Marketing 4423 final exam study guide

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A job analysis is a. an investigation of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of the job. b. an analysis of the amount of stress inherent in the job. c. a rating assigned to a particular job, indicating what grade and salary is appropriate. d. an investigation into the job history of the applicant to uncover any fraud or incompetence. e. a breakdown of the job into specific tasks, enumerating the times that each task is performed during a certain time period.


Centralization within the management structure can be best described as a. the degree to which important decisions and tasks are performed at higher levels in the management hierarchy. b. definitive in nature, as organizations are either totally centralized or totally decentralized. c. the extent to which lower-level managers have become responsible for important decisions and tasks. d. the amount of task specialization that takes place within the major branches of the sales organization structure. e. characterized by the decision to divide sales efforts on the basis of products or related lines of products.


All of the following are characteristics of benchmarking except a. It is an ongoing measurement and analysis process. b. It involves comparing an organization's current operating practices to average industry operating practices. c. It can lead to greater customer satisfaction. d. It may lead to lower operating costs. e. It may lead to improved operations.


An assessment technique that involves performance assessment from multiple raters including sales managers, internal and external customers, team members, and even oneself is a. performance management b. 360-degree feedback c. total quality management d. multiple feedback e. broad-based assessment


Limited research shows that behavior-based control appears to be used under all of the following conditions except a. the selling environment is uncertain. b. the salesforce is large. c. outputs and the cost of measuring them are inadequate. d. products are less complex. e. salespeople are more educated.


A behavior-based perspective to evaluating and controlling salesperson performance a. focuses on objective measures of results. b. has very little monitoring or directing of salespersons by sales managers. c. incorporates complex and often subjective assessments of salesperson characteristics. d. may lead to a focus on short-term outcomes. e. minimizes activities related to customer relationships.


Which of the following likely is not one of the roles of the salesforce of the firm in using a low-cost supplier strategy? a. Servicing large current customers. b. Pursuing large prospects. c. Selling nonprice benefits. d. Minimizing costs. e. Assuming significant order-taking responsibilities.


Which of the following statements regarding sales leadership is false? a. Typical senior sales leadership titles are chief sales executive, national sales manager or regional sales manager. b. Senior sales leadership influences the entire sales organization or a large subunit. c. Sales leadership is the day-to-day control of the salesforce under routine operating conditions. d. Sales leadership involves activities that influence others to achieve common goals for the collective good of the sales organization and the company. e. For field sales managers, leadership involves influencing assigned salespeople by creating a climate that inspires salespeople.


All of the following are consequences of ineffective territory design except a. a salesperson might get frustrated because there is little potential for generating additional sales in his or her territory. b. the firm could lose sales opportunities because of a lack of selling attention. c. a salesperson may not be motivated to develop the potential of the territory and instead merely "skim the cream" from the best accounts. d. all salespeople have equal opportunities for generating sales and profits. e. too much sales effort being expended for the level of sales opportunity that exists.


Because of the existence of salesforce turnover, a. firms should scale down their sales efforts to a level that the current salesforce can manage. b. firms should redesign their compensation programs if they are losing substantial salespeople each year. c. firms should have alternative sales allocation plans based on both a full strength and reduced salesforce. d. firms should determine the desired salesforce size and then adjust this figure to reflect expected turnover. e. firms should solicit their competitor's best salespeople to offset the opportunity costs of turnover.


The sales growth experienced by different organizational levels can be determined by a. a comparison of actual sales results to those achieved by competitors. b. a comparison of actual sales results to sales forecasts. c. a comparison of actual sales results to sales quotas. d. a comparison of actual sales results to previous periods' sales. e. a comparison of the sales effectiveness index of the different organization levels.


The sales training process includes all of the following interrelated steps except a. follow-up and evaluation. b. designing the sales training program. c. assessing sales training needs. d. performing a salesforce audit. e. evaluating training alternatives.


A sales manager responds to motivation problems faced by an entry-level salesperson differently than he/she would to an experienced salesperson with similar problems. He/She is utilizing this leadership skill: a. communication skills. b. anticipation and seeking feedback. c. flexibility and ingenuity. d. diagnostic skills. e. selection and matching.


A sales organization audit can best be defined as a. a systematic and diagnostic tool that is used to determine the adequacy of a firm's advertising expenditures. b. a prescriptive device that is generally used in the redesign of territories or districts. c. a framework that can be used to assess salespeople for promotion potential. d. a tool that is used by all organizations to help them achieve their goals. e. a comprehensive, systematic, diagnostic and prescriptive tool used to assess the adequacy of a firm's sales management process.


