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The Ottoman Empire

Experienced military reverses and challenges to its rule, could no longer ward of European economic penetration or prevent territorial dismemberment

King Leopold II of Belgium

established colony as his own, treated people badly, when they didn't do enough work, he was known for cutting limbs off of people

Types of Imperialism

military, political, economic, and cultural

Mehmed V Rashid

puppet sultan of the Young Turks


royal family of the Russian Empire


"swallows" people who traveled back and forth between South America and Europe.


"reorganization" era, attacked Ottoman law with the aim of making it acceptable to Europeans so they could have the capitulations lifted and recover Ottoman sovereignty

The Russo-Japanese War

1904-5 the Russian attempted to expand east and Japanese made war in fear. The Japanese won and the loss caused a Russian rebellion.


(dutch word for african)

Nicholas II

(reigned 1894-1917) Russian ruler who expanded into East Asia at the same time as the Japanese. The Russo-Japanese War resulted from the forces meeting each other.

Sultan Selim III

A Sultan who embarked on a program to remodel his army along the lines of European forces

Ponciano Arriaga

A lawyer who supported equality through property rights. Proposed a law where government takes hacienda and redistributes it to local indians

Benito Juarez

A mexican lawyer and Politician who served as President of Mexico for 5 terms. He resisted French occupation of Mexico

Tokugawa Japan

Also known as the Edo Bakufu, this was the last feudal Japanese military government. The heads of government were the Shoguns and each was a member of the Tokugawa clan. Technically the emperor was still the legitimate ruler of Japan, however the country was controlled by the Shoguns.

Walt Whitman

An American Poet and Journalist. Humanist. Part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism.

Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

Argentine president that despised the rule of caudillos and worked to develop a society based on European values.

Seven Years War

As a result of this war, the colony of New France became British.

Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

Authorized the President of the US to survey American Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians

Charles Darwin

Biologist who suggested idea of evolution for survival in regards to humans/ many scientists used this idea to justify their racism

Adela Zamudio

Bolivian poet who wrote "To Be Born a Man," which demonstrated the sexual inequality brought to talented women.

Ethnic diversity

British and French settlers viewed themselves as Canada's founding people; therefore they displaced indigenous peoples such as the blacks who had escaped to Canado through the underground railroad

Westward Expansion

Brought settlers and government forces into conflict with the indigenous peoples of North America, who resisted efforts to push them from their ancestral lands and hunting grounds

Crimean War

Caused by Russian expansion, thought of as a threat to foreign European powers; Russia lost on their own territory. Russia's economy was unable to support the war.

Meiji Restoration

Chain of events that restored imperial rule to Japan under the Meiji emperor. The restoration also resulted in numerous political and social changes, resulting in a more modernized Japan.

Sino-Japansese War

China and Japan vied for control over the Korean Peninsula after a foreign rebellion took place their/ Japanese quickly won and took control

Mathew C. Perry

Commodore of the U.S. Navy and commanded a number of ships. His most influential role was in the opening of Japan to the western world.

British Imperial Rule

believed in indirect rule; had control of India, Burma, Malaya, South Africa, Egypt

The Witte Syste

Count Sergei Witte (minister of finance); wanted to remove the conditions that were hurting the economy. and design policies that would stimulate the economy. supported infant industries and secured foreign loans.

South Africa

Dutch East India Company established cape town as a station for ships, and Dutch migrants occupied land, called boers (farmers)

Abraham Lincoln

Elected to president, wanted to restore the union and later adopted an abolitionist policy. His election sparked the war between the states

Rudyard Kipling

English writer/poet who defined the "white man's burden as the duty of the European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands

The Berlin West Africa Conference

Europe gathered to decide guidelines for colonizing Africa, no African representatives

John Macdonald

First prime minister of Canada. Moved to incorporate all of British NA into the Dominion.


Foreign merchants could only do business with these specially licensed Chinese firms.

