Mariage and family chapters 4-6

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________ are most likely to marry outside their race or ethnic group, and _________ are least likely to do so.

Asian Americans; whites

Carly's mom and dad take their role as parents very seriously. They want their children to conform to traditional expectations, so they make sure that Carly is dressed in pretty clothes, that she doesn't get too dirty, that she plays with dolls, and that she doesn't behave in ways that they consider too active or aggressive. This teaching process is called:

Gender socialization

Where would we find a social class system developed and sanctioned by the government that views the population as being in distinct categories?

Great Britain

Which group is the largest in the U.S.?


_________ refers to how we are taught the norms associated with being a male or female in our particular culture.

gener socialization

The working poor, which are those whose wages are generally less than about $20,000 a year, comprise about ________ percent of the U.S. population.


In 2010, about 65 percent of Americans were White; by 2050 Whites will comprise about ________ percent of the population.


About how many people are poor in the U.S.?

44 million

Evan works full time, as does his sister Olivia. If these two represent average people earning average wages, it is likely that Olivia earns only ________ percent of Evan's pay.


According to World Map 6.1, which part of the world contains the largest percentage of minorities?


The largest number of immigrants in America today comes from:

Central America and Asia

Tosha and her husband both work, but their combined income is only $29,000. They have one child, and making ends meet is a struggle. H & R Block, which is helping them file their taxes this year, suggests that they should file for a/an:

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

The largest percentage of Hispanics in the U.S. comes from which country or region?


Are there significant differences between first and subsequent generations of Hispanics? A) No, there are few significant differences. B) The economic prospects of the first generation are considerably higher than the second generation. C) Second generations are less likely to be assimilated than are Hispanics of the first generation. D) First generations are more likely to believe that they have been discriminated against than are subsequent generations. E) Nearly 9 in 10 of subsequent generations speak English only, or speak English very well.


Labor market segmentation: A) is one of the major explanations for pay differentials between men and women B) is the distinction between developing and more developed nations C) is more commonly found among Blacks than Whites D) is a result of illegal immigration and the high number of undocumented workers E) explains why many women in developing nations do not use contraceptives


Of all groups, which is MOST likely to be poor? A) children under age 18 B) adults aged 18-64 C) the elderly aged 65 and over D) Asians E) Whites


Poverty has many harmful consequences for children. Which of the following is FALSE? A) Poverty puts the health of children at risk by decreasing the frequency of low birthweight babies. B) Poor children are more likely to have increased blood levels. C) Poor children are more likely to suffer from depression. D) Poor children perform lower academically. E) Poor children score lower on various standardized tests.


Regarding the "hidden curriculum": A) it informally taught girls that academic achievement could mean forfeiting popularity; but today it appears that many girls and young women have a strong achievement ethic, are doing well in school, and are surpassing boys and young men B) it shows how the dominant religion that is practiced teaches boys and girls about how to behave C) it reminds us that infibulations have critical health consequences D) it is an issue especially for minorities E) it is an issue especially for Whites


Transgender individuals: A) feel most natural and comfortable expressing gendered traits that are associated with the other sex B) are about 1 in 100,000 individuals in the U.S. C) are more obvious among women than men because we allow men more leeway to behave in traditionally feminine ways D) sometimes undergo intersex treatment E) are punished by death among the Berdache, in Native American culture


What is so special about "One Child's Very Special First Fourth of July" as discussed in the feature box? A) Chloe was recently adopted from an orphanage in China by a loving American family. B) Te is a Vietnamese child who was airlifted out of Vietnam immediately after the war ended. C) A young boy in Sierra Leone, whose parents have died of AIDS, finds an orphanage that is willing to feed, house, and clothe him, which is something he never dreamed would happen. D) Cherie is an Alaska Native living in a remote Alaskan village who watched television for the very first time. E) A girl in Rwanda recounts the genocide she narrowly escaped ten years ago.


Which of the following CORRECTLY illustrates the impact of race, ethnicity, and social class on gender socialization? A) Black women and girls are more satisfied with their body types than are their White counterparts. B) White girls are more likely than Black girls to say that they are beautiful, that they like their bodies, and that they like themselves the way they are. C) Girls, particularly rich upper-class girls, are at the center of most television programming and play the most roles. D) The upper class, especially upper-class Blacks, are the group most likely to support gender equality. E) Actually, race, ethnicity, and social class do not impact gender socialization.


Why does women's average level of education affect women's status in society? A) It offers women new viewpoints on the world and the ability to read and access information. B) It creates greater conflict between husbands and wives. C) It tends to increase fertility, and women's status improves with a greater number of children. D) Women tend to leave the country after receiving an education and move to countries that are less patriarchal. E) Women who are educated are most likely to practice Sharia.


