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Pinterest for Business

-has 30B pins and 750m pinboards; yet user are not overwhelmed -all about sales and traffic for marketers -not usually the first choice for social media marketing -BUT it delivers measurable results that people cannot ignore -500,000 businesses on it -$65 average order ($10 more than facebook)

Red Bull on Insta

-has never been just about its product -shares pictures of extreme sports and events with fans --falls perfectly in line with their brand -works hard to get customers in on the action Note: make sure the pictures you post have meaning to your customers. if you don't get excited about the picture you just took, neither will your fans.take time to think about what pictures your fans want to see from your brand and how to present them in an interesting way

mistakes that will shut down your contest

-ignoring facebook's guidelines -offering a prize that users think is too good to be true -breaking any laws -facebook: "We reserve the right to reject or remove Pages for any reason. These terms are subject to change at any time."

overview (facebook page insights)

-is a summary of the page likes, post reach, and engagement sections -replacement for the old admin panel -offers more detailed information about engagement -"at a glance" place to scan the performance of last 5 posts

youtube playbook

-programming -optimization

Brand pages vs Communities

-original holy grail of marketing was to get consumers to interact with other consumers about the brand -facebook seemed like the natural place for this BUT -most pages were never communities, just a glorified marketing channel -applying the tribes concept did not work

regular schedule (youtube programming)

feed your channel's feed -upload videos -like, fav, comment -manage playlists the same ideas that drive tv viewership are applicable -regular release schedules -programming -timely publishing however it is important to 'react' to trending topics with relevant content when it makes sense for your audience

Pinterest for Business (getting started)

getting started: -establish the business account -verify your website -add pinit buttom to your site

Metadata (youtube optimization)

is the information that surrounds your video: Title, Tags, and Description -youtube is the 2nd largest search engine -informs youtube algorithm of a video's content, indexing it for search, promotion, related videos, and ad-serving -provides viewers context for video before, during and after -use keyword generating tools to help you find relevant and compelling keywords overview: -make it compelling -offer keywords first, branding at the end -accurately represent your content -choose titles that will lead to strong watch-time -avoid titles that trick viewers, causes drop-offs and negative impacts NOTE: only add tags the the tag section of metadata. adding additional tags to the description of your video constitutes spam and may result in the removal of your video, demotion in search, or account termination

Analytics on Pinterest

see what people are pinning from your website -track your pinning activity -learn what pinners like

Calls to action (youtube programming)

should be minimal and simple. Too many prompts can cause confusion. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for viewers to perform an action -subscribe to the channel -more videos every week -watch another video -view a playlist -continue to the next episode -asking to like, favorite, or share helps content appear more places across the site NOTE: it is against youtube terms and regs to incentivize clicks on video or features

Ad solutions (insta)

supports these objectives: -clicks to website -website conversations -mobile app installs -video views -mobile app engagement -reach and frequency NOTE: facebook doesn't tell us insta financials so we don't know how much they are making from this

Optimization (youtube)

ensure your videos reach widest possible audience -metadata -thumbnail optimization -annotations -channel optimization -reaching all audiences -youtube analytics

Social Platforms

facebook instagram pinterest twitter snapchat yelp amazon youtube vimeo vine linkedin

Creator of Pinterest

Ben Sibermann

Facebook cover images rules

- the goal of cover photos is to tell your brand's story (why is it awesome, not an advertisement) -may not encourage people to upload your cover photo to their personal timelines DO NOT INCLUDE: -images with more than 20% text -images with price or purchase information -contact information (should be in "about" page) -references to facebook features or actions (like,share) -calls to action ("get it now", "tell your friends")

Sephora on Pinterest

-"daily beauty inspiration business" pinterest goals: -make it easy to pin from website -use email to encourage pinterest engagement -encourage clients to pin their beauty 'shopping lists' added pin-it button to website -launched color wash campaign where ppl were encouraged to find matching beauty treasures connected through SM -creates pinterest centric emails so ppl can pin items directly from the email -create boards reflecting email design *creates a shoppable experience *"it lists" strategy where staff pins their favorite products

Snap Chat on the money trail

-$94 mil in funding -made no money until Q4 last year, now on pace for $350m in 2016 -turned down $3B offer from facebook -now saying they have $16B valuation

How does Instagram make money?

