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What is the normal procedure for creating GUIs programmatically

Create the parent figure window and make it invisible -then all UI obj. added to it and properties are set -now the GUI is made visible


Creates a string of n blank characters -can be used between words to appropriately concatenate strings --Transposing creates new lines, similar to '\n' function


returns the number of elements in vec

what does UI stand for?

user interface

What is a control character?

Characters that cannot be printed but accomplish a task (backspace or tab)

String definition

Consists of any number of characters and is contained in single quotes -Is actually a vector in which every element is a single character

What is a vector of nested structures

Combining vectors and nested structures -vectors of structures in which some fields are structures themselves


Converts character array with blanks to cell array without

What is the parent of any GUI?

Figure window

How are complex numbers added and subtracted

For the two complex numbers; z1 = a+bi z2 = c + di z1 + z2 == (a+c) + (b+d)i z1 - z2 == (a-c) + (b-d)i

Why won't data that isn't a matrix work with the load and save command

If data to be written or file to be loaded is in a different format, Lower level input/output functions are needed

What is one method for finding the inverse for a two x two matrix?

Involves calc.determinent D

What does GUIDE allow for?

It allows users to graphically lay out GUI and MATLAB generates the code for it automatically

How is binary search accomplished

It assumes a sorted vector and searches more quickly

What is MATLAB Program Organization?

It consists of a script that calls the functions to do the actual work

what is uibuttongroup

It is a means of grouping together buttons

What is a persistent variable

It is an abnormal variable that is not cleared when a function is finished being executed -To make a variable consistent, one needs to declare it before execution

How does one create a cell array?

Some syntax is the same as with vectors and matrices -values within rows separated by ' ' or , and rows by ; -{} used instead of [] -pre-allocate the size of a cell array using -cell(r,c)

What are selection and branching statements?

Statements in code that choose whether to execute statements or not, and help us choose amongst or between statements

Cell Array

Stores values of different types and can be looped -vectors or matrices with values referred to as elements -common use to store strings of different lengths

How will vectors having set operator function run on them be displayed?

They will be sorted in ascending order -to stop this -issorted() or -ismember()

What does a conditional loop do

iterates until a certain criterion is met


labels the z axis


leads through data points of a plot 1 by 1, leaving a trail in the wake

what does the help function command do

lists the comments associated with that function

without a built in function, how would the mean of a data set be found

looping through a vector and summing each index and dividing by length


multiply out terms


number of desired colors can be specified here

What are the three types of variables in Matlab?

numbers (integers and floats), characters (strings and letters, and logical(True or False)

What are GUIs an example of?

object oriented programming -Parent would be figure window and children would be graphic objects --Parent user interface object can be a figure, UIpanel or UIbuttongroup

What do all figures consist of?

objects, each of which is assigned an object handle


puts graphic display in the figure window -not the contents, just the name of the cells and content

Rectangle -> Polar Coordinates

r and theta r = |z| theta = arctan(b/a) a = rcos(theta) b = rsin(theta)

What is the range of curvature for the rectangle object?

ranges from [0,0] (rectangle) to [1,1] (ellipse)


reads files into a matrix using conversion formats (%s) -lower level function

-rmfield(package, field)

removes a field from a structure -not a permanent change unless stored under original structure


replace all occurrences of one substring with another within a longer string -strrep(string, oldsubstring, newsubstring)


returns 1 if all elements are true and 0 if any elements are false


returns the absolute value

How do you save workspace

save 'filename'

How do you display the contents of an anonymous function?

type its function handle

How can GUI parents be specified

uicontrol(parent, ...)

How can you sort a cell array?

use -sort(cell array)

How do we sort a string alphabetically?

use -sortrows()

How do we count how many times a while loop is activated?

use a counter variable set to 0 before the loop

How do we error check with a while loop?

use while input condition ~met input condition = input('invalid, enter a valid input: ')

-fprintf('string with placeholders', placeholder variable)

used for formatted output statements in string form


used to create a patch graphic of 2D polygons -ex. x = [0, 1, 0.5]; y = [0, 0, 1] patch(x,y,'r')

type command

used to see the contents of a script

How does MATLAB display images

uses rep of matrix with each element corresponding to a pixel, with each element storing the color of said pixel


uses the name of fields as arguments which are strings immediately followed by the value of that field.

How are most UI objects created

using the uicontrol() function


will create and identify matrix of nxn

disp(complex number)

will display both components of a real and imaginary number


will display default colormap named 'jet'


will display every statement and result as executed


will display symbolic expressions as exponents

-feval(functionhandle, value)

will evaluate and run handle on value

-fprintf(complex number)

will only display the complex number unless otherwise specified

isreal complex number

will only return logical 1 if there is no imaginary component of a number


will return an index in an array that meets a criterior


will return the names of fields that are in a structure -The fields vary in length, so it will return a cell array


will return the numerator and denominator seperately

dot operator use in structures

Alternative method uses the . operator to refer to fields and then assign a value to that field ex. structure.field=values -Using this for structure creation is generally inefficient, but using this to alter existing structures into new structures with common values can be useful

Common operators in Matlab

+ addition - subtraction and negation * multiplication / divided by \ divided into ^ or e exponentiation sqrt square root

What are the line symbols and their descriptions

-- dashed -. dash dotted : dotted - solid

What are the requirements for making a matrix

-Rows must always have an equal number of values

Notes on memory of data types

-The value following 'int' represents the number of bits used to store the value (int64, int32, etc....)

format commands

-format short - changes decimals to 4 places (default) -format long - changes decimals to 15 places -format loose - lines between data entry for viewing -format compact - reduces lines between data for view

Random number functions

-rand( , ) returns a random number ranging from 0 to 1 -rng( ) sets initial seed (used to generate random num) -randn( ) generates norm distr of random numbers -randi([n,n]) returns a random integer in range n to n

How can rand and randi be used to make matrices of random nums

-rand(2) makes 2x2 -rand(1,3) makes 1 row x 3 col -randi([low, high], 2) makes 2x2 in low-high range randi nonsquare same as nonsquare rand syntax

What are the steps to developing an algorithm

1. Define where the input came from -could be external file or direct input from keyboard 2. Input steps prompting and reading into program 3. Determine the form of output -can go to an external file or output device --try not to print the output only, be descriptive

Logrithms functions and syntax in MATLAB

A logrithm for which x = b^y is y = logb(x) -frequently used bases of logrithms include 10, 2, and e -log(x) returns e, log2(x) returns base 2, log10(x) base 10

What is a compiler

A program that translates high level languages into an executable file -The original file is called the 'source code' -resulting executable file is called 'object code'

Computer programming definition

A sequence of instructions in a given language that accomplishes a task. computers follow these instructions sequentially

What is a vector index?

A sequential numbering of elements -in matlab you can call an element with vectorname(element) -you can also change a value of a stored vector with vec(element #) = new element # -- This process can also be used to extend vectors with elements in place


Changes the dimensions to divisible dimensions columnwise -the original matrix is maintained while the reshape is stored in ans

How can I generate a random real float in a specified range?

First create variables low and high Then use the expression rand*(high-low) + low

who command

Function that shows variables that have been defined in the Command Window

Simplified algorithm steps

Get input -> Calc result -> display the output

What is an Interpreter

Goes through code line by line translating and executing as it goes

What is a block comment?

It is used to describe a script or function in a script

what does the slice (colon) operator do?