All of the following are methods of needs assessment for sales training except a. salesforce audit. b. performance testing. c. observation. d. salesforce survey. e. job description.


In their role as a communications agent, salespeople do all of the following EXCEPT a. serve as a communications link between customers and their employers. b. provide product and marketplace information to customers. c. report back to their company on competitive activity. d. report back to their company on buyer preferences and ideas for new products. e. stimulate sales cycles and help customers reach buying decisions.


New customers may be turned over to account servicing salespeople referred to as a. hunters b. merchandisers c. missionary salespeople d. pioneers e. farmers


Potential problems associated with inadequate recruitment and selection include all of the following except a. inadequate sales coverage and lack of customer follow up. b. higher turnover rates. c. difficulty in establishing enduring relationships with customers. d. increased training costs to overcome deficiencies. e. reduced capability to evaluate sales performance.


Probably the most often used method to establish selling budgets is a. objective and task method. b. profitability projections. c. cost-justification method. d. zero-based budgeting. e. percentage-of-sales method.


Sales training is conducted in a. home offices. b. central training facilities. c. manufacturing plants. d. hotels. e. any of the above.


Which method of determining expenditure levels for selling expense categories depends upon accurate sales forecasts? a. Objective and task method b. Zero-based budgeting c. Cost-justification method d. Profit margin budgeting e. Percentage-of-sales method


Which of the following is not an advantage of the commission compensation plan? a. Income is linked to results. b. There is a strong financial incentive to improve results. c. Costs are reduced during slow sales periods. d. Less operating capital is required. e. Customer loyalty is enhanced.


Which of the following statements regarding the use of outcome-based and behavior-based perspectives in the evaluation of salesperson performance is false? a. A review of current practice indicates a tendency toward a behavior-based perspective. b. Most sales organizations operate somewhere between the two extreme positions. c. The relative emphasis on outcome-based and behavior-based measures depends upon environmental, firm, and salesperson considerations. d. A salesperson's performance on post-sale service is considered a behavior-based measure. e. Unethical activities that produce immediate sales may result from a totally outcome- based perspective.


The buying center member who controls the flow of information between buying center members is referred to as the a. initiator. b. gatekeeper. c. influencer. d. decider. e. purchaser.


The most serious disadvantage of a straight-salary compensation plan is a. that it builds little in the way of salesforce loyalty or commitment to the company. b. that differences in salary levels among salespeople are often a function of seniority on the job instead of true merit. c. that they offer little financial incentive to perform past a merely acceptable level. d. the financial burden the firm suffers if the market declines or stagnates. e. that high-pressure, non-customer-oriented sales techniques are often used to boost total sales.


The mutual setting of well-defined and measurable goals within a specified time period is a concept incorporated into this type of performance evaluation method: a. graphic rating/checklist method. b. ranking method. c. management by objectives (MBO). d. behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS). e. team-evaluation consensus.


This type of criterion assesses improvements in certain characteristics of salespeople that are related to successful performance in the sales job: a. profitability. b. productivity. c. professional development. d. behavioral. e. results.


Though two approaches to income statement analysis have been used, there seems to be a trend toward a. the full-cost approach. b. the cost-allocation approach. c. the contribution approach. d. the gross-margin approach. e. the indirect-cost approach.


When attempting to use the diagnostic information provided by salesperson-evaluation methods the major difficulty is in a. reviewing the performance of each individual salesperson against each relevant criterion. b. attempting to summarize the results across all salespeople being supervised. c. isolating the specific causes of low performance. d. determining which salespeople are not meeting their sales quotas. e. making determinations as to the levels of performance that must be met to deserve special recognition and rewards.


Which of the following decisions can be regarded as the starting point in a comprehensive salesforce deployment approach? a. Deciding how many salespeople are required to provide the desired amount of selling effort. b. Deciding how territories should be designed to ensure proper coverage of accounts. c. Deciding how much selling effort is needed to cover accounts and prospects so that sales and profit objectives will be achieved. d. Deciding how to provide each salesperson with a reasonable opportunity for success. e. Deciding how many sales calls each salesperson should make on an annual basis.