Emancipation Proclamation

Freed the slaves in states that had rebelled


Kingdom establish by Hong Xiuquan, heavenly kingdom of great peace, believed in the equality of men and women before god

Mahmud II

Launched his own reform program, remodeled Ottoman institutions along Western European lines, proposed a new European style military and his government created a system of secondary education for young boys

Empress Dowager Cixi

Member of the Manchu Yehenara clan who effectively, yet unofficially, controlled the Manchu Qing Dynasty in China. She was firmly against Western models of government, but was a firm believer in technological and military reforms and the Self Strengthening Movement.

The Trail of Tears

Movement of Cherokees on a 800 mile migration from the eastern woodlands to Oklahoma. Thousands died from disease, starvation and the difficulties of relocation.

Juan Manuel de Rosas

Nicknamed "the Restorer of Laws". A politician, army officer, and Cuadillo who ruled the Argentine Federation.

Cecil Rhodes

Oxford University graduate who migrated to South Africa, and gained control of the diamond and gold trade; he had aspiration to conquer all of Africa

Indian Removal Act

Passed in 1830,it allowed the U.S. government to move all native Americans west of the Mississippi River into "Indian Territory" (Oklahoma)

La Reforma

Period that was characterized by Liberal Reforms to modernize Mexico and make it a national state.

The Monroe Doctrine

President Monroe made doctrine that said Europeans could not colonize in the western hemisphere, but the U.S.A could intervene if necessary

The Taiping Rebellion

Rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan that called for the destruction of the Qing dynasty and radical transformation of Chinese society. They campaigned throughout China and gained followers. Qing forces repelled them at Beijing, but they attacked Shanghai 5 years later and were put down by regional armies using European advisors and weapons.


Regional military leaders in Latin America

Simon Bolivar

South America's liberator. Worked for the establishment of a large confederation that would give Latin America the power to resist encroachment by foreign nations. "I fear peace more than war"

Mexican revolution

Started in 1910 in Mexico. A revolt against established order that changed to a multi sided civil war. Often called the most important event in Mexico and one of the greatest Upheavals of the 20th Century.

Abd al-Hamid II

Sultan installed by the Ottoman bureaucracy, suspended the constitution, dissolved parliament, and ruled autocratically in an effort to rescue the empire from dismemberment by European powers

U.S. Civil War

The South viewed themselves as self-sufficient, and wanted to keep slaves, while the North viewed the South's secession as illegal and wanted to keep the union whole. Northern states won the war due to their industry and railroads.


The backbone of the imperial armed forces since the fifteenth century, Christian boys who became soldiers

Little Big Horn

The battle in 1876 where thousands of Lakota Sioux and their allies annihilated an army under the command of Colonel George Armstrong Custer in southern Montana

Spheres of influence

The claim by a state to exclusive or predominant control of a specific, territorial region.

Hong Kong

The island that was given to the British in the Treaty of Nanjing.

Unequal Treaties

The treaties that legalized opium trade, permitted the establishment of Christian missions throughout China, and opened additional treaty ports.

Muhammad Ali

The ultimate victor of an invasion in Egypt, built a powerful army modeled on European forces, rule Egypt from 1805-1848, launched a program of industrialization, concentrating on textiles and armaments, established himself as the effective ruler of Egypt

The Chinese Empire

This empire had more difficulties than the Ottoman and Russian. Faced internal as well as external challenges. Tried to enact reforms, but they had little effect.

Treaty of Nanjing

This treaty gave Hong Kong Island to Britain, opened up 5 new ports to commerce and residence, compelled the Qing government to extend most-favored-nation status to Britain, and made British not subject to Chinese laws.

The Hundred Days reform

This was a failed 104 day political, cultural, and educational reform that took place in the late Qing Dynasty. It was undertaken by the Guangxu Emperor and his reform minded supporters. It was ended by the powerful conservative supporters of Empress Dowager Cixi.