Your friend is writing a paper about social mobility in the U.S. As her friend, you advise her: A) there is little substantial upward social mobility B) upward mobility is primarily found at the middle income levels, with middle-class children moving up from their parents C) one reason for so much social mobility is that more avenues for mobility exist than in the past, such as the availability of college D) the U.S. has more social mobility than many other industrialized, developed nations, including Canada, Finland, Sweden, and Germany E) most Americans support the estate tax because it would make society more equitable


A lack of resources that is life-threatening, such as what might be found in the slums of Cambodia or Nepal, would be called:

absolute poverty

Nalim, who lives in Bhutan, is profiled in the featured box. What type of poverty does Nalim experience?

absolute poverty

According to the opening vignette of Chapter 6: A) children's perceptions of occupational status and their own vocational interests are affected by their social class, race, and ethnicity B) both Black and White children have a negative bias against dark skin C) conflicts between Blacks and Hispanics in South Florida are escalating D) the high school curriculum is often racist E) most Black children live in a single-parent household


Ernesto is a Cuban American living near Miami in South Florida. Which of the following statements about Ernesto is correct? A) Ernesto's race is Hispanic. B) Ernesto's ethnicity is Cuban. C) Ernesto's ethnicity is Caucasian. D) Ernesto is not a minority because of the large number of Cuban Americans living in South Florida. E) Ernesto does not have an ethnicity.


Gender is socially constructed. This means that: A) some societies discriminate against women B) values and norms are invented by a culture, and people learn these and follow the conventional rules C) men are allowed more permissiveness in sexual behavior compared to women D) anatomical categories are not easily identifiable E) about .012 per 1,000 people are born with both male and female genitals


In the opening vignette to Chapter 5, what would you conclude from the experiences of Barbara Ehrenreich? A) Mexico is an extremely stratified country, and becoming more so every year. B) It is impossible to survive on minimum- or near-minimum-wage work. C) The wealthy live in their own virtual world and have little understanding of the middle class. D) A marriage that occurs between a wealthy person and a poor person faces many serious challenges, but these difficulties can be overcome. E) The uninsured in America have difficulty accessing the health care system.


John strongly believes in the "Horatio Alger" stories--that anyone can pull themselves out of poverty and improve their economic conditions if they are willing to work for it. John believes in which explanation for poverty? A) boot-strapping B) individualism C) fatalism D) self-propelled E) culture of poverty


There are likely several differences between men and women, on average. Which is NOT one of them? A) Males are more active and aggressive than females. B) Infant mortality rates are higher among females. C) Males are affected with more genetic disorders and suffer from accidents at a higher rate than do females. D) Females outperform males on tests that measure the recall of words or matching items. E) Females may use more parts of their brain at once while males are more inclined to have focused responses.


Which of the following is TRUE about Asian American families today? A) There are about 6 million U.S. residents who report being Asian American or Asian in combination with other groups, comprising about 2 percent of the total population. B) The term "Asian" is a catchall term representing people with a great diversity in culture, language, socioeconomic characteristics, and reasons for migrating to the U.S. C) Asian Americans are sometimes called the "model minority" because all, except for the Chinese, closely fit the image of the highly educated and high-earning professional. D) Chinese Americans are the only racial or ethnic group in the U.S. rounded up against their will and put into internment camps. E) Asian Americans have experienced less social mobility than have other minority groups.


With respect to the growth of Hispanics in the population: A) the fertility rate among Hispanics is high, but it is not as high as the fertility rate among Blacks B) the growth rate among Hispanics is largely due to the particularly high fertility rates of foreign-born Hispanic women C) the fertility rate of Hispanic women is about 38 births per 1,000 women D) the rapid growth in the Hispanic population is due primarily to immigration E) the fertility rate of Hispanic women is about 61 births per 1,000 women


Sheryl's father, like his father before him, has a key position on the board of Ford Motor Co. Her mother does not work, but has a trust fund from her own parents. It is expected that Sheryl will go to a private university after she has her debutante ball this summer. Sheryl is likely a member of:


What may explain sex differences?

both biological and social influences

Affirmative Action: A) has been largely illegal in the U.S. since 1996 B) is a set of social policies designed to punish people for racist behaviors C) is a family policy because it remedies inequalities in work and eduction that can improve the lives of families D) has widespread support in the U.S. E) was controversial until the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to the use of quotas


Americans like to think that they live in a meritocracy, which means: A) we can be anything we want to be B) there is no hierarchical ranking of people within society C) financial and social rewards are based on personal abilities, education, and skills D) social stratification is based on ascribed characteristics E) that anyone can be a member of the proletariat


