Matthew and Mark Outlines

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Even the apostles did not figure out who ____ was.


How many specific miracles does Jesus work in Matthew 8-9?


In Mark 1:14-9:49 Jesus traverse the province of ______.

all nations

The Jews did not have exclusive rights on Jesus' teaching. Matthew 28:19 advises the apostles to make disciples of _______.


The author of Matthew's gospel seems interested in comparing this Jewish hero with _____.

himself known

Jesus himself warned against making ______.


Although the above-mentioned "messianic secret" was often _____.

John Mark

Although the exact author of this gospel is unknown, it has traditionally been assigned to a person named _______ who was the son of the hostess fro the Christian assembly, the cousin of Barnabas, and the companion of Paul and Barnabas.

65-70 AD

Mark's gospel is the shortest and probably the oldest gospel. Since Mark 13:1f talks vividly about the events of the persecution and destruction of the Temple, which took place in 70 CE, this gospel was most likely written sometime near the year _____.


Matthew 10:5-7 includes the warning to avoid visiting pagan territory until after the good news is first preached to the _____.

"God is with us"

Matthew 1:23 says Jesus' name will be Emmanuel. The English translation of this name is ______.


Matthew 28:20 has the same idea as the naming of Jesus. Thus the notion "God is with us" is at both the beginning and ____.


Jesus' real identity remained a secret during his whole ____.

"with many such parables, he spoke the word to them as they were able to understand"

Although there are only five parables contained in Mark's gospel, Mark 4:33f says: ________.

tradition or law

An overall theme of Matthew's gospel is Jewish _______.


Apparently Matthew wanted Jesus' five discourses to parallel the five books attributed to Moses in the Hebrew Scriptures. These five books are known as the _____.


Apparently it was all right for Gentiles to identify Jesus. Only the Jews were not to know his true identity because they would mistakenly conclude that he was an earthly ____.


During Jesus' lifetime according to Marl, people in general, and the apostles in particular did not understand who ____ was.

a. compassion b. strictness c. anger d. amazement e. indignation f. troubled

In Mark's gospel Jesus shows a greater range of human feelings, of common humanity, than in the other gospels. What are the emotions expressed in the following passages? a. 1:41, 6:34, 8:2 b. 1:43, 3:12 c. 3:5 d. 6:6 e. 10:14 f. 14:33f

Judea (or Jordan)

In Mark's gospel, Jesus also passes trough the area of _____.


In Mark's gospel, Jesus goes on to the city of _____.

Son of God

In fact, the theme of Mark's gospel is the "good news" that Jesus Christ is the ______.


In other words, for Jesus "Messiah" and "Christ" do not mean powerful ruler, but "suffering _____."


In summary, in Matthew's gospel, Jesus was primarily a _____.

"the Kingdom of God is at hand"

Jesus' entire message, according to Mark, can be summed up as ______.


Judging from the opening passage of Mathew's gospel, with its references to the Jewish heroes David and Abraham, the theme of this gospel seems to be emphasis on Jesus' Jewish _____.


Mark apparently believes that Jesus will appear on the earth in the near future. Mark 14:28 and 16:7 both note that Jesus will see his disciples in _____.

Mary of Magdan, Mary mother of James, and Salome

Mark does not include (in his original ending) any account of an appearance of the risen Jesus to the apostles. His is the only gospel to omit these appearances. Instead, Jesus' resurrection is first revealed to _____, _____, and _____.


Mark is the only one of four gospels to call itself a _____.

love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

Matthew 5:44 describes what a follower of Christ has to do to approach the perfection of God. This person is supposed to _____.


Matthew is the only gospel to start with a genealogy.Apparently he does this in order to show that Jesus has the proper Jewish lineage to be _____.


Perhaps this suggests Exodus 7-12 when Moses was instrumental in the ten ______.


Peter calls Jesus "the Messiah" in Mark 8:29, but to make sure he does not misinterpret this title as a political claim, in 8:31-33 Jesus immediately makes his first prediction of ______.


The central message of Jesus' preaching is the coming of the kingdom of heaven and the need on the part of his followers for a complete change of heart and conduct summarized by the word _____.

Woman off Bethany (leper's house), Centurion ("truley Son of God"), and Joseph of Aramathea (gave Jesus his tomb)

The disciples in the gospel of Mark never really come to understand Jesus properly. Even the women who anointed his corpse were afraid to tell anyone. The only ones who do grasp that Jesus is a suffering Messiah are _____, _____, and _____.

infancy narritive

The gospel of Matthew starts a prologue which deals with the period in Jesus' life know as his _______.


The greatest hero in the whole of the Hebrew Scriptures was _____.

Sermon on the Mount

The most famous summary of Jesus' preaching is contained in the _______.


The only ones who correctly identified him were the _____.


The seventh and last section of Matthew's gospel is located in chapters 26 through 28. These chapters deal with Jesus' passion, death, and _____.

Son of God

These witness or identifiers, demons, of Jesus called him the ______.


Unlike Matthew and Luke which describe Jesus' birth, and John which talks about Jesus' heavenly origin, Mark's gospel considers Jesus' importance to have begun with his _____.

Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' instruction to his 12 disciples, parable of the sewer seed, the disciples exerting to protect each other's faith, and Judgement Day

What are the 5 major discourses of Matthew's gospel?


While the Ten Commandments of Moses are meant to be minimum standards of acceptable of external behavior, the Beatitudes instead offer ideals of interior _____.


comparison between Exodus 12:1-27 and Matthew 26:26-29 -- both performed ritual _____.


comparison between Exodus 14:21-22 and Matthew 14:25-33 -- both demonstrate power over _____.


comparison between Exodus 16:4-15 and Matthew 14:13-21 -- both involved with miraculous _____.


comparison between Exodus 1:2-5 and Matthew 10:1-5 -- the number ___.

death of boys

comparison between Exodus 1:22 and Matthew 2:16 -- both were threatened with the _______.


comparison between Exodus 20:1-17 and Matthew 5:1-12 -- both gave their people _______.


comparison between Exodus 2:1-10 and Matthew 2:13-15 -- both lived in _____.


comparison between Genesis 37:5-9 and Matthew 1:20 -- both were preceded by dreamers named _____.

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