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Solid wood caskets

Birch is used as casket construction to manufacture ?


a pricing procedure which places a separate price on casket and a separate price on service fee is called ?

Combustion, burning

a sequence of exothermic chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant accompanied by the production of heat and conversion of chemical species ?

Statute of Frauds

a stature listing certain classes of contracts which must be in writing to enforceable is called ?

Tufted interior

a style of casket interior created by placing a padding material between a lining material, with subsequent stitches taken, forming small raised puffs, carriage and biscuit are the two most common types used in caskets ?


a symbol of grief that is a tear in the upper corner of the garment or a symbolic ribbon worn by the survivors as in the Jewish Faith is ?


a total, written in small pencil figures, under the last entry in a column is the ?

3 inch increments

adult casket normally increase in length by ?


an S shaped molding that is a component part of the casket cap ?


an adaptive maneuver characterized by an inability or unwillingness to act with the aim of asserting or sustaining individual control, anatomy or self esteem ?

Power of attorney

an instrument in writing authorizing one person to act as agent for another ?

Alternative container

an unfinished wood box or other non-metal receptacle or enclosure, without ornamentation or a fixed interior lining, which is designed for the encasement of human remains generally for the purpose of cremation ?

Income statement

another name for a profit and loss statement is ?


another word for actuating ?


any event, person or object that lessens the degree of pain in gref ?

Mortgage payable

fixed liability ?

Retail Sales Tax

imposed upon the purchaser of goods and collected by the seller who remits such to the state or city government ?


in his service to the public, the funeral director must always be conscious of the basic __?__ which consistently maintains and improves his ability to communicate with the community ?


liabilities are all things a funeral director ?

An impromptu speech

linda was attending an optimist club meeting and after her arrival was asked to give a speech concerning her vocation at the meeting. this is an example of ?

1,400 F 1,800 F

most products of combustion- smoke and odor- given off during the cremation process will be destroyed if subjected to temperatures between __?__ and __?__ for a period of 0.5 seconds to 1 second, if the stream is subjected to proper mixing -turbulence ?

Delayed grief

over activity, acquisition of symptoms of the deceased, isolation from friends and family, and furious hostility toward a specific person are part of what theory ?


ownership, the interest in a business by an individual where the business is not a corporation, partnership or other business structure ?

Directing / Actuating

regulating the activities or course of activities of an organization, to guide and or supervise the activities of an organization ?


the component part of the throw that hangs down into the body of the casket is the ?


the decision of a jury is the ?


the decorative or ornamental part of the casket handle that covers the exposed ends of the bar ?

Case Law

the doctrine of stare decisis is concerned with ?


the face value of a note on which interest is computed is ?


the medium a sender selects to send the message is known as the ?


the owners equity or the owners financial interest in a business ?


the party who institutes a court action is the ?

Policy holder

the person protected against loss is the ?


the removal of a dead body or remains from its place of repose after disposition has been completed ?

It must appear to be seriously intended, and it must be communicated to the offeree

the requirement for a valid offer includes which of the following ?

Board of directors

the right to declare dividends upon the discretion of the ?


the wedge shaped portion of the cap at each end of the crown is ?

Suicidal ideation

thoughts of ending one's life?


to ornament with a raised work; to relief from surface; material having designs raised over the surface ?

Parking, Plumbing, Electric, Signs, Building setbacks

topics addressed by building codes are ?


transfer of figures from the journal to the ledger is ?

General Journal

used for all types of business transactions ?

Juvenile court

what is not a type of inferior state court ?

they are imposed internally

what is not true about law ?

1429) inventory, file and pay tax, and pay claims

Duties of personal representative are?

284) Grouping of caskets, usually 3, used to educate the selecting clientele family members about the various attributes of the caskets and price point is referred at the ?

Educational Grouping

763)a divorced spouse is not a surviving spouse and has no say in disposition

Effect of divorce on the right of the surviving spouse?

1348) Gratuitous bailment

bailment in which the bailee does not receive and compensation is?

1548) Closed end credit (installment credit)

balance of costly goods paid for in smally monthly (fractional) payments over a period of time ?

913) Constitution

basic law adopted by the federal or state legislatures governing the nature, function and setting limits on a group of people

323) A 32 oz copper or bronze casket would?

be constructed from copper or bronze weighting 32 oz per square foot

Cultural universe

because funeral rites are present in every known society, the rite would be considered a ?

838) Law

behavior pattern which is enforced by special authority is a?

1365) Indirect presentation

being used when the funeral director does not remain in the selection room throughout the selection process ?


beliefs that are held in high esteem are ?

270) A state, condition, or event produced when we lose someone or something of value best describes the term?


655) Urbanization

best describes the movement from rural ares to the suburbs?

1605) Guilt

blame directed towards one's self based on real or unreal conditions is?

317) what is the authors proposed the attachment theory?


1137) Data digger and the directors assistant

brand names for software packages used by funeral homes are ?

985) Negligence

breach of the duty of care one individual has toward others is called?

764) Owners equity

business equity, Proprietorship, Capital

1594) Non-directive counseling

carl rogers is most frequently associated with?

876) A private carrier

carrier owned by a shipper for the purpose of shipping its own goods is ?

232) Money

cash asset?

676) Selected hardwood

casket constructed from many different species of wood, sometimes referred to as salix or willow, component parts or a single casket will not necessarily be constructed of the same species of wood is?

959) solid wood casket

casket constructed of cherry is ?

217) Full couch

casket is fully opened at the head and foot is ?

827) Copper deposit

casket made from a core of copper metal to which copper ions are deposited by an electrolytic process, this process forms a seamless unit?

796) Flaring square

casket shell design in which the sides and ends of the casket body flare out from the bottom to the top. Casket shell design that is narrower and shorter at the bottom then at the opening of the top.

783) Hermetically sealed

casket that is completely sealed or airtight by fusion or soldering is?

933) Modern Medical Technology

causative factor in the creation of the "first death-fee generation is?

Public, Private and National

cemeteries are often classified as ?

271) The everyday cave and operation of the cemetery?

cemetery management

733) Focusing

centering a client's thinking and feelings on the situation causing a problem and assisting the person in choosing the behavior or adjustment to sole the problem

890) Tasharah

ceremony of washing the deceased before burial by the Chevra Kadisha is (in Jewish faith)

1079) The selection of funeral homes are no longer made because of proximity

change in the American funeral rite is the most closely associated with improvement in transportations is ?

617) generally, if funeral home employees___?__ or more employees for each working day in each or 20 more calendar weeks in the current of the preceding calendar year, it will be covered by the employment provisions of the ada?


290) What is the minimum number of people required to conduct an American Legion funeral service?


How large would a grave need to be to accommodate a standard burial vault?

30' by 86'

289) __ is a higher grade than the 400 series stainless steel?


629) Bronze

92% copper 6% tin 2% zinc

603) Ossuary

A 'bone-pit"

1188) Sacrament of the sick "unction"

A Roman Catholic sacrament given to those seriously ill or in danger of dying, to prepare their souls for eternity is the?

709) Conventional stage

A Stage of moral development in which the expectations of the social group are supported and maintained is know as?

604) Rite

A baptism could best be described as a?

444) Journal

A book in which the daily transactions i=of a business are first written is the

500) Vertical side square

A casket body style with the body sides as a 90 degree angle to the bottom

721) A national cemetery

A cemetery created and maintained under an act of congress is called?

489) Ossuary

A chest, box, building, well , or site made to serve as the final resting place for human skeletal remains?

515) Semi tailored interior

A combination of tailored interior with one or more of the other styles of interior for effect

813) Thematic

A complete sentence describing the central ideal of a speech, usually found in the fist paragraph Topic-sentence

510) Corrugated container

A container used to hold the deceased which is constructed out of a type of cardboard, which is made with a series of alternate folds and ridges

738) Ab express contract

A contract in which the parties make know h=their intentions by words is?

730) Voidable

A contract in which undue influence was proven is considered?

687) Void

A contract made by a legally declared insane person is?

715) Valid

A contract made by a person who is intoxicated, but aware if the consequences of his or her actions is ?

549) A joint and several contract

A contract which is written so that either part may consider it as a joint obligation or a group of individual obligations is

449) Cadaver

A dead human body for anatomical study is a?

541) Loss

A decrease in net worth due to excess of costs and expenses over income is?

1064) Check

A draft drawn on a bank and payable on demand is a?

496) Chaplain

A ecclesiastic attached to the chapel of a military unit is known as a ?

1020) Linen weave

A fabric woven to look like linen used as casket lining material is ?

423) One who receives possession of another's property for sale on commission is?

A factor

699) Magnuson-moss warranty act

A federal Stature which governs express and implied warranties?

751) Another State

A foreign corporations is one that is chartered in ?

506) Humanistic funeral

A funeral devoid of religious connotation

445) Bishop

A funeral service for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

1456) steel burial vaults for protection

A galvanized finish is applied to

491) Cremation

A heating process that reduces human remains to bone fragments by combustion and evaporation in the presences of an open flame.

720) Patriarchal

A joint/ extended family us usually ?

355) Disclosing that someone has died of AIDS is a direct violation of?


1226) Bronze, Steel and Zinc

Alloys are?

262) Formulating different actions in adjusting to a crisis?


269) A structure of persons with the paramount right to authorize the cremation of a deceased human?

Authorizing agent.

321) Suspended ash particles, charred paper, dust, soot or other partially incinerated matter, carried in the products of combustion- often referred to as particulate matter,or particulates?

Fly ash

855) 300

For cremation human remains larger then _?__ pounds, the equipment manufacturers should provide modified operation instructions to avoid emissions problems?

501) Existing goods

Goods which are owned by the seller and are physically in existence at the time of the contract are know as

422) Molding along the lower most edge of the body panels?

Base molding

365) Characterized by its smooth, thin layered bark. The lumber harvested from this tree is closed grain, heavy white wood. it is a durable wood often seen in kitchen cabinetry. It will accept a variety of stains?


991) Guilt

Blame directed toward one's self based on real or unreal conditions is call?

440) Type endorsements include which of the following

Blank, Special, Qualified and restrictive

438) The recording of business date in a prescribed manner:

Book keeping

755) Funeral Rites

Both funeral and memorial services is called?

988) Goal

Broad statements about process; they form the basic plan or direction toward which decisions and activities are focused is?

883) Wrought bronze

Bronze metal rolled into sheets is?

273) Ounces per square foot is a standard of measurement referred to as?

Brown and Sharpe Gauge

437) Laws, ordinances and government regulations setting forth requirements for construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy use or appearance of buildings.

Building Code

261) Strict departmental standards with little or no variation of the standards?


403) Checks returned to the depositor that have been paid by the bank are?

Canceled checks

373) The rim is part of the casket?


868) Proprietorship

Capital or Net worth

691) Incomplete combustion

Carbon monoxide is result of?

1150) Current Assets

Cash or other assets that will be converted into cash or consumed within one year?

370) Journal for receiving cash for merchandise?

Cash receipts Journal

692) A state Casket

Casket in which the side are vertical or at right angles to the casket bottom is?

360) Molten metal poured into a mold forming a sealess unit?


757) Not a nuisance per se

Cemeteries are generally regarded as?

411) Normal circumstances, the ones having the primary right to control final disposition?

Children of legal age

908) Refused

Chlorinated plastic containers should be?

642) Roman Catholic Church

Christian Burial Permit issued by the

343) In order of times:


1448) the book of original entry is in?

Chronological order

405) In regards to the no-property theory, the dead body was under the control of the


693) Intangible asset

Goodwill is classified as an?

1437) disposing of cremated remains in a manner or location that combines the cremated remains with the cremated remains of another individual is called?


1265) Customs

Common law is based on

791) Hinges

Connect the cap to the body of the casket ?

341) In decision making, what term is defined as; "When all group members are in agreement"?


1087) Burning area

Grate, hearth or combination thereof where the body is consumed by flame is termed ?

357) The "Committal Service" is usually held at the?

Grave site

719) Inter


394) one who inherits


807) Job satisfiers and dis satisfiers

Herzberg proposed the two factor theory of ?

1130) Family

Historically the person or persons in charge of the funeral was the?

575) Right of possession

Implies receiving the body in sane condition as at the time of death

589) Key person life insurance, Lawn crypt, It encourages dependence by the bereaved

Important with regard to a speakers awareness of the audience when choosing the speech material

304) A surviving spouse may avoid being written out of a will by invoking?

Inheritance stature

301)A contract between an insurance company and the party insured?

Insurance Policy

342) The type of communication in which the two parties involved consider one another as individuals is?

Interpersonal communication

375) A paper showing quantity, description, prices of items, total amount of purchase and terms of payment is?


331) All ferrous metals used in casket construction contain


1760) 5-6 %

Kiln drying reduces moisture to ?

325) the prie dieu in the Roman Catholic church signifies.

Kneeling bench or rail

847) Pre moral stage

Kohlbergs stages of moral development in which the individual is characterized as not understanding the rules or feeling a sense of obligation to them is ?

364) Made by uniting superimposed layers of different materials?


1332) Real property

Land, timber, minerals, buildings, and other manmade property permanently attached to land are called?

613) A simple latch secures the cap to the body after closure?

Latch closure

408) The term for funeral cortege?


312) A rule of action prescribed by an authority able to enforce its will?


1173) Business Law

Law which is concerned primarily with those rules of conduct involving financial transaction between individuals or legal entities is called?

400) Which of the following is a liability for manager or supervisor?

Legal Considerations and Financial

1619) size of estate, status in life of the deceased, reasonableness of charges, funeral director's knowledge of decedent's financial condition, local or ethnic customs

Limitations on the decedent's estate for funeral expenses would be?

266) (Not corporation) a relatively new format of business ownership combines aspects of partnerships with limited liability of corporation: Owners known as members Developed in 1994

Limited liability company

1070) Culture

Consists of the rules, ideas, and the beliefs shared by members of society for living dying, which are learned directly or indirectly is called ?

545) Adaptive Funeral RIte

Contemporary funeral rites could be considered

688) An agreement

Contract must always be

741) Personal service contract

Contract which involves such personal knowledge, skills or confidence that it can only be performed by the person with whom it is made?

833) Exceptions for autopsy without permission

Contractual (insurance policies) accidental Vs. non-accidental death, right of public official (coroner-medical examiner- Justice of the peace) right of some public health officers.

1440) a management function which compares organizational and individual performance with predetermined standards or expected results are?

Controlling evaluating

316) When a person dies at homes without medical attention and has not been seen by a Doctor in more than 30 days, an official inquiry into the cause of death is made by?


424) the term synonymous to a dead body at low is a?


470) Wood by products

Corrugated fiberboard is cardboard often used to construct light weight, inexpensive caskets. Sometimes caskets made of this material are marketed as alternative or caskets for direct dispositions?

