marketing 371 quiz 4

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Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding consumer decisions and the consumer decision process?

Consumer decisions are rational and functional; otherwise they do not involve decisions per se

Which of the following is an approach to problem identification?

all of the above

The brands or products one will evaluate for the solution of a particular consumer problem are called the _____.

evoked set

Very high levels of purchase involvement tend to produce

extended decision making

Which type of consumer decision making involves the evaluation of many attributes and alternatives and employs complex decision rules?

extended decision making

The level of concern for, or interest in, the purchase process triggered by the need to consider a particular purchase is known as _____.

purchase involvement

Before a marketing manager or public policy decision maker can develop a sound strategy to affect consumer decisions, he or she must determine _____.

A, B and C

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding active and inactive consumer problems?

Active problems require the marketer only to convince consumers that its brand is the superior solution.

Which condition is appropriate to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?

All of the above are appropriate to attempt to influence generic problem recognition.

_____ involves tracking consumer click patterns on a website and using that information to decide on banner ad placement.

Behavioral targeting

Given the following importance weights Price = 50, Quality = 40, and Ease of Use = 10, which of the following computers would be chosen using a compensatory decision rule?


Which of the following is(are) a type of consumer choice process?

a. affective choice b. attitude-based choice c. attribute-based choice (A, B and C)

Which of the following is a noncompensatory decision rule?

a. conjunctive b. disjunctive c. lexicographic d. elimination-by-aspects (all of the above)

Which of the following factors influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search?

a. market characteristics b. product characteristics c. consumer characteristics d. situation characteristics (e. all of the above)

Which of the following is a primary source of information available to consumers

a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources (e. all of the above)

A(n) _____ is the way an individual perceives his or her feelings and situation to be at the present time.

actual state

Rational choice theory implicitly or explicitly assumes a number of things about consumer choice that are often not true, such as _____.

all of the above

Joseph is considering the purchase of a computer, and he is comparing brands on the basis of price, memory, speed, and reliability. He mentally ranks each alternative on these attributes and makes a selection based on these rankings. Joseph is using which type of choice process?

attribute-based choice

Higher perceived risk is associated with _____.

b. more reliance on information from personal sources c. greater reliance on personal experience (b and c only)

Ben is interested in golf, so he visits several golf-related websites, such as the USGA and the PGA. Unbeknownst to him, his surfing behavior is being tracked, and it's no accident that he receives several banner ads for golf products and destinations. This is called _____.

behavioral targeting

Which type of test enables the marketer to evaluate the functional characteristics of the product and to determine if an advantage over a particular competitor has been obtained without the contaminating, or halo, effects of the brand name or the firm's reputation?

blind test

Duane is of average intelligence, and like most consumers, he cannot compare too many alternatives at one time. This limited capacity for processing information is known as _____.

bounded rationality

A new brand of peanut butter cookies includes Hershey's Kisses chocolates on top. Which of the following is this new brand using in an attempt to gain from the quality associated with Hershey's chocolate?

brand alliance

Which type of nominal decision is characterized by a fairly high degree of product involvement but a low degree of purchase involvement?

brand loyal decision

Nominal decisions can be broken into which two distinct categories?

brand loyal decisions and repeat purchase decisions

Which marketing strategies are appropriate for limited decision making?

capture strategy & intercept strategy

The multiattribute model is which type of decision rule?


In which type of indirect measurement approach to measuring the relative importance of consumers' evaluative criteria are consumers presented with several descriptions of alternatives and asked to rank all of them in terms of his or her preference for those combinations of features?

conjoint analysis

Which decision rule establishes minimum required performance standards for each evaluative criterion and selects the first or all brands that meet or exceed these minimum standards?


Which of the following is the most common method of direct measurement of the relative importance of consumers' evaluative criteria?

constant sum scales

Which type of motives underlie behaviors that are intrinsically rewarding to the individual involved?

consummatory motives

Consumer-to-consumer solutions to "problems they never knew they had" have accelerated due to the rise of _____.

crowd sourcing like Kickstarter

A(n) _____ is the way an individual wants to feel or be at the present time.

desired state

To determine which criteria are used by consumers in a specific product decision, the marketing researcher can utilize which two methods of measurement?

direct and indirect

Which decision rule establishes a minimum level of performance for each important attribute (often a fairly high level) and says that all brands that meet or exceed the performance level for any key attribute are considered acceptable?


