees, and displays confidence that employees will assume responsibility and put forth extroadinary effort.

participative leadership (participative)

a path goal theory leadership style. involves the leader consulting employees for their suggestions and input before making decisions.

locus of control

a path goal theory subordinate contingency. a personality measure that indicates the extent to which people believe that they have control over what happens to them in life.

self confidence

a trait that leaders have that non-leaders dont have. believing in one's abilities.


a trait that leaders have that non-leaders dont have. is important to leaders. Being truthful with others. A cornerstone of leadership, without it leaders wont be trusted.


a trait that leaders have that non-leaders dont have. refers to high levels of effort and is characterized by achievement, motivation, initiative, energy, and tenacity


a trait that leaders have that non-leaders dont have. the extent to which leaders do what they say they will do.

knowledge of the business

a trait that leaders have that non-leaders dont have. understanding the key technological decisions and concerns facing their companies.

path goal theory

a type of leadership theory. a leadership theory that states that leaders can increase subordinate satisfaction and performance by clarifying and clearing the paths to goals and by increasing the number and kinds of rewards available for goal attainment. leaders need to clarify how followers can achieve organizational goals, take care of problems that prevent followers from achieving goals, and then find more and varied rewards to motivate followers to achieve those goals.

normative decision theory

a type of leadership theory. also known as the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model. a theory that suggests how leaders can determine an appropriate amount of employee participation when making decisions.

transformational leadership

a type of visionary leadership. leadership that generates awareness and acceptance of a group's purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self interests for the good of the group


believe that what happens to them good or bad is largely a result of their choices and actions.


believe that what happens to them is caused by external forces beyond their control.

autocratic decisions (AI)

decision style or way of making decisions using the normative decision theory. leaders make the decisions by themselves. Using info available at the time, the leader solves the problem or makes the decision.

autocratic decisions ( AII)

decision style or way of making decisions using the normative decision theory. leaders make the decisions by themselves. the leader obtains necessary info from employees and then selects a solution to the problem. When asked to share info, employees may or may not be told what the problem is.

consultative decisions (CI)

decision style or way of making decisions using the normative decision theory. leaders share problems with subordinates but still make the decisions themselves. The leader shares the problem and gets ideas and suggestions from relevant employees on an individual basis. individuals are not brought together as a group. Then the leader makes the decision, which may or may not reflect their input.

consultative decisions ( CII)

decision style or way of making decisions using the normative decision theory. leaders share problems with subordinates but still make the decisions themselves. The leader shares the problem with employees as a group, obtains their ideas and suggestions, and then makes the decision, which may or may not reflect their input.

Group decisions (GII)

decision style or way of making decisions using the normative decision theory. leaders share their problems with subordinates and then have the group make the decisions. The leader shares the problem with employees as a group. Together, the leader and employees generate and evaluate alternatives and try to reach an agreement on a solution. The leader acts as a facilitator and does not try to influence the group. The leader is willing to accept and implement any solution that has the support of the entire group.

charismatic leadership

kind of visionary leadership. the behavioral tendencies and personal characteristics of leaders that create an exceptionally strong relationship between them and their followers.


leaders are more concerned with ___________. what gets done.

Leader behavior must be a source of immediate or future satisfaction while providing the coaching, guiding, support, and rewards necessary for effective work performance, leader behaviors must complement and not duplicate the characterisitics of followers work environments.

leaders need to meet what 2 conditions for path clarification, path clearing, and rewards to increase followers motivation and effort?

transactional leadership

leadership based on an exchange process in which followers are rewarded for good performance and punished for poor performance.


managers are more concerned with __________, how to get things done.


relatively stable characterisitics, such as abilities, psychological motives, or consistent patterns of behavior


the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals.

visionary leadership

type of leadership that creates a positive image of the future that motivates organizational members and provides direction for future planning and goal setting.

strategic leadership

type of leadership. the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others to initiate changes that will create a positive future for an organization.

charismatic leadership transformational leadership

what are the 2 kinds of visionary leadership?

trait theory path goal theory normative decision theory

what are the 3 leadership theories?

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