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When facilitating engagement for English language learners (ELLs) in mathematics activities and discussion teachers should include what method? *

A) Build background on prior knowledge.

One of the statements below is strategy that should be employed with gifted students to accelerate mathematics content. *

A) Curriculum compacting.

Selecting, designing or adapting a worthwhile task requires that teacher to ask what important question? *

A) Does this task have potential for students to demonstrate Mathematical Practices?

21st century teachers need to support students and parents in understanding the way mathematics is taught and learned. Identify the question below that a teacher should address about their pedagogy before it is asked by a parent. *

A) Is my child doing their own work when they are in groups?

Formative assessment data gathering can be done through observations, interviews and tasks. What statement below would be an advantage of an interview over a problem-based task? *

A) Probe student knowledge and mental strategies.

Common features across RTI tiers include all of the following. Identify the statement that is related to instructions. *

A) Prompts, cues and environmental arrangements.

Researchers have found that teachers' benefit from using an intentional selection process to determine whether a task they chose is worthwhile. One of the criteria of the selection guide is "worthwhile features." Which statement below represents one of the categories in "worthwhile features"? *

A) Relevant context.

Which statement about the teaching through problem solving approach is most accurate? *

A) Requires a four-step approach to problem solving.

What is one advantage of using a Four Point Rubric over a Task Specific Rubric? *

A) Sorting student work into two broad categories.

Identify the statement below that would represent a constructivist approach to a problem solving activity. *

A) Students are given resources that they can watch, touch and listen in order to build new understandings.

Which is the most accurate statement regarding posing a worthwhile problem? *

A) Teachers should select the problems that will help make relationships between mathematical concepts explicit for students.

Assessment should encapsulate conceptual and procedural understanding, strategic competence, adaptive behaviors and productive dispositions. What question below would capture strategic competence? *

A) What mathematics work did we do today that was easy?

Complete this statement, "Student self-assessment..." *

B) Can be used to tailor instruction to better meet the learning needs of students.

What is the purpose of establishing clear expectations for a lesson before the lesson transpires? *

B) Guide students on the products they need to prepare.

What statement below can inadvertently shut down student thinking and possibly affect their self-esteem? *

B) How did you solve the problem?

Differentiation of instruction in mathematics lessons is needed to support and challenge the learning for all students. One statement below is an example of a differentiating process. *

B) Identify what thinking will engage students in the mathematical content.

Doing mathematics begins with posing worthwhile tasks. Which verbs align with activities that lead to higher-level thinking? *

B) Investigate, construct and formulate.

The focus of an inquiry lesson should be start with what method? *

B) Mathematical content and Mathematical practices.

Teachers need to consider three of the statements below when constructing and administering tests. Identify the one consideration that would defeat the purpose of a test of procedural knowledge. *

B) Permit calculators.

Which statement below best represents worthwhile features of tasks or problems for learning mathematics? *

B) Problematic, concepts and or misconceptions, relevant.

Vygotsky believed that learning was better achieved through social interaction. What statement best identifies a learning environment that represents this belief? *

B) Students are encouraged to work in groups and share problem solving strategies and solutions.

What description below denotes grading? *

B) Summarizing student performance with scores and data.

Drill of skills has a place in helping students improve procedural knowledge but not conceptual knowledge. Before committing to a solution of "just drill" what do you need to know? *

B) The type of drill that will build understanding.

What statement below is an example of an accommodation? *

B) Write directions in larger font.

Which of the following is an example of a statement spoken in the language of doing mathematics? *

C) "Explain how you solved the problem."

The NCTM position statement on Access and Equity in Mathematics states that we should hold true which statement below? *

C) All students should be held to high levels of performance regardless of race, ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic status and linguistic background.

Drill and practice is present to some degree in every classroom. The definitions of drill and practice demonstrate how they are different and how they link. One of the statements below is representative of practice more than drill. *

C) An increased opportunity to develop conceptual ideas.

What statement below denotes a limited point of view about the purpose of assessment? *

C) Assessment is tests and quizzes.

What theory(s) allow a classroom culture to access prior knowledge, use tools to build knowledge? *

C) Constructivist.

A rubric consists of a scale based on predetermined criteria and serves two important functions. Teachers can see what is central to excellent performance and scoring guidelines support analysis of students' work. What performance standard below supports this function? *

C) Incorporated multiple strategies and representations.

Which statement best reflects the approach of teaching for problem solving? *

C) It frequently results in the instructor explaining a skill and providing practice and application of the skill.

Tests will always be a part of assessment and evaluation. What is the most important feature of a test? *

C) Matches instructional goals.

When determining the mathematics content and learning goals for a lesson, the teacher should do all of the following EXCEPT: *

C) Plan goals that will take no longer than a day for students to accomplish.

Selecting problem solving tasks that require higher levels of cognitive demand should include which one of the following? *

C) Use of complex and non-algorithmic thinking.

Effective use of classroom discussion has the teacher monitoring the students' strategies and asking questions. What question below would require the student to reflect on their specific strategy? *

C) What mathematical terms, symbols or tools did you use to find a solution?

Flexible grouping means that the size and makeup of the small group vary in a purposeful and strategic manner. Below are examples of considerations teachers must make in putting together mixed-ability groups. What statement reflects the shared responsibility? *

C) Whether group members participate in team building activities to set the standard for collaboration.

What statement below is the best description of what is meant by the term RTI ? *

D) A support system of instructional strategies that is effective only for the students who struggle the most.

Complete this statement, "Parental involvement in students' mathematical development..." *

D) Can be positive when parents provide their children with a quiet workplace and rules about homework completion.

What statement below would be a method for activating prior knowledge? *

D) Design a warm up to use the vocabulary needed for the task.

The focus of connecting the dots between theory and practice require teachers to focus in opportunities. All of the statements below are true EXCEPT: *

D) Design tasks that will require students to use only the standard algorithm.

Which statement best represents a method to expose students to multiple approaches to problem solving? *

D) Exposure to multiple approaches and the subsequent connections help students to recall the steps to complete mathematical processes.

Three of the statements below are characteristic of formative assessment. What statement would be true of summative assessment? *

D) Identify the mastery of standards.

All of the following statements regarding teaching for mathematical proficiency are true EXCEPT: *

D) It takes much less effort and time than teaching traditionally.

The teacher plays an important role in establishing a positive classroom environment. A major role is establishing and distributing power. Three of the statements below demonstrate teacher power; identify the one that is about student power. *

D) Justifying the correctness of solutions.

There are four basic categories for adapting mathematics content for gifted students. Identify the category that a greater depth is pursued through connecting mathematics to other subject areas. *

D) Sophistication.

Making connections among mathematical relationships improves student conceptual understanding. What statement is a tenet of this belief? *

D) Teacher scaffolds new content through the use of tools and peer assistance.

Children's literature can be a method of creating tasks with context students can connect to other subjects. What statement below demonstrates how a teacher made a connection? *

D) Today we are going to find out how numbers double with a Chinese magical pot.

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