The Panama Canal

U.S.A supported rebels to establish Panama, which was a part of Columbia in order to build canal to facilitate trade between coasts

War of 1812

US declared war on Britain, and Canada united against the US

The Mexican-American War

US migrants moved to Texas, and wanted to run their own affairs. The US then accepted Texas as a new state, and Mexican protest led to the Mexican-American War. America defeated Mexico and forced the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on them.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

US took possession of half of Mexico's territory, paying little money in exchange.

Boxer Rebellion

Violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian movement which took place in China between 1899 and 1901.

South African War (Boer War)

War between British and africans when tensions increased, and a war started and Africans were defeated

The Opium War

War from 1839-1842 between Europe and China over the trade of opium. British military and navy were more powerful than China. British travelled up Grand Canal which prompted Chinese to ask for peace.

Self-Strengthening Movement

a period of institutional reforms initiated during the late Qing Dynasty following a series of military defeats and concessions to foreign powers


a person of mixed Native American and Euro-American ancestry


a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force

Seneca Falls Convention

a women's movement arose here; feminists issued a "declaration of sentiments" modeled after the Declaration of Independence

Tsar Alexander II

abolished serfdom

Manifest Destiny

according to this idea, the U.S. was destined, even divinely ordained, to expand across the North American continent from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific and beyond


anti government movement during the last three decades of the 19th century. Social tensions were heightened from industrialization fueled protest by groups whose aims became radical. Center of it were university students known as intelligentsia.

French Indochina

area in which the French introduced European culture and attempted to spread Christianity; modern day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos


cowboys who lived in South America

Colonial Conflict

conflicts between the colonizers and the natives that broke out all over the globe due to differences beyond just nationality

Central and Southeast Asia

controlled by France, Great Britain, the Dutch, and the US

Maji Maji Rebellion

east African rebellion against the German powers with the victors being the Germans after two years of fighting 1905-1907

Causes of Imperialism

economic growth, military/political strategy, spread of culture

The Russian Empire

experienced battlefield reverses that caused economic and technological disparity. Wanted to preserve its status as a great land power, so the tsarist government embarked on a program of reform. Social reform paved the way for industrialization, which transformed society.


female soldiers or supporters of soldiers who demonstrated extreme forms of activism during the Mexican revolution.


government created elected district assemblies in 1864.

Bloody Sunday

government troops killed 130 workers that were marching to Nicholas II's house with a petition.


idea that one race is superior than another

Indentured labor

it was basically a legal form of slavery for those who fell into debt


northern forces sent armies of occupation to the southern states and forced them to extend civil rights to freed slaves


peasant workers; serfs who were bound to their lords lands.

Scramble for Africa

period of time in the late 19th century where different nations attempted to gain colonies Africa because of its valuable resources

Jose Hernandez

poet who wrote The Gaucho Martin Fierro that displayed a romanticized version of gaucho life

Lin Zexu

tasked with destroying the opium trade in China.

Land and Freedom Party

terrorists in Russia who began to promote the assassination of prominent officials as a means to pressure the government into political reform.

The Young Turks

the Ottoman Society for Union and Progress, formed by exiled Ottomans living in Paris, vigorously promoted reform and made effective use of recently established newspapers to spread their message

Revolution of 1905

the Russian revolution starting with Bloody Sunday, containing the establishment of the Duma, and ending with the fall of the Romanov dynasty.

Louis Riel

the leader of the metis and indigenous peoples of western Canada


the sending of colonists to settle in new lands, as well as the formation of creation of political, social, economic, and cultural structures

Hong Xiuquan

the third son of a poor family, heavenly king, showed intellectual promise and village teacher who believed that God had revealed to him that his destiny was to reform China and pave the way to the heavenly kingdom, proclaimed his own dynasty, the Taiping

Queen Victoria

took responsibility of Indian rule from the East India Company

Emiliano Zapata

was a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution (for the peasants). The founder of the agrarian movement Zapatismo. Killed by government forces in 1919.


women who were followers of Emiliano Zapata by serving in conjunction with men in the Mexican revolution

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