Marketing research

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Scales provide

- A range of values that correspond to different values in the concept being measured

Probability techniques & non probability techniques

- Main alternative sampling plan categories

inferential statistics

- allow inferences about a whole population from a sample - primary purpose is to make a judgement about the population

Contingency Tables

- data matrices that display the frequency of some combination of possible responses to multiple variables - two way contingency tables are used most often -beyond 3 variables become difficult to analyze and explain


- if outliers or extremes are present use

examples of ratio scales

- money is a way to measure economic value - kelvin temperature scale

Guidelines of fixed-alternative questions

- no overlap among categories in checklist - should be mutually exclusive

Questionnaire Design Process

- planning - formatting - wording - sequencing * layout decisions - pretesting & correcting problems

t distribution

- symmetrical - bell-shaped - mean = 0 - std. dev = 0 - shape influenced by degrees of freedom (df)

validity of semantic differential depends on

-finding scale anchors that are semantic opposites

ways to determine score of graphic rating sales

-measures length in millimeters from one end of the continuum to the point marked - divide the line into predetermined scoring categories

when is a sample appropriate?

-population size is large & if census is impossible both cost and time associated with obtaining information from population is high & quick decision is needed

R square

-tells you the proportion of variance of the dv in the iv - 1 being all and 0 being none

stages of selecting a sample

1. define target population 2. selecting a sampling frame 3. determine if a probability or non- probability sampling method will be chosen 4. plan procedure for selecting sampling units 5. determine sample size 6. select actual sampling units 7. conduct fieldwork

one way (single factor) anova

A researcher uses a _____________________________ to compare the means of three or more groups.


A respondent who stops answering questions before reaching the end of the survey.

Dummy Variable

A variable that has two distinct levels that are coded as either zero or one is called a

owner of a local bicycle shop researches the most successful competitor in depth to order better bikes. The owner is engaging in a

Case study

______________ refers to an alternative explanation beyond the experimental variables for any observed difference in the dependent variable.


a researcher holding a 90 min discussion with 1 member of a target market to find out why that respondent purchases a particular brand is an example of

Depth interview

examples of physiological measures

Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), blood pressure, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), pupil dilation

small and large organizations can rely on ________________ to monitor various aspects of e-commerce and the effectiveness of their digital advertising campaigns.

Google Analytics

___________________ is an approach to understand phenomenology that relies on analysis of texts through which a person tells a story about him- or herself.


What can be a major source of error because those who reuse to participate in the survey are likely to differ in important resets from respondents.

High refusal rates for surveys

When p-value is greater than alpha

If accepting the coefficient that means it has not affected on the dv.

Regression model

In a _________________________, researches often use the coefficient of determination (i.e., the R squared statistic) as an indicator of model fit

an _____________________ occurs in an experiment when the relationship between a factor and the dependent variable hinges on the value of a third variable.

Interaction Effect

process-based assessment of competitive advantage

Marketing skills and audit Comparison of relative costs Comparison of winning vs. losing competitors Identifying high-leverage phenomena

When Walgreens uses cables across the road as "traffic counters" to determine the density of traffic near a possible retail store location, _________________________ is being used.

Mechanical Observation

marketing research that involves the use of medical tech such as MRI is often called



Normality of dependent variable, linearity, independent, identically distributed error terms are conditions in an assumption of regression analysis.

SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) PAD

P - pleasure A - arousal D - dominance

having observers record the brand names of items found in the kitchen pantries of consumers involves the observation of

Phenomenological study

data transformation

Process of changing the data from their original form to a format suitable for performing a data analysis addressing research objectives.

Monica is conducting an experiment in which all subjects see all of the ads she is testing. This type of experiment, in which an individual subject is exposed to more than one level of an experimental treatment, is called a

Repeated Measure Design

occurs when respondents tend to answer questions with a certain slant.

Response Bias

the number of questionnaires returned or completed divided by the number of eligible people who were asked to participate in the survey are called

Response Rate

___________________ is the term used by the marketing research industry to refer to diverse types of data offered by one company single source data

Single source data

___________________ is when a researcher asks consumers questions about frequency r duration, consumers often make mistakes related to their memories.


are a type of experiment that are fairly common in the retailing and fast food restaurant industries.

