marriage and families chapter 1

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which type of social structure has never existed in any human society?


a society in which a young couple goes to live with the wife's family after they are married is best described as ______.


during which time period were marriage ages the lowest


immigration quotas on chinese immigrants were lifted in


which of the following is the most comprehensive definition of a family?

2 or more ppl connected by blood, adoption, marriage, or choice who rely on each other for social, emotional, and financial support

approximately what percentage of the US population is asian american?



a belief common in hispanic/latino fams wherein the needs and goals of the fam esp elders take precedence over the needs and goals of any given individual


a belief common in latino fams where men and women are thought of as coparents for children, like aunties

coprovider family

a fam where both parents must work to sustain family livelihood


a fam's composition, how many members it has, whether ppl are married, their ages, and other demographic variables

which of the following is an element of family structure?

a grandmother has recently moved into the home.

which of the following is an example of a modern family?

a male and female partner, both of whom work outside the home, while the female does more than half of the household chores and childcare

common law marriage

a marriage recognized in some states and countries where a couple is given all rights, privileges, and responsibilities of marriage bc they've been together a long time, not bc they've gone through formal marriage ritual

Which of the following is an example of a Standard North American Family (SNAF)?

a married heterosexual couple who lives together with their 2 biological children


a set of beliefs, practices, or mandates regarding ppl who should be excluded as possible marriage partners. ppl outside one's own group are often excluded as marriage partners


a set of beliefs, practices, or mandates regarding ppl within one's own group who are considered to be one's only viable marriage partners

nuclear family

a small fam consisting of parents and children, without extended kin present

model minority

a stereotype given to groups that characterizes them by positive traits such as fastidiousness, intelligence, and financial success

which statement about today's african american families is incorrect?

african americans have a smaller gender gap in education than other groups

which of the following best describes the trend in divorce rates among europeans american families in the 20th century?

an upward trend began in the 1960s and lasted for approximately 30 years

approx what % of the US population today is native american

less than 2%

all of the following social changes were associated with the rise of the new middle class in the early 20th century except

children had harder lives than their parents had

the term _____ refers to spiritual parenting among members of the latino community


standard north american family (SNAF)

concept articulated by sociologist dorothy smith, which consists of a homemaker mother, a breadwinning father, and their children, usually envisioned as white and middle class

which latino group is wealthiest today?

cuban americans

the idea that values, practices, and beliefs differ by cultural group and that none are better or worse than any others is referred to as ________.

cultural relativism

the family you grew up in is your ______, while the family that includes your mate and children is your _______.

family of origin, family of procreation


interactional variables like caring, sharing, and communicating, which are not always easily visible, we cant determine how well a child will turn out, or how successful or content a fam will be based solely on its external structure

which term refers to a preference for solving problems face-to-face within a close-knit social network


the practice of one woman marrying more than one man is referred to as


a family in which at least one aspect of traditional SNAF ideas about the family has been transformed or reconstructed is a ________.

post-modern family


practice of 1 man taking more than 1 wife, also known as polygyny


social system where goods and property are inherited or passed down through the maternal line

family of procreation

the fam one forms as an adult in which one may have children

family of origin

the family in which one grew up

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