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Most importantly, jazz choir will help students have fun and build friendships with good kids

Mr. Gullman, the middle school counselor, explained that "students who participate in afterschool programs are less likely to make bad life choices". For example, students who are involved in after-school programs like jazz choir are "less likely to smoke, use drugs, or get arrested." Although many students make good life choices, if participating in jazz choir, parents can be assured that spending time after-school hours in school with friends who also make good choices will help foster these positive friendships.

Some parents may think that an after-school activity means students will need to be picked up from school two days a week, and that may be hard for them to do because they would need to take off work early...

...but no need to worry! Jazz choir conveniently ends just in time for students to take the activity bus home, so nobody's schedules will be disrupted.

Some may argue that another activity would negatively affect students' schoolwork...

...but the opposite is true. ...participating in after school activities helps mold a dedicated student. Students tend to plan better and are less likely to turn in assignments late or incomplete because they learn how to plan ahead to meet due dates, and in general, grades benefit from joining after school clubs like jazz choir.

Second of all, joining jazz choir will be beneficial for students.

According to the National Association for Music Education, "multiple studies have proven that music has a positive effect on academic achievement." Through this study, it is proven that students who are involved in music programs receive higher scores on standardized tests than students who are not involved in such programs.

First of all, being in jazz choir will be convenient for students as well as parents.

As posted in the official Harrisburg MS Handbook, "Jazz choir meets after school weekly from 3pm to 4pm on Mondays and Thursdays". Because of this, students will not have to drop any of their other academic classes to make room in their daily school schedules in order to participate. This club takes place after school!

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