-2012 insta changed its terms to allow themselves to use your data and profile to advertise themselves and affiliates without any revenue sharing -public outcry made them stop -2013 hired Emily White from facebook and she had to figure out how to make money -challenging to figure out how to integrate marketing without jeopardizing "cool factor" -now uses ad solutions

Youtube (creation)

-Chad Hurley -Steve Chen -Jawed Karim -early paypal employees -beta was May 2005, launch in Nov -by July they had 65,000 new videos uploaded per day and 100m views per day -october 2006 Google bought it for $1.65B

Insta vs Snap Chat

-IG has twice as many daily active users -IG has a broader reach and more time tested tools -SC has higher rate of millennial users, IG has more overall -IG new feature doesn't spell death for SC, but will slow its growth

Companies on Instagram

-Starbucks -Marc Jacobs -Red Bull -Tiffany & co -GE -Nat Geo

Twitter Direct Response

-Virgin America used twitter to gain a broader audience by delivering a positive brand association -did so by partnering with Stand Up to Cancer to launch a flash sale with cheap rates that would donate part of the profit to the charity -used hashtag #FlyFwdGiveBack -raised $50,000 -one of the top 5 sales ever -loyalty programs saw 25% increase in sign-ups the previous week

playlists (youtube programming)

-You can create them using your own content, other channels' videos, or a combination of both. -they should be an essential part of your channel strategy to increase watch-time and develop a programmed experience --Featured on your channel --Linked-to via annotations --Appear in search results and suggested videos.

Facebook graph search

-a social search engine -enable people to use their friends and friends of friends as a filter -allows users to search (and provide answers) like never before -based on the idea that we like the same things that our friends like

App contest disadvantages (promotion rules)

-barrier to entry is a little higher -some contest apps do not work on mobile devices -cost

Instagram success

-brands have to get past their inherent interest in selling and instead get interested in: --having a distinctive view of the world --cultivating a unique visual sense --capturing things that are interesting to the brand and to the core target customer -training your eye for what makes for a great, provocative, engaging image be interesting, don't push product

Instagram (introduction)

-buddies from Stanford graduated in 2006 -founded instagram in 2010 -early investors included Jack Dorsey of Twitter -with only 13 employees in April, 2012 Facebook bought Instagram for $1B in cash and stock


-business goal is to connect to what people are talking about right now ---Connect in context because engaging with real-time Tweets can influence conversations in a way that can help build business. -listen and learn (to the comp) -should not be used as a way to drive links back to a website -twitter is a conduit for customer care

youtube programming

-captivate the audience -calls to action -regular schedule -playlists -tent-pole programming -channel experience


-connects people with businesses and the business account allow businesses to share info with the community(word of mouth) -over 45m visited site in December 2014, down from 2012 -142m monthly users -users have written 100m reviews -2.1m businesses on site but only 104k actually pay to advertise

(7) Anatomy of a Facebook page

-cover photo (hero image) -profile picture -views and apps -composer -pinned post -friend activity -views and apps tips: -put the changing of your cover photo on your calendar -use a consistent, branded profile picture with good pixels

Curate your collection (Pinning Principles)

-create a few boards to start collection -the very best ones are inspiring, beautiful images draw people in ---also about a specific topic

Marc Jacobs on Insta

-creatively used its account over the holidays to ask followers to share their family moments with #marcfam -showcased its followers' photos and created a collage on its website for all to see -gave customers a chance to participate in creative activity with the brand Note: your customers live taking pictures and talking about their favorite products, so find ways to get your customers involved in your content creation


-customers can post comments on any customer review on site to ask and answer question or to share their own views about products -you don't have to buy product to review it -A manufacturer has to ability to add a highlighted comment that is always displayed immediately next to the review -official comments are in Beta (for past 3 years) -only preferred high volume sellers can provide official comments -unlike yelp, there is no direct response to customer comments

timeline contest disadvantages (Promotion rules)