As shown in the Table 6.2 about race relations, A) about one-third of Blacks and one-quarter of Hispanics believe they have been discriminated against B) nearly half of White people believe that they have been discriminated against because of their race C) most Whites and Hispanics believe that race relations are generally good, but most Blacks think they are generally bad D) Whites are more likely than Blacks or Hispanics to believe that they have been stopped by police because of their race E) the views of Blacks and Hispanics are similar to one another regarding race relations, and are substantially different from the views of Whites


Of all groups, which is LEAST likely to be poor? A) children under age 18 B) adults aged 18-64 C) the elderly aged 65 and over D) Asians E) Whites


The data in Figure 5.1 are clear: in terms of after-tax income in the U.S. between 1979 and 2006: A) the bottom fifth have made the most gains B) the middle class has made the most substantial income gains C) the U.S. is becoming more unequal D) the bottom fifth have actually lost income E) the distribution of income in the U.S. has not changed significantly


The experience of Dr. Barres, as discussed in the feature box, reveals: A) most intersexed people are plagued with depression over the course of their lives B) infibulation has critical health consequences C) many women experience discrimination, and they may not even be aware of it D) sex reassignment surgery leaves people feeling depressed because they feel they are neither male or female E) trends in labor market segmentation


There are many reasons why Blacks are more likely to live in extended families than are Whites. Which is NOT one of these reasons? A) Black families maintain a high degree of geographical closeness. B) Grandmothers play crucial roles in Black families. C) Blacks are more likely to be poor, and only the poor live in extended families. D) Household boundaries are often more fluid among Blacks. E) Black families are more likely to have an established system of mutual aid.


There are several pathways from poverty to adverse child outcomes, according to Figure 5.4. Which is NOT one of these pathways? A) housing problems B) health and nutrition C) sex discrimination D) quality of the home environment E) fewer resources for learning


What is the main point of the story in the feature box, Loving Across the Color Line? A) Interracial adoptions have become popular in the last 10 years and now comprise almost half of all adoptions. B) Orphanages in Russia are generally poorly staffed and do not have toys for the children. C) Prejudice against Blacks, including Black children, persists. D) Men have an easier time adopting interracially than they do trying to adopt children of the same race. E) Few minority groups adopt children, therefore White families are likely to do so.


Which of the following comparisons of Cuban Americans and Mexican Americans is correct? A) The circumstances surrounding their immigration are similar. B) Their foods are similar. C) Cubans have incomes comparable to Whites, while Mexican Americans are overrepresented among the poor. D) Mexican Americans have a stronger use of social capital than do Cuban Americans. E) Their language is identical.


Which of the following does the text offer as an example of patriarchy in the U.S.? A) women now have more education than men B) family is a primary agent of socialization C) breast augmentation is the number one cosmetic surgical procedure D) infibulation occurs in one of every five women in the U.S. E) both boys and girls like to play with dolls


Which of the following is FALSE with respect to race and ethnicity? A) Blacks are more likely than Whites to live in extended families. B) Hispanics, especially Mexican Americans, are least likely to have health insurance. C) Blacks have higher infant mortality rates than do other racial/ethnic groups. D) Asian Americans are most likely to be childfree. E) Hispanics are less likely to cohabit than are other racial/ethnic groups.


Which of the following is TRUE with respect to Native Americans and Alaska Natives? A) There are about 16 million people, or 6 percent of our population, that are American Indians or Alaska Natives. B) Most Native Americans live on reservations. C) Native Americans and Alaska Natives are more likely to live in families than are other groups. D) Few Native American and Alaska Native families are extended because life expectancy is low. E) Historically, elders held high status and importance in families, but this is no longer the case because they usually cannot work and contribute economically to families.


Why is there so little social mobility? A) Minority groups are the fastest growing groups in society and their mobility is among the lowest. B) The tax system penalizes wealthy families and therefore they have been losing their wealth. C) The educational system is stratified, and the tax system favors wealthy people passing their wealth to their heirs. D) More women work outside the home. E) Actually, there is a lot of social mobility.


With respect to immigration, Americans are nearly equally divided over whether it is good for the country. With respect to ILLEGAL immigration: A) Americans remain nearly equally divided about whether it is good for the country B) Americans believe that illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from U.S. workers C) nearly 9 out of 10 Americans believe it is a "very" or "somewhat" serious problem D) about three-fourths of illegal immigrants entered the country with visas that allowed them to live in or visit the U.S. for a limited time, but they overstayed their visas E) there were about 20-25 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. in 2008


When social stratification is based on ascribed characteristics, we call this a ________ system.