It is used to iterate values between two integers or denote a step value for a vector e.g. vec = 1:5 return vec vec = (1,2,3,4,5)

-find(vec, expression operator, criteria)

Returns indices of a vector that meet a certain criteria -will return an empty vector if criteria is not met

What types of vectors are there in Matlab

Row vectors 1xn Column vectors nx1 scalar 1x1

How can we perform scalar multiplication on vectors and matrices

Simply multiply or divide a vector or matrix by the number you wish.

What is a step value?

The value by which numeric values is to be separated by in a run of data eg. vec= 1:2:9, will return a vector from 1 to 9 by 2s

What are logical vectors used for in MATLAB

They use relational expressions hat result in true or false -can pull elements from a double array with a corresponding logical array by using this method

What is the purpose of an Output statement?

To display strings and/or the results of expressions -allows for formatting or customizing display

What are logical values represented with numerically?

True = 1 False = 0 This allows for logical expressions to have mathematical functions performed on them

How can we element by element multiplication and division between two vectors or matrices?

We use dot operation which is the use of the common operators in MATLAB preceded with a dot

How can we concatenate vectors in Matlab

[put both vectors][in square brackets and assign]

What is a scripts

a sequence of MATLAB instructions that is stored in an m. file and saved

What are plot color symbols and description

b - blue c - cyan g - green k - black m - magenta r - red w - white y - yellow

How can a column vector be created?

by putting values in square brackets separated by a semi colon you could also transpose a row vector with an '

clear command

clears out all variables so they no longer exist

clear variablename1 variablename2 command

clears specific list of variables

plot commands

clf - clears figure window by removing everything in it figure - creates a new window without args, calling it figure(n) hold - freezes the current graph and superimposes new plot on current plot legend - displays strings passed to it in a legend box grid - displays lines on graph

How are matrices indexed

column wise


converts character to numeric equivalent


converts characters to their numerical equivalents


creates a matrix of zeros with dimensions x by y

-cross(vec(x,y,z), vec2(x,y,z))

cross multiplies all vector elements -can only be used with vectors of three elements

-nthroot( , )

finds the desired root of a value with (value, number of root)


flips a matrix from left to right


flips a matrix up and down

How do you separate rows and columns in a matrix?

in square brackets, use spaces or commas to separate row elements and ; to move to the next row

What are plot symbols and description

o - circles d - diamonds h - hexagons p-pentagons + - plus sign . - point s - square * - star v- down triangle < - left triangle > - right triangle ^ - upper triangle x - xmark

Common constants

pi = 3.14159 i and j = sqrt -1 inf = infinity NaN = not a number


plots a single point of x and y


reads a file name

What two functions return division remainders

rem(,) and mod(,)


returns 1 if any elements are true and 0 if none are true


returns a ector of values ranging 10^x to 10^y of n values


returns a vector of n values in x to y range


returns logical all or nothing (1 or 0)


returns the dimensions of rows and columns [r,c] of mat


returns the highest number between rows and columns of a matrix


returns total # of elements in vector or matrix

-rot90(mat, n)

rotates a mat 90 degrees counterclockwise n times


runs a 'running difference' between vector elements -this is done columnwise for vectors


searches for script comments

What are vectors and matrices used to store?

sets of values, all of which are the same type

help command function

shows a list of help topics related to a function

Why will running 3<x<5 be returned as true regardless of the value of x?

the expression is assessed stepwise, meaning 3<x is evaluated, changing the of x to 0 for false or 1 for true. Now the subsequent expression is evaluated, since 0 or 1 is smaller than 5 (x<5) the expression will be true This is why you must separate expressions into two parts (3<x && x<5)

Are MATLAB compiled or interpreted

they are interpreted

What can ellipses be used for in Matlab?

they can be used to continue long expressions on the next line

Explain matrix multiplication

to multiply matrices to find a third matrix; -# of rows in matrix 1 must = # of columns in matrix 2 -Order of multiplication is significant if you multiply 1x4 with a 4x1 vector, you get 1x1 but flip the order and you get a 4x4!


used to create a larger matrix comprised of the original matrix

how can one create true and false vectors and matrices?

using -true() and -false()

How are algorithms created

with a modular approach in which the solution to a problem is broken down into several steps. -These steps are refined until small enough to be managable tasks

How can one create an empty vector in Matlab

with empty square brackets [] -you can add to this vector as you would normally -vector values can be deleted with -vec(n) = [] -does not apply to matrices due to uniformity --but you can delete entire rows or columns with :

What are Modular programs in relation to the main program

Modular programs - A program in which the solution is broken down into modules and each is implemented as a function Main Program - The script that calls modular functions

Whos command

Shows variable type, number of bytes used for storage, and the size

What is difference in the header of functions that do not return values

There are no output arguments or assignment operator

-fzero(function, value)

finds the zero of a function near a specified value

Polar form

Uses the complex plane in which horizontal plane is the real component and the vertical plane is the imaginary component

format for using FOR loops on vectors

for i = 1 : length(vec) do something with vec (i) end This is not common practice and likely build in functions and operators are used instead because its a pain in the ass

simple example of a for loop

for i = 1:5 fprintf('%d\n', i) end 1 2 3 4 5

How does one display the length of each string stored in a cell array cell?

for i = 1:length(names) disp(length(names{i})) end

How would one fully display a vector of structures via a loop?

for i = length(packages) disp(packages(i)) end

How are for loops used on vectors and matrices

for loops go through all elements of vectors and perform some action on all

What does pixels stand for

picture elements

What does varargin do?

stores any number of input args in a cell array


will return all non-repeated values in ascending without 'stable'


will return all non-repeated, shared values of both vectors in ascending unless otherwise specified


will return column vector of a mat diagonal value -can also be used to take vector of length n and create mat

-isfield(structure, field)

will return logical true if is a field else false


will return logical true if is a structure, else logical false

What is the range of brightness in hue for 8 bit image RGB

0 to 255

what is the range of brightness in hue for 16 bit image RGB

0 to 65535

What is default slider range?

0-1 but can be changed with min and mix

Leading blanks

blank spaces at the beginning of a string

trailing blanks

blank spaces at the end of a string

What are the three steps to using lower level input and output func.?

1. Open file 2. Read from, Write to, or Append the file 3. Close the file

What are the three different operations that can be done to a file?

1. Reading from 2. Writing to 3. appending to

What are the three different operations performed on files?

1. read from 2. write to 3. append to

What are the two main search algorithms?

1. sequential search 2. binary search

How are three ways that images are stored

1. unassigned 8 bit (uint8) 2. unassigned 16 bit (uint16) 3. some stored as double

What are the two ways to get solutions to sets of equation in MATLAB?

1. use matrix representation 2. using the -solve() function in toolbox

What are the different ways vectors of structures can be passed to functions

1. using entire structure vector 2. just using one element (single structure) 3. single field within a single structure

What is the comment symbol for MATLAB

% followed by a description

placeholders for fprintf

%d used for integers %f used for real numbers %c used for single characters %s used for strings

How do you create a multiple line comment

%{use this format%}

What are some example properties for textbox object

'BackgroundColor' & 'EdgeColor' for the border and fill of the textbox respectively

What are two basic types for number storage?

