MANGMT 3000 Final Exam

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Which act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, public services, public accommodations, and in telecommunications?


People born between 1946 and 1964 are classified as which of these?

Baby Boomers

In 1981, _____ championed the forced-ranking system.

Jack Welch

Jason has expertise in change management processes. Jason can be classified as a(n) ______.

OD consultant

ABC Products is interested in identifying what technological opportunities exists for their business. ABC should use which of the following strategic analysis tools?


ABC Products is interested in understanding if new firms were coming into their market. ABC should use which of the following strategic analysis tools?

Porter's 5 Forces

_____ entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period for specified family and medical reasons.

FMLA of 1993

________ discrimination is a catchall term that describes when people are denied employment opportunities because of their identity group or personal characteristics such as sex, race, age, or other factors.


The ______ focuses on the benefit that a diverse workforce can bring to a business that wishes to operate within a diverse set of markets or with culturally diverse clients.

access and legitimacy perspective

As the leader of a work group, you have confidence in your group members' ability to attain high standards and you emphasize excellence. According to the path-goal theory, you would choose which type of leader behavior?

achievement oriented leadership

According to Professor Conger of McGill University, a strategic opportunist is:

an organizational visionary

Which of these represents the final step in Kotter's Change Model?

anchor the changes

Which of the following represent a model specifically designed as an abundance-based, bottom-up, positive approach?

appreciative inquiry (AI) model

Within an organization, the primary lever to address the drive to _____ is culture, and the actions are to foster mutual reliance and friendships, to value collaboration and teamwork, and to encourage best practice sharing.


Which of the following represents the framework a firm uses to organize its activities, developed by the firm's top managers and includes examples such as cost leadership and differentiation?

business-level strategy

Within an organization, the primary lever to address the drive to _____ are performance management and resource-allocation processes, and the actions are to increase process transparency and fairness, and to build trust by being just in granting rewards, assignments, and other recognition.


When a company decide to shrink its operations to reduce costs in order to survive, it is employing a ____ strategy.


According to the BCG Matrix, business units that are doing poorly in a low growth market are called ______.


Which of the following argues that organizations exist as socially constructed systems in which people are constantly making sense of and enacting an organizational reality as they interact with others in a system?

emergent approach

With growing dissatisfaction with performance management processes, Agile Manifesto was developed by software developers and emphasized principles of all of these EXCEPT:

emotional intelligence

Which of these represents the first step in Kotter's Change Model?

establish a sense of urgency

In a third phase of organizational life cycle, survival and early success, the organization expands, and the hierarchy deepens, now with multiple levels of employees.


In deficit-based change, leaders assume that employees will change if they can be inspired to aim for greater degrees of excellence in their work.


In the appreciative mindset, leaders assume that most people are inclined to resist change and therefore they need to be managed in a way that encourages them to accept change.


Leadership and management are interchangeable.


One downside of diverse teams, according to research, is that they enhance groupthink.


Organizational design refers to the constant shifts that occur within an organizational system.


Organizations have two kinds of leaders: task and maintenance.


People surrender their power to define reality for themselves to individuals whom they believe are capable of punitive forms of punishment.


Performance management began as a simple tool used for employee development.


Possessing feminine qualities has tended to distract from the attractiveness of the individual as a leader.


Recent evidence suggests that individual's who are androgynous are not likely to emerge in leadership roles as individuals with only masculine characteristics.


Strategic objectives usually identify why a firm exists.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 protects individuals who are 30 years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age.


The evolution of HR work can be described terms of waves where wave 1 focused on the integration of HR strategy with the overall business strategy.


The similarity-attraction paradigm explains how diversity can have positive outcomes for an organization.


There does not appear to be any evidence supporting the observation that men emerge as leaders more frequently than women.


Transformational change refers to small refinements in current organizational practices or routines that do not challenge, but rather build on or improve, existing aspects and practices within the organization.


Unfortunately, research has shown that racially diverse firms have poorer financial performance than more homogeneous firms.


Human resource management includes the leadership and facilitation of all the following key life cycle process areas EXCEPT:

financial management and compliance

Which of the following describes an officially defined set of relationships, responsibilities, and connections that exist across an organization?

formal organization

XY Deliveries, a package delivery company, is organized as XY North, XY South, XY East, XY West, and XY Central divisions in the United States. Which of the following best describe the structure at XY Deliveries?

geographic structure

Which is an invisible barrier based on the prejudicial beliefs that underlie organizational decisions that prevent women from moving beyond certain levels within a company?

glass ceiling

According to Professor Jay A. Conger, Professor at Canada's McGill University, the major forces for the next generation of leaders will be:

global competitiveness and diversity

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of diversity?

greater marketing expenditure

Jamal is always telling lewd jokes and is known for making offensive comments about women in general. Jamal can be considered as creating which of these?

hostile environment

Which term describes a collective of individuals who share the same demographic characteristics such as race, sex, or age?

identity group

Which of these refers to small refinements in current organizational practices or routines that do not challenge, but rather build on or improve, existing aspects and practices within the organization?

incremental change

Which of these is referred to as the invisible network of interpersonal relationships that shape how people actually connect with one another to carry out their activities?

informal organization

The ______ suggests that the different life experiences, skills, and perspectives that members of diverse cultural identity groups possess can be a valuable resource in the context of work groups.

integration and learning perspective

In which structure an organization has multiple reporting lines of authority for employees?

matrix structure

Which of these is a general description of how the firm will try to accomplish the firm's vision?

mission statement

Which term describes a stereotype that portrays Asian men and women as obedient and successful and is often used to justify socioeconomic disparities between other racial minority groups?

model minority myth

Which of the following represents the label for a field that specializes in change management?

organizational development

Although HR is responsible for creating and facilitating the performance management processes, it is the ______ that need to strongly support the process and communicate the linkage of performance management to overall organizational goals and performance.

organizational managers

A ____ is a decision to carry out a particular action in order to achieve a specific goal.


