Marketing Communication 2110-01 Midterm

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Which is an example of technological convergence?

A newspaper reporter also writes an article for a company's website.

Digitization is __________.

the process by which media are made into computer-readable form

Media businesses have been among the most profitable of any industry, with profit margins typically around __________ on an annual basis.


What does Magritte's famous "This is not a pipe" painting tell us?

A representation of a thing is not the thing itself.

What is a potentially dangerous result of audience fragmentation?

Audience members choose to receive only the news and information that reinforce their beliefs and values.

What has research revealed about media bias and media effects?

Audiences can be quite active in interpreting and using media.

What was the first twenty-four-hour television news network?


Which of the following countries has been a leader in media-literacy education?


Which country declared that reports of torture of political opponents were fake news?


Many newspaper journalists are now expected to write stories and shoot videos. What broader convergence issue does this demonstrate?

Communications professionals have multiple job roles today.

The concentration of media ownership and consolidation of media companies in the United States and globally has serious repercussions for our __________.

politics, society, and culture

A reason for the many initial incompatibilities in the telephone system was that __________.

private enterprise developed the telephone systems

Telecommunications mergers and acquisitions in the billions of dollars have built a ____________ in the United States, a group of independent businesses that collaborate to regulate the production, pricing, and marketing of goods.

communications cartel

Nine diversified global media giants dominate the media worldwide. These corporations are international ___________.


Creative Commons has created a range of contracts for content creators that help ensure creative works remain free in the public domain. These are based on the concept of __________.


Advertising's major role in __________ has drawn criticism from advocacy groups around the country, who have turned to social media as a platform to voice dissent

propagating certain stereotypes

Synchronous media __________.

require the audience to be assembled simultaneously with the broadcast, transmission, or event

The media oligopoly of the leading nine media giants is not the only threat to the diversity of opinion and information. An additional threat is about fifty ___________ that operate on a national or international level and generate more than $1 billion of business each year.

second-tier media companies

The main concern in the early days of film in the 1920s was the medium's depiction of __________.

sex, violence, and lawlessness

Radio and recorded music have their own grammar, one that is based solely on __________.


The main functions of mass communication are cultural transmission, correlation, __________, and __________.

surveillance; entertainment

Media businesses are businesses just like any other. If they fail to make a profit, they are also doing a disservice to _________.

their private owners or shareholders

The shift from point-and-click interactions with a mouse to touchscreen swipes and "pinches" that help manipulate content makes us aware that __________.

there is nothing "natural" about how we use media today

When we talk on a phone, instant message, or write back and forth in a chat room, we are __________.

using a communication medium

An unseen announcer or narrator talking while other activity takes place, either on radio or during a television scene, is known as a(n) _________.


Four audio techniques that impact the media grammar of radio and recorded music are __________.

volume changes, multiple audio tracks, sound effects, and voice-overs

The phrase "produsers" combines which two words?

Producers; users

A hyperlink is __________.

a clickable pointer to other online content

To eliminate incompatibilities in the phone network, the U.S. government granted which company a monopoly on the telephone system?


The inventor of record for the telephone in 1876 is __________.

Alexander Graham Bell

Alarm about the effects of media on children dates back to _________.

Ancient Greece

__________ media such as newspapers or magazines do not require the audience to assemble at any given time.


What three elements are needed for convergence?

Computing; telecommunications; media

__________ is the process whereby traditional media companies have grown fewer and much larger in the past fifty years through mergers and acquisitions.


Select the statement that best describes how cookies work.

Cookies recognize a person's Internet behaviors and provide custom content based on those patterns.

What phenomenon is demonstrated when a show that is produced in the United States (NCIS, for example) becomes wildly popular in another country?

Cultural convergence

Deciding whether a news story is a descriptive article or an evaluative piece that provides editorial opinion is related to which guideline for developing media literacy?

Determine the purpose of the media content

Some studies have shown that people who regularly use Facebook are not as happy as those who do not, a phenomenon attributed to which of the following acronyms?


A leading theorist in contemporary semiotics and the father of linguistics, __________ identified the dual nature of signs.

Ferdinand de Saussure

Many consider the polarization of political views in the United States, as seen especially during the last presidential election, to be a direct result of which of the following trends?

Filter bubbles

Asking yourself how you would feel if the group with whom you identify was portrayed in a particular way allows you to __________.

challenge media stereotypes

The physical dimensions of a book, the artwork on its jacket, and the size and style of the typeface are all part of its media _________.


__________ is generally either underlined or otherwise set apart typographically or graphically from nonlinked text.


Which of the following assertions about fake news is accurate?

It has been around since at least the nineteenth century, when William Jennings Bryan complained bitterly about it.

Why is viral marketing an efficient way of promoting products?

It involves people discussing products for free.

What is a primary characteristic of interpersonal communication?

It is usually interactive or flows at least two ways.

Which of the following devices is associated with TV sitcoms?

Laugh tracks

Media critics have argued that media monopolies and conglomerates contribute to which problem?

Less diversity of media voices

__________ combine certain elements of books and newspapers in their media grammar.


What is one impact of social media on our privacy?

Maintaining privacy in the form of alone time is harder than it was before social media existed.

Which scholar coined the phrase "the medium is the message"?

Marshall McLuhan

Which statement best describes the recent trend in media ownership?

Media companies are being consolidated into larger companies.

__________ relies on the notion that we classify, organize, and interpret things into certain schema to simplify the complex.

Media framing

_________ has several advantages over the Internet in many developing countries, providing an easy and relatively cheap way to communicate.