'double' and 'single

what is the type of symbolics

'sym', works with strings

Animation functions for 3D plots

-comet() = does similar animation to comet() -mesh() = draws a wireframe mesh of 3D points -surf() = creates a surface plot using color to display parametric surfaces

What strings can be used to remove white space characters

-deblank() - removes trailing blanks of a passed string -stringtrim() - removes leading and trailing blanks but not blanks in the middle of the string

How can one find the properties of the computer screen


How can object properties be displayed

-get() function and passing the handle of the plot object

format for calling an image

-image(mat) where mat represents the colors in an mxn image (pixels)

How can you read or write to image files?

-imread() -imwrite()

How can one create a three dimensional matrix


Different plot types functions

-plot() -bar() -barh() -area() -stem() histograms, stem plots, piecharts, and area plots

Index of general plot functions

-plot() plots a line graph of data -bar() plots a bar graph of data -clf() clears the figure window -figure() creates numbered figure windows -xlabel() -ylabel(), -legend() for labeling -sprintf() used to customize labeling with loops -axis() changes the axis from default range & domain grid and hold command prints grids or not, superimposes graphs or not -subplot() creates a matrix of plots in the current figure window -loglog() uses logarithmic scale for both the x and y axes -semilogy() uses linear scale for x axes and log for y axes -semilogx() uses log scale for x and linear for y axes

How can you change a property

-set(object handle, 'property name', property value)

List of set operator functions

-union() -intersect() -unique() -setdiff() -setxor()

Case changing functions

-upper() changes strings to all upper case letters -lower() changes strings to all lower case letters

What are the different methods to plotting complex data

1.plot real vs. imaginary components with -plot() 2.plot only real parts using plot 3. plot real and imaginary on one figure using plot 4. plot the magnitude and angle using polar -default is real vs. imaginary components

Common relational expression operations

> greater than < less than >= greater than or equal to <= less than or equal to == equality ~= inequality || or && and ~ not

What is the syntax for a anonymous functions

@(arguments) functionbody; - this stores the function handle and ex. circarea = @(radius) Pi * radius .^2

What is a program?

A set of scripts and functions

What is a polynomial curve

A simple curve of different degrees/orders

while loop general format

while condition action end The action is executed as long as the condition is true - || and && can be used in while loops


will convert a string to a function hand ex. str2func('sin')

'ez' before plot domain

will convert symbolic to numeric to plot

uicontrol('name of a property', its value)

will create GUI in the current figure window with specifications


will create a pie chart of vector -each slice represents the percentage of whole vector sum -instead of % contribution, you can label the sections of the pie charts with a cell array in 2nd arg pie(vec, {'labels})


will return logical true if sorted in ascending, false otherwise


will return the definition of an anonymous function

-sound(y, Fs)

will send a sound signal to speakers -y is the sound signal amplitude -Fs is the frequency --y can be nx2 matrix for stereo sound --Fs can be omitted which will default to 8192 Hz

[r,c] = size(map)

will show dimensions of current colormap with r representing number of colors

load command format stipulations

works as long as the data in the file are "regular" which refers to having same type and formation every line (matrix) -If not the case, lower level file input functions used -opening file needed first, finding or creating file and indicating -when read through is finished, the file must be closed


writes to files

What is the difference between writing an appending?

writing is from the beginning and appending is from the end

difference between ||/&& and |/&

|/& used to compare logical vectors ||/&& used to convert to scalar

what is the magnitude or absolute value of a complex number

|z| = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)

What is a solutions set?

All the possible solutions to a system of equations -all sets of values of unknowns that satisfy the equations -there can be either no solutions, one solution, or infinitely many solutions


Breaks string into two pieces; called multiple ways -receives one input argument string and then looks for a delimiter


Data structures that group together values that are logically related, are not the same thing and not necessarily the same type -Store different values in separate "fields of the structure

What is computer programming

Multiple steps of statements in a computed script bundled together for convenience

Barebones requirements of functions

Must be defined with a header & a body

How do you combine like terms in symbolic expressions in MATLAB?

Must denote symbolic variables prior to expressions to do this -syms(x y z) can be used to avoid redundancy

Do scripts interact with the variables that are defined in the command window?

No they are used in scripts but not functions

General format of if statement

If condition then action end -the condition is a rational expression that is logically true or false -the action is a statement or a group of statements that will be executed if the condition is true -the end statement closes

What is implied if the result of multiplying a matrix (A) by another matrix when the product is the identity matrix

It implies that the second matrix is actually the inverse of the original matrix A * A ^-1 = I to actually multiply matrices is a complex process, so using inv(mat) is used instead

What is vector indexing

It is an alternative to sorting vector in which values of the original vector are labeled in a specified order ex. originalvec(indexvec(i)) would be ith lowest or highest value of original vector

What is the format for the extent of the textbox object?

It is given by a vector of [x, y, width, height] -x and y are coordinate of the bottom left corner of text box --The width and height use units specified by the x and y axes

What is a code cell?

It is the process of breaking scripts into sections

How does one customize plots

The "plot tools" icon in the figure window will bring up the "property editor" & "plot browser" ex. barh(x,y,width) or pie(vec,variable,labels)

What is a vector of structures?

Structures that have multiple variables which share the same fields -These are not matrices but instead vector of structures

How does one perform math on symbols and not numbers

Use the symbolic math toolbox, something I gotta download

How does one delete an element from a cell array?

Use vector indexing and an empty vector

load and save commands

Used to read from a data file into a matrix and write from a matrix into a data file

Can function be passed to all fields of vector structures?

Yes ex. sum([sturcture.field]) ans = sum of fields

Why is the normal way to create vectors of structures generally inefficient?

You should pre allocate the vec of structures by starting creation with the last indexed structure

Is it possible to have multiple callback functions within a GUI function?

Yes, for example you could have two buttons, each with a unique reaction

Timing command

built in to examine execution time tic script toc can also use run and time

How can you reconstruct a continuous sound

by analyzing a set of discrete measurements of the original sound

How can one find a matrix inverse by reducing an augmented matrix

by augmenting a matrix with an identity matrix of the same size, then reducing it, yields the inverse matrix -[ALL] -> reduce it [IIX] X will be A^-1 -rref([a eye(size(a)])


by default returns a 10 bin histogram -can specify bins with a second argument - can returns a vector with frequency of occurrence?

How is sequential search accomplished?

by looping through a vector element by element starting from the beginning

What is the branching component of a switch statement

casen where n is the conditional outcome number

What type of data is a cell array?


sound mat files

chirp gong laughter splat train handle

How does one find the class of an anonymous function



collects coefficients

What is extrapolation?

estimating outside the bounds of the recorded data

what is the format for the polynomials of complex numbers

example roots([1 1 -3 +2i]) ans = -2.796 + 0.532i, 1.3796 - 0.532i OR polyval([1 1 -3 +2i], 3) = 9+2i

Ifelse statement

executes an action if a condition is true, if the condition is false, another action is executed

Recursive example

factorial iteration - n! = 1*2*3*4.....n recursive factorial - n! = n * (n-1)! -This is a factorial defined in terms of another factorial --A base case (ex. 1! = 1) stops recursion this is required to avoid a recursive infinite loop

example of plotting data from a file with textscan()

compsalesbarpie.m fid = fopen('compsalesdat') if fid == -1 disp('file open unsuccessful') else filecell = textscan(fid, '%f %s') subplot(1,2,1) bar(filecell{1}) xlabel('divisions') ylabel('sales(millions)') set(gca,'XTickLabel',filecell{2}) subplot(1,2,2) pie(filecell{1}, filecell{2}) title('Sales in millions by division') end closeresult = fclose(fid) if closeresult ~= 0 disp('file close unsuccessful') end end

