Mastering Bio Reproductive System

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During spermatogenesis, the secondary spermatocyte develops into a ________.


Which one of the following structures degenerates if a fertilized egg does not embed in the uterus?

corpus luteum

Endometriosis is a condition in which __________.

endometrial tissue migrates up the oviduct and grows on other organs...The endometrial tissue migrates outside the uterus and attaches to other organs.

Sperm become capable of movement while in the _____.

epididymis...Sperm mature and become motile while in the epididymis.

Sperm develop in the _____.

seminiferous tubules...Sperm develop in seminiferous tubules, found within testes.

After ovulation, high levels of _____ inhibit _____ secretion.

estrogen and progesterone ... FSH and LH...By secreting estrogen and progesterone, the corpus luteum maintains the endometrium and inhibits FSH and LH secretion.

Which one of the following forms of birth control is effective over the longest period of time?


The birth control methods discussed in this tutorial work because they ________.

prevent ovulation... These methods prevent the LH and FSH spikes, and without these spikes, ovulation cannot occur.

The male gamete is the __________, and the female gamete is the __________.

sperm; egg...The sperm is the male gamete (reproductive cell), and the egg is the female gamete (reproductive cell).

Which of the following is NOT released from the ovary along with the secondary oocyte when ovulation occurs?

the corpus luteum...The corpus luteum forms from the ruptured follicle after release of the oocyte, and remains in the ovary.

Select the most correct answer. Menstruation is the process by which ________.

the endometrium is expelled from the body...Menstruation is the process by which the uterine lining (the endometrium) is shed, or expelled, from the body.

From which process and structure does the corpus luteum develop?

the rupture of the tertiary follicle...When the tertiary follicle ruptures, the oocyte is released. The ruptured follicle then develops into the corpus luteum.

Which pituitary secretion stimulates sperm production?

FSH...In males, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates sperm production.

What is the usual site of the fertilization of an egg cell?


Where does fertilization of an egg cell occur?


Which of the following events does NOT occur during human fertilization?

Many sperm bind to the follicle cells surrounding the oocyte...This does not occur during fertilization. Sperm bind to the zona pellucida and release acrosomal enzymes to reach the oocyte's plasma membrane.

The use of certain birth control methods leads to a lack of or irregular menstrual periods because ________.

progesterone levels do not drop... A drop in progesterone levels triggers menstruation.

Ovulation usually occurs on or about day _____ of a 28-day ovarian cycle.

14...Ovulation usually occurs about halfway through the 28-day ovarian cycle.

At which one of the following days in the 28-day cycle is a woman MOST likely to get pregnant?


Which pituitary secretion stimulates the testes to secrete androgens?

LH...In males, luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the testes to secrete androgens.

Which of the following statements about oocytes and ovulation is correct?

At ovulation, the structure released from the follicle includes a secondary oocyte and polar body

If progesterone and estrogen levels are low, what happens to the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)?

Both LH levels and FSH levels rise.

Which of the following events does NOT occur during human fertilization?

Enzymes on the outside of the sperm break down the follicle cells surrounding the egg...There are no enzymes on the outside of the sperm; the sperm move through the follicle cells to gain access to the zona pellucida.

What is the role of the corpus luteum during early pregnancy?

It produces the hormones that will support the early pregnancy.

Which of the following statements about the endometrium is TRUE?

It thickens to prepare for implantation of the fertilized egg...The endometrium is the lining of the uterus that thickens in response to estrogen and progesterone in preparation for implantation of the fertilized egg.

Which of the following birth control methods uses naturally occurring hormones rather than synthetic hormones?

None of the listed responses is correct. All use synthetic hormones... The combination pills, minipill, Depo-Provera, and Norplant rods all use synthetic hormones.

What is the function of the epididymis?

The epididymis is a coiled tube where sperm mature and are stored until ejaculation...The epididymis functions in the storage and maturation of sperm.

A fertilized egg must embed in which one of the following organs for pregnancy to occur?


Which hormone(s) is(are) directly responsible for triggering the development of the secondary sex characteristics of males, such as beard growth?

androgens...Androgens, such as testosterone, are responsible for both sperm production and the secondary sex characteristics of males.

Each of the four hormones mentioned in the animations has a role in the menstrual cycle. Which of these hormones directly control the uterine cycle?

estrogen and progesterone...Correct. Estrogen and progesterone directly control the menstrual cycle. Estrogen controls LH and FSH, and causes the proliferation of the uterine lining and progesterone controls the secretion and maintenance of the uterine lining.