Jay Patel is the HR manager at BNB Manufacturing. Jay wants to establish the pay-for-performance structure at BNB. Jay's boss is interested in the following questions: How much differentiation of performance will we have? What is the cost of doing this pay-for-performance? Jay should focus on which of the following step in the framework to obtain these answers?

review the financial impacts of creating pay-for-performance changes

______ explains how individuals encode information about others based on their demographic characteristics.

schema theory

______ suggests that when we first come into contact with others, we categorize them as belonging to an in-group or an out-group.

social identity theory

According to the BCG Matrix, business divisions that are in a high market share, high growth quadrant are called ______.


Which of the following refers to the systematic examination of a firm's internal and external situation that informs managerial decision-making?

strategic analysis

_____ is (are) the big-picture goals for the company.

strategic objectives

Weber proposed all of these elements of bureaucracy that serve as a foundation for determining an appropriate structure EXCEPT:

structural change

Which term represents an individual's visible characteristics, including, but not limited to, age, body size, visible disabilities, race, or sex?

surface level diversity

Which term defines the strategy for selection, recruiting, and hiring processes?

talent acquisition

Two important group outcomes or consequences of the interactive process that unfolds between a leader, follower, and the situation include:

task performance and group maintenance

With respect to leadership, what statement best reflects the impact of a leader who is located apart from his or her subordinates?

the distance becomes a neutralizer of leader behavior

As a manager of a diverse work group, which of the following general statements or principles would you use to guide you in attempting to be an effective leaders?

the effective practice of leadership necessitates a careful look at and understanding of the individual differences brought to the leader-follower relationship by the cross-cultural context

The leader that members of a group acknowledge as their leader is:

the informal leader

"T" in SMART Framework refers to which of these?

time bound

A business-level strategy is the framework a firm uses to organize its activities, and it is developed by the firm's top managers.


A study of 3600 managers from 14 countries reveals that most of the mangers held assumptions about human nature that could best be classified as Theory X.


According to the Path-Goal Theory of leadership, the motivational function of the leader consists of increasing personal payoffs to organizational members for work-goal attainment, clarifying the path to these payoffs, reducing road blocks and pitfalls, and increasing the opportunities for satisfaction enroute.


Best practices for effective recruiting of key leadership hires suggest that every two to three years there should be a review of high-level leadership requirements based on the strategic plan.


It is the follower's personality and readiness to follow that will determine the style of leadership that is most effective.


Leaders who use referent and expert power commonly experience a favorable response in terms of follower satisfaction and performance.


Planned change is an intentional activity or set of intentional activities that are designed to create movement toward a specific goal or end.


Scheduling HR compliance audits should be part of the company's overall strategy to avoid legal risk.


The BCG Matrix has recommendations for businesses in each quadrant—for example, a business in the dog quadrant should be sold or closed. Cash cows provide income to the corporation, and stars provide growth.


The EEOC was created by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the primary goal of making it illegal to discriminate against someone in the workplace due to their race, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or pregnancy status.


The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period for specified family and medical reasons.


The core traits such as drive, honesty, and self-confidence are considered to be preconditions that endow people with leadership potential.


The individual who is recognized by those outside of a group as the official leader is also known as the formal leader.


The informal organization is emergent, meaning that it is formed through the common conversations and relationships that often naturally occur as people interact with one another in their day-to-day relationships.


The integration-and-learning perspective posits that the different life experiences, skills, and perspectives that members of diverse cultural identity groups possess can be a valuable resource in the context of work groups.


The mission statement takes the why of a vision statement and gives a broad description of how the firm will try to make its vision a reality.


The strategic management process is the set of activities that firm managers undertake in order to try to put their firms in the best possible position to compete successfully in the marketplace.


The strategy cycle is a process managers use to achieve an advantage in the marketplace, and the measurement and evaluation stage tells managers whether the advantage is being achieved.


Which of these term is often used to reflect ways in which organizations show appreciation for diversity among job applicants, employees, and customers?

valuing diversity

Which of these is an expression of what a business's founders want that business to accomplish?

vision statement

According to personality psychologists, leader traits will play a stronger role shaping leader behavior in what type of situations?


By the 1960s nearly _____% of all U.S. companies were using a performance appraisal process.


According to the evolution of HR work, the administrative work of HR personnel, such as the terms and conditions of work, delivery of HR services, and regulatory compliance were the focus of which of the following?

Wave 1

According to the evolution of HR work, the integration of HR strategy with the overall business strategy has been the focus of which of the following?

Wave 3

According to the evolution of HR work, in _____, HR continues to be a partner to the business, but has also become a competitive practice for responding to external business conditions.

Wave 4

All of these questions are answered by the Porter's 5 Force tool EXCEPT:

What sociocultural trends provide opportunities for my business?

According to the BCG Matrix, business units that have high market share but are in a market that is not growing are called ______.

cash cows

Which of the following refers to the scenario when an organization concentrates resources in only a one or very few locations, or only a few individuals are authorized to make decisions about the use of resources?


Within an organization, the primary lever to address the drive to _____ is job design, and the actions are to design jobs that have distinct and important roles in the organization, as well as jobs that are meaningful and foster a sense of contribution.


Which term describes discrimination that manifests itself in ways that are not visible or readily identifiable, yet is serious because it can impact interpersonal interactions between employees, employees and customers, and other important workplace relationships?


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