Manlick Research Methods Final Exam

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In the theory-data cycle, theories first lead to _________________. A. Answers B. Questions C. Research D. Data

A. B. C. and D.


Believing in multiple meanings


Believing in reductionism

Mixed Methods

Both pre-determined and emerging methods

After reading the chapter, Cyril says to himself, "I am sure other people might engage in faulty thinking, but I never would." what is Cyril experiencing? A. Confirmation Bias B. Faulty Intuition C. Motivated Thinking D. Bias Blind Spot

D. Bias Blind Spot

Different factors that could cause misattribution of causation for significant results of a study are called _________. A. Predictions B. Biases C. Hypotheses D. Confounds

D. Confounds

According to the text, the bridge between basic and applied research is known as: A. Compound Research. B. Practical Research. C. Empirical Research. D. Translational Research.

D. Translational Research.

Qualitative Methods

Emerging methods

Discriminant Validity

Measure does not correlate with measures of different constructs

Quantitative Methods

Pre-determined methods

Which of the following studies would probably require written informed consent? a. A confidential study examining income level and voting behavior b. An anonymous survey asking whether students want a coffeehouse opened in the library c. An anonymous study that measures the relationship between time spent grocery shopping and money spent on groceries d. An observational study that measures walking speed of people entering and exiting buildings

a. A confidential study examining income level and voting behavior

RESEARCH STUDY 4.1 (Questions 9 and 10): Dr. Kushner is planning on conducting a study next semester. He is curious as to whether sleep deprivation is associated with poorer cognitive performance. For example, if you sleep poorly the night before a big exam, will you do worse? Dr. Kushner is especially curious about selective sleep deprivation, where people are kept from entering REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Using an electroencephalograph (EEG) to monitor brain waves, he plans to let participants sleep until they enter REM sleep and then wake them. After the participants are awake for one minute, Dr. Kushner plans to let them return to sleep. As they enter REM sleep again, he will wake them again and follow the same procedure. He plans to do this through the entire eight-hour sleep session. The following morning, participants will be asked to take a sample SAT test. Dr. Kushner is deciding whether he needs to give participants a reason for waking them up several times during the night. He knows that he cannot tell them the real reason, but he is unsure whether he should deceive them (give them a false reason why he is waking them up) or provide them with no cover story at all. Which of the following issues should be considered most heavily when deciding whether to use deception? a. Whether he can conduct the study just as well without deception b. Whether his institutional review board (IRB) will approve the use of deception c. Whether he can create a convincing story that his participants will believe d. Whether his participants will be angry when they find out he used deception

a. Whether he can conduct the study just as well without deception

The belief that the participants in a research study should be representative of the type of people who would also benefit from the findings of the research stems from which principle of the Belmont Report? a. The principle of respect for persons b. The principle of justice c. The principle of beneficence d. The principle of integrity

b. The principle of justice

Which of the following is NOT an example of coercion? a. A researcher offering homeless participants $1,000 to participate in a study b. A researcher telling participants that he will be fired if he is unable to recruit at least 50 participants c. A researcher offering three points of extra credit to college students to participate in a study d. A researcher hinting to participants that their employer will be told if they do not participate

c. A researcher offering three points of extra credit to college students to participate in a study

Content validity

measure contains all parts that your theory says it should contain

Convergent validity

measure correlates strongly with other measures of same construct

Criterion Validity

`Measure is related to a concrete outcome that it should be related to

Abby is a psychologist who wants to investigate Chinese American women's experiences with racism and prejudice in the workplace. She knows there is not much research in this area and wants to explore the many questions she has about the phenomenon. What is the best research? A. Survey Approach B. Quantitative Approach C. Experimental Approach D. Qualitative Approach

D. Qualitative Approach

Face validity

the measure appears to measure the construct of interest

When reading an empirical journal article "with a purpose," which section should you read first? A. Method B. Introduction C. Abstract D. Discussion

A. B. C. and D.

How can you ensure that a popular media article accurately reflects the original research of a scientific study? A. Find and read the original scientific article. B. Determine whether the results fit within the theories you learned in your psychology classes. C. Research the credentials of the author of the popular media article. D. Check that the popular media article includes the statistical significance of the results.

A. Find and read the original scientific article.

When examining the statistical validity of a frequency claim, one should look for the: A. Margin of error estimate. B. Length of the measurement. C. Statistical significance. D. Strength of the association.

A. Margin of error estimate.

You read research that found that first-born children tend to have higher IQs than their siblings. However, you typically earn higher grades than your older brother. Scientists might explain this discrepancy by saying that: A. Research is probabilistic B. You have fallen prey to your blind spot bias. C. You have cherry-picked information to support your conclusion. D. Your intuition is better than research.