Which of the following is not one of the personal selling approaches discussed in class? a. Stimulus-response b. Needs satisfaction c. Contingency selling d. Mental states e. Problem-solving


Which of the following is not true regarding an outcome-based perspective to evaluating and controlling salesperson performance a. focuses on objective measures of results. b. has very little monitoring or directing of salespersons by sales managers. c. incorporates complex and often subjective assessments of salesperson characteristics. d. may lead to a focus on short-term outcomes. e. minimizes activities related to customer relationships.


Which of the following would not be an expense category for a selling budget? a. Recruiting expenses b. Salespeople's lodging expenses c. Production expense d. Salespeople's salaries e. Sales office expense


In this type of profitability analysis, the shared selling costs are allocated to individual units based on some type of cost allocation procedure: a. the contribution approach to income statement analysis. b. the full-cost approach to residual income analysis. c. return on assets managed approach. d. the full-cost approach to income statement analysis. e. the contribution approach to residual income analysis.


Recruitment, selection, and sales training are examples of factors considered in this area of the sales organization audit framework: a. sales-management evaluation. b. sales-organization strategies. c. sales-organization environment. d. sales-management functions. e. sales-organization planning system.


The evaluation method indicated by the following example is the "Set up a scale from 1 to 10 with a rating of 2 suggesting that the salesperson can be expected to demonstrate little initiative in support of the team." a. graphic rating/checklist method. b. ranking method. c. management by objectives (MBO). d. behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS). e. team-evaluation consensus.


The majority of sales organizations evaluate salesperson performance: a. on a semiannual basis. b. on a quarterly basis. c. on a monthly basis. d. on an annual basis. e. once every two years.


Which of the following statements regarding sales organization effectiveness is true? a. Most firms conduct annual assessments of cost, profit contribution, net profit, or return on assets. b. Sales analyses are performed only at the lowest level of the sales organization, typically by territory. c. The one summary measure of sales organization effectiveness is a productivity analysis. d. Sales analyses can be conducted in several ways, including by total sales or by sales to specific customers. e. Most firms employ the same type of sales analysis, an analysis of sales of specific products.


A benchmarking study should provide all of the following except a. a measure that compares performance for the benchmarked process relative to the organization studied. b. identification of the organization's performance gap relative to benchmarked performance levels. c. identification of best practices and facilitators that produced the results observed during the study. d. performance goals for the process studied. e. a set of solutions to commonly encountered performance problems.


When actual selling costs far exceed budgeted costs a. it is considered a bad situation, as the objective is to minimize selling costs. b. it is considered a good situation, as high selling costs automatically mean high sales. c. it is cause for concern, since costs are only allowed to exceed the budgeted amount by a small percentage. d. it is cause for concern, since top management will cut future budgets to reduce costs. e. it is cause for further analysis to discover whether a specified relationship between sales and selling costs was maintained.


When selling effort is considered to be more important than selling skill, the salesforce should be a. specialized. b. expanded. c. centralized. d. decentralized. e. generalized.


Which of the following approaches to salesperson performance evaluations is false? a. Most sales organizations employ combinations of input and output criteria that are evaluated by quantitative and qualitative measures. b. Sales organizations that set performance standards or quotas tend to enlist the aid of salespeople in establishing these objectives. c. Most salesperson performance evaluations are conducted by the field sales manager who supervises the salesperson. d. Most sales organizations provide salespeople with a written copy of their performance review. e. Discussions of performance evaluations with salespeople are typically conducted in the field.


With regards to salesforce socialization, role definition is a. the degree to which the salesperson has managed to prioritize tasks in a way that will ensure success. b. personal satisfaction that the sales trainee feels in his or her job. c. the degree to which a sales trainee feels competent and accepted as a working partner. d. the degree of training that the sales trainee has received. e. an understanding of what tasks are to be performed, what the priorities of the tasks are, and how time should be allocated among tasks.


__________ are salespeople who support the sales effort by providing information and performing other supplemental services. a. Hunters b. Pioneers c. Order-takers d. Order-getters e. Missionary salespeople


___________ rewards are those that are given in return for acceptable performance or effort. a. Sales b. Intrinsic c. Noncompensation d. Compensatory e. Compensation


All of the following are considered profitability criteria except a. sales volume in dollars. b. gross margin per sales. c. return on sales cost. d. selling expense versus budget. e. average cost per call.


An evaluation of sales results throughout the sales organization from a top-down perspective is a a. hierarchical sales analysis. b. scaled sales analysis. c. stepladder sales analysis. d. pyramid sales analysis. e. single stage sales analysis.


