Marketing test 3

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Spurred by the surge in Internet usage and​ buying, and by rapid advances in​ ________, ________ has undergone a dramatic transformation.

digital​ technologies; direct marketing

Which of the following statements about retailer marketing decisions is​ correct?

Retailers face three major marketing​ decisions: segmentation and​ targeting, store differentiation and​ positioning, and the retail marketing mix.

What are the three major forms of digital direct​ marketing?

Online​ marketing, social media​ marketing, and mobile marketing

What is​ omni-channel retailing?

Creating a seamless​ cross-channel buying experience that integrates​ in-store, online, and mobile shopping

Marketers use mobile marketing to engage customers​ anywhere, anytime during the​ _____________________.

buying and​ relationship-building processes

Which of the following statements regarding sales promotions is​ correct?

In the current​ economy, consumers have become more deal oriented.

Evaluation calls for evaluating the communication and sales effects of advertising and other brand content​ before, during, and after it is placed and measuring​ _____________________.

advertising return on investment

Which of the following statements about personal selling is​ correct?

Many customers are unable to distinguish the salesperson from the company.

Which form of direct and digital marketing do companies use to stimulate immediate​ buying, make shopping​ easier, enrich the brand​ experience, or all of​ these?

Mobile marketing

What are the five product mix pricing​ situations?

Product line​ pricing, optional-product​ pricing, captive-product​ pricing, by-product​ pricing, and product bundle pricing

Retailers must decide on which three major product​ variables?

Product​ assortment, services​ mix, and store atmosphere

What are the four important decisions made when developing an advertising​ program? List them in order.

Setting advertising​ objectives, setting the advertising​ budget, developing advertising​ strategy, and evaluating advertising effectiveness

​______________ marketing involves focusing the entire marketing process to turn shoppers into buyers as they approach the point of sale.


Which of the following statements is true regarding social media​ marketing?

Social media can be used for​ real-time marketing.

What are the four characteristics used to classify​ retailers?

The amount of service they​ offer, the breadth and depth of their product​ lines, the relative prices they​ charge, and how they are organized

Retail stores come in all shapes and​ sizes, and new retail types keep emerging. Store retailers can be classified by the​ ______________.

amount of​ service, product line​ sold, and relative prices

​________ selling requires listening to​ customers, understanding their​ needs, and carefully coordinating the whole​ company's efforts to create lasting relationships based on customer value.


​Value-based pricing begins with analyzing​ ___________.

consumer needs and value​ perceptions, and the price is set to match perceived value

Depending on the type of​ promotion, a marketer develops and implements the sales promotion program by using three key promotion tools. These include ​__​____________.

consumer promotion tools​, trade promotion tools or business promotion tools

Sales promotion campaigns call for setting sales promotion objectives. In​ general, sales promotions should be ​________.

consumer relationship building

Social media has many​ pluses, but on the down​ side, ________. This makes social media difficult for marketers to control.

consumers control social media content

Which of the following is a benefit of direct and digital marketing for​ buyers?

convenient, easy, private

The Internet and digital age have given marketers a whole new way to​ ____________.

create customer​ value, engage customers and build customer relationships

For​ sellers, direct and digital marketing are powerful tools for building​ ________ and​ ________________.

customer​ engagement; close,​ personalized, interactive customer relationships

Which form of marketing communication involves engaging directly with carefully targeted individual consumers and customer communities to both obtain an immediate response and build lasting customer​ relationships?

direct and digital

Online advertising has become a major promotional medium. The main forms of online advertising are​ _____________________.

display ads and​ search-related ads

As an element of the promotion​ mix, the sales force is​ ________ and carrying out such activities as​ prospecting, communicating, selling and​ servicing, and information gathering.

effective in achieving certain marketing objectives

The company uses the promotion​ mix, also called its marketing communications​ mix, to​ ______________________.

engage​ customers, persuasively communicate customer​ value, and build customer relationships

With companies becoming more​ market-oriented, the sales force plays a key role in​ ________ and​ __________________________.

engaging​ customer; developing and managing profitable customer relationships

Companies use mobile marketing to stimulate immediate buying and make shopping​ easier, but it can also​ __________________.

enrich the brand experience

Direct marketing is also​ ________, allowing buyers to create exactly the configuration of​ information, products, or services buyers desire and then order them on the spot.

immediate and interactive

These​ days, shopper marketing influences​ consumers' buying decisions and calls for​ omni-channel retailing, creating a seamless​ cross-channel buying experience that​ _____________________________ shopping.

integrates​ in-store, online, and mobile

Personal selling can be very effective in complex selling situations because it involves​ ________ interactions and engagement between salespeople and individual customers.


According to the​ text, what is perhaps the toughest public policy issue now confronting the direct marketing​ industry?

invasion of privacy

For most​ companies, digital and social media marketing will remain​ ________ to the marketplace that works alongside other approaches in a​ ________.

just one important​ approach; fully integrated marketing mix

The sales force sells products by engaging​ customers, presenting its​ offerings, answering​ objections, negotiating prices and​ terms, closing​ sales, servicing​ accounts, and​ ________.

maintaining account relationships

Which of the following statements is true regarding traditional direct marketing​ forms?

marketers use outbound and inbound telemarketing

The three major groups of wholesalers are​ ________.

merchant​ wholesalers, brokers and​ agents, and​ manufacturers' and​ retailers' branches and offices

​_____________________ must be closely coordinated for maximum campaign effectiveness.

message and media decisions

Direct marketers know​ that, if left​ unattended, direct marketing abuses will lead to increasingly negative consumer​ attitudes, lower response and engagement​ rates, and calls for​ ________.

more restrictive state and federal legislation

In most​ cases, the company is not simply seeking a sale.​ Rather, it wants to engage the customer over the long haul in a​ ________.

mutually profitable relationship

The​ ________ are providing salespeople with powerful tools for identifying and learning about​ prospects, engaging​ customers, creating customer​ value, closing​ sales, and nurturing customer relationships.

new digital technologies

New major trends and developments in retailing include​ ___________________.

new retail​ forms, shortening retail life cycles and retail convergence

​Websites, online advertising and​ promotions, e-mail​ marketing, online​ video, and blogs are all forms of​ ________ marketing.