406) An offer is rejected by


633) Juvenile courts

Courts concerned with delinquent, dependent and neglected children are called?

1031) It is part of a valid contract for employment or sale of a business, the terms are reasonable

Covenant not to compete may be a permissible restraint of trade if?

324) What is the term that is described as the believabilirty of a speaker or other source of information?


385) One to whom debts are owed?


711) Fist

Cremate the containers with the most combustible finishes?

384) All remains of the cremated human body recovered after the completion of the cremation process including pulverization?

Cremated remains

897) Cenotaph

Literally "an empty tomb" a monument erected in honor for a deceased who is interred elsewhere is called?

1075) Corpse

Dead human body at law is ?

315) The body of a dead human being, deprived of life, but not yet entirely disintegrated (varies among the several states)

Dead human body- corpse

291) A permanent cessation of all vital functions and signs?


1634) Fixed liabilities

Debts that are not due and payable within a year are called

530) Current liabilities

Debts that must be paid within a year are?

471) Primary right of final disposition (put in the proper order)

Decedent's Wishes, next of kin Personal representative, Decedent's Guardian, Volunteer

737) Depreciation

Decrease in the value if a fixed asset is called?

1444) an entry on the debit side of the owner's equity indicates that the account has been ?


371) An entry on the debit side of a liability account indicates the account has been?


710) Alarm

Defined as fear or anxiety caused by sudden realization of danger created by the impact of shock

898) Requirements for a valid offer must include?

Definite time, Definite intent, and Seriously intended

1112) Anonymity

Loss of individual identity ?

443) An area set aside in a cemetery for several grace spaces, usually containing two, four, or six grave spaces is a?


309) During the performance of any maintenance on the retort, OSHA__ procedures should be strictly followed to?


265) In the construction of swing bar hardware. the arm attaches the bar to the?


1059) Expenses

Does Not appear on the balance sheet is?

310) Courts that handle divorce and child custody cases known as?

Domestic relations courts

508) as a debut a credit?

Double entry bookkeeping means as entry is nade?

1445) a separate owners equity account in which withdrawals of assets against profits by the owner are recorded as?


817) Physical duress, Emotional duress, and Economic distress

Duress is classified according to the nature of the threat is?


embalming is a form of ?

Orthodox Jewish Faith

embalming is usually not practiced by the ?

448) all of the following ethical standards apply to the deceased while under the care of the funeral home or embalming service EXCEPT ?

embalming should be completed as quickly as possible without regard to proper case analysis.

1212) Mutilation

embalming which ut permission is considered the tort of

410) An ethical funeral director's employer- employee relationship except?

employee's religious background

700) Motivating

energizing, channeling and sustaining people's hehavior

782) non directive

establishing a rapport with the client, appraising the client's problems, and accepting the client's attitudes and feelings are factors specifically associated with which style of counseling?

696) as discipline of dealing with moral duty and obligation

ethics is probably bast defined?

1744) Evaluating performance in terms of goals and objectives, and Reformulating goals and objectives needed.

evaluating / Controlling as a function of management involves ?

1345) All rights are subject to cemetery rules

event though cemetery plots are transferred by deed to property is not generally considered real property because ?

1077) An air tray

example of a transfer container is?

1705) Accountant, plumber and lawn care service

example of an independent contractor hired by a funeral home ?

1236) Wood, wool and shavings

excelsior defines?

984) Net working capital

excess of current assets over current liabilities are?

1769) Massage overload

excessive written over verbal communication would be considered ?

1243) Decrease in owner's equity

expense means that there is an?

1223) Overhead

expenses incurred in the normal operation of a business is called?

1016) Paraphrasing

expressing a thought or idea in an alternate and sometimes a shortened form is called?

Two inches

extera size of caskets increase for each extra with by ?

929) Crinkled

exterior casket finish in which the metal is coated with a substance that wrinkles as it dries, usually used on less expensive caskets is?

441) to assist by understanding of the circumstances or situations the individual is experiencing, and to ass that person in the selections of an alternative if necessary.


246) Negligence

failure to exercise reasonable care toward another party is known as?

1157) Executive employees administrators professionals commissioned outside salesman

fall time employees are generally protected by the overtime and minimum wage requirements of the FLSA unless the qualify under the so called "white collar" exemptions which would include?

1667) Witness

family representative present for the initiation of the cremation process ?

894) Patriarchal

family that is governed by the father is called?

300) who has the preference to receive the burial flag for the deceased veteran?


351) false evidence appearing real?


909) An appellate court

federal court of appeals is know as ?

615) Considered the premier hardwood by many, it is one of the more expensive species used in casket construction. this is the part due to the fact that it is imported from Central American and sometimes. Africa


1446) the failure to perform with the ability and care normally exercised by people in the profession is known as ?


708) Administrator

Man appointed by the court to settle the estate?

727) A Widower

Man who has lost his spouse by death is know as?

1434) 1963

Many adherents to the Roman Catholic faith are not aware of the Vatican's acceptance of cremation in?

366) Which of the following has no time limit for filling the appropriate Veteran's Administration application for benefits?


268) An approach used in business valuation which determines value based upon previous sales of similar businesses?

Market value approach

392) a type of grief reaction when the person experiences symptoms and behavior which causes them difficulty, but they do not see or recognize the face that these are related to the loss?

Masked grief

979) Backing material

Masselin is a casket

628) don't say ashes, do say cremated remains don't say engrave, do say inscribe don't say headstone, do say marker

Match the Don't say words with their proper Do say terms

311) Name for the king of Caria , whose wife, Artemisia, bult one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, A chamber or structure used, or intended to be used, for entombment. A and a private one is generally sold for the use for a single family?


1003) Mausolus

Modern day mausoleum is named in memory of _?_ who died in 325 BC, and the monument built as his memorial at Halicarnassus was included among the seven wonders of the ancient would be?

486) Castbroze

Molten bronze poured into a mold and allowed to cool

1048) Appointment

Most common method of creating an agency is by?

1060) Abeling and Training

Most important to the OSH communication standard is?

287) Recording information in the ledger?


1458) a cemetery for paupers

Potter's field

356) A leak resistant zipper bag designed to contain a dead human body and body fluids and used mainly for the removal of the death human remains form the place of death is a ?`


278) While all states have their own laws describing the requirements of a valid will, most include?

Testament are capacity, freedom of fraud, freedom from undue influence, in writing, witnesses

536) Bar

That part of the casket handle attached to the lug or arm which is grasped by the casket bearer.

1160) Democratic

The American System of government is best described as?

1457) for recording and buting of an article on credit ?

Purchases Journal

288) A ceremonial construction made of wood and fire, designed to reduce a deceased human body to ashes ?


1331) Almost property

Quasi Property means?

555) mutual agreement, contractual capability, legal objective, consideration

Required for a valid contract

1148) Funeral

Rites with the body present are ?

354) Enactments by and administrative body within the Jurisdiction of that agency?

Rules and regulations

1076) An operating expense

Salary Expense is considered to be ?

381) Which if the following is considered a source of income for a funeral home?

Sales of burial clothing

368) All of the following are valid considerations for cremations as a method of disposition?


714) State, County or Local Government

Secondary right of disposition usually lies with the?

1196) Low luster

Semi gloss

594) the most appropriate for for a funeral director to do before leaving next of kin after making the removal?

Set a Time for the arrangement conference

1041) Emotions

feeling such as happiness, anger or grief, created by brain patterns accompanied by bodily changes is called?

263) The horizontal portion of the top body molding, body ledge, where the gasket us placed on gasketed protective caskets?

Top body molding flange, body ledge flange.

1453) Cremation of the wrong body would be a


1172) A cashiers check

a check that a bank draws on its own funds and is signed by responsible bank official but may by=e used by anyone to pay a debit is called?

204) Outstanding Check

a check that has issues but not presented for payment to a bank is called a?

1564) Motherboard

a circuit board that contains most of the electronic components of the system unit, sometimes called the main board or system board?

1780) Pillow

a cloth bag filled with soft material used to support the head of the deceased ?

1198) File

a collection of information on a disk (or other storage medial) that can be created, amended, grouped, retrieved, and stored thought computer programs bu referencing its name is a?

253) Stained

a color stain is applied ?

499) Grief syndrome

a common pattern of symptoms and reactions experienced by those who have lost relatives or friends through death is known as?

1330) Thesis Statement

a complete sentence that describes the central idea of a speech and is usually found in the fist paragraph is a?

1501) Ear

a component of the casket handle is the?

1329) Corner

a component part of the casket hardware is the ?

256) Roll, Cove, Puffing

a component part of the casket interior which lines the rim and surrounds the cap panel?

1499) Urn

a container for cremains is called?

1344) Reliquary

a container for the preservation of relics of a saint

1285) An implied contract

a contract in which the duties and obligations assumed by the parties are not verbalized but indicated by their actions is know as?

1430) Executory

a contract in which the terms have not been fully performed by all the parties is said to be?

Several contract

a contract in which two or more people individually agree to perform the same obligation is?

1767) Two or more legally competent persons

a contract is a legally enforceable agreement between ?

1123) Voidable

a contract made by a person who is so intoxicated as to be unaware of the consequences is ?

826) Judicially declared insane person

a contract made that can be considered void by a person?

1607) Voidable

a contract that may be set aside by at least one of the parties is?

198) Formal

a contract under seal is called ?

1396) Empathy

a counselor's capacity to understand the subjective world of the client and communication deep understanding to the client is?

580) Injunction

a court order forbidding a person form doing a certain act

1571) Protect goodwill purchases, and owners client base

a covenant not to compete is often designed to?

For a period of time, and in a designated locale

a covenant not to compete may include restrictions on employees ability to earn form the same of similar business enterprise is

1397) Door badge

a crape badge or floral design placed on the door of a home where a death has occured is referred to as?

1503) Felony

a crime usually punishable by death or incarceration in a penitentiary for more then one year is a ?

1777) Quasi Property

a dead human body is said to be?

1547) At need counseling

a death has occurred and the funeral director is counseling with the family as they select the services and items of merchandise in completing arrangements for the funeral?

Code of ethics

a declaration or public statement of professional standards of wright and wrong conduct defines a ?

212) Sales Discount

a deduction from the sales invoice as an incentive for customers to pay their invoices early ?

1270) Restrictive Covenant

a deed restriction which specifically indicates that a certain parcel of property can not be used for a certain purpose is referred to as?

1572) Regression

a defense mechanism used in grief to return to more familiar and often more primitive modes of coping is?

1254) Compassionate

a desirable characteristic of an ethical funeral director would be?

571) Hard disk

a device containing a sealed, rigid magnetic disk and read/write mechanism, usually build directly into the computer's cabinet is a?

Casket Rack

a device upon which caskets are placed on top of the other for display is know as?


a dignity conferred upon Roman Catholic bishops and or priests making them "Prince of the Church" is known as the station of ?

1688) Possible elimination of certain items of service resulting in loss of overhead recovery

a disadvantage of itemized pricing?

1633) Dividend

a distribution of profits of a corporation to its stockholders as declared by the board of directors is?

1782) Subculture

a division of culture that has traits in common with that culture but has unique traits of is own is a ?

1569) Quartile

a division of the total into four intervals, each one representing one fourth of the total is known as a?

1143) Charter

a document issued by a state which permits a corporation to operate is ?

1468) Bill of lading

a document of title which sets for the contract between the shipper and carrier is the?

1727) Living will

a document that governs the withholding or withdrawal of life sustaining treatment from an individual in the event of an incurable or irreversible condition that will cause death within a relatively short time and when such person is no longer able to make decisions regarding his or her medical treatment ?

573) A constitution

a document which defines the relationship of the government itself and of its citizens is?

769) The entry is complete

a double line under the last entry on a T-account mans?

1530) Linen

a fabric made from flax noted for its strength coolness and luster is ?

1691) Velvet

a fabric or silk, cotton and possible rayon,with a thick, soft pile and nap ?

1134) Satin

a fabric woven to create a smooth, Iustrous face and dull back. Made form silk, nylon or rayon is?

945) Matriarchal

a family that is governed by the mother is called?

576) Promissory note

a family wants to pay the funeral bill by means other than cash. They need to negotiate which of the following types of document

1575) Magnuson-moss act warranty

a federal statute that governs express and implied warranties ?

1206) Quasi Contract

a fictional contract created or implied by a court for a person who is unable to contract for himself (i.e medical, care, death)

1336) Flat finish

a finish used on casket exteriors that is free of gloss and dull, lusterless surface, no shine or gloss is?

1480) Floppy disk

a flexible plastic diskette on which data is stored magnetically is called?

1001) Crushed interior

a form of casket interior created by placing the lining material on a metal form, adding weights, streaming the material and then attaching it to a suitable upholstery material is?

487) Ceremony

a formal or symbolic act or observation is called?

842) A funeral and knowledgeable

a funeral director makes funeral arrangements with a family he or she should?

1741) Vertical market software

a funeral director wishing to purchase software for the computer that would help to run the business would be most likely to purchase which type of software package?

825) 5,500

a funeral home has an average if 3,500.00, and wholesale cost of a casket was 1,000 and the funeral director marked his casket up a 100% what would be the unit price be?

1514) Private carries

a funeral home's family care is considered a ?

1689) Unit pricing method

a funeral pricing procedure which creates one total package for both services and merchandise is referred to the?

1718) An adaptive Funeral Rite

a funeral rite that has been adjusted to reflected the needs and desires of those directly involved is?

1149) Ziegler case

a gasket sealed container which can be used as an insert into a casket or as a separate shipping container, generally used in cases of advanced decomposition is ?

1071) Communication

a general term for the exchange of information, feeling, thoughts and acts between two or more people, including both verbal and non-verbal aspects of this interchange is?

1228) Legacy, bequest

a gift of personal property by a will is called?

1009) Bequest

a gift of personal property received through a will is termed?

1392) Administrative Agency

a governmental body created by legislation empowered to regulate an industry and issue rules are regulations as?

1277) Stamped hanrdware

a hardware production of lesser expense whereby casket hardware sections are pressed out on a hydraulic press is?

458) Crisis

a highly emotional temporary state in which an individual's feelings of anxiety, grief, confusion or pain impair his or her ability to act.

1652) Communication

a human survival skill needed to maintain contact with the world is?


a joint/ extended family is usually ?

1121) Special Journal

a journal designed for recording a particular type of transaction is know as a ?

1757) General

a journal used for miscellaneous entries ?

832) Nuisance

a landowners use of property which interferes with the public or another landowners use of property?

1660) Accounting

a language of business employed to communicate financial information based upon the recording, classification, summarize and interpretation of financial date is called?