A. Research is probabilistic.

A Type I error is known as which of the following? A. A missed opportunity. B. A false positive. C. A false negative. D. A near miss.

B. A false positive.

Dr. Gonzalez is a peer reviewer for a manuscript submitted to a journal. He is likely to provide comments on which of the following? A. Previous studies from the same research group. B. How well the research was conducted. C. The prestige/reputation of the author. D. How well the general public will understand the study.

B. How well the research was conducted.

Dr. Ellison finds a relation between amount of sleep and problem solving. Specifically, a higher amount of sleep the night before an exam is associated with higher scores on two measures of problem solving. This is an example of which type of association? A. Causal association. B. Positive association. C. Negative association. D. Zero association.

B. Positive association.

Which of the following is a difference between a debriefing session following a study without deception? A. A deception study debriefing must attempt to restore a sense of honesty and trustworthiness. B. A deception study debriefing must last at least 30 minutes. C. A deception study debriefing must have a member of the institutional review board (IRB) present. D. A deception study debriefing must be done with each participant individually.

A. A deception study debriefing must attempt to restore a sense of honesty and trustworthiness.

A correlation-based statistic called ____________ is commonly used to determine internal reliability. A. Cronbach's alpha B. A scatter plot C. Kappa D. Pearson's n

A. Cronbach's alpha

Bushman (2002) conducted a study examining the effect on aggression of venting versus not venting anger. To invoke anger in participants, he asked each to write a political essay. Participants were instructed to show their essays to Steve, who was a confederate. He criticized the essays and made rude comments. Participants were then randomly assigned to one of three groups: Group 1 (control group) was told to sit quietly in the room for 2 minutes, Group 2 (control group) was told to punch a punching bag for 2 minutes as a form of exercise, and Group 3 (catharsis group) was told to punch a punching bag for 2 minutes while imagining Steve's face on the bag. Then participants played a quiz with Steve, and they were given the opportunity to provide a blast of loud noise to Steve's ears. Group 1 showed less than average levels of aggression, Group 2 showed average levels of aggression, and Group 3 showed greater than average of aggression. What was the primary confounding variable Bushman was trying to control? A. Participants' level of aggression prior to the study. B. Participants' levels of anxiety during the study. C. Participants' who tend to have an angry personality. D. Participants' levels of physical aggression during the study.

C. Participants' who tend to have an angry personality.

In addition to the three principles derived from the Belmont Report, which of the following two principles were added in the principles put forth by the American Psychological Association? A. The principle of honor and accountability/commitment B. The principle of consent and honesty. C. The principle of integrity and fidelity/responsibility. D. The principle of reliability and validity.

C. The principle of integrity and fidelity/responsibility.

Research Study 3.2: Dr. Ramon makes the following claim: "Watching television leads people to spend less time communicating with their spouses, study says." Dr. LaSalle makes the claim: " Research shows that making more money correlates with spending less time talking with your spouse." Which of the following statements is true of Dr. Ramon's and Dr. LaSalle's claims? A. Dr. LaSalle's claim goes further than Dr. Ramon's claim. B. Dr. LaSalle's claim is the same as Dr. Ramon's claim. C. Dr. Ramon's claim involves more variables than Dr. LaSalle's claim. D. Dr. Ramon's claim goes further than Dr. LaSalle's claim.

D. Dr. Ramon's claim goes further than Dr. LaSalle's claim.

Dr. Hadden wants to conduct a study that will allow him to make claims that apply to all college students. Which of the following validities is he prioritizing? A. The statistical validity of the study. B. The construct validity of the study. C. The internal validity of the study. D. The external validity of the study.

D. The external validity of the study.

Research Study 3.3: Anton and his friends are discussing a study he read about in his developmental psychology class. IN the study, the researcher made the claim that most middle school students who are bullied have low self-esteem. Anton is concerned with Type 1 error. What does this mean? A. The researcher failed to establish the first rule of causation. B. The researcher failed to consider a third variable. C. The researcher concluded there was not a relationship, but there really is one. D. The researcher concluded there was a relationship, but there isn't really one.