Contraceptive use is rare in many developing nations, but _________ is a notable exception.


According to the text, the public is far more concerned with Hispanics who do not speak English than they are with Asian Americans who do not speak English. Which is NOT of the reasons for this greater concern over Hispanics? A) racism against Hispanics B) diversity in Asian American languages make it difficult to pick one as a scapegoat C) Hispanics represent a greater number of people than do Asian Americans D) second-generation Hispanics usually do not speak English well, unlike second-generation Asian Americans E) the media play up and exaggerate the extent to which Hispanics speak Spanish


Alaska Natives: A) are misnamed, because they actually live in Washington state as well B) experienced their most dramatic changes during the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century C) had a traditional native culture that was tied to nature and the bounty it provided, but few Alaska Natives today report that subsistence is important to their households D) live in native villages that now have mixed economies in which small to moderate amounts of earned cash are available E) face few of the social problems that plague other Native American groups, such as suicide, domestic violence, or alcohol abuse, because they receive special benefits given by the federal government, and rich oil revenues


Although more Blacks are joining the ranks of the middle class, it remains that they tend to have far fewer assets than do Whites. Why is this the case, according to your text? A) Blacks are more likely to live in extended families. B) Whites have a more difficult time obtaining a home mortgage loan from banks. C) Homes in predominantly Black neighborhoods appreciate in value more rapidly than do homes in predominantly White neighborhoods. D) Whites are more likely to draw upon the assets of their parents through a loan or inheritance. E) Blacks are less likely to receive promotions on the job.


Daniel Patrick Moynihan received a lot of attention for his report published in 1965, "The Negro Family: The Case for National Inaction." In this report he claimed: A) slavery should no longer be used as an explanation for family patterns among Black families B) terms like ʺNegroʺ perpetuate racism C) disagreement with the idea that mothers in Black families become matriarchs D) social problems experienced by Black families, such as higher rates of delinquency, alcoholism, or out of wedlock births were a by-product of urban structural conditions of society, failing social institutions, and racism E) Black families experience no more social problems than do White families, once one controls for level of income


Female genital cutting or mutilation: A) has occurred among nearly 20 million women and girls around the world B) was done by a doctor in about half of cases, according to a study of 2,000 women living in Egypt C) is the equivalent of male circumcision D) in countries where practiced, has widespread support among women E) continues because it is deeply rooted in religious customs


Gloria decided to change her last name when she got married. Since you have taken this course, you decided to share with her some facts about women changing their names. Which is NOT one of the facts you would share? A) Changing wives' names is a carryover from older patriarchal and patrilineal customs where, upon marriage, a woman became the legal property of her husband. B) Historically, last names were created to codify inheritance rules; the last name was the only way to show whom the father was. C) Much of what people do in marriage is simply done out of habit, even when the tradition has no legal or financial basis. D) A woman's name will automatically change to her husband's, unless she petitions the court to keep her maiden name. E) There has been a large and steady increase in the likelihood of women retaining their maiden names or hyphenating their names when they marry.


Many international organizations believe that family planning can have a large and direct impact on the quality of women's lives throughout the world. Which is NOT one of the reasons they would cite? A) Postponing childbirth among young women increases their chances of receiving a good education. B) Each year, more than 585,000 women die due to pregnancy-related causes. C) Family planning can reduce maternal mortality by reducing the number of high-risk pregnancies, or by allowing women to space pregnancies further apart. D) Family planning increases the abortion rate where abortion is legal and provides an important option when women cannot get their husbands to use condoms. E) Family planning may limit the spread of HIV/AIDS-related diseases


There is little social stigma when girls are labeled "tomboys," but suggesting that a boy is a "sissy" or "throws like a girl" is harsh criticism that is tantamount to social suicide. This suggests: A) girls experience tremendous pressure to conform to culturally valued ideals B) both boys and girls receive gender messages C) infibulation has harmful effects on boys D) perhaps boys experience even greater pressure to conform to gendered expectations than girls do E) sharia involves different expectations in sports


What is a fundamental difference between Karl Marx and Max Weber? A) Karl Marx did not view social class as rooted in the production process. B) Max Weber believed that America is a caste system. C) Karl Marx believed that the proletariat represents those people who own the means of production. D) Max Weber emphasized a multidimensional approach to class consisting of wealth, prestige, and power. E) Karl Marx believed that it was easy to engage in social mobility because of the nature of jobs during the Industrial Revolution.


Which of the following is true about the middle class? A) They wield the most power in society because of their size. B) They are often highly educated professionals. C) They comprise about 60 percent of the population. D) They average from about $40,000 to possibly even $100,000 with two incomes. E) About half work in "blue collar" occupations.