-char(first, last)

concatenates vertically first last -creates a matrix with trailing blanks for uniformity

What are two types of data we can acquire

continuous or discrete

-Char(cell array)

converts cell array to character matrix


converts from a string containing a number to a double number -better than str2num but only works with a scalar, not vector


converts from a string containing numbers -if spaces in the string, a vector will be created


converts from an integer to a string

-sym2poly() and poly2sym()

converts from symbolic expressions to polynomials and vice versa ex. mypoly = [2 0 -1 0 5] poly2sym(mypoly) ans = 2x^4 -x^2 +5 sym2poly(ans) ans = [2 0 -1 0 5]

Example of creating an index vector

createind.m function indvec = createind(vec) len = length(vec) indvec = 1:len for i = 1:len-1 indlow = i for j = i + 1 :len if vec(indvec(j))<vec(indvec(indlow)) indlow = j end end temp = indvec(i) indvec(i) = indvec(indlow) indvec(indlow) = temp end end


creates (x,y) points for which z = f(x,y)


creates 3D bar plot


creates 3D line plot


creates a complex number based off of the components (real, imaginary)


creates a matrix of plots in current figure window r is rows, c is columns, n is the number of the plot within the matrix


creates a mechanism for grouping together the buttons of a group in which only one can be chosen at a time

What does the plots tab do?

creates advanced plots -first create variables and then select the tab --based on this usable plots are highlighted; clicking will plot the data using that function and open window w/ that plot (be sure to highlight vars)

General format for opening a file

fid = fopen('filename', 'permissions string') -be sure to error check in scripts


finds best fit straight line that goes through a data set -three args; x and y vectors rep data and the degree of desired polynomial -we can then use polyval to examine the estimation at each value


finds factors


finds the arithmetic mean of vector -matrix columnwise --can be row-wise with 2 in 2nd argument


finds the maximum value of a data set and the indices of this number -if matrix will return each column val/ind


finds the minimum value of a data set and the indices of this number -if matrix will return each column val/ind

Programming method example of data storage to vector avoiding sentinel while using while loop;

findvalwhile.m %Reads data from a file, but only plots the numbers up to a flag of -99 uses a while loop load experimentdata.dat i = 1; while experimentdat(i) ~= -99 newvec(i) = experd(i); i = i + 1 end plot(newvec, 'ko') xlabel('Reading#') ylabel(weight(pounds)') title('First Data Set')

Efficient method example of data storage to a vector avoiding sentinel while using while loop

finval.m %Reads data from a file, but only plots the numbers up to a flag of -99. Uses find and colon operator load experimentdata.dat where = find(experimentdata ~= -99); newvec = experimenntdata(1:where-1)

Appending to files format

fopen('filename', 'a') -fprintf can also be used to append to an existing file --using this in a loop, we can write onto the end of a file until closure

General format for the FOR loop

for loopvariable = range action end

general format for nested loops

for loopvarone = rangeone action one for loopvar2 = range 2 action two end end

How can you use lower level functions to write to files

fprintf - can be used to both write to and append files -you can specify a file for fprintf to print to ex. fprintf(fid, 'format', variable)

what form is symbolic math in


Variable number of output arguments example

function [arrtype, varargout] = typesize(inputval) %returns if input is scalar vector or matrix [r,c] = size(inputval) if r == 1 && c ==1 arrtype = 's'; elseif r==1 || c==1 arrtype = 'v'; varargout{1} = length(inputval) else arrtype = 'm' varargout{1} = r varargout{2} = c end end nargout can be used to make if-else statements to include optional output args

example of varargin

function area = areafori(varargin) n = nargin radius = varargin{1} if n = 2 unit = varargin {2} if unit == 'i' radius = radius * 12 end end area = pi * radius.^2 end calculates the area of a circle in feed or

Whats a function handle and what is it used for?

function handles use the @ operator and can assign anonymous, built-in, and user defined functions with @

what are the two main formats for functions with multiple input arguments

function outarg = fnname(varargin) function outarg = fnname(input args, varargin)

Nested loop example with multiplication matrix

function outmat = multtable(rows, columns) %multtable returns a matrix which is a multiplication table table %multtable (nrows, ncolumns) % pre allocate matrix outmat = zeros(r,c) for i = 1:rows for j = 1:cols outmat(i,j) = i + j end end end

-rref(a, b)

function that performs reduced row echelon form elimination for unknowns


function to convert a number into a string value for display, default is four decimal places

what are two main formats for multiple output argument functions

function varargout = fnname(input args) function [outputargs, varargout] = fnname(input args)

How do you call a function


What is the general format for a user defined function?

functionname.m function outputarg = functionname(input arg) %comment describing the functions purpose statements include putting a value in output arg end


functions numbers windows sequentially 1,2, so on

Recursive functions

functions that call themselves

what are nested functions?

functions within functions

How do you return a property value of a plot

get(handle, 'property')


gets handle of axes

buttongroup coding example

grouph = uibutongroup('parent', f, 'Units', Normalized', 'Position', [x y w h], 'title', 'choose color', 'selectionchangefcn', @what to do) function what to do(hobject, event data) which = get(grouph, 'selectedobject') if which == toph set(texth, 'foregroundcolor','blue') else set(texth, 'foregroundcolor','blue')

Example of adding GUIs to a plot

guiSliderPlot.m f = figure('Visible', 'off', 'Position', [x y w h] 'color', 'white') minval = 0; maxval = 4*pi slhan = uicontrol('style', 'slider', 'position', [x y w h], 'min', 'minval', 'max', maxval, 'callback', @callbackfn) hmintext = uicontrol('style', 'text', BackgroundColor', 'white', 'position', [x y w h], 'string', num2str(minval)) hmaxtext = uicontrol('style', 'text', BackgroundColor', 'white', 'position', [x y w h], 'string', num2str(maxval)) hsttext = uicontrol('style', 'text', BackgroundColor', 'white', 'position', [x y w h], 'visible', 'off') axhan = axes('Units', 'Pixels', 'Position', [x y w h]) set(f, 'Name', 'sliderexamplewithplot) movegui(f,'center') set([slhan, hmintext, hmaxtext, hsttext, axhan], 'units', 'normalized') set(f, 'visible', 'on') function callbackfn(hobject, eventdata) num = get(slhan,'value') set(hsttext, 'visible', 'on', 'string' ,num2str(num)) x = 0 : num/50 : num y = sin(x) plot(x,y) xlabel('x') ylabel('sin(x)') end end

GUI coding example for a slider

guislider.m function guislider f = figure('Visible', 'off', 'color', 'white', 'position' [x,y,w,h]) minval = 0 maxval = 5 slhan = uicontrol('style', 'slider', 'position', [x,y,w,h], 'min', 'minval', 'max', 'maxval', 'callback', '@callbackfn') hmintext = uicontrol('style', 'text', 'BackgroundColor', 'white', 'position', [x,y,w,h], 'string', num2str(minval) hmaxtext = uicontrol('style', 'text', 'BackgroundColor', 'white', 'position', [x,y,w,h], 'string', num2str(maxval) hsttext = uicontrol('sytle', 'text', 'BackgroundColor', 'white', 'position', [x,y,w,h], 'visible', 'off') set(f,'name', 'slider example') movegui(f,'center') set(f, 'visible', 'on') num = get(slhan, 'value') set(hsttext,'visible', 'on', 'string', num2str(num))