In this approach to profitability analysis, the indirect or shared costs are not included in the individual unit analysis: a. the contribution approach to income statement analysis. b. the full-cost approach to residual income analysis. c. return on assets managed approach. d. the full-cost approach to income statement analysis. e. the contribution approach to residual income analysis.


One of the major difficulties in developing the income statement approach in profitability analysis is a. determining how to handle costs that are shared between organizational levels or sales types. b. determining the cost of goods sold for individual organizational levels or sales types. c. breaking down total sales into individual unit sales. d. explaining how to interpret the results to senior managers. e. figuring the investment in assets required to generate the net profit or profit contribution.


Performance evaluations for the purpose of determining compensation and special rewards should focus on a. activities and results related to the salesperson's current job and situation. b. criteria related to potential effectiveness as a sales manager. c. obtaining information for effective human resource planning. d. determining the future aspirations of the salesperson and appropriate career-development activities. e. measuring the salesperson's job satisfaction.


Please calculate the asset turnover rate if sales = $18,000,000; cost of goods sold = $10,000,000; and total assets managed = $10,000,000: a. 1.8. b. .67. c. 1.2. d. 1.5. e. .83.


Salespeople who focus on gaining new customers are sometimes referred to as a. hunters. b. farmers. c. missionary salespeople. d. detailers. e. merchandisers.


The ________ provides direction for strategy development and execution throughout the organization. a. mission statement b. strategy statement c. corporate plan d. business unit portfolio e. goal statement


The adequacy of sales managers and management practices is assessed under this area of the sales organization audit framework: a. sales-management evaluation. b. sales-organization strategies. c. sales-organization environment. d. sales-management functions. e. sales-organization planning system.


The buying center member who starts the organizational purchasing process is referred to as the a. initiator. b. user. c. influencer. d. decider. e. purchaser.


The following is an excerpt from this type of performance evaluation method: Delivers what he or she promises on time. Almost Never 1 2 3 4 5 Almost Always NA a. graphic rating/checklist method. b. ranking methods. c. management by objectives (MBO) d. behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS). e. assessment-center method.


When it is difficult for the salesperson to secure the first order from the customer, but reorders are virtually automatic, this form of commission rate would be appropriate: a. regressive. b. incremental. c. a combination of constant and progressive rates. d. constant. e. progressive.


When other salespeople believe that a sales manager has valuable knowledge or skills in a given area, the sales manager is able to use a. expert power. b. referent power. c. legitimate power. d. reward power. e. coercive power.


When sales management wants to focus on specific skills within each selling contact the salesforce should be a. specialized. b. expanded. c. centralized. d. decentralized. e. generalized.


Which of the five views of personal selling is the least flexible and least focused on the buyer's unique needs? a. Stimulus response b. Need satisfaction c. Contingency selling d. Mental states e. Problem solving


A company may want to ______________ the salesforce in situations where they need salespeople quickly, for short periods of time, for smaller customers, or for other reasons, but when they do not want to hire additional salespeople. a. source b. outsource c. source out d. increase e. motivate


Advantages of straight-salary compensation plans include all of the following except a. salaries can provide control over salespeople's activities, especially nonselling activities. b. the working capital requirements are lessened with the straight-salary compensation plan. c. reassigning salespeople and changing sales territories is less of a problem than with other financial compensation plans. d. they are the simplest plans to administer, with adjustments usually occurring only once a year. e. planned earnings for the salesforce are easy to project, which facilitates the salesforce budgeting process.


If a salesperson made this statement regarding his sales manager, "I like him personally and regard him as a friend," the manager is likely exercising what type of power? a. Expert power b. Referent power c. Legitimate power d. Reward power e. Coercive power


Internal sources of sales recruits include all of the following except a. announcing sales job openings through newsletters. b. use of a private employment agency. c. posting sales job openings on bulletin boards. d. announcing sales job openings in meetings. e. use of an employee referral program.


Salespeople who are customer oriented, honest, dependable, competent, and compatible are in a good position to establish a. rapport. b. trust. c. commitment. d. customer feedback. e. source credibility.


The ___________ ranks all salespeople according to relative performance on each performance criterion. a. graphic rating/checklist method b. ranking method c. management by objectives (MBO) d. behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) e. team-evaluation consensus


The basic idea behind specialization is that a. certain individuals are more ideally suited for some types of jobs than others. b. if individuals can concentrate on a limited number of activities, they can become experts on those tasks. c. division of labor will lead to the most cost-effective selling effort possible. d. when salespeople become experts on certain products, integrating the efforts of different salesforces becomes easier. e. customers would rather speak with a salesperson that specializes in selling one product.