-don't receive email addresses -can't reshare the post easily -Need to post the rules of the contest and the required release of Facebook's responsibility -may not increase fans -could be hard to notify winner if they aren't paying attention -pain to validate if they liked AND commented

Why the tribes concept did not work (brand pages vs. communities)

-fans and likers usually don't like a page based on common interests or other community characteristics -vast majority of fans never participated in facebook pages -it is/was a one-sided convo -size matters to the boss (quantity over quality) -gimmicks, expensive apps and games drive alot of action key:most brands didn't have a strategy in place to drive business value, they were just making noise

Put pinners first (Pinning Principles)

-first consider what pinners really care about -check web analytics to see what they like best, or ask directly -tailor your pinning around them Ex: whole foods puts sustainability-conscious pinners first with their pin board themes

SEO for Facebook

-focus on keyword-rich updates -bing powers the second arm of graph search -facebook recommends that brand pages optimize their content with relevant keywords --Make sure your status updates correspond with the keyword strategy developed within the content strategy

Snap Chat

-founded as a class project in 2011 -100m users/6B photos a day -is great for age 13-25 demographic -offers inexpensive access to young audiences, done right, it can fit seamlessly into any mobile strategy Inspo: a friend grumbled about regretting sending a photo from his smartphone. Picaboo aimed to solve that problem with self-destructing snaps, Mission Impossible style.

Yelp (creation)

-founded in 2004 -couple of guys from paypal -Jeremy Stoppelmann -Russel Simmons -Jeremy is still CEO, Russel kept his ownership stake but is travelling extensively for the past few years

App contest advantages (promotion rules)

-gather email addresses to let you reconnect later -more control over look and feel -can like-gate and grow fans -easy resharing -easy to post rules -apps have metrics to show the data of entrants (yay)

people (facebook page insights)

-gender -age -country -city -language

timeline contest advantages (Promotion rules)

-gives you more engagement fast -quick and easy to set up -fun and easy to engage people -free to run -works on mobile devices **post requires a comment and pin to top of page

Twitter Data

-is earned $2.2B in revenue in 2015 -advertising is 87% of total revenue -data licensing makes up the other 13% -they are currently losing money but not as much as before -they are no longer prerevenue

GE on Insta

-main objective is to show of GE's work in diff industries -runs a contest to find its next "instagrapher" -#GEInspiredMe NOTE: if you have a less-than-sexy product/service, get creative. holding a photo contest is a great way for customers to get excited about something they'd normally consider dry. expand your audience and educate people about the important topics that surround your brand

Instagram best practices

-maintain a consistent posting frequency -care about quality photography -tap user-generated content -integrate your insta strategy with other social media networks -engage in the convos that are going on -tag your location -research what people in your industry are posting -start following people in your industry

Nat Geo on Insta

-more than 9m followers, more than any other brand -5,000 posts -pictures are incomparable -captions are illuminating -following them is like taking a guided tour around the world

Facebook thoughts

-never forget that facebook is a public company -remember they own the platform -"free" is not really what is sounds like -a balanced mix of paid, earned, and owned is required -read the terms and conditions

Instagram's initial flaws

-no really good/efficient way to build audience (no friend finder ability, no way to purchase followers) -no built in analytics

how does pinterest make money?

-originally did affiliate links but didn't disclose info and resulted in public outcry which stopped the use of them -looking into "suggestions" where if you pin a bikini they might suggest a resort in Hawaii -2013 acquired Livestar, a social recommendation app that gave users ideas on the best content around them, added company's engineering team to pinterest talent **Promoted pins: -wants to build platform with scale and engagement similar to facebook -forming e-commerce partnership with companies

reach (facebook page insights)

-overall post reach -organic reach -paid reach (impressions instead of viewers)

Pinning Principles

-put pinners first -curate your collection


-the algorithm used by facebook to determine where and what posts appear in each individual user's newsfeed -three variables: --affinity --weight --time decay


