marketing midterm

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a major weakness of ___________ of a form of promotion is that it requires expensive database management

direct marketing

arguemtns in favor of protectionism (tariffs and quotas) include that it

encourages the development of domestic industries

In the telemarketing industry, issues such as consumer privacy, ________, and industry standards have become a topic of discussion among customers, congress, the federal trade commision, and business

ethical guidelines

The world fund for nature sponsors an ad showing a person morphing into a fish with the caption, "stop climate change before it chages you", this is an example of which type of appeal


all products go through a product life cycle of ______ stages :________

four ; introduction, growth, maturity, and decline

A contractual arrangegment between a parent company and a indivudal or firm that allows the latter to operate a certain type of business under and established name and according to specific rules is referred to as


the average number of times a person in a target audience is exposed to an advertisment is referred to as


recent research indicates that a salesperson's ______can influence his or her drive to create customer value

genetic predisposition

What are the three types of prospects

leads, prospects, and qualified prospects

offering the right to a trademark, patent, trade secret, or similarly valued item of intellectual property in return for a royalty or fee is referreed to as


Which social network has found a ninche in helping small business networks reach potential customers, as well as filling its traditional role of connecting job seekers and jobs?


all of the following are methods that firms use to set their promotion budgets except which?

lost-horse forecast

the foreign corrupt practices act

makes it a crime for us corporations to bribe an offical of a foreign government or political party to obtain or retain business in a foreing coutnry

individuals and firms invovled in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by consumers or industrial users are referred to as a

marketing channel

performance measures for social media are

more specific than those for traditional media because of the ease of tracking online behavior

all of the following statements about Youtube are true except which?

most content is uploaded by professional musicians, videographers, business people

Callway gold markets its products through on and off course golf retailers and sporting goods retailers, and also has its own online store, which makes it a full fledged

multichannel marketer

Social media are

online media where users submit news, photos, and videos often accompanied by a feedback process to identify popular topics.

two types of order takers exist. ________ visit customers and replenish inventory stocks of resellers, whereas _____ typically answer simple questions, take orders, and complete transactions with customers.

outside order takers, inside order takers

The two way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decisions is referred to as

personal selling

The three primary types of product advertisments are

pioneering, competitve, and reminder

wells fargo is one of the best run banks in the united states. it reaches retail customers through 8700 stores, a worldwide network of 13000 atms, and it online banking service. Which utility does Wells Fargo best provide?


advertisments basically consist of two types:

product and institutional

Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relation , and direct marketing are marketing communication alternatives that make up a firm's

promotional mix

methods for obtaining nonpersonal presentation of an organiztation, prodcut, or service without direct cost, such as news releases, new conference, and public service announcements, are referred to as direct cost, such as news releases, news conference, and public service announcements, are referred to as

publicity tools

Which of the following is a strength of publiciity?

publiicity is often the most credible source in the consumer's mind

Which of the following statements describes the major difference a prospect and a qualified prospect?

qualified prospects have not only the need or desire for your product, but also the ability and authority to purchase it.

The acronoym RFID stands for

radio frequency identification

Another term sometimes used interchangeably with social media is

Web 2.0

A budwiser ad, as part of its "responsibility matters" campaign promotes reposnible drinking by encouraging the use of desginated drivers. This ad is an example of ______ advertisment

an advocacy

Several artisits in Charleston, south carolina show and sell their work in an art gallery downtown. The gallery is owned by an art lover who does not buy the paintings but displays the work of various artist. She collects a percentage on each piece sold. In terms of the marketing channel, the gallery is

an agent

An active receiver who is "delighted with the brand advertised and sends messages to his/her online friends about the brand is referred to as

an evangelist

a channel that includes intermediaries that are between the producer and consumers and perform numerous channel functions is referred to as

an indirect channel

Target sends messages about special offers to __________ wearers who are near its stores, directs them toward sales items once inside, and allows shoppers to initiate payment simply by holding the device near a payment terminal

apple watch

the objective of institutinal advertisments is to _______ rather than promote a specific product or serivce

build goodwill or an image for an organization

the four largest importers and exporters of us products and services are

canada, mexico, china, and japan

which of the following statements about the dynamics of world trade is most accurate

china, united states, and germany far outpace countries in terms of imports and exports

all of the following are social media performance measures except which?

click per fan

A method of selling in which a salesperson makes a telephone call or a visit to a prospective customer without a referral is called

cold calling

according to recent research, which consumers are considered "digital natives" in the sense that they have grown up with technology

college students

the _____ measure most closely ties the cost of social media ad to the sales revenues that ad generates

cost per action

Tiffany and co knows that japanes are supertiusouos about the number four. as a result tiffany sells fine glasswatre and in china in sets of 5 instead of four in japan. Tiffany uses is knwolsege of ______ to avoid connecting its product with the number four

cultural symbols

the price of one country's currency expressed in terms of another country's currency is called the

currency exchange rate

in marketing, ________________describes the number of stores in a geographical area


