Managing Exterior Networks and Collaborations

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What innovation was employed to help participants understand how their work led to larger outcomes in Washington State

GMAP uses logic models to help agency managers and staff understand how their specific activities and outputs lead to larger outcomes.

Key characteristics of the CompStat method

-Focuses on middle and senior managers on the achievement of certain agreed-upon goals; -Makes heavy use of data to assess performance and inform decisions; -Includes regular, structured meetings where senior leaders question agency managers about recent performance and outcomes, and managers discuss what they've learned and how they've worked together to achieve the outcomes; -Emphasis persistent followup and procedures actions plans for improvement after each meeting; -Is managed by a small unit that tracks and analyze agency performance between meetings -Provides a disciplined approach to senior level decision making.

Provide the five levers discussed in Linden that leaders can use to create sustainable collaborative cultures, including examples (cases) of system and structure

1) A structure- co-location- that promotes collaboration and information sharing 2) A method- the stat approach- and the way Washington State has used this method in its GMAP process 3) A system- the new Web- and it's set of tools that help employees engage internally, across agencies, with their stakeholders, and among stakeholders 4) The people best positioned to make change 5) The people are who can create sustainable collaboration

Provide the four points in Linden's analysis of why Stat programs work.

1) Openness and transparency 2) Clear benefits for stakeholders 3) Ground truth and situational awareness 4) Stat programs meet the two fundamental human needs

Linden's two fundamental principles for communication to foster collaboration

1) mastery- to be competent at something (and appreciated for it) and 2) belonging- to be part of something larger than oneself

Commonalities for successfully dealing with powerful personalities and cultures that reward them

1. Use collaborative leadership skills 2. Find ways to be creative, take prudent risks, and use political skills 3. Respond to basic self-interests 4. Start at the individual level, then move to systematic change

John Springett's 4 steps to dealing with difficult people

1. cant deal with oversized egos, keep solid ego in check 2. seek win-win solutions 3. use push and pull 4. use confidence and willingness to move forward

What did Harvard's Bob Behn posit with respect to the likelihood of actors to collaborate, when explaining the value of logic models?

Harvard's Ben Behn posits that agencies are more likely to collaborate around common goals when they agree on a cause-and-effect theory for connecting their outputs to the desired outcome. He also argues that employees are more motivated to work on outputs and activities under their control on broader outcomes.

Most governments compared to Washington State after Christine Gregoire (GMAP)

Most governments use this approach focus on individual agency objectives (# of potholes followed in a time period, # hours worked, response times) but Gregoire had GMAP focus on broad-based outcomes so no single agency can achieve a goal on its own requiring collaboration.

Explain the challenge of the three topics of the framework interacting

Network health depends to some extent on connectivity, and network impact depends some on the extent of network health and a network's impact can affect both health and connectivity

What did the logic model allow leaders to monitor and determine/assess?

The logic model allowed leaders to monitor and assess employees' ongoing activities and outputs to determine if a long-term strategy is being implemented effectively

Which of the 5 levelers is considered the most important and powerful

The most important of the five levers are the people who can create sustainable collaboration. This is the focus on two sets of people, tomorrow's leaders, the generation born between 1980 and 2000, and today's leaders, those who can build collaborative structures and methods and can prepare tomorrow's leaders to lead

Linden's A Structured Method for Generation Collaboration and Accountability begins with positing what is the most important driver of collaboration across agencies and is central to achieving collaboration. What is posited?

The most important thing you can do to drive interagency collaboration is to make all agencies accountable for improving outcomes (Linden 219). The CompStat, is a method that combines structured meetings focused on goal achievement, fact-based analysis and decisions, senior leadership involvement, and rigorous follow-ups, is what is being posited

Explain the relationship between: GMAP collaboration meetings, results, activities, and outputs.

The relationship between GMAP collaboration meetings, results, activities, and outputs are that GMAP meetings are organized around results, not individual agency activities and outputs

Plastrik's framework for assessing networks

contains three major topics: connectivity, health, and impact

What does the GMAP logic model demonstrate

it demonstrates demonstrates cause-and-effect relationships between agency activities and the ultimate desired outcome

Can leaders require collaboration

no but they can expect it

The fundamental principles of an organization's communications are if you want to make an impact on people's minds...

you have to engage them in a two-way dialogue which requires small group, face-to-face experiences

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