This form of on-the-job training is often used to groom salespeople for management positions: a. filling in for vacationing salespeople b. job rotation c. working with a senior salesperson d. working with a sales manager who acts as a "coach" e. a "sink or swim" form of on-the-job training


What is the effectiveness index of a salesperson whose 2016 sales totaled $6,000 and whose sales quota was $5,000? a. 83 b. 120 c. 97 d. 106 e. 69


Which of the following conditions would indicate to the sales manager that the proportion of the salesperson's total pay that is salary should be relatively low? a. The reputation of the salesperson's company is well known. b. The importance of the salesperson's personal skills in making sales is considerable. c. The incidence of technical or team selling is high. d. The importance of factors beyond the control of the salesperson which influence sales is considerable. e. The competitive advantage of the product in terms of price, quality, etc., is high.


Which of the following is not one of the desired outcomes of an optimal reward system? a. Encourage specific activities which are consistent with the firm's overall marketing and salesforce objectives and strategies. b. Provide a mix of both compensation and noncompensation rewards comparable to other firms. c. Attract and retain competent salespeople, thereby enhancing long-term customer relationships. d. Be clear and flexible enough to allow the kind of adjustments that facilitate administration of the reward system. e. Provide an acceptable ratio of costs and salesforce output in volume, profit, or other objectives.


Which of the following outlines the proper order for designing territories? a. Analyze planning and control unit opportunity select planning and control unit form initial territories assess territory workload finalize territory design b. Select planning and control unit analyze planning and control unit opportunity form initial territories assess territory workload finalize territory design c. Select planning and control unit analyze planning and control unit opportunity assess territory workload form initial territories finalize territory design d. Select planning and control unit form initial territories analyze planning and control unit opportunity assess territory workload finalize territory design e. Analyze planning and control unit opportunity select planning and control unit assess territory workload form initial territories finalize territory design


Which of the following provides a benchmark for the evaluation of selling costs? a. Sales quotas b. Selling budgets c. Cost quotas d. Variance analysis e. Sales forecasts


Which one of the following is not true regarding consultative selling? a. It requires the salesperson be an expert on the customer's business, competitors, and market developments. b. It is appropriate for all sales situations. c. It focuses on achieving strategic goals of customers. d. It often requires that the salesperson be a coordinator, arranging for others in the selling company to play a role in the sales process. e. It requires a commitment to being partners with customers over a long time horizon rather than being focused on making short-term sales.


____________ is giving the recruit an accurate portrayal of the job. a. Achieving congruence b. Achieving realism c. Achieving self-esteem d. Achieving accuracy e. Initiation to task


A ___________ structure facilitates decision making in the field and encourages the development of relationships with customers. a. specialized b. centralized c. decentralized d. generalized e. functional


A common criticism of combination pay plans is that they a. cost the firm more in total pay to salespeople. b. do not provide equitable treatment of high-performing salespeople. c. tend to produce too many salesforce objectives which are of the crisis-resolution variety. d. are unattractive to high-potential, but unproven college graduates. e. may often lead to salespeople earning more than their managers, which leads to resentment and other managerial problems.


A large direct sales company such as Avon would most likely compensate their salespeople in this manner a. straight salary. b. salary plus bonuses. c. straight commission. d. salary plus commission. e. straight commission plus bonuses.


A salesperson who is intrinsically motivated a. is motivated by the rewards that the job provides. b. is motivated by the need for love and belongingness. c. finds the job to be inherently rewarding. d. finds that the job's fringe benefits, pay, and generous vacation policy provide motivation. e. works for the feeling of security offered by the job.


All of the following are important in assigning sales quotas except a. the concentration of businesses within the sales representative's territory. b. the geographical size of a territory. c. commitment by top management to assist the sales representative. d. growth of businesses within the sales representative's territory. e. the complexity of products sold.


Decisions regarding the allocation of selling effort, salesforce size, and design of territories are referred to as a. salesforce distribution. b. salesforce allocation. c. salesforce deployment. d. territorial apportionment. e. coverage decisions.


Extraorganizational factors including technological, political, legal, and economic-demographic factors are considered in this area of the sales organization audit framework: a. sales-management evaluation. b. sales-organization strategies. c. sales-organization environment. d. sales-management functions. e. sales-organization planning system.