Example of GUI program with an edit box

guiwitheditbox.m function guiWithEditbox f = figure('Visible', 'off', 'color', 'white', 'position, [360, 500, 800, 600]) set(f, 'Name', 'GUI with editable text box') move(f,'center') hsttext = uicontrol('style', 'text', 'BackgroundColor', 'white', 'position', [100, 425, 400, 55], 'string', 'Enter your string here') set(f, 'visible', 'on') function callbackfn(hobject, eventdata set([hsttext huitext], 'visible', 'off') printstr = get(huitext,'string') hstr = uicontrol('style', 'text', 'BackgroundColor', 'white', 'Position', [100, 400, 400, 55], 'string', 'printstr', 'ForegroundColor', 'Red', 'FontSize', 30) set(hstr,'visible', 'on') end end

format for using -line()

handle = line(x, y, 'property', specify, 'property' specify)

format for using -text() function

handle = text(x,y,'text string') -where x and y are coordinates -in this case special characters can be used with \specchar

-strcat(first, last)

has come effect as normal concatenation except removes trailing blanks and keeps leading blanks

format for inserting pushbutton for activating code

hbutton = uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'pushme!!!', 'position', [x y w h])

What is main format for error checking

if input is correct execute code else throw error message

What is an object

includes graphics primitives such as lines and test as well as the axes used to orient the objects

Common format for input prompt format for scripts

input('enter a certain value: ') -for a character or string use 's'

What does transpose?

interchanges the rows and columns apostrophe as operator

what does the clear command do?

it eliminates variables

What is uipanel

it is a means of grouping together user interface objects

What is subplot indexing?

it is the size of matrix for first two arguments followed by a number which indexes the plot ROW-WISE

What is the arithmetic mean

it is the sum of all values divided by # of all values in a data set

What will -sort() do to a string?

it will work as it does using numbers, sording ASCII in the numerical equivalents, scrambling the string values

What does a counted loop do?

iterates a predetermined number of times

How can we extrapolate data

one way to extrapolate is with a best fit curve which involves finding best polynomials to fit the data

-bar3 and -barh arguements

only pass the y and z vectors to functions -matrices can also be passed with rows and columns being represented with x and y values and z representing the n value

-fopen('filename', 2nd arg)

opens a file, returns an integer as the file ID or -1 if fails -2nd arg, read is default (r), write(w) or append(a) changes

format for nested functions

outer function header body of outer function inner function header body of the inner function end inner function more body of outer function end outer function

What is the cavoite to nested functions?

output args from inner nested funcs cannot be used in outer function

How can we extrapolate with polyval

passing a value to the created function outside the bounds of the included data

function functions

passing functions to other functions

Function Functions

passing functions within functionsoften times used whith function handles ex. passing sin to a function to plot a value of x will return an error but function handle @sin will run the sign of the desired values

strcmpi(string1, string2)

performs case-insensitive comparison between string1 and string2 for equality. If the strings are equal, they must have the same content (independent of case) and length. strcmpi('something', 'SOMETHING') True strncmpi performs same as strncmp

fplot(fnhandle, [xmin, xmax])

plots a function between limits that are specified

Example of plotting subplots with a loop for different plot types

plotxywithcell.m function plotxywithcell (x, fhan, rca) y = fnhan(x) for i = 1 : lenrca subplot(1,lenrca,i) funh(x,y) title(upper(rca{i})) xlabel('x') ylabel(fun2str(fhan)) end creates 3 representations of the same data using different plot types

example of plotting extrapolated data with polyfit

polytemp.m #plots data and quadratic best fit line on some figure x=2:6; y= [65 67 72 71 63]; coefs = polyfix(x,y,2); curve = polyval(coefs,x); plot(x,y,'ro',x,curve) xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Temperatures'); title('Temperatures one afternoon'); axis([1 7 60 75])

how can we use -polyval for discrete points to interpolate x of 2 & 3

polyval(coefs, 2.5) ans = midpoint of dependent variable

-menu('instruction', 'option1', 'option2', option3')

pop-up window that displays a function as a heading and arguments used as choices to be selected by the user

example of reading an image file

porchimage = imread('snowyporch.JPG') size(porchimage); ans = 2848 4272 3 class(porchimage); ans = uint8

Format for true color matrix

m x n x 3 where m and n are coordinates and 3 is the color component in which 1 is red, 2 is green, and 3 is blue

Algorithm for nested function callbackfn

make the previous GUI objects invisible get the string that the user typed create static TB it print Make new object visible

Bounded matrix

matrix of 0s with the exception of the main diagonal and diagonals above and below -also called tridiagonal matrix

matrix function for bar graphs

matrix passed -bar and -barh will group values in each row. MATLAB will color column values with the same color for row(i) bar(var, 'stacked') will sum x values in each row

How does one refer to values of a matrix?

matrixname(row, column) -this can be iterated with the colon function --using : in place of rows or column selects all elements

polar form for complex numbers

rcos(theta) + rsin(theta)i z = r(cos(theta) + i sin(theta)

-fgets() and -fgetl()

reads strings one at a time -fgets keeps newline character Used in a loop to read line to line


reads text data from a file and stores in cell array


receives two input arguments to find occurrences of a substring within a string ex. strfind('abcdabcdedd', 'd') ans = 4, 9, 11, and 12 -if no occurrences, an empty vector will be returned


recognizes empty vectors and strings from input functions

format for calling a rectangle object with a specified curvature

rect('position', [x,y,w,h], 'curvature', [0-1,0-1] -set(rh, 'property', values) can also be used to set specifications


returns all values found in vec1 but not in vec2 -asc order unless specified otherwise -input order changes outcome vector


returns all values from vecs w/o repeating in ascending order -'stable' 3rd arg returns order of appearance --input order of vectors matter when using stable


returns logical true for every character that is a white space character


returns logical true if cell array is all strings, else false


returns logical true if the end of a file has been reached


returns logical true if vector is a character type and logical false if not


returns logical vector of length(vec1) with element of vec1 also in vec2 ==true and false if not -argument order matters here -will not sort


returns the complex conjugate

-real() & imag()

returns the real and imaginary components of complex numbers

-intersect(vec1, vec2)

returns values that can be found in both vectors -sorted in ascending unless otherwise specified


returns vec in ascending order -descending order if specified in 2nd arg -avoids pain in the ass loop for smallest value -sorting creates duplicate vectors --matrix sorted columnwise, must specify if row desired


returns whether or not a string is the name of a keyword in matlab -This helps users know availability of variable names at the global level

What does sampling continuous data result in?

samplings provides data in the form of (x,y) points x=time unit while y=dependent variable

General format for saving to a file

save 'filename' matrixvariablename_ascii

How do you save just one variable to a file?

save filename variablename

How can one save an anonymous function?

save to a mat file and then loaded when needed

What is the difference between save and append?

saving overwrites, append adds to

What are basic elementary row operations

scaling (multiplying by a nonzero scalar) interchanging rows replacement (adding to or subtracting from a multiple of another row

example of sequential search

seqsearch.m function index = seqsearch(vec, key) len = length(vec) index = 0 for i = 1 : len if vec(i) == key index = i end end end

what is the main diagonal of a matrix?

set of terms in which row and col indices are the same

'style' property

defines the type of an object as a string -ex 'text' is the style of a static text box (normally used as a label for other obj. in the GUI for instruction)