If there is no fertilization, degeneration of the corpus luteum results in a drop in _____, which results in the sloughing off of the uterus's endometrium.

estrogen and progesterone...Estrogen and progesterone are responsible for maintaining the endometrium in the event that the egg has been fertilized.

Developing ovarian follicles primarily secrete _____.


Which of the following events triggers menstruation?

falling levels of progesterone...Correct. If fertilization does not take place, the corpus luteum degenerates and ceases to produce progesterone. Falling levels of progesterone result in the onset of menstruation.

The inner lining of the uterus is termed the myometrium.


The uterine lining is prepared for implantation by ________.

hormones produced by the ovaries...The ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone prepare the lining of the uterus for implantation.

If there is fertilization, secretion of _____ by the early embryo maintains the corpus luteum.

human chorionic gonadotropin...HCG, secreted by the early embryo, maintains the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone, which maintain the endometrium for implantation.

Which hormone spikes midway through the menstrual cycle and triggers ovulation?

luteinizing hormone (LH)...Luteinizing hormone (LH) secreted by the pituitary gland causes the mature ovarian follicle to rupture during the process called ovulation.

A rapid increase in the _____ level stimulates ovulation.

luteinizing hormone...A surge in LH levels is responsible for triggering ovulation.

Which of the following structures is correctly matched with its function?

myometrium: contracts during labor and child birth

Not all sperm produced by the testes are functional. A sperm with a defective acrosome would

not be able to penetrate a egg

External genitalia of the male reproductive system include the

penis and scrotum

Which of the following STDs is most likely to infect a fetus and cause birth defects?


When discussing the events that immediately follow ovulation, we can say that ________.

the burst follicle develops into the corpus luteum... After ovulation, development of the corpus luteum will produce progesterone needed for implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium.

After a fertilized egg implants ________.

the corpus luteum will continue to produce progesterone until the placenta forms...The placenta will take over production of hormones after it forms, but the corpus luteum must provide progesterone until then to prevent menstruation.

When referring to the urethra, we can say that ________.

the urethra carries urine from the urinary bladder, through the penis, and out of the body

True or false. The corpus luteum develops from the ruptured follicle during the luteal phase after ovulation and produces hormones that can aid in pregnancy.

true...The corpus luteum forms from the tertiary follicle after the oocyte is expelled from the ovary during ovulation; its function is to produce hormones that can aid in pregnancy.

Which one of the following forms of contraception is the most effective in preventing pregnancy?

tubal ligation

Sperm exit a male's body via the _____.

urethra...The urethra carries both sperm and urine out of a male's body.

A fertilized egg usually implants itself and develops in the _____.

uterus...The uterus is the usual site of the implantation and development of the fertilized egg.

Which of the following lists the female reproductive structures that sperm will pass through on their way to fertilize an oocyte, in the correct order?

vagina, cervix, uterus, oviduct

Which of the following is NOT an accessory gland?

vas deferens (ductus deferens)...The vas deferens is not an accessory gland. It is a tubule.

When discussing the female reproductive structures, which of the following statements is NOT correct?

The labia majora and the labia minora are parts of the wall of the uterus... This is an incorrect statement. The labia majora and labia minora are external structures covering the clitoris and the openings to the vagina and urethra.

Which male reproductive structures are responsible for the transport and delivery of sperm?

Vas deferens, urethra, and penis...The vas deferens transports sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct, which empties into the urethra; the urethra carries sperm through the penis to the outside of the body and into the female reproductive tract.

Which of the following might interfere with a sperm's ability to swim?

both a defective flagellum and a defective midpiece lacking an appropriate number of mitochondria

True or false. During sperm maturation, secondary spermatocytes are the products of meiosis II that go on to form spermatids, which undergo restructuring to form spermatozoa.

false.....During sperm maturation, diploid parent cells produce primary spermatocytes, which undergo meiosis I to form secondary spermatocytes. Secondary spermatocytes undergo meiosis II to form spermatids, which undergo restructuring to form spermatozoa.

The secretion of androgens is regulated by a _____ feedback mechanism involving the _____ and _____.

negative ... hypothalamus ... pituitary gland...An increase in androgens inhibits the secretion of releasing hormones by the hypothalamus and LH secretion by the pituitary gland. A decrease in androgens stimulates the secretion of releasing hormones by the hypothalamus and LH secretion by thepituitary gland.

Which two means of birth control are most similar in the way they prevent pregnancy?

oral contraceptives and hormone patch

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