1753) Statute

a law enacted by a federal or state legislative body ?

1078) Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

a law permitting a person of legal age and sound mind to give all or any part of his body to take effect upon his death or gives the right to another is called?

1761) Accounts

a ledger is a book of ?

1322) Death Certificate

a legal document containing vital statistics, disposition and final medical information pertaining to the deceased is the?

1618) WIll

a legal document directing how real and personal property should be distributed after the death of the person making the document is?

1186) Will

a legal document which allows its creator a limited afterlife during which it may choose to placate, amuse, gratify, or anger the survivors. Generally used for the disposition of any earthly positions.

878) An encumbrance

a lein or mortgage against real property is?

1516) Whole life

a life insurance policy which continues until the death of the insured is ?

1498) Chart of Accounts

a list of accounts that shows the arrangement of the accounts in the ledger is called?

1221) health care directive, power of attorney for health care

a living will that would be entered into for health reasons would be?

772) A Mortgage payable

a loan from a bank secured by property is ?

873) Copper

a malleable, ductile, metallic element having a characteristic reddish brown color is?

1614) Executor

a man named in the will to carry out the provisions thereof and settle the estate is?

1701) A nuclear Family

a man, a woman and their unmarried children in one household is?


a material primarily used as a backing material in the construction of caskets is?

1289) Displaced aggression

a mechanism by which anger is directed toward a person or object other than the one which originally precipitated the anger would be?

1255) Steel

a metal alloy consisting mainly of iron and carbon used in casket it is low in carbon which keeps it soft and malleable, commercial forms contain carbon in an amount up to 1.75% as an essential alloy constituent is ?

1163) Stainless steel

a metal alloy of steel, chromium and sometimes nickel which is used in casket construction; noted for its ability to resits rust. All grades must have at least 11% chromium to qualify is ?

652) Brushed

a metal casket is first pained then scratched with an abrasive materiel to the base metal, finished with sealer and buffed until smooth, high gloss is obtained. Found mainly in stainless steel, copper and bronze caskets.

226) Vault

a metal or concrete enclosure designed to protect the casket with an air and water tight seal is called?

Plastic extrusion molding

a method of molding plastic by injecting ,olten plastic into a die ?

1252) Functional

a method of pricing which places a price on three separate items of service such as a casket, facilities, and automobiles is called ?

809) Terms of the contract

a mistake that does NOT render an agreement defective?


a must behavior enforceable by those that govern?

1488) Wood

a natural material that provides a beautiful and warm appearance. No two caskets made of this material are the same because grain patterns vary is?

1320) Intent

a newspaper advertisement can be an offer if it shows ?

1139) client centered, rogerian, person centered

a non directive method of counseling that stresses the inherent worth of the client and the natural capacity for growth and health (recognized that the person has the ability to answer all of there own questions) ?

641) Stationary bar

a non movable casket handle. It can be full length, individual or single

1324) Folkway

a non-compulsive standard of behavior that is only socially enforced is?

1736) Stationary bar handle

a non-movable handle that extends all the way around the casket is called ?

789) Weakness

a normal somatic disturbance in grief is?

767) Trading partnership

a partnership engaged in the buying and selling of merchandise is a?

620) Administrator

a person appointed by the court to oversee the estate of an interstate is?

A minor

a person below the adult age is ?

1722) Funeral Director

a person properly licensed, engaged in, or conducting or holding him out of being engaged in preparing, other than by embalming, for the burial or disposition of dead human bodies and or, maintaining or operating a funeral establishment for the preparation and disposition, or for the care of dead human bodies.

1193) A divisee

a person receiving a gift of real estate in a will is know as?

193) Testator

a person who dies leaving a valid will is called a?

1248) Drawer

a person who signs a check or draft ordering payment to be made is called the?

1668) Non Theistic

a philosophy that does not focus on the worship of a god or goods is considered to be?

1028) Blanket

a piece of fabric used to cover the body if a deceased, especially the lower legs and feet when displayed in a full open casket is called?

572) Morgue

a place to which remains are removed pending identification by relatives is the?

1734) General, Springing, durable

a power of attorney may be ?

227) Itemized pricing

a pricing method by which each and every service function and item of merchandise is priced separately when making the funeral bill ?

1245) Itemization

a pricing procedure which places a price on each and every item of service and merchandise is?

1363) Compensation

a principal owes, the duties to the agent is?

1662) Wills

a probate court is concerned with?

851) Functional pricing

a procedure by which charges are broken down into several major components is?

Itemized pricing

a procedure by which each and every functional item of merchandise is priced separately is ?

774) Bi-unit pricing

a procedure that shows separately the price of the services to be rendered and the price of the casket is?

1318) unit pricing

a procedure which creates one total package for both services and merchandise is ?

1262) Abatement

a proportional reduction of a legacy under a will when assents out of which such legacy are payable are not sufficient to pay it in fill?

1054) Denial

a protective coping mechanism characterized by an inability to perceive external reality is called?

651) establish a socially acceptable climate for mourning

a purpose of the funeral

1684) Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

a qualification that is absolutely necessary for the job; it is an allowed and approved reason for discrimination ?

822) can be developed in early childhood

a realistic attitude toward death

1205) Cantor

a religious singer who assists a Rabbi is a?

1251) Statement of Account

a report sent to each customer which indicates the status of his account would be?

1398) Ratification

a restatement of one's willingness to be bound by his promises made during minority is called?


a rigid container which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which is usually constructed of wood, metal or like material, and ornamented and lined with fabric ?

1350) Non-Traditional Funeral Rite

a rite which deviates from the normal is called?

622) A Rite

a ritual fulled event with deep symbolic meaning

1533) The Golden Rule

a rule of ethical conduct that is found in most major religions?

788) the title and the item are transferred upon completion of the transaction

a sale is different from a contract to sell in that in sale

1386) Quartile sale

a sale of merchandise in one of the four pricing categories bases on the median as the low unit of the third quartile is a ?

1649) Threaded fasteners

a screw type fastener used on a hinged cap style casket is?

1194) Ritual

a series of actions or activities involving gestures which are physically performed is called?

1111) Immediate Disposition

a service that is completely devoid of any form of funeral rite is ?

1305) A Program

a set of instructions arranged in proper sequence which can direct the computer to perform a desired take is know as?

201) Program

a set of instructions arranged in proper sequence which can direct the computer to perform a desired task is?

1138) Software

a set of instructions that directs the computers operations is know as?

1058) Epitaph

a shot text honoring a deceased which is inscribed on their tombstone or plaque is?

1207) Gasket

a single molded piece of rubber is called?

1720) Consumerism

a social movement that seeks to strengthen the rights of consumers relative to sellers ?

1023) Port

a socket on a microcomputer used to attach other equipment by cable is called?

497) Personal property only

a soldiers and sailor will is a uncooperative will, informal in nature, in which a soldier in the field or sailor at sea may dispose of?

1287) Iconostasis

a solid screen, covered with icons, at the front of the Eastern Orthodox church is the?

240) Hearth

a solid surface upon which material with high moisture content, or liquids or waste material for burning or drying are placed?

746) Brachytherapy

a source that might bring radiation near embalmers or crematory operators. Sometimes called "Seed implantation"

1729) Crypt

a space of sufficient size in a building or land area used or intended to be used for the entombment of human remains ?

1643) A rite

a specific act or function dealing with death is called?

Manuscript speech

a speech that is delivered word for word from a prepared text is called ?

1786) An extemporaneous speech

a speech that is planned in advance but is presented in a direct, conversational manner?


a sprayed finish that has the appearance of small indention in the metal ?

1162) Anxiety

a state of tension, typically characterized by rapid heard beat, shortness of breath and other similar ramifications of arousal of the autonomic nervous system is?

1544) Threat

a statement of action designed or perceived to create anxiety in an individual's life is?

1088) Balance sheet

a statement of assets liabilities and proprietorship at a specified date is called?

1474) Footstone

a stone marker, with or without an inscription used to mark the foot of the grave?

1466) Gravestone

a stone with an inscription used to mark the grace. May be as simple as the name and dates (ex: John Doe 1927-1214)

739) chemical compounds

a strip of butyl tape seals cap and body on an infant casket.

1404) Gimp or Fold

a strip of metal, plastic or cloth that is attached to the inside of the panel, covering the area at which point the roll or cove is anchored is a ?

1644) Panic

a strong emotion characterized by sudden and extreme fear?

206) Gimp

a strop of metal, plastic or cloth attached to the inside of the casket panel which covers the point where the roll is anchored is the?

1187) Tufted interior

a style of casket by placing a padding material between a lining material and a backing material, with subsequent stitches taken, forming small raised puffs deines a?

1327) Shirred interior

a style of casket interior in which the material is drawn or gathered in parallel faction in a particular sewing process which involves a sewing machine with multiple needles would be?

1525) Cursor

a symbol on the screen, such as a flashing rectangle, box or line, which denotes the exact spot on the screen where the next data will appear following a key stroker is a ?

1432) Depreciation

a synonym for fair wear and tear far durable asset is?

1142) Cultures

a system of abstract patterns of and for both lining and dying which are learned directly or indirectly defines?

1237) Fiduciary

a term involving a relation of trust or confidence is

1553) Moral

a term that is synonymous with ethical, and that refers to the customs, values and standards of practice of a group, age or theory intended to be timeless is?

673) Demography

a term that would best describe the studies of the population?

1273) Aerial scattering

a term used when cremated remains are cast form a private place is called ?

1518) Overhead

a term which is used synonymously with operating expense is?

1280) Allied

a terms means related as in related professionals is ?

207) Crepe

a thin crinkled cloth of silk, rayon , cotton or wool

1297) Tailored interior

a tightly drawn form of casket interior style is?

1570) An air tray

a transfer container which consists of a wooden tray with a corrugated covered for the casket is know as?

1677) Doeskin or Moleskin

a twilled napped woolen or worsted fabric with a short thick velvet nap on one side' woven cloth with a suede like appearance with a nap of less than 1/8 inch is?

1541) Supplies

a type of asset will be consumed as it is used?

1484) Memorial park

a type of cemetery is?

Chronic grief

a type of complicated grief which is prolonged and is excessive in duration is ?


a type of exterior covering used on casket is ?

1361) Delayed grief

a type of grief which is suppressed and or postponed is?

1716) Specialty head panel

a unique design is created in the head panel?

1090) Kilobyte

a unit of measure of memory space equal to 1024 bytes is ?


a unit of measure of memory space equal to 1024 gigabyte ?

1065) In Writing

a valid will must normally be __?__, and exception to this requirement is a nuncupative will.

1674) Stack, chimney, flue

a vertical passage for conduction products of combustion to the atmosphere ?

1772) Cherry

a white close grained wood that is often stained in a red hue. a high gloss finish complements the rich appearance of the attractive species ?

1698) 28 inches

a wood state casket labeled 6/6XXX would measure in length 6 feet, 6 inches and in the width?

1479) Plush

a woven cloth with a nap exceeding 1/8 of an inch

1373) Business Plan (New Venture Plan)

a written description of a new idea that projects marketing, operational and financial aspects of a proposed business is?

1755) Will

a written disposition of property, real or personal, to take effect at the death of an individual is called ?

1328) A policy

a written insurance contract is ?

623) Ceck

a written order drawn by a depositor directing his or her bank to deduct money from his account and pay the person or company designated is?

1560) Note payable

a written promise of a customer to pay the business a sum of money at the funeral date?

1524) Mortgage Payable

a written promise that pledges real property as security for the payment of a debt ?

1362) Promissory Note

a written promise to pay money to another person or business at a specified or determinable time is ?

1567) Tort

a wrongful act against another person causing injury to that person or their property is?

1384) Seamless copper deposit

a wrought copper core is immersed in liquid copper and the copper adheres to the core by way if electrolysis this is called?

935) Thanatophobia

abnormally great fear of death is?

1609 Culture

abstract patterns of and for living and dying is?

1735) Pine

abundant in the US, this is a light colored softwood noted for its twig knots which provide an attractive feature for many consumers. it is a soft wood that varies in grain pattern. its relative low cost makes it an attractive choice ?

Post conventional stage

according to Kohlberg, state of moral development in which the individual considers universal moral principles which supersede the authority of the group is called?

1374) Respet

according to Wolfelt, the ability to communicate the belief that everyone possesses the capacity are right to choose alternatives and make decisions is?

1679) Positive regard

according to carl rogers, accepting the client or counselee as he or she is, and for what he or she is without imposing Judgements or stipulations ?

1004) Congruence

according to client centered counseling, the necessary quality of a counselor being in touch with reality and other's perception of one self is termed?

1083) True

according to obe company, it is possible to have a heavy 19 gauge steel casket that is thicker than a light 18 gauge steel casket ?

215) Warmth and Caring

according to wolfet, the ability to be considerate and friendly as a demonstrated by both verbal and nonverbal behaviors ?

1407) accept reality of loss and withdraw emotional energy from deceased, and adjust to new environment and invest energy in new relationships ?

according to worden, the tasks of mourning are?

998) Fiscal Year

accounting year ending on some date Other then December 31 is called?

1657) Liability account

accounts payable is an?

1756) Current Asset

accounts receivable ?

1635) Assets

accounts receivable are examples of?

Asset Account

accounts receivable is a ?

1036) Bed debts

accounts receivable which Are Not collectible is called?

251) Liabilities and capital

accounts which when credited increase?

1489) Accumulated Depreciation

accounts would be used to assist the accountant in an adjusting entry involving depreciation?

1120) Nuisance in fact

act, occupations or structures which are not nuisances per se, but may become nuisances by reason of the location or manner in which is operated is?

1765) Nuisance per se

act, occupations or structures which are nuisance at all times and under all circumstance. may be prejudicial to public morals, advantageous to life, or injurious to public rights ?

821) Replevin

action to recover possession of property unlawfully detained or its value is?

918) Replevin

action to recover through the court an item or its value that has been wrongfully detained or altered for ins original condition is?

1523) Americans with disabilities act

ada is an acronym for?

1481) Amendments

additions or corrections to a will

1420) Rules and regulations

administrative law comes to us in the form of?

200) Post need

aftercare sometimes referred to as?

821) USPS

agencies may created human remains be shipped

1763) Hermetically sealed

airtight, impervious to external influences; completely sealed by fusion or soldering ?

1099) Universal precautions

all employees of the crematory who handle dead human remains shall practice ?

463) moral stage

all of the following are examples of kohlbergs stages of moral development EXCEPT?

369) suicidal indeation, hermetically sealed, special journal

all of the following are true

228) Personal property

all physical items that are not real property are classified as?

1670) Cemetery

all property for earth burials ?

