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A person who does the act of bullying


a crane that gave the impression of a flying actor


a wheeled platform used to bring dead character into view for audience


act that may cause physical, emotional, mental or psychological harm to a person or a group

Outdoor Recreation

activities done outside a building or in a places

Indoor Recreation

activities that in a well-equipped indoor


actors with traguc roles wore boots


an ancient Greek tragedy written by Euripides

Oedipus the King

athenian tragedy by Sophocles that was performed around 429 BC

Theatre or Play

combination of difficult emotional actions or movements


credited with several major and minor dramatic innovations

Intentional Injuries

damages to a person caused by intentional acts by oneself, another person or a group

Recreational Activities

done both for relaxation and enjoyment


festival that honored the god Dionysus

Musical Play

form of theatre that combines songs, with dialogue, acting, dance

Parodoi or eisodoi

greek theatres also had tall, arched entrances


head chorus member who could enter the story as a character

Relational Bullying

involves damaging the relationships of the bullied person with other people

Physical Bullying

involves physically hurting the bullied or damaging his or her belongings

Verbal Bullying

involves saying or writing offensive remarks to the bullied person


is the one person being attacked


made out of light weight, organic materials


more complex pictures built into the second-level scene (3rd level from ground)


muse of tradgedy


performance space was a simple circular space


person who witnesses the bullying act


pictures hung to create scenery

Western Musical Plays and Operas

show diverse art forms in a single play presentation


significant element used in ceremonial rites and celebrations

Mask Makers/ skeuopoios or maker of the properties

suggesting that their role encompassed multiple duties and tasks

Ancient Greek Drama

theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece


this group is composed of artists and students who spend social gatherings


upper story

Phallic Props

used for satyr plays, symbolizing fertility in honor of Dionysus


was similar to the modern day proscenium

Backdrop or scenic wall

where actors could change their costume

Ensembles d'études connexes

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