D. The researcher concluded there was a relationship, but there isn't really one.

RESEARCH STUDY 4.1 (Questions 9 and 10): Dr. Kushner is planning on conducting a study next semester. He is curious as to whether sleep deprivation is associated with poorer cognitive performance. For example, if you sleep poorly the night before a big exam, will you do worse? Dr. Kushner is especially curious about selective sleep deprivation, where people are kept from entering REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Using an electroencephalograph (EEG) to monitor brain waves, he plans to let participants sleep until they enter REM sleep and then wake them. After the participants are awake for one minute, Dr. Kushner plans to let them return to sleep. As they enter REM sleep again, he will wake them again and follow the same procedure. He plans to do this through the entire eight-hour sleep session. The following morning, participants will be asked to take a sample SAT test. Dr. Kushner asks his participants to provide informed consent. Doing this is adhering to which principle of the Belmont Report? a. The principle of integrity b. The principle of beneficence c. The principle of respect for persons d. The principle of justice

c. The principle of respect for persons

Research Study 3.4 (questions 29-32): Dr. Kang, a cognitive psychologist, conducts an experiment examining the effect of emotion on memory. He provides lists of 15 words to two groups of participants at his university. He puts the names of all the participants in a hat. The first 20 names he assigns to Group A and the last 20 he assigns to Group B. Group A is given a list of words that are very emotional in content (e.g., passion, murder). He then measures how many words each group is able to remember after being distracted for 5 minutes by watching a video about the history of the university. He finds that Group A remembers 15% more words than Group B. Which of the following is the independent variable in Dr. Kang's study? A. The emotion or neutral content of the words. B. The length of the distractor task. C. The number of words remembered. D. The number of words on the list.

A. The emotion or neutral content of the words.

Research Study 3.4 (questions 29-32): Dr. Kang, a cognitive psychologist, conducts an experiment examining the effect of emotion on memory. He provides lists of 15 words to two groups of participants at his university. He puts the names of all the participants in a hat. The first 20 names he assigns to Group A and the last 20 he assigns to Group B. Group A is given a list of words that are very emotional in content (e.g., passion, murder). He then measures how many words each group is able to remember after being distracted for 5 minutes by watching a video about the history of the university. He finds that Group A remembers 15% more words than Group B. Dr. Kang's decision to assign participants randomly to Group A and Group B increases which of the following? A. The internal validity of the study. B. The external validity of the study. C. The temporal precedence of the study. D. The covariance of the study.

A. The internal validity of the study.

Marcella is conducting a PsychINFO search for treatments for autism spectrum disorder by searching "autism treatment." However, her search is returning too many results. If she is interested in getting more specific results, Marcella could search: A. "autis*treatment" B. "autism treatment" and "behavioral" and enter an age range of interest C. using the "or" function for all thesaurus synonyms for autism. D. "autism spectrum disorder" or "treatment" or "symptom improvement."

B. "autism treatment" and "behavioral" and enter an age range of interest.

A psychiatrist is testing a drug that treats depression. He has given the drug to all his patients, and all of them have experienced a decrease in depressive symptoms. Although this is interesting, his experiences is limited because he does not have: A. Psychotherapy to supplement the drug. B. A comparison group that did not receive the drug. C. A reliable way to measure depressive symptoms. D. A hypothesis.

B. A comparison group that did not receive the drug.

RESEARCH STUDY 3.1: Anderson is reading his morning paper and sees the following headline; "Men Should Avoid Rock Music When Playing Board Games" (This headline is based on a study conducted by Fancourt, Burton and Williamon, 2016.) In the study, men and women played the game "Operation" when listening to different types of music. Male participants performed worse when listening to AC/DC than when listening to Mozart, but female participants' performance did not differ based on music. In this study, the researchers recorded how many errors participants committed. This is an example of which of the following? A. A variable's level B. A measured variable C. A constant D. A manipulated variable

B. A measured variable

Asking questions to get the answers we want is known as: A. Overconfidence. B. Confirmation Bias. C. Availability Heuristic. D. Cherry-picking of Evidence.

C. Availability Heuristic.

Research Study 3.4 (questions 29-32): Dr. Kang, a cognitive psychologist, conducts an experiment examining the effect of emotion on memory. He provides lists of 15 words to two groups of participants at his university. He puts the names of all the participants in a hat. The first 20 names he assigns to Group A and the last 20 he assigns to Group B. Group A is given a list of words that are very emotional in content (e.g., passion, murder). He then measures how many words each group is able to remember after being distracted for 5 minutes by watching a video about the history of the university. He finds that Group A remembers 15% more words than Group B. Which of the following makes Dr. Kang's study an experiment? A. The study was conducted at a university. B. Dr. Kang manipulated one variable and measure another. C. Dr. Kang used a distractor task. D. The study was conducted by a professor.