According to wedding announcements in the New York Times, the percentage of women who kept their own last names after marriage between 1990 and 2000 ________.


Generally speaking, race, ethnicity, and social class _________ affect gender socialization.


Androgyny refers to: A) anatomical categories that are not easily identifiable B) people who are born with both male and female genitals C) infant death rates in the first year of life D) people who feel most natural and comfortable expressing gendered traits that are associated with the other sex E) having both masculine and feminine traits in near equal proportion


From birth to death, social class standing has a significant impact on our lives. Which is NOT an example of one of these impacts? A) gender expectations for boys, girls, men, and women within the family B) how parents interact with their children C) the likelihood of marriage and age at first marriage D) hobbies and pastimes within families E) the likelihood of attending elementary school


Generally, a minority group has several characteristics. Which is NOT one of these characteristics? A) suffers prejudice and discrimination by the dominant group B) members feel a sense of group solidarity C) possesses characteristics that are regarded as different from the dominant group D) marriages are typically among members of the same group E) membership is usually achieved rather than ascribed


The global gag rule: A) provides U.S. funding for abortions only in cases of rape or incest B) was enacted by President Obama C) increases funding for family planning programs in many developing countries D) helps women obtain equal pay for equal work, but allows them to file a complaint against their employer confidentially E) denies funding for all family planning services to any organization that provides or counsels their patients on their options for abortion, or lobbies their governments for safe abortions, even if using their own, non-U.S. funds


The official poverty line (threshold): A) was developed during the New Deal of the 1930s B) is based on the cost of average low-cost housing, multiplied by two C) in 2009 was about $28,000 for a family of four, and about $24,000 for a family of three D) is the same amount in all 50 states E) is based on the lowest, most minimal budget offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture


Which of the following is FALSE with respect to women workers? A) Today 69 percent of married mothers, 71 percent of single mothers, and 80 percent of divorced, separated, or widowed mothers are employed for pay. B) Until 1970 mothers tended to organize their labor around childbearing and childrearing, but today childbearing and childrearing are likely to be organized to fit the demands of work. C) The median weekly earnings of women who are full-time wage and salary workers are about 80 percent of men's. D) White and Asian American women earn wages closer to their male counterparts than do Black or Hispanic women. E) Pay differentials between men and women decline significantly with increased education.


Why are Asian Americans sometimes referred to as the "model minority"? A) All immigrants groups from Asia have been wealthy. B) Asian immigrants did not come to the U.S. fleeing war or political strife. C) The term is traced back to a period when Asian features were thought to be the most beautiful. D) No one really knows how the term originated, but continues to be used. E) Asian Americans have the highest family incomes, even higher than Whites, and their children are most likely to go to college.


Socioeconomic status (SES) is made up of some combination of:

education, occupation, and income

The systematic killing, torture, or removal of persons with the intention of eliminating specific racial or ethnic groups is called:

ethnic cleansing/genocide

People who share specific cultural features are referred to as a/an:

ethnic group

Which family member encourages children to behave in the most sex-typed ways?


About 15 percent of households experience _________, defined as not having enough nourishing food available on a regular basis.

food insecurity

________ are born with both male and female genitals, which are then usually surgically reconstructed to adhere to the child's genetic chromosomes.


In the more extreme form of genital cutting, ________, the vaginal lips and the clitoris are cut or scraped away and the outer portion of the vagina is stitched together, leaving a miniscule opening for menstrual blood and urine to escape the body.


Latoya is a Black woman. Her ancestors came from Jamaica and have lived in the U.S. for two generations. Latoya:

is considered to be black

In what region(s) of the world is the gap between men and women's literacy rates the highest, according to the World Map?

parts of Africa and the Middle East

A category composed of people who share real or alleged physical traits that members of a society deem as socially significant, such as skin color or hair texture, would be an example of:


The belief that one racial group is superior or inferior to others is called:


What is the most common occupation for women?

secretary and administrative women

Joshua is a student at a nearby university. He is a male, which refers to his ________.


________ is rooted in biology, whereas ________ refers to the culturally and socially constructed differences between males and females associated with masculinity and femininity.

sex; gender

Professor Smyth teaches about the hierarchical ranking of people in society based on coveted resources. This is called:

social stratification

A combination of education, occupation, and income is referred to as

socioeconomic status

Adrian believes that poverty is a result of the low wages paid to those people working in the growing service sector. His beliefs represent:


Bobby's family is listed in the Social Register. Based on what you have learned from the feature box, this means

that he is likely from the upper class

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