-to understand people from behind the company -what it was & what it is&what it's not -analytics/facebook insights -rules for promotions/contests

likes (facebook page insights)

-total page likes -net likes -organic likes -paid likes

facebook page insights

-understand the performance of your page -optimize how you publish to your audience so people will tell their friends about you -learn about your audience -overview -likes -reach -posts -people

Tiffany & Co on Insta

-uses insta to show every intricate detail that goes into creating the product -fans get an in-depth look at everything involved in making jewelry -pictures of the final pieces in the signature blue box NOTE: give customers a better understanding of how your product is made. craftsmanship is a dying art in this day and age. you work hard to build products that your customers love; show that side of the story alongside your finished product

Tribes Concept

-using technology, everyone has the opportunity to start a movement--to bring together like minded people and do amazing things -used in Brand pages vs communities -graphic: we need you to lead us

Captivate the audience (youtube programming)

-viewers decide if they will keep watching video within first few seconds -video content should be made clear in first moments -length of video should be exactly as long as the content remains compelling -having beginning, middle, and end in video is fundamental

Starbucks on Insta

-was an early adopter -over 1.6m followers -highlights in-store experiences at locations around the world -shows how new flavors are chosen -provides info on its "create jobs for the USA" program -customers interact with them from their locations all over the world using the hashtag #whereintheworld, shows the consumer passion for the brand and products Note: keep your content fresh, interactive, and aligned with the brand attributes you want your fans to notice

Facebook as an Ad platform

-when they went public they unapologetically became an advertising channel -Fact: EdgeRank got smarter and brand reach got smaller (down 6%, great content is no longer enough) -you have to pay to reach your audience/get them to like your page -you have to pay to promote posts to your target audience note: they are exceptionally good at targeting audiences but it's NOT free

posts (facebook page insights)

-when your fans are online -post types -top posts

Twitter (creation)

Jack Dorsey -had the idea for it after listening in to service workers on his police scanner as a child -they always spoke in short codes and acronyms -he noticed it was always about where they were going or what they were doing or where they just left -his vision was for anyone with a phone to communicate this way with the world -he got kicked out for a few year and then brought back

Channel experience (youtube programming)

Just as you produce videos that you hope will retain viewers' interest for the duration, you will also want to create an experience that drives viewers' completion of a video to their watching more content from your channel. -in-video programming can be set to appear for the entire video, at the end of the video, or at specific time codes. you can also set the duration for how long the image will appear -track viewership and other metrics affected by these new features. make sure your timing and placements are not negatively affecting watch-time, retention, viewership, or other important metrics

Creators of Instagram

Kevin Systrom Mike Krieger

Snap Chat revenue model

Live stories -advertisers can sponsor a montage of videos/pictures around a certain event ie. superbowl Hosts publisher content -in its discover section and splits revenue on ads sold alongside that content with those publishing partners Sells sponsored photo filters -seem to be popular with political candidates

Thumbnail Optimization (youtube optimization)

Thumbnails, along with your video title, act as mini marketing posters for your content -Clear, in-focus, hi-resolution (640px x 360px min., 16:9 aspect ratio) -Bright, high-contrast -Close-ups of faces -Visually compelling imagery -Well-framed, good composition -Foreground stands out from background -Looks great at both small and large sizes. -Accurately represents the content.

tent pole programming (youtube programming)

are the cultural events that promotion, sponsors/advertisers, and viewing trends orbit around throughout the year. -discovery channel has shark week every year -scary movies released near Halloween -talk shows have r'ship experts on the week before valentine's day ---release content at least several days prior to event, the 'prebuzz' is just as important as the date of the actual event, maybe even more

Twitter Contests & Sweeps

best practices: -discourage the creation of multiple accounts-penalty is that all accounts will be suspended -discourage posting the saem tweet multiple times(you will annoy your audience) set contest rule, one entry per day -ask users to include an @reply to you in their update so you can see all the entries so you can be sure you are not filtering out people -follow terms and regs

how does yelp make money

by selling ads to local businesses--you'll see these clearly labeled yelp ads around the site -paying advertisers can never change or re-order their reviews

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