Test Markets

-1.0 and 1.0

The Pearson correlation coefficient "r" ranges between

Results Section

The findings of a research project should be presented in the


The major difference between single factor (one way) ANOVA and two factors (two way) Anova is that two facto anova can be used with two nominal independent variables

dependent; dependent

When the on-time performance of airlines is used to predict the number of customer complaints in a regression equation, on-time performance is the __________________ variable and the number of customer complaints is the ______________ variable.


_______________ is the orderly arrangement of data in a summary format showing the number of responses to each response category.


a function of the number of people reached and the number of times each person has an opportunity to see the advertisement

scales provide

a range of values that correspond to different values in the concept being measured


allow responses to a previous questions to be inserted into later questions

Survey Technology

allow several special features that facilitate design


an enduring disposition to respond consistently in a given manner to to various aspects of the world; including persons, event, objects

qualitive research has

an unstructered approach to data collection

Dummy Coding

assigns a 0 to one category and a 1 to the other - multiple are needed to present a single qualitative response that can take on more than 2 categories k = # of categories k-1= dummy variables needed to represent the variable


avoid taxing respondents

filter question

can serve a a branching mechanism (if not 21 take to end of survey)

test- market cities

cities that are often selected b/c they are viewed as typical cities whose demographic profiles closely match the national profile


complement of retention is

summated scale

created by summing the response to each item making up the composite measure

bottom box score

diagnostic of customer problems and may signal a need for some managerial reaction

non-sampling error

error is observed in both the census and sample

probability sampling

every population element has a known, nonzero probability of selection

Validity of semantic differential depends on

finding scale anchors that are semantic opposites

bipolar adjectives

good & bad modern & old-fashioned clean & dirty

Sample Distribution

illustrates the functional relation b/w the possible values of some characteristic of n cases drawn at random and the probability associated with each value over all possible sample of size n a frequency distribution of a sample (English letters)


increasing the sample size ___________ the width of the confidence interval at a given confidence level


indicates the percentage of population elements that successfully meet some standard on the particular characteristic (percentage, fraction, or decimal)

self-report scales

involve gaining a respondents structured response to some specific query or stimulus - rank - rate - sort - multiple choice

At least one group mean is different from the other

is the alternative hypothesis (Ha) associated with single factor ANOVA

When needing conclusive evidence to be drawn from data.

least conducive qualitive research

central tendency metrics examples

mean, median, mode

Main alternative sampling plan categories

probability techniques & non-probability techniques

an advantage of a focus groups

provide multiple perspectives on a topic

When p-value is less than alpha

rejecting coefficient that means it has a notable effect on the dependent variable

cognitive component

represents an individuals awareness of the relevant matter


requires the respondent to estimate the magnitude or the extent to which some characteristic exists or some choice is preferred

customer satisfaction

research should be completed at planned intervals so as to track satisfaction over time

advantages of multi-attribute attitude score

results can provide management with feedback on the relative attitude scores and identify characteristics that are most in need of being improved

when subway uses secondary data to determine the best location for its franchise outlets, they are engaged in

site analysis

each focus group session typically involves ________________ participants


if a force-choice rating scale compels the respondent to answer

the response is merely a function of the question

Website Visitors

these unrestricted samples are not sample b/c of self-selection bias and the manner in which people arrive at particular websites

mail, internet, & telephone surverys

use less complex phrasing

physiological measure

used to assess affective (emotional) components

physiological measures

used to assess affective (emotional) components

quota sampling

used to ensure that the various subgroups in a population are represented on pertinent sample characteristics to the exact extent that the investigators desire - interviewer has a quota to achieve

Central Limit Theorem

As the same size, n, increases, the distribution of sample means approaches a normal distribution, with a mean of μ and a standard deviation, σ/√𝑛 -Works regardless of the shape of the original population distribution -The bigger the sample size the more bell shaped the distribution curve becomes

regression coefficient


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