Intraorganizational factors such as company organization are considered in this area of the sales organization audit framework: a. sales-management evaluation. b. sales-organization strategies. c. sales-organization environment. d. sales-management functions. e. sales-organization planning system.


Most sales organizations focus on this behavioral criterion in salesperson evaluation: a. number of demonstrations conducted. b. number of required reports submitted. c. number of sales calls made. d. number of letters/phone calls to prospects. e. number of customer complaints.


Salespeople can increase profitability in all of the following ways except a. by selling more higher margin products. b. by reducing their travel and entertainment costs. c. by reducing their order-call ratio. d. by maintaining higher prices in sales negotiations. e. by reducing their average cost per sales call.


Span of control refers to a. the frequency with which subordinates are required to report to their immediate supervisor. b. the number of different hierarchical levels of sales management within the organization. c. the number of individuals that report to each sales manager. d. the actual structure of the sales organization, whether it is considered flat or tall. e. the amount of decision-making responsibility that each sales manager holds.


The buying center member who provides input for the purchasing decision is referred to as the a. initiator. b. gatekeeper. c. influencer. d. decider. e. purchaser.


The buying situation that poses the most problems for the buyer is the a. modified rebuy buying situation. b. similar task buying situation c. new task buying situation. d. ongoing-project buying situation e. straight rebuy buying situation.


When using a top-down perspective in sales analysis, the emphasis is on identifying potential problem areas at each level and then a. using analysis at the next highest level to pinpoint the specific problem. b. having that level's sales management analyze the problem and provide an explanation. c. using analysis at lower levels to pinpoint the specific problems. d. analyzing what impact that problem might have on the next level's performance. e. attempting to prevent these problems from occurring through effective sales management.


Which of the following is not one of the four categories of training methods discussed in the text? a. On-the-job b. Behavioral simulations c. Case studies d. Classroom/conference e. Absorption


Which of the following is not one of the four key roles expected of salespeople? a. Financial contributor b. Change agent c. Product agent d. Communications agent e. Customer value agent


Which of the following statements regarding sales supervision is true? a. Typical senior sales supervisor titles are chief sales executive, national sales manager or regional sales manager. b. Sales supervisors influence the entire sales organization or a large subunit. c. Sales supervision involves working with subordinates on a day-to-day basis. d. Sales supervision involves activities that influence others to achieve common goals for the collective good of the sales organization and the company. e. For field sales managers, supervision involves influencing assigned salespeople by creating a climate that inspires salespeople.


Which of the following statements regarding the graphic rating/checklist method of performance evaluation is false? a. This method is very popular in many sales organizations. b. It consists of approaches where salespeople are evaluated using some type of performance evaluation form. c. This method involves ranking salespeople according to their relative performance on each performance criterion. d. It was rated poor on the discriminability criterion. e. With this method, some sales managers tend to give all ratings around the average.


Complete this sentence. The more a salesperson performance evaluation system is behavior-based than outcome-based a. the less likely that risk-averse salespeople will be attracted, nurtured, and retained. b. the more salespeople will have reduced levels of intrinsic motivation. c. the less salespeople identify with and feel committed to the sales organization. d. the less the need for using pay as a control mechanism. e. the more likely salespeople will reject the authority of sales management.


In the simplest type of sales organization structure, the following situation would exist: a. Each salesperson is responsible for selling one particular product. b. Each sales manager is responsible for only a few key accounts. c. One sales manager concentrates on training activities and another concentrates on planning activities. d. Each salesperson is responsible for selling all the company's products to all types of accounts. e. Each salesperson calls on only certain designated customers.


The analytical method for allocating selling effort that is the easiest to develop and use is the a. multiple factor model. b. decision model. c. historical model. d. single factor model. e. portfolio model.


The mental states approach to personal selling assumes that buyers must be led through four mental states, which occur in this order: a. interest, attention, desire, action. b. attention, desire, interest, action. c. curiosity, interest, conviction, purchase. d. attention, interest, desire, action. e. listening, considering, aspiring, deciding.


When the firm offers a complex range of products and customers have different needs a ________ salesforce is recommended. a. market specialized b. product specialized c. geographically specialized d. product-market specialized e. functionally specialized


Which of the following likely is not one of the roles of the salesforce of the firm is using a differentiation strategy? a. Providing high quality of customer service and responsiveness. b. Generating orders. c. Selling nonprice benefits. d. Selecting customers based on high price sensitivity. e. Significant prospecting in high growth industry.


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