616) what would be considered part of a funeral director's individual / personal ethics

allowances of depreciation, a wrong against the public as a whole, responsible creationist

1288) 400 Series stainless steel

also referred to as martensitic stainless steel, it contains 11% to 12% chromium. No nickel is found in this type. It is also the type often found in automotive mufflers ?

869) Burning rate

amount of water incinerated per unit of time, usually expressed i pounds per hour?

1405) Urn

an __?__ is a receptacle into which processed cremated remains are placed is called ?

Allowances for doubtful accounts

an account in which is recorded the decrease in value of accounts receivable due to possible uncollectible items ?

1542) Euthanasia

an act or practice of the following the death of persons suffering from a life limiting condition is?

1645) Outrageous Act

an act which complete disregard for proper conduct which transcends the bounds of common decency is?


an addition or amendment of a last will and testament executed with the same formality of the will is ?

493) EPA

an agency of the federal government charged with protection to human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations is the?

459) Loyalty and good faith

an agent owes with of the following duties to his principal

1371) An attorney in face

an agent that has been appointed by a sealed written authorization which states that the agent is to act in the principals behalf is?

1637) Organ donation

an allied professional or service that the ethical funeral director is professionally concerned with?

1621) Bronze

an alloy of copper, tin and sometimes zine is?

1122) Lot

an area set aside in a cemetery for several grave spaces, usually containing two, four, or six grave spaces is referred to as a ?

1282) Corporation

an artificial being, invisible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of law, and entity that is something that has a distinct existence separated and apart from the existence of its individual members would be?

1483) Grief

an emotion or set of emotions due to a loss that is involved in the work of mourning?


an entry made on the debit side of an asset account indicates that the account has been?

1622) Increased

an entry made on the debit side of an expense account indicates that the account has been?

834) Closed

an entry on the Credit side of an expense account indicated the account has been?

1687) Increased

an entry on the credit side of a liability account indicates the account has been?

1702) Increased

an entry on the credit side of a revenue account indicates the account has been ?

1176) Cremation casket

an environmentally safe casket which is designed for encasing the death human remains for the purpose of cremation is?

1743) Budet

an estimate of revenue and probable expense for a given period of time is a?

Entrusted care by the family

an ethical consideration in regard to the care of the deceased body ?


an event to commemorate an occasion ?

Sectional box

an example of a grave liner ?

678) Sectional Box

an example of a grave liner?

1527) Shredded Paper

an example of a padding material used in casket construction is?

1413) An Air Tray

an example of a transfer container is?

1566) Accountant, plumber, lawn care service

an example of an independent contractor hired by a funeral home?

235) Masselin

an example of backing material used in casket construction is?

1109) Linen wave

an example of lining material used in casket construction is?

843) A belief

an existential statement about the physical and social world us know as?

1724) It provides the experience of pain in grief

an explain how funeral service facilitates grief ?

845) Plated

an exterior casket finish created when the base metal is coated by anther metal via an electrolytic process is?

1168) A crinkled finish

an exterior finish in which the casket surface is coated with a substance that wrinkles as it dries is ?

1469) Income

an increase in proprietorship as the result of a business transaction is ?

1500) Client fees

an increase to which of the accounts will increase owners equity ?

1300) Certified Public Accountant

an individual certified to practice public accounting is?

1219) Qualified indorsement

an indorsement which limits the liability of the endorser is called an?

244) Trial Balance

an informal statement proving the total debit balance are equal to total credit balances in the ledger ?

475) Springing power of attorney

an instrument in writing authorizing one person act as an agent for another affective only upon a certain event occurring?

853) general power of attorney

an instrument in writing authorizing one person to act as agent for another

1463) Goodwill

an intangible asset such as the name of a funeral home; also an intangible asset which enables a business to earn a profit in excess of the normal rate of profit earned by other businesses of the same kind ?

1580) Bank Statement

an itemized listing of additions to the subtractions from a depositor's accounts ?

614) as eight sided casket is referred to as

an octagon casket

1317) Nuncupative will

an oral will is also called?

1584) Computer System

an organization of hardware and software designed to accomplish a data processing function?


an organized, flexible, purposeful, group centered, time limited response to death which reflects reverence, dignity and respect

1538) Air seal

an outer enclosure which entraps air via its dome shaped construction uses which of the following closure methods ?

1181) Air seal

an outer enclosure which entraps air via its dome-shaped construction uses which closure method?

773) Promissory Note

an unconditional written promise made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed future time, a sum certain in money to order or to bearer is a?


an underground cemetery of rooms or galleries with recesses for burial purposes defines ?

705) suicidal gesture

an unsuccessful attempt made by a person to end his own life is called?

1195) Monument

an upright memorial, including what used to be called a tombstone, also includes large structures like obelisks, usually made of granite, marble or common stone is?

239) Crib death

another common name for sudden infant death syndrome would be?

1626) Fixed disk

another name for a hard disk is?

872) Rim

another name for the ogee of the casket shell is

1686) The grief work to shortened

anticipatory grief allows for ?

178) Primary air

any air, controlled with respect to quantity and location, forced or induced, supplied thought or adjacent to the fuel bed in a crematory retort ?

1053) External communication is

any communication that goes beyond the doors of your business is?

1313) External Communication

any communication which goes beyond the doors of your business is called?

1742) Liabilities

any debt that a business owes ?

Ferrous metal

any metal formed of iron is?

1339) Non- Ferrous Metal

any metal which is not formed from iron is?

1714) Average overhead per adult formula service, mark-up on wholesale casket cost, and wholesale casket cost

any pricing method would be based on?

1113) Usurious

any rate of interest above the maximum rate allowable by law is said to be ?

923) Baffle

any refractory construction intended to change direction of flow or velocity of the products of combustion is?

1110) Baffle

any refractory device construction in manor intended to change the direction of flow or velocity of products of combustion are?

Drop arch

any vertical refractory wall supported by arch construction which serves to deflect gasses in a downward direction- sometimes referred to as a curtain wall is?

1582) Property

anything that may be owned, possessed, used or disposed of for a price is called?

1740) Cogent

appealing forcibly to the mind or reason?

567) Form 40-1330

application for Headstone or Marker

915) Lose-Lose

approach to conflict resolution in which neither party achieves its goals is?

210) Personnel, office, Marketing, Financial, Facilities

are areas of management ?

191) Establish a mission statement, Organizing, Directing / Actuating, and Evaluating / Controlling

are functions of management as related to funeral service ?

335) A printed form the funeral home uses specifically for the funeral director and the family to make funeral and financial arrangement?

arrangement form

Surviving spouse

as a rule, the right of a decent disposal belong to the ?

854) Wood veneer

as example of this may include a thin wood such as oak, adhered to a thick, inexpensive material such as plywood is know as?

1492) Fiberglass

aside form metal and wood two other materials used in casket construction include plastic and fiberglass. Which one of the two are more commonly used?

Tangible Asset

assets capable of being touched are?

185) Fixed Asset

assets which will not be sold during the fiscal period ?

1005) Shame

assumption of anger directed toward one's self by others is termed?

839) due diligence

attention reasonable expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a person who seeks to satisfy a legal requirement or to discharge an obligation?

864) Goods offered without reserve

auction, goods which are offered for sale that cannot be withdrawn are classified as?

393) The political entity with the power to grant authority and the family member with the primary right and duty of disposal?

authorization to cremate must be obtained from

957) Kitchen Sinks, Stainless steel bolts and washers, washing machine tubs and automobile mufflers

consumers are aware of the longevity of stainless steel to their exposure to such long lasting products as?

866) Agency

contract between a principal and an agent created a relationship called?

454) Implied contract

contract form from the action of the parties

1576) Express contract

contract in which the agreement is specifically stated?

900) Void

contract that is of NO legal effect can be ?

1406) Personal Service Contract

contract whereby both parties should recognize that any breach will usually cause anguish is?

920) A unilateral contract

contract which is based upon acts being done in consideration for a promise is called?

1029) Valid

contract which is enforceable by the courts is called?

654) Executed

contract whose terms have been fully carried out is

1089) Voidable

contracts in which fraud is proven are considered to be?

600) Precious or semi precious metals

copper and bronze are often referred to?

208) Element

copper is an?

Wrought copper

copper metal rolled into sheets ?

669) Entity

corporation has distinct existence separate and apart from the existence of its individual members is know as?

1037) Private corporations

corporations formed by individuals to perform some non governmental function are called?

982) Wood by-product

corrugated fiberboard is a material used in casket shell construction that is classified as?

1108) Special federal courts

courts that have exclusive jurisdiction of bankruptcy matters, claims against the united states, and patent and copyright cases are defined as?

1704) Purchase returns and allowances

credit received for shortages or for damaged goods received?

818) fist of the day

cremate the largest - most obese- remains during?


cremate the largest human remains ?

1561) Within the law and does not offend the sensibilities of other members of the community

cremated human remains may be disposed if any manner that is ?

1204) Priority Mail Express

cremated human remains shipped by USPS mush be shipped?

877) returned in a separated container

cremated or processed remains that do not fit in the temporary container or urn shall be?

1264) 85, 10, 5, 0

cremation containers or casket are made up of __?_% combustible solids, __?__% moisture and __?__% non-combustible solids and are classified as type __?__ waste?

Flame, heat, vaporization

cremation is the process of reducing human remains to its basic elements in the form of bone fragments through the use of ?

793) Refuse

crematory operator should __?___ any items for cremation that contain chlorinated plastics ?

434) Which of the following is lining material that is used in casket construction


1178) A wrong against the public as a whole

criminal law is concerned with?

205) an external (outward response to emotion)

crying is?

955) Common law

customs which have come to be recognized by the courts as a law describes?

1707) Punitive

damages in excess of those required to compensate the plaintiff for the wrong done are?

761) Case law

decisions at law which establish precedent and principle?

1303) Slander

defamation of character by spoken words or gestures is ?

884) Semantics

defined as " Dealing with the meaning of words" is?

874) Suicide

deliberate act of self destruction is?

1529) Speaking to a local church group

denotes goods professional ethics in community relationships is?

1787) Anonymity

depersonalization leads to ?

353) the fourth stage of grief according to kubler ross is?


887) a brief biographical sketch of a person's life

describes and obituary is?

686) Holding facility

designated area fir the retention of human remains while awaiting the cremation.

570) illustrating

detailed examples of adjustments, choices or alternatives available to the client or counselee from which a course of action may be selected.

976) Burner

device fir the introduction of flame by the delivery or combining of a fuel and air mixture in the presence of heat? sometimes referred to as primary, secondary or after?

922) Memorial

device used to identify the place of interment and whose purpose is to commemorate a family or an individual and includes such terms as monument, marker, tombstone, tablet, shutter, headstone, footstone, niche plate is know was?

924) Mouse

device used to select procession options displayed on the monitor is know as?

903) Modem

device which converts the electrical impulses (digital) produced by a computer into sound impulses (wave-like) and vice-versa, and can be transmitted over telephone line is a?

601) Taboos

dictates what one must Not do?

960) Owners Equity

difference between assets and liabilities ?

880) Payment

disbursement is also know as?

Criminal or civil cases, as part of an eminent domain proceeding and public health

disinterment in the public interest may take place for ?

1663) Exhumation

disinterment is also know as?

1258) Reinterment at another place, Consolidate burial plot of family members, to recover improperly buried valuables

disinterment may take place for the private reason would be?

1559) Direct cremation

disposition of human remains by cremation, without formal viewing, visitation or funeral ceremony with the body present ?

677) Sales contract

document between the seller and the buyer stipulating the items furnished, price or said items and terms of payment is the?

1032) Sales contract

document between the seller and the buyer stipulating the itms furnished, the price of said items and the terms of payment is the?

Farm based

does not describe the nuclear family ?

1257) unban based

does not generally describe an attribute of the joint/ extended family unit would be?

352) exists when person executes a power of attorney which will become or remain effective in the event he or she should later become disabled?

durable power of attorney

Fear and depression, anger and resentment and weakness and loneliness

during grief a person may experience ?

1360) Cremation

ecological consideration is a reason given for an increase in ?

804) ( TQM) Total Quality Management

efforts of all members of an organization directed to ensure that quality in the production of goods and services are achieved ?

234) Transaction

financial events that affects assets liabilities or owners equity is?

650) Plated

finished created when base metal is coated by another metal via an electrolytic process, it is identified when used in casket construction by the term deposit as in copper deposit

685) elite garden cemetery

first of this type was in Mt.Auburn, in 1830. During the Victorian era, cemeteries were used as parks for walks and picnics

990) Gasketed

flat rubber material is located along the top body molding flange of the casket shell. Another gasket is located between the lids in the perfection half couch style is ?

Written authorization

for liability reasons, it is always important to get ?

1595) Courts of original general jurisdiction

for the average citizen, the most important courts of the state court systems are the?

1789) Eschet

forfeiture of a decedent's property to the state in the absence of heirs would be?

1550) Throwing a temper tantrum

forms of behavior illustrates "regression" by an adult?

1246) Sepulchre

from the Latin "sepulcrum" which meant only "a burial place" is called?

220) Primary Objective

fulfilling the needs of client families and the community that result from death related needs ?

581) Business policies

fundamental statements that serve as guides to management practice

659) Business policies

fundamental statements that serve as guides to management practice.

1557) Preplanned funeral arrangements

funeral arrangements made in advance of need that do not include provisions for funding or prepayment are?

One year

funeral directors are required by the funeral rule to retain all price lists for a _?_ period from the date the price lists were last distributed ?


funeral homes with _?_ or more employees fall under the coverage of the employment related provisions of the ADA

Primitive Funeral Rite

funeral rites identifiable with pre-literate society is?

1712) Every economic circumstance

funeral service practice differs from other managerial areas in that the total service of a firm should be available to?

934) Ziegler case

gasket sealed container used as either an insert into a casket or as a shipping case is generally made of galvanized steel (zinc coated) with flaring side so the containers may be stored by stacking inside one another ?

1286) Required by the FTC funeral rule

general price list, casket price list, outer burial container price list, statement of goods and services selected are?

1693) 1 1/2

generally speaking, all full time employees that are not covered by a white collar exemption must be paid at no less than __?__ times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek ?

1276) Torts

generally, a minor is fully liable for his or her

429) ADA

generally, the purpose of the employment provisions of the __?____ is to prohibit employers from discriminating against disabled individuals in all phases of the employment relationship

1043) Pseudolistening

giving the appearance of listening is called?


goods purchased for resale at a profit ?

1471) Complicated grief

grief extending over a long period of time without resolution is called?

740) expressing it outwardly and crying

grief is best relieved by

1410) Anticipatory grief

grieving that occurs prior to actual loss is called?

808) Plat or Plot

group of two or more adjoining graves,crypts or niches owned bu the same lot holder

1144) Survivors guilt

guilt felt by survivors is called?