Mobile telephony

Born in 1995, Gillian has never known a world without the Internet. She is active on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and she helps her parents become more proficient with various social media platforms. Gillian is a digital __________.


What makes it easier for smaller media companies and even individuals to mass distribute their media products?

New avenues for marketing and distribution have opened up on the Internet.

A(n) __________ is an economic structure in which a few very large, very powerful, and very rich owners control an industry or collection of related industries.


A danger of the entertainment function of mass communication is that entertainment can __________.

perpetuate certain stereotypes

Cultural convergence says that media companies will continue to produce messages for large audiences, but according to this view, audiences will more frequently receive what?

Personalized messages tailored to the needs of the individual

Who is the most subscribed user on YouTube?


Media scholar __________ has written several books that show how corporate media have adversely affected the quality of communications content we receive and how media companies have lobbied the government to further their own corporate interests.

Robert McChesney

__________ is the study of signs and symbols.


What impact has the cell phone had on planning social events with friends?

Social events are more spontaneous now that people have cell phones.

What improvements needed to be made to the telephone before it could be more widely adopted?

Sound needed to be made easier to hear; the number of voices carried on a single wire had to be increased.

What activity provides information about the processes, issues, events, and other developments in society?


__________ is/are one of the few traditional mass-communication formats to include frequent interaction between media producers or hosts and the audience.

Talk Radio

What was the first means of electronic communication?


Which of the screens in our multiscreen world is the most used?


A significant area of convergence is the space produced by the melding of the television and the personal computer. Related to this, how is television different today compared to when it was first developed?

Television is interactive and allows viewers to participate in shows by voting.

What statement best describes the audience in the traditional mass communication model?

The audience is large, heterogeneous, and anonymous.

What important trend do wikis and mash-ups, such as President Trump playing an accordion, demonstrate?

The audience's growing participation in media

Which of the following statements about the Netflix hacking episode that occurred in 2016 is correct?

The hack reminds us of how connected we are and how even one weak link in our online network can affect a multiplicity of people and companies.

Which statement best describes the relationship between the television and the movie industries in the twentieth century?

The two industries have frequently competed for audiences.

How do "centralized" media organizations operate?

They control all aspects of media production and distribution.

How have advertisers responded to peoples' use of digital video recorders to fast-forward through commercials?

They have increasingly used product placements in television shows.

How does product placement in film and television demonstrate the principles of convergence?

Viewers see a mix of normal programming and advertising content.

Which trend decreases corporate power as it increases consumer control?

Viral Marketing

Which statement best describes how people access media in today's convergence era?

We can take our media just about anywhere.

In semiotic theory, the signified is _________.

What the form represents

Edited audio clips from interviews with people are known as __________.


An example of user-generated content is __________.

an original drawing done using illustration software

New efficiencies of creating and delivering content in a digital, networked environment are emerging throughout the world. Long-held, highly profitable business models based on __________ are less viable nowadays.

analog technology

Citizen journalism is popular in the field today because __________.

audiences can provide coverage of local events and news that large news organizations overlook

If much of the media we consume comes from a handful of large conglomerates, it raises questions about the role of media __________, how information may be skewed toward a particular viewpoint that influences our views of politics, society, or culture.


Terri's friends on social media all share her views on politics and religion. Even when these opinions are in the minority, Terri is convinced her position reflects the opinion of the majority because of __________.

echo effects

Media enterprises can reduce costs and increase profit by becoming larger and reaching a larger market with their content due to __________, the decrease in unit manufacturing cost that results from mass production.

economy of scale

Professional journalism has a strong culture of what used to be called "objectivity" but is now referred to as ____________.

fairness and balance

Much like signs and symbols, __________ appear natural and go largely unquestioned.


The correlation function of mass communication is important because the media __________.

help individuals understand their roles within society and culture by interpreting events and issues and ascribing meaning to them

In many developing countries, technology is not easily accessible because of _________.

inadequate phone lines, inconsistent electric power, and irregular Internet service

A particular health condition runs in Gina's family. In an effort to educate herself on this issue, she consults multiple research and news sites on the Internet in addition to soliciting advice on social media, research that leaves her feeling overwhelmed and confused. Gina is dealing with __________.

information overload

The underlying media grammar of specific categories or genres makes it easier to __________.

market and promote artists

For a term paper, Kelly is analyzing how word choice and selection of interview sources influenced local news in the 2016 election. Kelly is studying __________.

media framing

Each medium of mass communication presents its messages uniquely according to a set of underlying rules that can also be described as __________.

media grammar

Jamal critically analyzes media content by considering its particular presentation, its underlying political or social messages, and its media ownership or regulation. Jamal demonstrates __________.

media literacy

Despite living in a relatively large American city, Garrett can purchase only one daily newspaper published in his location, and the cable channels he watches belong to a monopoly. Similarly, his favorite commercial radio stations are part of national ownership groups. This marketplace, in which media ownership and diversity is severely limited, is known as a(n) __________.

media oligopoly

In addition to reaching local television audiences, superstations also transmit content via satellite to __________.

national television audiences

One of the conventions of interviewing in both the field and the studio is that the reporter instructs the interview partner to __________.

never look directly into the camera

Camera angles, lighting, distance between the subject and interviewer, sound, and intercut scenes all contribute to our perception of the news as _________.


Daytime talk shows may actually help diversify opinions and make controversial topics more acceptable. Transgender youth and domestic violence are among the formerly taboo items discussed on talk shows, increasing the visibility of such topics in __________.

our popular culture landscape

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