​________ refers to marketing via the Internet using company​ websites, online advertising and​ promotions, email​ marketing, online video and blogs.

online marketing

In developing advertising​ strategies, marketers must make decisions regarding​ ___________________.

organizing the advertising​ function; adaptation to international markets

​Today, many retailers are banding together in corporate and contractual retail​ organizations, which include corporate​ chains, voluntary​ chains, _________________.

retailer cooperatives and franchise organizations

There are several types of product mix pricing​ situations, which include​ ______________, by-product pricing and product bundle pricing.

product line​ pricing, optional-product​ pricing, captive-product pricing

The strategy for setting a​ product's price often has to be changed when the product is part of​ _______________, which looks for a set of prices that maximizes its profits on the​ _______________.

product mix, total product mix

Personal selling involves a​ multiple-step process. The first step includes​ ______________ and the last step is​ _______________________.

prospecting and​ qualifying; follow-up

Pricing is difficult because the various products have​ ______________ and​ _________________________.

related demand and​ costs; face different degrees of competition

Like​ retailers, wholesalers must​ _____________________________.

segment and target​ carefully, differentiate, and position themselves effectively

Retailers always search for new marketing strategies to attract and hold customers. The major marketing decisions they face are​ _______________________.

segmentation and​ targeting, store differentiation and​ positioning, and the retail marketing mix

After sales promotion campaign objectives are​ set, the next steps are​ ________, __________, and then​ __________________________.

selecting​ tools; developing and implementing the sales promotion program

The​ fastest-growing sales trend is the explosion in​ ________, which is using​ online, mobile and social media in selling.

social selling

Strong relationships with the salesperson will result in​ ________.

strong relationships with the company and its products

Guided by​ ___________________, retailers must decide on a retail marketing mixlong dash—product and services​ assortment, price,​ promotion, and place.

strong targeting and positioning

Major retail trends and developments include the rise of​ megaretailers, rapid growth of​ direct, online,​ mobile, and social media retailing. Other trends include​ __________________.

the growing importance of retail​ technology, surge in green retailing and global expansion of major retailers

External pricing considerations include​ ________________________________ such as the​ economy, reseller​ needs, and government actions.

the nature of the market and demand and environmental factors

Progressive wholesalers constantly watch for better ways to meet the changing needs of​ _________________.

their suppliers and target customers

Other internal factors that influence pricing decisions include​ ____________.

the​ company's overall marketing​ strategy, objectives, and marketing​ mix, as well as organizational considerations

Internal factors that affect pricing include​ ________.

the​ company's overall marketing​ strategy, objectives, marketing​ mix, and other organizational considerations.

Advertising​ decision-making involves decisions about​ ________________________.

the​ objectives, the​ budget, the​ message, the​ media, and the evaluation of results

Although the​ fast-growing digital marketing tools have grabbed most of the headlines​ lately, ________ are very much alive and still heavily used.

traditional direct marketing tools

The main forms of direct and digital marketing are​ ______________________.

traditional direct marketing tools and the new digital marketing tools

The digital version of​ word-of-mouth marketing, which involves creating​ videos, ads, and other marketing content that customers seek out or pass along to their​ friends, is called​ _______.

viral marketing

Marketers should work to measure the returns on their sales promotion investments. What is the most common time to perform the​ evaluation?

​Before, during and after a promotion

What are the four sales force structures a company can​ use?

​Territorial, product,​ customer, and complex

Retailers use various combinations of the five promotion​ tools, which include​ _____________________ to reach consumers.

​advertising, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, PR, and direct marketing

Printer companies often charge a fairly low price for their ink jet printers​ (relative to​ costs) and a high price for replacement cartridges. These companies are using a strategy of​ ________ pricing.


Traditional direct marketing tools include​ ________.

​face-to-face selling,​ direct-mail marketing, catalog​ marketing, telemarketing,​ direct-response television​ marketing, and kiosk marketing

Companies that have traditionally operated offline have created their own online​ sales, marketing, and brand community channels. In​ fact, ​________ retailing companies are having as much online success as their​ online-only competitors.


​Ultimately, ___________________technologies are helping to make sales forces more​ efficient, cost effective and productive.

​online, mobile and social media

A dazzling new set of direct digital marketing tools has burst onto the marketing​ scene, including​ ____________________.

​online, social media marketing and mobile marketing

Customers weigh the price of a product against the perceived values of using the product. Companies must understand concepts like​ _______ and​ ________.

​price-demand relationship; consumer sensitivity to prices

Promotional tools offered to consumers include​ ________.

​rebates, coupons, price​ packs, and samples

The typical personal selling process consists of seven specific steps. The steps in the selling process are​ ________. The aim is to help salespeople close a specific sale with a customer.


Closing a sale with a particular customer is a​ short-term ________​ orientation, but the selling process must also take a​ ________ orientation and look at the long term.

​transactional; relationship

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