697) Hardware

handles, ornamental fixtures and their fittings that are attached to the casket shell.

1272) Unstained

has no stain, but may be covered with protective varnish ?

1368) Marker

has no time limit for filing the appropriate Veteran's Administration application for benefits are?

582) Adjustable bed

has springs that can be raised or lowered

211) In the past 50 years churchyard cemeteries

have declined in use in favor of modern memorial park cemeteries ?

756) Yearning

having an intense feeling of loss or lack of something deemed to be important and longing for that something or someone is called?

1455) the three elements required for combustion to take place ?

heat, fuel and oxygen


high shine is ?

1358) Stone age

historians generally agree that the idea of cremation most likely had its roots in the early ?


historically, an inn for travelers, especially one kept by a religious order?

229) Ecclesiastical law

historically, the no property theory was held by _?_ because in England at that time the body was considered to be the property of the church

274) A will written completely in the maker's handwriting and then signed and dated?

holographic will

361) If the funeral directors eighth grade daughter was writing a paper for school about her families business, she would use which of the following types of software?

horizontal market software

277) used to indicate an institution designed to treat patients with a life limiting condition?



how you feel about something or someone and how you act toward it or them ?

171) Affect

how you feel about something or someone and how you act towards it or them is ?

534) Catacomb

human made subterranean or hillside passageways for religious practice, any chamber used as a burial place roman empire

775) 85, 10, 5, 4,

human remains are made up of __?__ % moisture, __?__ % combustible solids, and __?__ % non-combustible solids and are classified as type __?__ waste? ( Human remains are made up of 85 % moisture, 10% combustible solids, 5% non-combustible solids are are classified as type 4 waste )

189) Refrigerated

human remains that are not embalmed shall be held by the crematory in a _?_ holding ?

Personnel Management

human resource management is often referred to as ?

1232) $5,000 (1,000.00 x 5 =5000.00)

if a casket cost 1,000 wholesale, and the funeral home's fixed multiple was 5, what would be the selling price of the casket?

974) 300

if a casket cost 100 whole sale and was sold for 1000.00 the average overhead per funeral was 500, what would the net profit be?

893) Debit cash; and credit accounts receivable

if a funeral director payment from a client who had purchased a service on a 30 day account he would what entries in his journal?

577) Attempt to make the remains presentable before viewing

if a funeral director receives the remains from another funeral home and the conditions are below standard you should?

1013) 29 inches

if a manufacturer's standard metal casket is 32 inches wide, what would the with of XXX casket be?

1477) Pre conventional stage

if a person complies with the laws of his or her community solely because of fear of going to prison which stage of kohlberg's moral development are they complying with?

1472) 90

if the family has not claimed the cremated remains within __?__ days after final notice has been given, the funeral director may dispose of them in any legal manor?

465) Consult the clergy person in charge of the service

if the family requests that the casket is opened in the church during the actual funeral service, the funeral director should?

949) 22.50

if you borrow 1000.00 at interest rate of 9% what would the interest on the loan be for 3 months?

1126) Directing/ Acturating as a function of management involves?

implementing and executing the planned activities, and includes staffing responsibilities is?

1281) Bailor

in a bailment, the person who retains title but gives up possession of the goods is the?

606) erect a scafforlding

in a hillside cemetery, where the ground is on a steep slop where the grave is located, it may be necessary for the funeral

1519) A policy of standing behind their product

in choosing your source of caskets, the most important qualification of the manufacture is ?


in cremation, the _?_ supplies heat to raise the temperature of the cremation chamber to the point where combustion of the human remains and container is possible ?


in cremation, the _?_ supplies heat to raise the temperature of the cremation chamber to the point where combustion of the human remains are container is possible ?

1266) Alienation

in grief the inability of the individual ti adjust to life without the presence of the deceased, or a feeling of less significance in world is called ?

1342) Urge professional solidarity

in his obligation to various professional associations, the funeral director should?

respect the bereaved family's choice of a funeral establishment

in maintaining a high standard of conduct with a competitor, the funeral director would be wise to?

942) responsible creationist

in many stats with cremation law the ___?__ is responsible for the crematory complying with the laws, rules and regulations of the state is ?

537) Either two or three witnesses

in most states, a will must be signed in the presence of ____?___ depending on the state.

1129) 1/2

in most states, regardless of the age of the equipment, there is a __?__ second retention time requirement is?

1583) Mutual Agreements, Competent parties, Support by consideration, Lawful purpose is?

in order to be enforceable, a valid contract must meet which of the following requirements ?

196) Must exercise discretion in releasing confidential information

in recognizing ethical standards in his/ her professional responsibility to the press, the funeral director ?


in reference to ethics, advice given to someone else to help them with a problem is termed ?

1520) Cooperation

in regard to an ethical funeral directors relationship with his competitors, what is considered a proper gole?

675) Provide thorough training

in regard to employer- employee relationships, ethical funeral director should?

836) Provide environmentally safe working conditions

in regard to employer-employee relationship, the ethical funeral director should?

1628) Only abide the rules that he agree with

in regard to professional boards, the ethical funeral director should not?

1357) accept the reality of the loss and experience the pain of grief

in tasks of mourning, what are the two main components?

1478) Factor

in terms of commercial transactions a ___?___ is a person who sells gods for a commission ?

195) Body Part

in the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act- an organ, tissue, eye, body, artery, blood, other fluids and other portions of a human body for transplantation is?

The Uniform Commercial Code

in the field of business lat, the most important statute is?

176) The uniform Commercial Code

in the field of business law, the most important statute is ?

1177) Precede the Funeral Coach

in the funeral procession to the cemetery, the casket bearers should?

901) Directly after the funeral coach

in the funeral procession, the family car should be?

1153) Urn Burial

in the middle of the 17th century, Sir Thomas Browne wrote the earliest know essay in defense of __?__ it stressed the advantages of this form of burial is/

1650) The judge

in the state court, the chief officer is?

The cremation of more than one body at the same time in the same chamber without written permission.

in those States with up- to-date laws on cremation, what is strictly forbidden?

886) placed in the retort on the right hand side near the charging door

in those stated the require them, the metal ID disc mush follow the remains through the process-from receiving to shipping- and must be?

1745) Hiring practices, termination practices, avoiding discriminatory practices, personnel manual

included in human resources management ?

759) Accrued income

income earned but not received is called?

1072) Accrued income

income earned during an accounting period but not yet received is called?

1378) Faulty assumptions

incorrect thoughts that lead us to believe that we have heard the message before are?


increase in the owner equity resulting from business operations ?

672) Urbanization

increased concentrated population

953) User

individual who requires the service of a data processing center or computer systems is a ?

1528) Chiropractor

individuals cannot certify the cause of death of a death certificate?

1671) Black indorsement, Qualified indorsement, Restrictive indorsement

indorsements of commercial paper includes?

1425) General duty clause

iner the __?__ of the OSH, the employer must furnish each employee employment and a place of employment free from recognized hazards ?

1428) 6

infant caskets progress in increments of _?_ inches in length

1284) 5 feet

infant caskets progress in length from 2 feet __?__ after this an adult casket is used?

1035) Police Power

inherent power of every government to make reasonable laws to protect the safety, health, morals, and general welfare of its citizens is called?

1312) Sender

initiates the communication process is?

1068) Language

instructions consisting of a series of numbers or coded patterns of digits which convey information between people and machines is?

1653) Business interruption insurance

insurance that protects companies during the period necessary to restore property damaged by an insured peril. Coverage pays for lost income and other expenses related to recovery is?

671) Casualty insurance

insurance that provides monetary benefits to a business that has experienced an unforeseen peril, such as flood, fire, ect...

346) Fidelity to moral principles is the definition of ?


1641) Mattress cover

interior cloth or material which covers the mattress or bedding of the casket is?

977) Satin

interior material found in caskets that has smooth shiny face and us dull on the back is?

978) tailored

interior material is tightly stretched across the panel of the casket it is said to be?

612) Crushed is know as a caket interior style

interior style

664) burial, entombment, inurement

interment is used as a generic term to embrace all forms of disposition of human remains to include?

1791) Crisis Counseling

interventions for highly emotional, temporary state in which individuals, overcome by feeling or anxiety, grief, confusion or pain are unable to act in a realistic normal manner is called?

905) Income of the deceased

is NOT a determinant of grief ?

931) Ultimate decisions of the funeral should be influenced by the funeral director.

is NOT a distinct role of the funeral service counselor in helping the bereaved family gain insight into problems discovering ways of coping with problems is?

It encourages dependence by the bereaved

is NOT an advantage of the directive counseling approach ?

1377) discussing an impending death at a pre need conference

is NOT an example of a type of aftercare follow is?

800) Pressed wood

is Not a material used in the construction of a burial vault?

1666) Cleanliness in the preparation room

is a good ethical behavior in regard to treatment of the deceased ?

1096) Confirm reality

is a need of the bereaved is?

797) Ventilation exhaust fan

is a prim example engineering control of work place hazards

1731) Good for self improvement

is a reason to have continued education in funeral service ?

1038) Tightness of chest

is a somatic disturbance in grief is ?

1092) Salaries

is a source of expense in the funeral business is?

231) Non-formula service

is a source of income in the funeral business ?

1507) Person centered

is a style of counseling rather than a type of counseling?

1192) adjust to an environment in which the deceased is missing

is a take of mourning according to Worden

631) A public agency

is a types of cemeteries, another word for actuating, a loan from a bank secured by property

1470) Participate in continuing education

is an ethical obligation that a funeral director owes to his professional association ?

961) OSHA, FTC, State board

is an example of an Administrative Agency is?

888) Public transpiration

is an example of cash advance is?

865) Fraudulent promotion

is an example of unethical publicity

Indirect presentation

is being used when the funeral director does not remain in the selection room throughout the selection process?

1475) Sale of burial clothing

is considered a source of income for a funeral home?

his relationship with family

is considered to be a component of a funeral director's individual relationship ?

1299) Misrepresentation in warranties

is considered unethical publicity for a funeral director would be?

1290) Business ethics

is good and moral in business transaction is the definition of ?

551) Financial management

is include: accounting and budgeting?

1253) Favoritism

is not a good example of ethical employer employee relationship would be?

689) Infidelity

is not a good personal ethical trait?

706) extreme withdrawal

is not a manifestation of normal grief

1460) Movie tickets

is not a necessary is?

1699) Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each unit

is not a part of the preselection room procedures ?

1239) discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each unit

is not a part of the preselection room procedures would be?

1577) Keyboard

is not considered an output device?

1247) allowing personal friend to watch the embalming procedure

is not considered ethical in regards to a decreased body?

1521) It is based on heredity

is not considered to be a characteristic of sudden infant death (SIDS) ?

1081) The wife

is not considered to be consanguineous is?

1770) Necromania

is not good ethical behavior in regard to treatment of the deceased ?

236) A dead human body

is not property in a real sense?

735) Maker

is primarily liable on a promissory note?

1215) Orthodox Jewish

is restricted in their casket selection, due to their religious beliefs are ?

1200) Rust

it is important to note that copper and bronze contain no iron and therefore DO NOT?

1510) 12 caskets

it is recommended that a casket selection room carry a minimum of?

314) custom, Religion, Fraternal requirement, legal requirements, cemetery requirements.

items that may be deemed necessary for a funeral can be based on.

1758) Oak

known for its strength and durability, it is a popular, light colored hardwood. Both the red and white species caskets have comprised approximately one third of all hardwood caskets sold in the US?

837) Ordinance

l law passed by a local municipal governing body is called?

1476) Statutes

law enacted by legislative bodies are?

214) Officiant

lead the processional and recessional in non liturgical protestant funeral service ?

758) Pouch

leak resistant zippered bag designed to contain a dead human body and body fluids and is used mainly for the removal of dead human remains from the place of death.

1283) Caveat Emptor means?

let the buyer beware

1669) Income Tax

levied on the earnings of individuals and businesses by federal state and local government is?

1304) Payable

liability accounts are identified by the account title followed by the word ?

1537) Key Person Life Insuracne

life insurance that protects a firm against losses due to the death of a key employee?

For legal purpose

like a valid contact, a valid will must always be ?

1125) Evaluative listening

listening in which the goal is or judge the quality or accuracy of the speaker's remarks is?

461) Locking mechanism

locks the cap to the bosy

1612) Industrialization

loss of craftsmanship is termed?

919) Anonymity

loss of individual identity is called?

337) A grave, crypt or niche


1461) Confidential Responsibility

maintaining discreet client relationships would fulfill what ethical practice?

625) Backing materials

masselin, plastic

223) Smooth

material has no raised surface ?

840) body lining

material which drapes the inside perimeter of the body of the casket is called?

1792) The Rights of Disinterment

may be governed by state statute, may not be controlled by the same person with initial right of disposition, and may not be done without the necessary permits ?

944) Sacred Heart

may be utilized during the Roman Catholic funeral rite ?

948) interment, burial at sea, entombment, cremation, donation

means of final disposition are?

595) Assignment

means whereby one party conveys his rights in a contract to another who is not a party to the original contract is?

432) Vaults are

measured by inside dimensions

981) Gauge

measurement of thickness of metals; the number of sheets of metal necessary to equal approximately one inch of thickness is?

969) Osha-formaldehyde standard

medical surveillance is a part of?

1675) Blended Family

membership consists of one male and one female and he children form their previous marriages and may include children from the present marriage ?

468) ROM

memory that has been manufactured with predetermined information or programs?

1766) Mental Anguish

mental suffering resulting from grief, severe disappointment, indignation, wounded pride, shame, public humiliation, despair; usually accompanied by physical injury or by an outrageous international or grossly negligent act is ?

553) marketing

merchandising would be a part of which of the following areas of management

983) Bronze

metal alloy consisting on 90% copper with tin and sometimes zinc comprising the other 10% is?

1056) Enculturation

method by which social values are learned is called ?

1034) Per Stirpes

method of dividing an estate where a class of group of descendents take the share which their deceased would have been entitled to has their deceased survived is called?

962) per capital

method of dividing estate by which equal share is given to each of a number of persons all of whom stand in equal degree to the decedent?

999) Median scale

middle sale when sales for a given period of time are arranged in order of their increasing value is the?

858) Median

middle sale when seals for a given period of time are arranged in order of their increasing values is the?

1604) Ordinances, Building Codes, Restrictive Covenants (deed restrictions), covenants not to compete, nuisance laws

migh place restrictions on mortuary sites is?

936) Top body molding

molding along the uppermost edge of the body panels are know as?

1211) Cash receipts

money and money substitutes received is called?

885) Valuation Account

money or other assets supplied by the owner for the operation of a business is?

460) Interest

money paid for the use of money

776) Situation ethics

moral principals that vary with circumstances referred to as?