B. Dr. Kang manipulated one variable and measure another.

If you are interested in reading an overview of peer-reviewed scientific research within a specific area, which of the following reading sources would you choose? A. Popular magazines B. Edited books C. Scientific journals D. An experit's dissertation

B. Edited books

RESEARCH STUDY 3.5: Jenny reads the following headline on an online article: " If You're Sexist, People Will Think You're Racist, and Vice Versa." (This headline is based on a study conducted by Sanchez and colleagues, 2017.)This study found that members of stigmatized groups are threatened by prejudice directed at other stigmatized groups. Their results showed that White women can be threatened by racism, and men of color threatened by sexism, and that these perceptions made participants expert unfair treatment. In this study, _________ is a conceptual definition of one of their primary variables. A. A questionnaire assessing level of stigma perceived. B. Perceived prejudiced attitudes. C. Self-reported race on a questionnaire. D. Age of participants.

B. Perceived Prejudiced Attitudes.

Another word for hypothesis is a(n) ____________. A. Outcome B. Prediction C. Observation D. Theory

B. Prediction

Which of the following sources is most likely to contain only information that has been rigorously peer-reviewed? A. Chapters in edited books. B. Review journal articles. C. Wikis. D. Full-length books

B. Review journal articles.

Quantitative research is to ___________________________; as qualitative research is to ___________________________. A. mixed methods; instrumental methods. B. Statistical analysis; text analysis. C. Grounded Theory; phenomenology. D. Statistical method; predetermined method.

B. Statistical analysis; text analysis.

A common finding in the study of aggression is that exposure to television is associated with increased aggressive behavior in children. You know this relationship may not be causal because you are not sure which occurred first: watching television or being aggressive. You are questioning which of the following rules of causation? A. The criterion of external validity. B. The criterion of temporal precedence. C. The criterion of covariance. D. The third-variable criterion.

B. The criterion of temporal precedence.

The need to balance the potential costs and benefits to participants taking part in a research study is done to address which principle of the Belmont Report? A. The principle of Justice. B. The principle of beneficence. C. The principle of respect or persons. D. the principle of integrity.

B. The principle of beneficence.

When reading an empirical journal article "with a purpose," which two questions should you ask yourself as you read? A. "What research exists on this topic?" and "What research needs to be conducted to answer this question?" B. "What were the methods?" and "What are the results?" C. "What is the argument?" and "What is the evidence to support the argument?" D. "What is the hypothesis?" and "What are the explanations?"

C. "What is the argument?" and "What is the evidence to support the argument?"

Benjamin is a social psychologist who studies marriage. He believes that marital satisfaction has two components: the ability to trust one's partner and a belief that one can be a good spouse. This is known as: A. Research B. A Hypothesis C. A Theory D. Data

C. A Theory

Which of the following statements is an operational definition of "fear of snakes" that could be assessed as a structured question? A. Asking the question "When was the last time you saw a snake?" B. Assigning the participant to keep a "daily fear diary" in which they track their fear level. C. asking, "on a scale of 1 to 10, how afraid are you?" D. Measuring heart rate following exposure to snakes.

C. Asking, "on a scale of 1 to 10, how afraid of snakes you are.

All of the following are true of institutional review boards (IRBs) in the United States EXCEPT: A. IRBs are mandated by federal law. B. IRBs can be found in setting other than colleges and universities. C. IRBs must have a psychologist as a member. D. IRBs must have at least five members.

C. IRBs must have a psychologist as a member.

Hannah just finished reading an empirical journal article for a class project. Where should she go if she wants to look for a list of the study's hypotheses or research questions? A. Last paragraph of the results section. B. First page of the method section. C. Last paragraph of the introduction. D. First page of the article.

C. Last paragraph of the introduction.

Research Study 3.4 (questions 29-32): Dr. Kang, a cognitive psychologist, conducts an experiment examining the effect of emotion on memory. He provides lists of 15 words to two groups of participants at his university. He puts the names of all the participants in a hat. The first 20 names he assigns to Group A and the last 20 he assigns to Group B. Group A is given a list of words that are very emotional in content (e.g., passion, murder). He then measures how many words each group is able to remember after being distracted for 5 minutes by watching a video about the history of the university. He finds that Group A remembers 15% more words than Group B. Dr. Kang sends his study to a journal to be published. One of the peer reviewers questions the way Dr. Kang manipulated emotion, arguing that being exposed to emotional words does not make one emotional. The reviewer is questioning which of the following? A. The internal validity of the study. B. The statistical validity of the study. C. The construct validity of the study. D. The external validity of the study.

C. The construct validity of the study.

From an ethical standpoint, in what way is researching prisoners with tuberculosis similar to researching children with ADHD? A. Neither group of participants can provide informed consent. B. Researchers do not have to have written informed consent with these groups of participants. C. Researchers must ensure anonymity when dealing with both types of participants. D. Both groups of participants have less autonomy than other types of participants.

D. Both groups of participants have less autonomy than other types of participants.

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