-xlabel() & -ylabel()

denotes the axis titles


denotes title of a plot


derivative of y = f(x) -is written dy/dx f(x) Defined as the rate of change of y with respect to x -slope of the line tangent to the func at a given point

checkcode command

detects potential problems within scripts and functions

What is the purpose of standard deviation and variance

determines the spread of data, normally in terms of the arithmetic mean


shows data from a vector as a 3D pie chart

How does one place an image in a GUI

simply using the axis to locate the image -this process can also be used in conjunction of a slider to create a dimmer

Triganomic functions

sin = sine asine = inverse sine sinh = hyperbolic sine asinh = inverse hyperbolic sine sind and asind = in degrees

common usages of vectors and matrices as function arguements

sin(vec) - the sin of all vec values sign(mat) - sign of integers in matrix in same format min(vec) - minimum value of a vector max(vec) - maximum value of a vector sum(vec) - sum of all elements of a vector prod(vec) - multiplies all elements of a vector cumsum(vec) - running sum of vector elements cumsum(vec) - running product of vector elements --For matrices, all of these functions are performed columnwise. If rowwise preferred, transpose

How are discrete signals and sampling frequency represented in MATlAB?

discrete signals = vectors sampling frequency measured in Hz

disp() and fprintf() on structures

disp() - displays whole package or a field fprintf() - only prints individual fields

sign command

displays +1, 0, or -1 to denote the sign of an arguement


displays a color scale in a plot


displays all elements of a cell array


displays recorded movie frames of a plot -frames recorded in a loop using -getframe()


displays straight up version of vectors and matrices


displays the comments -organizations have standards for their comments like 1. name 2. description 3. format 4. args description in and out 5. variable descritpion 6. programmer name/date 7. revision info

help command

displays the first comment of a script


displays the type of a file


does what it can to simplify expressions


draws a bar chart


draws a horizontal bar chart


draws a plot as a continuous curve & fills in the area underneath the curve which its created


draws a stem plot

How can you dim or brighten an image?

multiply numbers by a constant number will change the hue -use imwrite(value, 'imagefile')

What is the syntax for assigning a element of a cell array to a variable

mycellmat{1,1} = variable

Example of using the menu function

mypick = menu('pick a pizza','cheese','pepper','mush') switch mypick case n disp('order n pizza')

Example of common practice of sorting vec of structs by fields

mystructsort.m funtion outv = mystructsort((structarr),(fname)) for i = 1:length(structarr)-1 indlow = i; for j = i + 1 : length(structarr) if structarr(j).price<structarr(indlow).price indlow = j end end temp = structarr(i) structarr(i) = structarr(indlow) sturctarr(indlow) = temp end outv = structarr end

format for removing outlier from vectors

newvec = oldvec(oldvec ~=min(oldvec) oldvec~=max(oldvec))

What is the most efficient way to create a vector structure?

structurename = struct('firstfield', struct(secondfield, val), 'first field', struct(secondfield, val)) - alternatively, inner structures can be created and then passing them to struct(inner structures)

How can vector of structures be referenced?

structurename(number) for field reference structure.field(number)


substitutes a value in place of a symbolic variable -symbol should be specified in the middle argument

How can you import multiple file formats in MATLAB

use "ImportData" from the Home tab -This activates import tool which allows for importing a variety of file formats

How do we find the abs and theta of a complex number?

use -abs(z) and -angle(z)

If a function returns multiple values, how do you store those values?

use multiple variables to store in vector form

How can you get index values of vectors passed to set operator functions?

use output vecs v1 = [6,5,4,3,2] v2 = [1,3,5,7] ex. [outvec, index1, index2] = intersect(v1,v2) outvec =[3,5] index1 = [4,2] index2 = [2,3]

Things to keep in mind for writing efficient code in MATLAB

use scalar and array operators use logical vectors create built in functions pre-allocate vectors use sum and prod cumsum and cumprod min and max any, all, and find isletter, and isequal

How can you display default properties of a figure

Assigning a handle to a figure and using get(hdl)


gets handle of figure


calculates the variance around the arithmetic mean of a dataset


creates a matrix of ones with dimensions x by y


lower triangular matrix has all zerose above the main diagonal

What are the three specifications in plot strings?

Colors, symbols, and line types

What are set operators?

Combine data of two vectors into a single result

3D shape functions

-sphere -cylinder

What is a sentinel?

a marker between data sets used to denote separation

What is interpolation?

estimating value between data


sum of diagonal elements in a square matrix

What is an algorithm

A sequence of steps needed to solve a problem

What is the branching component of an if statement

elseif and else branches


denotes new line


refers to the last element in a vector or matrix

How does one append variables to a .mat file

-append option does this -need to specify variables --if just -append is used then the entire workspace is added and overwrites file data

What is the difference between cell array and structures

-Cell arrays are indexed and can be looped -Structures are not indexed. values referenced with field names -Both can contain values of different types

What is done with code cells

-One can run one cell at a time and can publish the code in HTML format with plots embedded and formatted equations --To do this, use double comment symbols at the start of code line, these become the cell titles --You can also run cells independently of one another from the editor options ---Selecting publish here will publish by default in HTML

Three categories of functions

1. Functions that calculate and return 1 value 2. Functions that calculate and return 1+ values 3. Functions that accomplish tasks like printing without returning a value

What are two selection and branching options

1. If statement 2. switch statement

What are the different types of errors

1. Syntax = mistakes in the language, things like quotations or spelling variables incorrectly, often MATLAB corrects 2. Runtime = Found when a script or function is executing. An example is referring to a nonexistent element 3. Logical = A mistake in the reasoning from the programmer, but is not a mistake in the programming language. Parsed with error checking

What are 2 matrices used when representing an image w/ colormap?

1. The colormap matrix which has dimensions p x 3 -p represents # of colors which each row stores three real numbers referring to the RGB component contr. 2. The image matrix with dimensions mxn -all elements are indexed into the colormap matrix, which means that it is an integer ranging from 1 to p

What are the two basic methods for creating GUIs?

1. Write the GUI program from scratch 2. using the build in Graphic User Interface Development Environment (GUIDE)

What are the two main types of loops

1. counted (for) 2. conditional (while)

How do you create an index vector (3 steps)

1. initialize values of index vector to be indices for the length of original vector 2. use any sort algorithm but compare elements using index vector to index into it = originalvec(indexvec(i)) 3. When sort alf. calls for exchanging values, exchange elements in index vector, not the original

What are 5 main core object types

1. line 2. text 3. rectangle 4. patch 5. image

How are pixel colors represented in MATLAB

2 ways to do this 1. true color (RGB) in which three color components are stored in separate columns Indexed into a colormap, in which the value stored is an integer that refers to a row in a matrix called colormap

What does second argument of strtok return

2nd argument consists of alternative delimiters

What is a slider?

A GUI object that can be created which can be controlled by clicking arrow to move it up or down, or by sliding the bar w/ the mouse

What is a delimiter

A character or set of characters that act as a separator within a string -Default delimiter is a white space character and will return string up delimiter -leading blank ignored in default ex. sentence 1 = 'Hello There' [word, rest] = strtok(sentence1) word = 'Hello' rest = 'There'

callback function

A function that is triggered by another function when something is true.

What is a subfunction

A function within a function

symmetric matrix

A square matrix that is equal to its transpose aij = aji for all i & j

What is a loop?

A statement in code that allows other statements to be repeated

What is a nested structure?

A structure in which at least one member is in itself a structure

What is done when assigning -get(plot handle) to a variable?

A structure is created in which property names are the field names

What is an object handle?

