Mark Test Review 2/25/16

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What is Markan Secret?

No one is supposed to know that Jesus is the Messiah until they are ready to know and accept that truth

Fruse/ Important Dates Related to Gospel of Mark

-64 AD -Beginning of Emperor Nero's Persecution of Christians - Probable date for the martyrdom of Peter and Paul -68-73 AD -Best guess date range for the writing of Mark's Gospel -66-70 Ad -First Jewish Revolt against Rome -70AD -Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans

What is Discipleship?

-A life rooted in Jesus and exoressed in union with Christ -Jesus' first ministerial act was to call people to follow Him and join His mission -There are 3 Call narratives that illustrate His call to us: -1:16-20....2: 13-17....6:7-13 -Our invitation to Disciple ship requires 1.) An invitation form Jesus 2.) Total response 3.) Abandonment 4.) Suffering 5.) Prayer 6.) Making a choice to accept God's grace and turn from sin -Saying yes to this call leads to: 1.) Fulfillment 2.) Happiness 3.) Peace

What is Markan Mystery?

-A popular question that gets asked in this Gospel is: -Why does the Messiah have to suffer? -The suffering of the Messiah si the princiapl thme of Mark's portrayal of Jesus - Characters (the apostles,etc.) of this Gospel don't have an answer to this question -Do we as modern readers really known the answer?? -Only Jesus knows that it (suffering) is what he came to do -To follow Jesus we must also suffer

List the requirements of Discipleship

-An invitation from Jesus -Total response -Abandonment -Suffering -Prayer -Making a choice to accept God's grace and turn from sin Saying yes to this call leads to: -Fulfillment -Happiness -Peace

Fruse/ Who was it for?

-Facts about Mark's Audience -Location ---> Rome -Who --> Gentile (non-Jew) Christians -Jews considered them scum - Many were killed by angry mobs - They were blamed by Romans for the destructive fires in Rome in the 60s -They were targets of state sponsored persecution

Fruse/ Jesus as Miracle Worker

-Mark also has a focus on Jesus' miracles -The point of miracles in the NT is to show that the kingdom of God is actively present in Jesus' ministry -3 kinds of Miracles in Mark: -Power of nature -Power over illness - Power of Satan/evil -IMPORTANT!!! -Miracles require faith -Mark records a time when Jesus could not preform a miracle because of the lack of faith of the people

List the major themes in Mark

-Mark focuses on Jesus' saving actions, not words -Jesus as a suffering servant -Here to serve us - Here to suffer for us -Marian Secret -No one is supposed to know that Jesus is the Messiah until they are ready to know -This gets played out in the Gospel by Mark emphasizing the moments where people, including his disciples/Apostles, don't really understand Jesus' true identity despite experiencing his great works -Great tension and drama -This is created by the fast paced narrative writing style of Mark

Unlike Matthew and Luke which describe Jesus' birth, and John which talks about Jesus' heavenly origin, Mark's gospel considers Jesus' importance to have begun with his ______ (M 1:9-11)


Fruse/ About the Gospel

Characteristics -Very interactive with the reader -Immediately fast paced - Jesus is always on the move -He is always traveling towards Jerusalem during his ministry -Clear detail -Very straightforward, basic language -Probably the most reactive presentation of Jesus in the Gospels

The site of Jesus' crucifxion


What is anepsios?

Greek word for cousin

Fruse/ Who Wrote it?

Ideas on the identity of the author -Traditional thoughts: -John Mark--> a follower of Paul according to Paul's letter -Mark---> the interpreter of Peter to the Gentiles according to Acts and Paul's letters -Most Likely -A unknown Gentile (aka non-Jewish) Christian who was possibly a disciple of Peter, but not an eyewitness of Jesus' life

An ally of Jesus Sanhedrin


The ____ narratives were probably the oldest stories about Jesus circulating in the early Church


This is a title Jesus used to refer to himself, emphasizing both his humanity and his diving

Son of Man

The disciple in the gospel of Mark never really come to understand Jesus properly. Even the women who anointed his corpse were afraid to tell anyone. The only ones who do grasp that Jesus is suffering Messiah are: _______, _______, ______

a.) Bethany b.) a centurion/ roman official c.) Joseph of Arimathea

The framwork of Mark's gospel is partly geographical. a.) in Mark 1:14-9:49 Jesus transverses the province of _ b.) Jesus also passes through the area of (10:1, 10:46)______ c.) Jesus goes on to the city of (11:1-16:8)

a.) Galilee b.) Judea across the Jordan c.) Jerusalem

b.) the only ones who correctly identified him were___ d.) Jesus himself warned against making _____________ e.) Altough the above-mentioned "messianic secret" was often ____ h.) Peter calls Jesus "the Messiah" in Mark 8:29, but to make sure he does not misinterpret this title as a political claim, in 8:31-33 Jesus immediately makes his first prediction of _____ _____ j.) During Jesus' lifetime according to Mark, people in general, and the apostles in particular, did not understand who _____ ____

b.) unclean spirits d.) himself known e.) publizied h.) passion and death j.) Jesus/ why he had to suffering

The Sanhedrin determined that Jesus had committed this sin


What is adelphos?

blood brother, neighbor, kinsman, step-brother

What is a Threefold Pattern?

elements being repeated three times

The symbol of St. Mark


The arrest of Jesus takes place at ___


Fruse/ Jesus' Siblings cont.

-The Greek word for "cousin" is anepsios -However, the Greek word used in the previous passages is "adelphos"which can mean anything from blood brother, neighbor, kinsman, step-brother, depending on the context it is used in -BUT, adelphos is used 343 times in the NT, with the vast majority of those times being used in the context of "blood brother" -So then did he have brothers and sisters??... Was Mary truly as perpetual virgin?? What's the deal?? -Using NT evidence alone, these questions cannot be clearly answered

Fruse/ Jesus as the "Son of Man"

-This title (Son of Man0 is the most commonly used title for Jesus in Mark -The title "Son of Man" is mentioned 14 times in this Gospel -This title emphasizes His humanity, which gives the Gospel of Mark a "low christology"(identity Jesus being human) -This title is accurate because it reinforces the fact that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine

Mark is the only one of the four gospels to call itself a ______ (see Mk 1:1, 1:15, 8:35, 10:29)


Mark does not include (in his original ending) any account of an appearance of the rise Jesus to the apostles. His is the only gospel to omit these appearances. Instead, Jesus' resurrection is first revealed to _______ ______ and _______

Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome

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