674) Euphemisms

more pleasant sounding words used in the place of more direct, less pleasant terms?

946) Norms

mores is a sociological term for those cultural parameters involving?

299) Which of the following regions does not permit the use if candles, cross or crucifix in their funeral service?


202) Fixed liability

mortgage payable with 15 years ?

556) 6 inches

most infant caskets increase in length in increments of

328) adjustment process that involves grief or sorrow over a period of time and helps in the reorganization of the life of an individual following a loss or death of someone loved?


679) Neolocalism

moving to an living in an area different form or other the the place of birth is?

1512) Prelude

music played before a funeral service is the?

Free to perform the services on the employer's premises or elsewhere, free to perform the same services for others, free to set own hours of work, provides own equipment or tools

must be met to be an independent contractor ?

1400) Void

mutual mistakes as to the existence of the subject matter renders a contract?

1050) An Obituary

news item announcing the death of a person which usually contains a biographical sketch is?

1115) Unidentified caskets or cremation containers

no crematory shall accept ?

1598) Patriarchal family

no matter the age of the son, if the oldest male dies, he may enter the leadership role in the?

1764) Flat

non shine ?

420) that which is expressed by posture, facial expression, actions, physical behavior

non verbal communication

1496) Coordinating how when and when actions take place, and Group work into logical pattern

organizing as a function of management involves?

442) A container that is designed for placement in the grave space around the casket, including, but not limited to containers commonly known as burial vaults, grave boxes,and grave liners

outer burial container

183) Fair labor standards act, Wage and hour law

outlaws discriminatory practices in pay ?

1213) Two inches

oversize caskets increase by __?__ in width for each step increases represented by an X is?

941) 3

oversize caskets increase by __?__ inches in length of each step increase represented by a X

421) Regarded as a threat to the integrity of the cremation equipment as well as a threat to the safety and well-being of the crematory operator?


828) Sprayed

paint applied to the surface by an airbrush

820) Sprayed

paint is sprayed on the casket?

1638) Composition Board

particles of wood bound together with waterproof glue; the different types are distinguished by size of the particles of wood used ?

474) Holder in due course

parties who acquire rights superior to those of the original owner are know as?

970) Cultural Universal

pattern of living and dying which can be identified in all societies is referred to as?

1433) Client centered counseling

person centered counseling is also referred to as?

995) Lot holder

person or persons to whom the Cemetery Authority has conveyed a right of interment through original purchase, by transfer for original purchaser, or who hold such right by inheritance is ?

1233) Tangible personal property

personal property which can be seen and touch is called?

435) Which of the following are areas of management

personnel, financial, marketing, facilities, office

682) Ritual

physical act of sprinkling water on a baies head as a part of the rite of baptism is bast described as a?

181) Peripherals

physical devices that allow for data to be entered into a computer, data to be returned to the user, or functions to do bother enter and return data

225) Environment

physical location and personal history surrounding the communication ?

383) Fear of tombstones

place phobia

636) Advantage of bi-unit pricing meith

places realistic value on the casket

859) Office mangement

planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling of office work is?

656) Selection room

portion of the funeral home which contains caskets and other funeral merchandise displayed for sale

694) Committal service

portion of the funeral service which is conducted at the place of disposition is the?

1409) Fixed Asset

property of a relatively permanent nature used in the operation of a business and not intended for resale is called?

805) Intangible Personal Property

property rights consisting merely of evidences of ownership of property, such as copyright, checks, notes and stocks are?

849) Abatement

proportional reduction of a legacy when the funds or assets out of which such legacy are payable are not sufficient to pay it in full is?

972) Capital

proprietorship is sonorous with?

958) Restrictive Covenant

provision in a deed limiting the use of property and prohibiting certain uses are?

1066) bona fide occupational qualification

qualification that is absolutely necessary for the job; it is an allowed and approved reason for discrimination ?

819) OSH

quick drench showers and eye wash stations are a requirement of ?

297) Relation of harmony, accord or affinity established in any human interaction is called?


857) Cemeteries should have

reasonable rules and regulations

965) Placed in the mail by the office

receive an offer in the mail containing no stipulations as to stipulations as to the acceptance, and you decide to return your acceptance by mail. The agreement is complete when the acceptance is?

1340) Temporary Container

receptacle for cremated remains usually made of cardboard, plastic or similar materials designed to hold the cremated remains until an urn or other permanent container is acquired or other disposition is made is called?

938) 30

recommended that a casket selection room carry a maximum of _?_ units?

660) Accrual accounting

recording in each fiscal period applicable expense, whether paid or not, income earned, whether collected or not.

704) Posting

recording information in a ledger

1012) An endowment policy

reducing term insurance policy puls saving account is called?

187) Judgmental attitude

referred to as characteristics of the helping funeral director except ?

742) Injunction

refusal to surrender upon demand can result in an?

1117) Stamped

sheets of metal are pressed by a hydraulic pump in designed forms. The component parts are then welded together is called?

1546) Gloss or polished

shined to a high luster?

252) Develop employee participation, Manage change, Understanding human relations, Create a viable and workable organization, Communicate effectively, Demonstrate effective leadership

should a manager or supervisor be able to do?

1658) Wood grain

simulates the appearance of wood?

806) Sympathy

sincere feelings for the person who is trying to adjust to a serious loss or the death of a close friend or relative ?

684) Breach of Contract

situation in which one of the parties to a contract fails or otherwise refuses to perform the obligations established in the contract.

907) Is a Custom

social behavior that is dictated by tradition ?

1298) Examining individual behavior

sociology is not concerned with?

798) Graveside Service

sociology of a funeral service begins with the at-need arrangement conference and ends with?

Prepackaged software

software is designed to be used by anyone who might benefit from its use is know as?

1351) Number of cars allowed, marking of cars, escort service not allowed

some municipalities may place restrictions on the funeral processing including ?

649) Niche

space in columbarium, mausoleum, or other structure, used or intended, and the inurnment of cremated human remains.

690) Grave

space of land in Cemetery used or intended to be used for the burial of human remains?

1256) Rite

specific act or function dealing with death is called?

602) Objectives

specific statements of ends, the achievement of which are contemplated within a specific time period?

882) Rules

specified methods of procedure is?

1085) Verbal communication

spoken, oral communication expressed in words are?

630) Natural finish wood

stained or unstained with an outer protective coating of varnish or polyurethane


stainless steel caskets may be _?_ to highlight the beauty of the actual metertial ?

584) A law

state attorney general of a given state requires a 10 fee for each preneed contract written. this would be an?

971) Balance Sheet

statement of financial condition is called?

1752) it can be placed on top of the American flag

statements regarding the pall is false ?

814) Demographics

statistical study of human population with respect to their size, density, distribution, composition, and income?

939) Galvanized

steel that has been coated with zinc for increased resistance to rust is?

1611) Read only memory

storage area which has been manufactured with predetermined information or programs, usually used to store the control program of the computer is?


strong emotion marked by such reactions as alarm, dread, and disquieting ?

879) Columbarium

structure, room or space in a mausoleum or other building containing niches or recesses used to hold cremated remains is?

247) Directive

style of counseling focuses on the counselor taking a live speaking role?

1231) Nuclear family

sudden and unexpected death of a child, has tremendous emotional impact on which family type?

683) Sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS, Crib death

sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant, which remains unexplained after a complete autopsy and a review of the circumstances around the death.

563) Adequate preparation room and equipment rules usually include

sufficient size, secluded from public, walls, ceiling, and floor nonporous and easy to clean, properly ventilated, sewer and disposal facilities, hot and cold running water, operating table and sufficient instruments and chemicals, meet sanitary odes and municipality and state.

963) Polished gloss

surface made smooth and glossy usually by friction: brought to a highly developed finished or refined state is?

1307) Still the surviving spouse

surviving spouse (separation or estrangement) is?

564) order of intestate succession

surviving spouse, children, and surviving parents

930) Plastic

synthetic or natural organic material shaped then soften and then hardened is?

1222) have crisp and clear diction

taking information about a death over the the telephone, the funeral director should ?

1302) Defensive listening

taking innocent comments as personal attacks defines?

951) A restraining order

temporary order forbidding a certain action is ?

1366) Attachment theory

tendency in human beings to make strong affectional bonds with others coming from the need for security and safety is?

1672) Self-disclosure

term best describes the process of deliberately revealing information about oneself that is significant and that would not normally be known by others ?

1610) Rate

term dealing with the speed at which you speak?

829) Honesty

term defined as having a sense of honor, and fair dealings

862) Anomic grief

term to describe experience of grief, especially in young bereaved parents, where mourning customs are lacking or unclear due to an inappropriate response to death and the absence of prior bereavement experience.

928) Material fact

term which means a fact that could alter one's decision to enter into a legal binding contract is?

980) Delegation

term which means the transfer of one's duty alone without transfer of rights is?

1030) Moblitiy

terms best describes relocation or travel is?

1494) Volume

terms is synonymous with loudness?

282) refers to the physical and mental condition of a person making a will?

testamentary capacity

1676) Mortuary Law, Funeral Service law, or Mortuary jurisprudence

that body of law which relates to matters concerned with the disposition of the dead and regulation funeralization?

1588) Pree need counseling

that counseling which occurs before a death?

249) Committal service

that last portion of a funeral or memorial service, the rite of finality preceding cremation, earth burial entombment or burial at sea ?

1235) Scrap Value

that portion of a plant assents or original cost that cannot be depreciated is called ?

1359) Air

that portion of the atmosphere supplied to the cremation chamber for combustion, cooling and ventilation would be?

1249) Christian Science funeral rite

the "Practitioner" is the officiant of the ?

170) Douglas McGregor

the "theory x and theory y" concept of human motivation was proposed by ?

Douglas McGregor

the "theory x and theory y" concept of human motivation was proposed by?

1531) Federick Hearzberg

the "two-factory theory" of human motivation was presented by?

1319) 16

the FTC requires that there be a minimum of _?_ items listed as goods and services ?

1421) Hesped

the Jewish eulogy is known as the ?

1131) Sholoshim

the Jewish term for the 30 day mourning period is?


the Ogee is known as the ?

1183) In the funeral home chapel

the Orthodox funeral is held in?

1581) CR

the abbreviation for "credit is"

568) DR

the abbreviation for "debit" is:

1278) An assent account

the account that provides a current or future benefit to the business is properly termed ?

1485) Balance Sheet

the accounts payable account would be shown on the?

1151) Assets and Expenses

the accounts which when debited are increased are?

1343) Marketing Management

the achieving of economical, orderly, and adequate distribution of products and services is?

188) Closing Temporary Accounts

the acronym REID ( Revenue- Expense- Income- Draw) is used when ?

1033) Persuasion

the act of attempting to influence the behavior and thinking of another person or group of people is called?

1179) Euthanasia

the act of casing death painlessly so as to end pain ans suffering for an individual is called?

1640) Interment

the act of placing a dead human body in a grave is called?

1230) Inurnment

the act of placing cremated human remains in an urn is called?

1349) Entombment

the act of placing the remains in a mausoleum crypt is ?

238) Triggering event

the action that requires the distribution of the gpl

747) Throw, overlay, overthrow

the aesthetic covering for the foot cap or inner foot panel of the casket is called?

9 years and above

the age at which a child understand death as being both final and inevitable is ?

1093) EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

the agency of the United States Government responsible for the protection of air and environmental quality is referred to to the acronym?

1140) Mark-up

the amount added to the cost of an article to determine the selling price of that article is the?

1574) Ounces per square foot

the amount of copper and bronze used in casket construction is measured in?

1562) Depreciation Expense

the amount of depreciation taken during the current fiscal year is properly termed ?

1692) Profit and Loss Statement

the amount of income from the sales of funeral services would be shown on which formal financial statement ?

Profit and Loss Statement

the amount of revenue form the sale of funeral services would be shown on the?

1191) the retention time

the amount of time the products of combustion should be held in the retort is ?

816) Insurance Premium

the amount paid for insurance protection ?

1393) Painted

the application of pain, single or multicolored

222) Breech, flue

the area in the design of the ratort connecting the main incinerating chamber to the stack ore chimney ?


the arrangement of words in a sentence defines

Public relations

the art or science of establishing and promoting a favorable relationship with the public ?

1748) Cemetery set up

the artificial grass, chair, tent anc casket lowering device are generally referred to as?

451) Shame

the assumption of blame directer toward on's self by others is called?

610) In the theory X and theory Y" concept of job management, theory X holds that?

the average person inherently dislikes work

850) Shell

the base molding is a part of the casket?

1267) Shell

the base molding is part of the casket?

1711) Double Entry

the basic accounting theory is based on a?

1091) Anger

the basic emotion may take the form of shame, blame or guilt depending onto whom the anger is projected is termed ?

1785) $1100.0

the beginning balance in the supplies account is $600. during the month an additional $800 worth of supplies were purchased. at the end of month, an inventory of supplies fount that only $300. remains on hand. what would be the amount of the adjusting entry for the supplies account ?

1103) Jewish

the best example of ethnicity is?

1135) Administrative law

the body of law created by Federal and State administrative agencies to implement their powers and duties in the form of rules, regulations, orders and decisions is?

1227) Base molding

the body of the casket includes the?

1682) Purchases

the buying of merchandise?

786) Revocation

the cancellation of an instrument act, license or promise

1573) Paschal Candle

the candle which is placed between the casket and the altar during a roman catholic funeral is?

1493) Half couch

the casket top is diced into two sections. Only the head section is open this is?

1739) Death

the cessation of life ?

973) Debit revenue and credit expense and revenue summary

the closing entry to close the revenue account ?

1158) Phobia

the common name for a strong irrational fear that is difficult to eliminate is called?

1073) Shell

the component part that compose the cap and body of the casket is called?

1216) Insolvent estate

the condition of an estate of a deceased person which is unable to pay the debts of the decedent and or the estate is referred to as being ?

1695) A premium

the consideration of an insurance policy is?

1591) Overhead

the cost of operating a business is called?

1585) Commingling of remains

the cremation of two bodies in the same retort at the same time, without permission, would be considered?

1593) Fist

the crematory operator should cremate the containers with the most combustible furnishes ?

1706) Quasi- Property Theory

the currently accepted view of the property and property rights in a dead human body in the United States is the?

Compensatory Damages

the damages awarded an injured party in a contract in which the injured party is entitled to compensation for the exact amount of the loss are called?

1100) Left side

the debit side of a T account is the?

1394) Liabilities

the debts one owes are?

1218) Pre-arrangements, Will or other documents, or other declarations by the decedent

the decedent's wishes may be discovered form?

1781) Expense

the decrease in owners equity due to consumption of goods and services used in the operation of a business is?