All of the following were elements of Taco Bell's Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos campaing except which?

direct mail

The marketing managers at Omaha Steaks used airlines' databases to mail a special offer to frequent flyers. Eight weeks after shipping the steaks to the frequent fylers who responded to the offer, the company's salespeople followed up by telephoning customers to ask for new orders. this is an example of which types of non-retailing of non store retailing?

direct mail, telemarketing

Which of the following types of promotion uses customized interaction

direct marketing

Newspaper circulation and television ratings are measures of _______ in advertising


a reminder ad does what

reinforces previous knowledge of a product

all activites involved in selling, renting, and providing products and services to ultimate consumers for personal, family, or household use are referred to as


Planning the selling program and implementing and evaluating the personal selling effort of the firm is referred to as

sales management

offering several unrealted product lines in a single store is referred to as

scrambled merchandising

When bebe, a contemporary women's clothing store, usues pictures in its advertising to "attract customers who are intrigued by the playfully sensual and evocative imagery of the bebe lifestyle", it iis using which type of advertising appeal>


The practice of using a group of professionals in selling to and servicing major customers is known as

team selling

Why has amazon been agrerssviley pursing indian market since 2013

the india market offered signigicant growth potential

gross domestic product refers to

the monetary value of all products and services produced in a country during one year

risk taking as a transactional fucntion refers to

the need to stock merchandise in anticipation of sales

Relationship selling refers to

the practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time

contertrade regers to

the practice of using barter rather than money for making global sales

Retail life cycle refers to

the process of early growth, accelerated development, maturity, and decline that retail outlets, like products, experience

The personal selling process is

the sales activites occurring before, during, and after the sale itself, consisting of six stages: prospecting, preapproach, approach, presentation, close, and follow up.

the complementary nature of economic flows internationally, whereby imports stimulate exports and vice versa, is called _______ and is one argument for free trade among nations

the trade feedback effect

Personal selling refers to

the two way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often in a face- to- face encounter, designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision.

the EU has benefited its member nations because firms do not need to market their products and services on a nation by nation basis, most tariffs that affect pricing practices have been removed and

there are fewer regulatory restrictions on transportation, advertising, and promotion

the four utilities offered to consumers through retailing are

time, place, possession, and form

The website that enables users to send and receive messages up to 140 characters long is


which of the following countires is the world's leading importer

united states

online content created by a inidividual outside of a profesional organization without a commerical market in mind is a criterion of

user generated content (UGC)

Professionally managed and centrally coordinated marketing channel desginied to achieve channle economies and maxiumum marketing impact are referreed to as

vertical marketing systems

The next big change coming to televison advertising will most likely be

virtual realtity

A blog is a

web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an indiviudal or organzation

An ________ is an intermediary that sells to other intermediaries


Which of the following are not true in regards to direct marketing challenges?

Facebook and Google were forced to change user agreement wording that allows them to track and sell all online activity of their users to other companies

____________- exists when producers and ultimate consumers deal one on one with each other

a direct channel

cost per thousand (CPM) is a measure in which

a fixed amount of money is paid for every 1000 times an ad loads and a vistor might see it- but not whether the user has actually reacted to it

Nordstrom stores typically have 50 percent more sales people on the floor that other retailers with stores of similar size. Its salespeople are reowned for their professional and personalized attention to customers. Nordstrom would be connsidred

a full service retailer

Jaffar Tabrizi is the owner fo tabarizi oriental rugs located in toronto, canada. he shops the world over, handpicsk, and orders beautiful, authentc handmade rugs from the manufacter themselves. He ships them to Canada, where he sells them through his brick and mortar stores and his website. In terms of marketing channel, Jaffar is acting as

a middleman

A common way to assess the effectiveness of all promotion expenditures during the past year is to calculate

a promotion to sales ratio

Directing the promotional mix at ultimate consumers to encourage them to ask retailers for the product is referred to as

a pull strategy

An intermediary that sells to consumers is

a retailer

An order getter

a salesperson who sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers' use of a product or service

mike's camera is a retailer that carries a full line of professional and amateur cameras, develops and/or prints all types of film and digital photos, and even sells darkroom equipment. Mike's camera is an example of

a speciality outlet

Aspects of _______ policies might include individuals in a buying organization should be contacted, the amount of sales and service effort that different customers should receive, and the kinds of information salespeople should collect before or during a sales call.

account management

Any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor is referred to as


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