A unique real number used to refer to the object

What is augmentation?

Adding columns to an original matrix -sometimes shown with a vertical line that represents augmentation -can be accomplished with square brackets [matorig mataugment]

When is a switch statement used?

Can be used in place of nested if else or an if statement with many elseif statements -used when expression is tested to see whether it is equal to one of several possible values

save command with .mat files

Can be used to write or append variables to mat files default extension of save is .mat -can save the entire workspace or a subset --be sure to set the folder prior to saving

How are properties of a textbox obtained

Cannot be obtained with -get(), however, they can be changed with -set()

What is the scope of a variable in the workspace?

Command window is the base workspace -If a variable is defined within a function it is local to that -These cease to exists outside that function


Compares character to character -(car, car) = True, -(car, CAR) = False

strncmp(str1, str2, n)

Compares only first n characters of strings ex. str1 = catamarans; str2 = cathedral; strncmp(str1, str2, 3) = True

Gauss elimination

Consists of; 1. Creating augmented matrix [A b] 2. Applying ERO's to this matrix to get echelon form, or upper triangle form 3. and back substituting to solve

Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method

Consists of; 1. creating an augmented matrix 2. forward elimination to get upper tri 3. back elim to diagonal form which yields solution

How would one save print or copy/paste a plot into a report?

Copy -> Edit, copy figure, can be pasted in word doc Save -> File, save, allows to save in dif formats; .fig, .jpg .tif, and .png Modified save -> if modified properties or created not programmatically; File-> generate code will script process Print -> physically prints figure with default formats; options for this can be specified or one can save to a file with options -ex. print -dtiff -r400 plot tif

How would one display the colors in the default jet map?

Create a matrix of 1:64 and pass it to the image function

How do you create a callback function

Create a nested function within the GUI function, example; 1. create figure window 2. make color of figure white and add title/move to cent 3. create static TB w/ instruction to ender a string -'style' of this is 'edit -Callback function must be specified as the user's entry of string (necessitates a response) 4. Make GUI visible for user to see instructions & type in a string 5. When str entered callback fnc is called (two imp. args. hobject & event data) -hobject is handle of UI object that called it -eventdata can stor in structure info about user actions

How does one typically create a vector of structures

Create a structure variable as a template and add to it by indexing -ex. structure = struct(field, val, field, val) structure(2) = struct(field, val2, field, val2)

What are the indices of characters in a string

Each character of a string is an element and has the indices to reflect -This means you can call certain characters, transpose strings, create matrices of same character length etc...

What is syntax for passing structures and fields to functions?

Entire structures or individual fields can be passed ex. entire structure function profit = calcprof(packstruct) profit = packstruct.price - packstruct.cost; end calcprof(structure) ans=profit ex. fields function profit = calcprof2(oneprice, onecost) profit = oneprice - onecost; end calcprof2(package.price, package.cost) ans=profit

Structures purpose

Groups together values that are logically related into fields -fields are named aptly to help make clear what values are stored in structures -structure variables aren't arrays and cannot be looped

save command requirements

Has the same format stipulations as load command

What is the main difference between functions that return outputs in comparison to those that print

In general, functions return values and scripts print results -If a function prints a value, it cannot be stored or referred back to for later use

What is the added benefit to storing strings in cell arrays

It is very useful for strings of different lengths -unlike char(strings), there are no trailing blanks, each keeps its length

What does normalizing units mean?

It means that as opposed to specifying in pixels the position, it is done as a percentage of the figure window -ex f=figure('visible','off','color','white','units','normalized','position','[xywh])

What does an elseif statement do

It removes the inefficiency of running multiple if else statements and keeps code efficient

What does using a dot operator on a vector of structures do?

It returns all fields -useful for storage if math functions desired later

What image files are manipulatable in MATLAB


What is searching in MATLAB

Looking for a key value in a list or vector

How does MATLAB manipulate strings

MATLAB has built in functions written to manipulate strings, have strings contain numbers and convert to and from numbers

What are graphic user interfaces?

Objects that allow users to have input using graphical interfaces -buttons, sliders, dials, toggles, pop-up menus

How can fields be displayed from multiple packages?

One can either use a loop method or simply; fprintf('%f\n', structure.field)

What ar nested functions?

Outer function with inner function within them

How can outputs of a for loop be stored in vectors

Pre-allocating a vector to the correct size and assigning the potential output -Can be done with the zeros function to create vector --the loop variable needs to be indexed into vector

grid argument

Renders a grid so that conceptualization of 3D plots is easier


Returns the most frequently occurring score in a distribution -returns value not indices -if more that one mode returns the smaller value


Returns the value in the middle of a sorted data set -only for data sets that are sorted -if data set indices total is even, returns split difference -if vector is unsorted, median will sort it for you

Anonymous functions

Simple one line functions called with their handle -m file storage is unnecessary - created in the command window or script

What is sampling frequency

The amount of sample taken per unit of time -commonly measured in Hz

What is a degree of an integer

The highest exponent in the expression ex. x^3 = degree of 3 straight line = 1xt degree - ax +b quadratic is second degree - ax^2 + bx + c cubic is third degree - ax^3 + bx^2

Harmonic mean

The mean of n numbers expressed as the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the numbers -can be generated in stats toolbox

What is the goal when a system of equations is put into matrix form?

The next steps are to solve Ax = b for x -to do this we need to isolate x by deviding both sides of eq by A -In MATLAB, we can use the divided into operator -we then multiply both sides by inverse of coefficient matrix A^-1, this gives 1x = A^-1b we can then 1. use inv(A) *b or 2. x=A\b

What is sorting?

The process in putting lists in ascending or descending order

What does a function consist of?

The word function -Names of the output arguments followed by the assignment operator (=) if the function returns values - The name of the function (same as the m file name) -input args surrounded by parentheses -A comment that describes the function purpose -The body of the function, which includes all statements --This includes placing vals in output args end

What is the value of functions that don't return values

They accomplish tasks like printing outputs -These functions cannot be called from assignment statements -They are referred to as side effects

What are core objects?

They are very basic graphics primitives -all core objects are built in functions that the help command can describe

What do functions return?

They can return one value, multiple values or nothing at all

What is the purpose of indexing into vectors of structures?

This process is used to iterate through vectors of structures in order of different fields -may be more efficient than repetitively sorting. -this will exchange entire structures as opposed to fields

What is concatenation?

To join strings together using square brackets first = 'bird; last = house; [first last] = 'birdhouse'

What is the use of a structure

To set up a database of info - Each stored variable with multiple related values called struct

What are the two ways to create a structure?

To store values in fields or by using -struct()


Trims the highest and lowest n% of data values and returns the mean

How can one investigate objects, properties, their meaning and valid values?

Using the help documentation

What is a data structure

Variables that store more than one value which are logically related

How do you store a plot handle?

Various plot functions return a handle for plots, which can then be stored in a variable -This will be valid so as long as the figure window remains open

What is more efficient; vectorized coding or loops?

Vectorized coding, though many software programs don't have as powerful vectorized coding as matlab does

Event driven programming

When a user's action causes a response that is driven by a callback function -callback functions must be within the path

Recursive definition

When something is defined in terms of itself


Works exactly like fprintf() except instead of printing, it creates a string -Useful for labelling graphs with experiment data

how do you assign multiple cells of an array to variables in one call?