527) Denial

the defense mechanism by which a person refuses to see things as they are because such facts are threatening to the individuals perception.

1353) A Pawn

the deposit of tangible personal property as security for some debt or obligation is?

1665) Circulating capital (working capital)

the difference between current assets and current liabilities ?

1175) Gross profit

the difference between the cost of goods sold and their selling price is called?

1710) Net Sales

the difference between total sales and sales returns an allowances is?

1379) Management

the distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling performance to accomplish established objectives is?

593) Burial-Transit Permit

the document that can be produced when the completed death certificates is filed is the?

1603) With the casket open during the service

the eastern orthodox funeral is held?

1390) Minimal

the economic impact of the death of the patriarchal leader is an extended/ joint family ia?

462) Very high

the educational level of the American society is generally?

640) Finance management

the efficient utilization and adequate regulation of all revenue, expenditures and capital rights?

1369) Financial management

the efficient utilization and adequate regulation of assents, revenue, expenditures and capital rights are?

770) Total quality management

the efforts of all members of an organization directed to ensure that quality in the production of goods and services and achieved is referred to as?

899) Disaffirmation

the election to void a contract is called?

1116) Connotation

the emotional associations of a term ?

469) Narthex

the entry way into the church proper is the most properly referred to as the __ in religious vernacular

412) Provide professional service to all who seek it

the ethical funeral director should

1415) Advise each family what casket they should select

the ethical funeral director should not?

1746) Bereavement

the event that leads to experiencing the emotion of grief ?

466) working capital

the excess of current assets and over current liabilities is call?

182) Theory Y

the expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest ?

1549) Ademption

the extinction or withdrawal of an inheritance because decedent did not own the property at the time of death?

1747) Gross negligent

the failure to perform a manifest duty in reckless disregard of the consequences as affecting the life or property of another ?

587) Concealment

the failure to volunteer or reveal information not requested is termed

561) minimum wage, overtime compensation, and equal pay

the fair labor standards act covers. the areas of employment law that are important to funeral service

1508) Non-declinable

the fee for the basic services of a funeral director and staff may be?

1709) Probate

the filing and proving of the will following death is called a?

1600) The greater the potential for loss, the more intense the reaction

the final component of attachment theory states that ?

1613) IHS

the first letters for the Greek word for Jesus are?

Source Document

the first record of business transaction

1182) Physiological Needs

the first step in Maslows Hierarchy of Needs was?

319) The ability of the operator to evaluate the materials to be cremated- casket, container and human remains ?

the first step in controlling visible emissions

1240) Self-actualization

the fist step in the "hierarchy of need's is?

1014) The Cross

the focal point in the strict liturgical church is?

1683) Mary Baker Eddy

the founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist was?

1664) 6

the ftc funeral rule requires no less than _?_ mandatory disclosures ?

1730) Financial Management

the function of management that involves budgeting ?

1504) 5,000

the funeral car is purchased by a funeral for 30,000.. The vehicle will be used for five years and then replaced. If the estimated salvage value will be 5,000., what will be the amount of yearly depreciation using the straightling method of depreciation fir computation?

1408) Livery

the funeral director is liable if he holds out such cars and drivers as his own is called?

1713) The funeral procession, the funeral home and its premises, error and omissions especially in relation to final disposition, negligent conduct on the part of employees and agents

the funeral director may find him open to tort liability in relation to ?

1203) Meeting expenses, providing a reasonable return on investment, capital improvements

the funeral director must insure that funds are available for?

404) Consideration in the funeral director's community relationships.

the funeral director's honesty

1306) A Social Function

the group aspect of a funeral rite makes the event ?

1586) Educational grouping

the grouping of 3 or 4 caskets used to educate the selecting clientele is casket construction is?

1367) Electronic data processing

the handling of data using equipment that operates through electronic circuits i.e a computer is?

1648) Bishop

the head of the Roman Catholic dioceses is a?

1639) State supreme Court

the highest court of a state is the?

784) U.S Supreme Court

the highest court of the land in the U.S is the?

1279) Stockholder

the holder or person owning stock in a corporation is the?

Eastern Orthodox Church

the icon is associated with the?

744) 20 - 22

the ideal number of caskets to display in an "old fashioned selection room

505) Profit

the increase in new worth due to the excess of income over costs and expenses is called?

190) Counselor

the individual providing assistance and guidance ?


the individual seeking assistance or guidance ?

1124) Maker

the individual who makes a promise to pay a promissory note is?


the individual who supplies the statistical data concerning the deceased at the funeral arrangement conference is the

194) Adaptation

the individual's ability to adjust to the psychological and emotional changes brought on by a stressful event such as the death of a significant is?

1563) Eminent domain

the inherent power of a government to take private property for public use. Just compensation to the property owners is required?

1133) Innovation

the introduction of something new; a new idea, method device is?

1596) Shiva

the jewish term for a seven day mourning period that begins on the day of burial is?

1631) Homicide

the killing of one human being by another is?

1473) TSA

the known shipper policy is a product of the?


the lack of due care (exercised by a wrongdoer who has not acted as a reasonable person would) ?

760) Salaries

the larges expense for a funeral home is called?

1136) Salaries

the larges expense for a funeral home is?

830) Salaries

the largest expense of a funeral home

1241) Urn

the latin term for an ornamental vase, especially one with an ornate, pedestal, often used as a receptacle for the cremated remains of a deceased human ia?

Tort Law

the law whose purpose is to compensate the aggrieved, not to punish the wrongdoer is ?

566) Qrdinances

the laws of the city councils are called?

1646) U.S Constitution

the lay of the land in the United States is ?

1774) Acceptance

the least likely reaction following SIDS death would be?

1372) Debit Side

the left side of a standard account is called ?


the left side of the standard "T" account is?

1152) Never used in the United States of America

the legal status of a dead human body known as the property theory is ?

6 by 6

the length of a standard adult metal is ?

1522) 6/3

the length of a standard adult wood is?

1647) For burial only

the license acquired with respect to the purchases of a cemetery plot is?

569) Apron or Skirt

the lining attached to the under surface of the foot panel of the casket and or a component part of the throw or overlay which extends downward into the body of the casket.

1229) Apron

the lining attached to the under surface of the foot panel of the casket is know as?

436) a document signed by a person who want to be allowed to die?

the living will

889) Zoning ordinances, Eminent domain, and Police power

the location of a cemetery is generally under the control of?

1268) has changed from the house of the deceases to the modern mortuary

the location of funeral rites and preparation during the past 50 years ?

Support from the earth load

the main purpose of grave liners is to provide ?

Common law

the major source of mortuary law is?

1726) Contract rate

the maximum amount of interest that may be charged is called the ?

1558) Headstone

the memorial stone marking the head of the frave?

1346) 1/20 inch thick

the metal used in the shell of a 20 gauge steel casket would be?

1021) Enculturation

the method by which social values are learned is called?

1171) Per stirpes

the method of dividing an interstate estate where a class or group of distributees take the shear which their deceased should have been entitled to, are not as many individuals is distribution ?

221) Nuclear

the modern American family is considered to be?

943) behavior

the modern definition of Psychology is that it is the study of human?

1556) Cast hardware

the most expensive hardware production method in which molten metal is poured into a mold, allowed to cool, and then is removed from the mold ?


the most positive sign of death is?

792) Transfer of remains

the moving of the dead human body from the place of death to the funeral home or other designated place is know as the ?

1497) Koran

the name often used to refer to the holy book if Islam?

1509) Inventory turnover

the number of times the average inventory has been sold or used up during period is?

599) personnel management

the obtaining and maintaining of a satisfactory and satisfied workforce?

484) Facilities management

the obtaining and maintaining of adequate work space and funeral equipment.

777) Practitioner or Reader

the officiant for the Christina Science funeral service is the?

1601) Crossbearer

the one who carries a cross in an ecclesiastical procession is the?

1717) Closing Entries

the only time the debit side of the revenue account is used when you make?

1416) Solea

the open are before the altar in the Orthodox church us the?

1102) To allow for the acknowledgement of the doctrine of atonement

the overall purpose of religion in a funeral service is?

1391) Stockholders

the owners of a corporation are know as?

1311) Bar

the part of a handle of a casket, the casket bearer grasps to lift the casket is called the?

1762) Lug

the part of the casket handle that is attaches the bar to the ?

1459) Bar

the part of the casket handle the casket bearers grasp is the?

1659) Extendover

the part of the casket interior which folds over the top body molding for aesthetic purposes is the?

752) Lug

the part of the handle which is attached to the casket is the?

597) Ab agent

the party appointed by another to act in his or her name in forming contracts with third parties?

621) Prinicipal

the party who appoints an agent is the?

1623) Offeror

the party who makes the offer is teh?

1209) sale

the passing of title from seller to buyer for a price is called a ?

1164) Debit accounts payable and credit cash

the payment of rent by cash is recorded by which method ?

The normal operating cycle

the period of time required to purchase goods and services and turn them back into cash is?

1579) Consignee

the person or business concern to whom a shipment is made is a?

1335) Polyandrium

the person to whom the Cemetery Authority has conveyed a right of interment in a number of adjacent cemetery lots would be?

1773) Legatee

the person who is the beneficiary of personal property by a will is the ?

1467) Beneficiary

the person who receives the proceeds form an insurance policy is called the?

1768) Marker of the note

the person who sign a promissory note and is obligated to pay at maturity is called the?

950) Authorization to cremate comes from

the person with the right to control final disposition would be?

1094) Ritual

the physical act of cutting the ribbon at the ceremony for the opening of a new supermarket is best described as?

1352) Headware

the physical equipment or devices which make up a computer, including all peripherals is know as?

1495) Hardware

the physical equipment or devise that make up a computer, including all peripherals?

1261) Actual Custody

the physical possession of the dead human body is termed?

927) Fishtail

the pie is also called in caskets ?

1114) Chancel

the place about the altar of a church that encloses the clergy and other officials is the?

1732) Funeral Home

the places does the funeral director need to exercise the highest level of care and have the most responsibility ?

1778) Break Even Analysis

the point at which total sales revenue equals total operating; cost determined by formula or chart ?

559) Hinge cover

the portion of the casket interior covering the hinges that attach that casket cap to the casket body; usually extends from the roll and becomes a part of the body lining


the portion of the casket interior which extend over the top body molding for aesthetic value is?

1661) Bed

the portion of the casket upon which the deceased human remains are placed ?

1046) Selection Room

the portion of the funeral home which contains caskets and other funeral merchandise displayed for sale is most often referred to as the?

1185) Eminent domain

the power of government to take private property against that objection of the owner for a public purpose is called?

1723) Competition

the practice of trying to obtain something that is being sought by others under similar circumstances at the same time?

1738) Wake

the practice of watching over the body by candlelight the night before the funeral ?

1540) Main level of the funeral home

the preferred location of the selection room is?

230) Main level for the funeral home

the preferred location of the selection room is?

Easter Orthodox

the priest leads the processional and recessional for _?_ funeral rites ?

1690) Processor

the primary electronic chip on the motherboard that controls and performs the execution of instructions ?

1382) Galvanizing

the process of coating ferrous metals with zinc is?

1000) Job analysis

the process of determining the critical components of a job for purposes of selecting, training, and rewarding personnel.


the process of planning and executing the development, pricing, promotion and distribution of an organization's goods and services ?

Double Entry Accounting / Bookkeeping

the process of recording equal debits and credits for a single business transaction ?

1402) Posting

the process of recording information in the ledger is called ?

1506) A lifelong process

the process of socialization is?

1242) Acculturation

the process with which members of one culture assimilate the traits of another is called?

768) Dividens

the profits of a corporation belong to the corporation until set aside by the directors for distributions as?

213) Yamaka, Kippah, or Yarmulke

the proper terms to use when referring to the cap worn by the men at temple by members of the Jewish religion ?

1751) Entombment

the proper word which means placing or remains in a crypt in a mausoleum is?

611) Expenses and withdrawals of assets form the business by the owner?

the proprietorship of a business may be decreased by?

1069) Probate

the proving of a will is called?

781) Need emotional support

the psychological need of the bereaved family

1431) Funeral Merchandise

the purchasing, pricing, displaying and sales of merchandise items specific to the funeral service is?

1424) Tone

the quality of one's voice is?

1084) British Thermal Unit (BTU)

the quantity of heat required to rise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit while water is in the liquid state is?

1589) Economic order quantity (EOQ)

the quantity to be purchased with minimized total cost ?

1057) Shock

the reaction of the body to an event often experienced emotionally as a sudden violent and upsetting is ?

245) Processing

the rearrangement and refinement of raw data into a form suitable for further use?


the recorder in state and federal courts is the ?

771) Cremation

the reduction of a dead human body to inorganic bone fragments by intense heat in specifically designed retort or chamber?

1719) Processing

the reduction of the cremated human body recovered after the completion of the cremation process, including polarization ?


the relatively stable set of perceptions each individual holds on himself or herself ?

1190) Casting, scattering

the release of cremated human remains into the wind is called?

1490) Raking

the removal of the cremated remains form the retort or working them into the soil of a garden or place specifically designated for the purpose?

1517) Statement of Financial Condition and the Balance Sheet

the report that shows the financial condition of the business at a point in time is called?

1491) act of the testator, operation of law, and codicil

the revocation of a will may occur by?

729) Credit

the right side of a standard T account?

1555) Credit Side

the right side of a standard account is called the?

1568) A Roman Catholic Funeral rite

the rosary service is usually held the night before?

1355) Top body molding flange

the rubber gasket used on sealer caskets is generally compressed between the rim flange and the?

993) Law is defined as

the rules that govern society is?

1128) Anger

the second stage of death and dying according to Kubler ross is?

1606) Direct presentation method

the selling method in which the funeral director is in the selection room with the family throughout their selection process is the?

203) Kippah

the skull cap worn by the men at temple and funeral services for members of the Jewish Faith ?

455) the spouse of the deceased?

the social security lump sum death benefir would be paid to which of the following individuals

1678) Sole proprietor

the sole owner of a business is a ?

1356) An extended family

the son and his family are included in?

1316) Byte

the space a character, letter, or number take up in the computer's memory is?

495) Alienation

the stage of estrangement an individual eels in social settings that are viewed as foreign unpredictable or unacceptable is know as?

1617) Frustration

the state of being prevented from attaining a purpose; thwarted the blocking of the motive satisfaction by some kind of obstacle is?


the state or condition of dying without having made a will

1728) Demographics

the statistical study of human populations with respect to their size, density, distribution, composition, and income ?

1293) Written contracts

the statute of Frauds states that for contracts classified under this statute to be enforceable they must be ?


the study of death is called ?

1486) Psychology

the study of individual human behavior with an eye toward predictability is?