Which marketing strategy is appropriate if the brand is not part of consumers' evoked sets?

disrupt strategy

Miles is considering the purchase of a new car. Price is the most important criterion for him, and he will only consider those models that do not exceed $20,000. Because several models satisfy this criterion, he then considers how each alternative performs with respect to gas mileage, and he will not consider any that get less than 20 miles per gallon in the city. Which decision rule is Miles using?


Nancy usually considers price and quality when she has to make a major purchase, such as an appliance or an automobile. These two features represent Nancy's _____.

evaluative criteria

The desired features or characteristics required to meet a consumer's needs are his or her _____.

evaluative criteria

Nathan is purchasing a new computer, so he asks his friends and family for help in selecting one. He also has searched the Internet and visited the Dell, Gateway, and Apple websites and has consulted Consumer Reports. Nathan is conducting which type of information search?

external search

Research shows that the most important search-related use of the Internet is _____.

finding information

Nominal decision making is sometimes referred to as _____.

habitual decision making

Which approach to problem recognition attempts to determine human capabilities in areas such as vision, strength, response time, flexibility, and fatigue and the effect on these capabilities of lighting, temperature, and sound?

human factors research

Elaine is considering the purchase of a computer and is aware that Toshiba and HP are brands in this product category. However, she is basically indifferent toward them. These two brands represent Elaine's _____.

inert set

Hannah asked her mother to buy her a certain brand of athletic shoes because that's what all the other kids are wearing at school. For Hannah, which type of motive is most likely underlying her request for that specific brand?

instrumental motives

One marketer for a brand of shampoo learned through research that consumers in the target market engage in limited decision making but that this marketer's brand is not part of their evoked set. Which marketing strategy is appropriate for this company?

intercept strategy

Nakeisha wants to purchase some new makeup, but she wants something different from what she is currently using. Because she has experience with this product, she just thinks of the other products she has tried and decides to purchase one of those. Which type of information search has Nakeisha performed?

internal search

What is the most common approach to discovering consumer problems?


The minimum amount that one brand can differ from another with the difference still being noticed is referred to as the ______.

just noticeable difference

Which decision rule requires the consumer to rank the criteria in order of importance, and then the consumer selects the brand that performs best on the most important attribute?


Wendy was in Walmart and noticed a display with baking items collected together and a little pad with recipes to tear off. She looked at the recipe and decided that this would make a nice dessert for Thanksgiving, so she purchased the products that were conveniently located on the display. Which type of decision making did Wendy undertake?

limited decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes the evaluation of only a few attributes, simple decision rules, and few alternatives?

limited decision making

Which marketing strategy requires consistent attention to product quality, distribution, and a reinforcement advertising strategy because the brand is purchased habitually by the target market?

maintenance strategy

Which marketing strategies are appropriate for nominal decision making?

maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy

A decision that does not include alternative evaluation is

nominal decision making

Every winter, Laurie's skin becomes very dry and results in painful cracks in the skin on her fingers. Once this happens, Laurie remembers that Zim's Crack Cream works really well for this problem, so she stops at the store to pick some up. Which type of decision making has occurred?

nominal decision making

Friends, family, and others are examples of which source of information?

personal sources

What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?

problem recognition

_____ is the result of a discrepancy between a desired state and an actual state that is sufficient to arouse and activate the decision process.

problem recognition

Feature and quality variations across brands are referred to as _____.

product differentiation

Which of the following are indirect measurement techniques used to determine consumers' evaluative criteria?

projective techniques & perceptual mapping

Which type of nominal decision is characterized by a consumer believing that all brands within a given product category are about the same and not attaching much importance to the product category or purchase?

repeat purchase decision

Kodak markets digital cameras and is aware that consumers search for information concerning this product on the Internet using one of the several search engines (e.g., Google). To ensure that Kodak appears on the first page of results, this company pays the search engine to become a sponsored link when consumers search the key words "digital camera." This is an illustration of _____.

search engine optimization

The ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli is called _____.

sensory discrimination

Unsolicited e-mail that is a major concern and irritant is known as _____.


An attribute used to stand for or indicate another attribute is known as a _____.

surrogate indictator

Which of the following is probably the most important situational variable with respect to search behavior?

temporal perspective

Speed of service and convenient location are criteria Jake considers when deciding at which restaurant to eat lunch during a work day. However, when he and his wife go out for a romantic dinner, the ambiance and quality of the food are more important. Which factor is influencing the importance he places of various criteria?

usage situation

James likes to eat a strawberry Pop-Tart for breakfast before school. After about two weeks of this, he starts to get bored with that and switches to waffles. James is displaying which type of behavior?

variety seeking

The second screen refers to

watching TV while interacting with another mobile device

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