[c2,c3] = cellmatrix{2:3} if cell indexing is used this way, bot referenced cells are put into an array

for loop on matrix format

[r,c] = size(mat); for row = 1:r for col = 1:c do something with mat(row, col) end end

Format for colormap matrix

a (m x n) matrix would rep coordinates by a matrix of integers, each of which is indexed into a colormap matrix of (p x 3) -p is number of colors available in map -each row in map has three components repping RGB

symbolic equation elementary example

a + a = 2*a

What is object oriented programming?

a Style of programming that represents a program as a system of objects and enables code-reuse

What is a sound wave an example of?

a continuous signal that can be sampled to result in a discrete signal

Reduced row echelon form

a form of an augmented matrix in which the coefficient columns form an identity matrix -done by forming 1's in place of a's so that b's hold unknown solutions

What is a function stub

a function definition whose statements have not yet been written

What is a recursive function

a function that calls itself (very common in programming -this is often inefficient and should be loop replaced -Recursion opposes iteration

What is a nested if else statement

a multiple criterion if else statement that at times needs to satisfy multiple criterion in order to execute code

What is a complex number?

a number that has 2 parts (1) *real* (2) *imaginary* generally written as a+b(i) real = a; imaginary = b; and i = sqrt-1

Identity matrix

a square matrix that, when multiplied by another matrix, equals that same matrix

diagonal matrix

a square matrix whose entries not on the main diagonal are all zero

What is a histogram?

a type of bar chart that shows frequency of data occurrence of values within a vector -uses 'bins' to collect values within certain ranges

what is a conjugate complex number


mxn system of equations

a1x1 + a12x1 + a13x1....+a1nxn = b1 a2,1x1 + a2,2x2 + a2,3x3.... + a2nxn =b2 am,1x1 + am,2x2 + am,3x3.... + amnxn = bm their are m equations and n unknowns a is a matrix of coefficients, x is a column of unknowns, and be is a vector of constants

What is linear algebraic equation form?

a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3...+anxn = b


allows positioning of text with the mouse over figure window -Clicking will display a text box with lower left corner origin --can be used multiple times

What functions can be used for function functions

any user defined or anonymous functions

How do you refer to the type of contents of a cell within an array?


How does one refer to specific values of specific cells in an array


How can you reference the contents of a cell within an array?


How does MATLAB represent polynomials?

as a row vector of coefficients ex. x^3 + 2x^2 -4x+3 = [1,2,-4,3] 2x^4 -x^2 +5 = [2 0 -1, 0 5]

General format for opening a file in a script

attempt to open file -error check open success if opened, loop until end of file for each line in the file read into string manipulate data attempt file close -error check close success

Gauss, Gauss Jordan elimination

both methods for solving systems of linear equations -both based on observation that systems of equations are equivalent if they have the same solution set -Also performing elementary row operations results in equivalence -Both methods begin w/ matrix form Ax = b of systems of equations and then augment the coeff matrix with column vec b

-repmat(struct(field, val)size,vec)

can be used to pre-allocate a vector of structures


can separate numbers and text into separate matrices ex. [nums, txt] = xlsread('texttest.xls') nums = colvec of nums txt = cell array of strings


can write to excel spreadsheets -creates a spreadsheet from matlab matrices

Example of a user defined function calcarea

calcarea.m function area = calcarea(rad) %calcarea calculates the area of a circle %format of call : calcarea(radius) %returns the area area = pi * rad * rad end


calling this alone brings up a figure window w/ rectangle perimeter -the position of the rectangle is given by [x,y,w,h] -x and y are lower left hand corner coordinates --w is width and h is height


can be used to find the roots of an equation repped by polynomial ex. solve for f(x) = 0 f(x) = 4x^3 -2x^2 - 8x +3 roots([4,-2,-8,3]) ans = -1.366, 1.5, 0.366


can be used to logically check the data type of an input

Debugging functions

dbstop - will examine values to this point in the script dbcount - can be used to continue this script dbquit - can be used to quit the debug mode

Example of plotting from a data file with fgetl

data file format A5.2B6.4 <- four rows of this plotdivab.m fid = fopen('ab13.dat') if fid == -1 disp('file open unsuccessful') else for i = 1:4 aline = fgetl(fid) aline = aline(2:length(aline)) [compa, rest] = strtok(aline,'B') compa = str2double(compa compb = rest(2:length(rest)) compb = str2double(compb) subplot(1,4,i) bar([compa, compb]) set(gca, 'XTickLabel', {'A','B'}) axis([0 3 0 8]) ylabel('sales(millions)') title(sprintf('Quarter%d', i)) end close result = fclose(fid) if closeresult ~= 0 disp('close result not successful') end end

What is an alternate way to write a complex number?


How are objects organized?

hierarchically; A parent comes before a child and generally children inherit properties from the parent ex. Figure -> axes -> core objects and plot objects Parents -> children

Example of indexing into vector of structures

printpackind.m function printpackind(packstruct, indvec) fprintf('Item # cost pric code\n') no_packs = length(packstruct) for i = 1:len(no_packs) fprintf('%6d %6.2f %6.2f %3c\n', packstruct(indvec(i)).itemno, packstruct(indvec(i)).cost, packstruct(indvec(i)).price, packstruct(indvec(i)).code) end end

-dot(vec1, vec2)

produces matrix multi on two vectors


solves equations and returns solutions as symbolic expressions -can be converted to numbers using double -if expression is passed as opposed to an equation, Solve will set to zero and solve rest of the equation --If its a multivariate equation, MATLAB will choose which variable to solve 4, you can specify if needed in the 2nd arg --solve can also solve systems of equation and store in field of structures, use dot operator and double in this scenario


sorts the rows of a vector on the basis of the values in the first column

What are whitespace characters

space, tab, newline, or carriage return

What is a matrix with same number of rows and columns

square matrix


square root of the variance that describes spread of data

How would one index a vector element within a vector structure field?

structure(n).field(vector element)

Format for the switch statement

switch switch_expression case case exp1 action 1 case case exp2 action 2 case case expn action n otherwise action otherwise end

What are some examples of continuous data

temp/hr, speed of car every tenth of a mile, mass of a radioactive material every second it decays, and an audio of sound waves as it is converted to an audio file

what is e?

the exponential base -raising e to the power of x is super common function used in engineering and math -value is about 2.7183

geometric mean

the mean of n numbers expressed as the n-th root of their product -can be generated in stats toolbox

What is the 'action of the loop'

the statements in a loop that are repeated

What does ASCII do

the universally recognized raw text format that any computer can understand i.e. (txt and dat)

What are the requirements for complex number equality

they are only equal if real and imaginary components match ex. complex(0,4) == sqrt(-16) = 1

How are color images represented in MATLAB?

they are represented by grids, or matrices of picture elements

What do .mat files do?

they can store the names and contents of variables -variables can be written, appended, and read from --mat files are typically used within MATLAB


upper triangular matrix that has zeros below the main diagonal

What are common matrix operations?

transpose augmentation inverse

solving 2x2 systems of equations

x1 + 2x2 = 2 2x1 + 2x2 = 6 The intersection on a plot of these two equations is at point (4,1) -this means that x1 = 4 and x2 = -1

Is it possible to have a callback function invoked or called by multiple objects?

yes, in this case, the callback function must use the input arguments to determine which object called it

How do you view the value of a vector structure?

you must index the structure number

How are complex numbers multiplied?

z1 * z2 == a+ bi * c +di = a*c + a*di + c*bi + bi*di = a*c + a*di + c*bi -b*d = (a*c -b*d)+ (a*d + c*b)i

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