1526) Acute Grief

the sudden, intense physical and emotional expression of grief occurring as the awareness increases of a loss of someone or something significant is?

1422) 200 Cubic inches

the suggested volume of containers used for cremated bodies is?

1505) 200 cubic inches

the suggested volume of containers used for cremated bodies is?

1263) Average sale

the sum of a group of sales figures divided by the number of units is know as?

1401) Average sale

the sum of a group of sales figures divided by the number of units is known as the ?


the sun total if all the firm does to promote itself into a positive light ?

1515) Neo -localism

the tendency of contemporary offspring to move away and relocate is called ?

1779) Refractory brick

the term for the special brick that is used to line the firebox of primary chamber of the crematory retort ?

1725) Libera

the term meaning the ending portion of a Catholic funeral mass is ?

1086) Abraham Maslow

the theory of motivational behavior called " The Hierarchy of Needs" was developed by?

1295) Gauge

the thickness of a ferrous metal casket is measured in?

1395) Ounces per square foot

the thickness of a non ferrous casket is measured in ?

596) bargaining

the third of kubler-ross* stages of dying is identified as?

605) Love affection and feelings of belonging

the third step in Maslows Herarchy or Needs

1375) 2 years from the date of death

the time limit for filing the Social Security Lump Sum Death Benefit payment is?

1080) Visitation

the time set aside for the paying respects to the deceased by friends and family. Generally held the afternoon and evening prior to the day of the funeral is called?

765) Accounts payable

the title of an account which would normally have a credit balance is?

464) Cap

the top most part of the casket shell; including the ogee, crown, pie and header


the total and irreversible cessation of all metabolic activity ?

1201) Mean Sale

the total of all sales divided by the number of sales is know was the?

1615) Mean Sale or Average

the total of all seals divided by the number of sales is known as the?

638) Net profit

the total of the operating expenses section of the income statement is smaller than the total of the income section the difference is.

1539) Footing

the totaling of a column in a journal or ledger account is called?


the totaling of a column of a journal or a ledger is called ?

1673) Mass Communication

the transmission of messages to large, usually widespread audiences via broadcast means?

Eastern Orthodox

the trisagion is associated with _?_ religious funeral rites

1721) Eastern orthodox funeral rite

the trisagion is part of the?


the two elements necessary for property

255) There must be an offer and there must be acceptance

the two essential element of a contract are?

480) verbal and non-verbal

the two most common forms of communication may be referred to as?

1630) At need counseling

the type of counseling which takes place when the family is selecting the service and items merchandise after a death has occurred us call?

1154) Encouraged

the upward occupational mobility of a member of a typical nuclear family unit is?

1055) Partnership

the voluntary association of two or more people who have combined their resources to carry on as Co-owners of a lawful enterprise for their joint profit is called?

241) Pie

the wedge shaped portion of the cap of a casket at each end of the crown is the?

1141) 2 inches

the width of oversize caskets are indicated by X's and each indicates X an increase in with by?

1244) RAM

the working memory of a computer is?

848) Wood and metal

there are two basic materials most often used i casket construction ?

1147) Burial ground

therm often used by Native Americans to refer to their place of burial is ?

665) Discover, Process, Petition and answer

therms associated with filing suit in a civit action

1321) Rituals

these are performed to carryout a Rite or ceremony is a ?

1238) Unban cemeteries

these are relatively small cemeteries with roos of headstones and no resemblance to a park. Usually in larger cities up until the late 1950's

1232) Assets

things of value owned by a business are

313) Crematory operated by an entity other than the funeral home or funeral provider who contracted with the family of the deceased.

third party crematory

1125) Chimney, stack, flue

this is the portion of the retort design where there is a vertical passage for conduction products of combustion to the atmosphere is?

1326) unauthorized embalming, unauthorized trimming or removal of mustache, bead, hair, ect. unauthorized removal of tissue, organs, or medical devices, performing procedures other than that which is required for normal embalming, unauthorized autopsy

this might be considered mutilation ?

1513) Long term, Short term

this objective for funeral service related to the _____ ______ vs _____ ______ ?

453) second objection of funeral service management?

this objective involves insuring that funds are available for meeting expenses, providing a reasonable return on investment, and capital improvements.

Church Yard

this type of cemetery originated in Europe where it was thought that the closer to the place of warshiope a person was the greater their chance of going to heaven ?

1104) Redwood

this wood is not a hardwood in casket constructions ?

1101) Post need counseling

those appropriate and helpful act of counseling that come after the funeral is?

Tangible assets

those assets that can be appraised by value or seen or touched ?

1627) Volunteer Drivers

those drivers not under the control of the funeral director is?

1380) Non-traditional Funeral Rite

those funeral rites that deviate from the prescribed circumstances are ?

1733) Transitional Funeral Rite

those funeral rites that follow the old prescribed ritual ?

986) Inventory

those goods or stock of goods which are held for resale at a profit are?

Householder, surviving spouse, next of kin, public authorities

those that receive the primary duty of decent burial are?

1155) Obelisk

though the name is derived from the Greek, meaning "a small spit" they are Egyptian. These are the physical representation of reys from the sun streaming to the earth is ?

257) Use modified operating procedure

ti cremate bodies larger than 300lbs. the operator should ?

397) The three "T"s of proper pollution control are?

time, temperature & turbulence

1532) Facilitating

to assist in the understanding of the circumstances of situations the individual is experiencing, and to assist the person in the person in the selection of an alternative adjustment if necessary is know as?

844) Concise

to be clear and brief is called?

199) Signed by the testator

to be valid a will must be?

1381) Rescind

to cancel or annul or avoid a contract is to?

399) the purpose of the funeral rite is?

to face confrontation with death

1044) "emovere" the latin root of the word "emotion" means

to move out or stir up ?

1199) Pulverize

to pound, crch, smash or hammer into a powder or dust like consistence is?

1535) To Arraign

to read the charge of an indictment is ?

932) Dyad

tow units regarded as a pair, for example, husband and wife is tremed?

881) am independent contractor

trade embalmer is?

795) The home

traditional location of the preparation of a dead human body for federalization was originally in _____?____ in early America ?

1427) 3

training records, under the bloodborne pathogen standard, must be kept for _?_ year from the date in which the training occurred and include the dates of the training sessions ?

801) Closing Entries

transferal of the balances of the temporary accounts to the capital account?

1624) Curtain walls, drop arches

turbulence in the exhaust flow are caused by the presences of physical obstacles such as?

339) when the seller requires a purchase of an unwanted item in order to order to obtain a desired good or service, this is a violation of the ftc funeral rule and is referred to as

tying arrangements

552) Embossed?

type of cloth covered exterior has raised designs above the surface of the material

1414) Informational

type of counseling involves sharing a body of special information with a counselee is?

732) Consumer credit

type of credit granted by retailers that is used by individuals or families for satisfaction of thier own wants.

1308) Informational listening

type of listening involves listening to understand another person or idea would be?

681) Non-Verbal

type of response in which on words are spoken is?

1737) Egoistic suicide

type of self destruction on which a person has little or no group identification and is seen as a loner is referred to as a?

716) Customized software

type of software where the user tells he programmer what software needs to be able to do and the programmer writes a set of instructions for the software to perform describes

1654) Memorized speech

type of speech is learned and delivered by wrote without a written text ?

1166) Mausoleum, Garden, Lawn

types of Crypts ?

1074) Church yard, family, veterans, memorial parks

types of cemeteries are?

713) Laptops, hand held, and personal computers

types of computers commonly used in funeral service?

197) End lock, side lock, front lock lever lock

types of locking mechanisms ?

Fair credit reporting act

u.s federal law that regulates the collection, dissemination, and use of consumer information, including consumer credit information is the?

294) In order to under the exigent circumstances exception- what condition must be met?

unable to contact family/authorized: no reason to believe not to embalm, free if they didn't want embalming.

1019) 36 feet in length

under ada- ramp requirement of no more then 1' ruse per 1 foot of run the length of a ramp necessary to bring a person in a wheelchair up 3 feet would be ?

1776) Sex

under the equal pay act, employers may not discriminate on the basis of?

219) Vaults

underground receptacles for caskets?

835) Megabyte

unit of measurement of memory space equal to 1024 kilobytes

Cause of death

universal precautions must be practiced regardless of the?

1271) Common law

unwritten law also know as?

1197) Accounts payable

unwritten promises of a business to pay creditors is called?

1145) Accounts Receivable

unwritten promises of customers to pay business at a later date is called ?

916) Sales Journal

used for recording sale merchandise on credit is?

860) Cash payments journal

used to record paying cash for an item

Purchases Journal

used to record the buying of merchandise on credit ?

1680) Attack them directly

usually the best way to meet our problems is to?

1042) Default

value automatically assigned by the computer when the operator does not provide an alternate value is called?

456) legal age

varies from state to state

345)Software aimed at addressing the needs of a given business within a discernible market.

vertical market software

350) Software that is designed for and marketed to a particular industry, business or profession is know as?

vertical market software

875) Breach of contract

violation of terms of a contract is referred to as?

Prior to every use , no less than every 30 days

visual inspection of the equipment and stack should be inspected ___?___ and ___?___ when not in use ?

1759) Torts

volunteer drivers are always liable for their own ?

583) 32 oz and 48 oz

weights are commonly used in the construction of copper caskets?

Lowering the flag into the grave with the deceased veteran

what actions is improper, regarding the U.S. flag used in a military funeral service ?

Median 11; Mode 11; mean 10

what are the median, mode and mean for 5, 7, 11, 11 and 16?

785) to help people learn more effectively, to make better adjustments to life situations, and to understand why people do the things they do

what are the objectives of psychology

1715) Internal Communications

what do we call business communications that are sent to receivers within a company ?

1681) an increase in the day to day confrontation with death

what has no effect on the nuclear family ?

1750) Central processing unit

what is not considered to be a peripheral ?

565) Equity

what is right and just refers to?

1180) The discernible response to the receiver

what is the defines the term feedback?

1040 MSD ( Material Safety Data Sheets)

what is the main stay of the osha hazard communication standard

1565) Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints

what religion uses temple clothing?

Funeral Arrangement

what terms refers to the completing of the service and financial details of a funeral ?

1629) Mass

what type of communication refers to the wholesale distribution of identical copies of the same message to the persons or receivers unknown to the sender and unknown to each other in any sense of interactions is ?

1771) Community standards, Wishes of decedent, Wishes of survivors, public interest, statutes

what would play a part in the requirements for decent burial/ final disposition ?

1754) Nothing

what would the death of a minority stockholder due to that company ?

1250) Consideration

whatever the promisor demands and receives as the price of the promise is called ?

Actual custody

when a dead human body is in the mortuary, the funeral home is said to have ?

724) Custodian

when a funeral director has a dead human body in his care, he is properly termed a?

1045) Bailee

when a funeral director has the personal effects of a dead human body in his possession he is properly termed a?

1275) Constructive Custody

when a party has a right to acquire actual custody/ possession of the dead body although another party has actual physical possession is called ?


when a person dies without a will, his is said to die ?

1334) Not affected

when cash is spent in the acquisition of an assent the net worth of a business is?

1642) The Asset Cash is credited

when cash is spent in the acquisition of an asset the impact on the accounting equation is?

467) Bronze, Copper and Steel

when comparing relative strength, ___?____ is stronger and more durable than both __?__ and __?__. Because of its cost and strength, it is considered the premier metal alloy used in casket construction today?

861) Discrete in the information he or she releases

when dealing responsibly with the media, an ethical funeral director should?

1487) Check with the family about the jewelry and remove it if they so desire

when jewelry is found on the decreased during a residential removal, you as the funeral director should do which of the following?

1625) Secure all funeral home records in a safe place

when making pre need arrangements a good ethical practice is to?

1783) Statute of Limitations

when one party of a contact breaches it, the other party has the right to sue for breach of contract, but he must exercise this rights within the time fixed by a stature which is called?

1543) Forbearance

when one promises to refrain from doing something, his conduct is known as?

1694) Accounts receivable increases; revenue increases.

when revenue is earned on account, which accounts are increased and/ or decreased?

Identified goods

when the buyer makes a selection of goods which are to be purchased from the seller, the goods are classified as ?


when the duty of care that a motorist owes other motorist and pedestrians is breached and results in injury or damages to another, that motorist has committed a ?

1656) Prie dieu

when the remains have been prepared at the mortuary and later taken to a Presbyterian church for the funeral service, the funeral director normally provides all of the following except the?

1217) Cardboard, Fiberboard, Cloth, Plastic, transparent glass, unlined wooden container

when traveling with cremated remains, the cremated remains should be carried in a scannable container such as?

658) at the foot of the casket

when used, the Mogen David placed (Note: Mogen David is America's Classic Wine)

790) Provide the family with documentation of all business transactions

when with a family during an arrangement conference, it is good ethical practice to?

996) Accrual basis of accounting

when you recognize revenue when it is earned, and expenses when they are incurred you are operating under the ?

1156) 16 gauge

which is thicker?

731) planning, organizing, directing, evaluating

which of the following are the functions of management as related to funeral service?

512) Carl rogers

which of the following would argue that counseling is associated with good communication

799) parents of any member of the armed forces

who could not be buried in a National Cemetery ?

749) the Receiver

who decodes the message?

1170) Child of the deceased

who receives the flag of a deceased veteran if there is no surviving spouse?

1545) Place them in a bag and leave them in the preparation room

with personal effects of a deceased in his custody, the ethical funeral director should not ?

1310) Share profits with less fortunate funeral directors

with regard to colleagues, an ethical funeral director should not?

624) emphasizes the finality of death and memorialized the loved one, gives the opportunity to express emotion and receive comfort, and give family closure and positive memories

with regard to the american funeral rite, the funeral accomplish, at least in part

The behavior or character of an individual

with respect to ethics, the term citizenship refers to ?

1502) Preferences of family who have not signe the contract

with respect to pre need funeral arrangements, what records should not be kept on file at the funeral home?

1052) Allied services

with respect to the funeral industry, private and governmental agencies are examples of ?

1383) Tom, son age 37

within a patriarchal joint/ extended family who would assume control at the death of the father (age 62)?

728) Billy Joe Bob, son age 39, (or next of kin)

within a patriarchal joint/ extended family, who would assume control at the death of the father (age 62) ?

1462) Hardwood

wood that comes from trees that lose their leaves annually (Deciduous trees)


wood that has been shredded into spaghetti like strings or thin shavings is called ?

810) Homonyms

words hat are pronounced like another word but have a different meaning and are usually spelled differently are?

1124) Relative Terms

words that gain their meaning through comparison?

1167) Equivocal terms

words that have more than one dictionary meaning are referred to as?

1296) Liquidity

working capital is a measure of ?

1127) insist the client gain a new perspective

would NOT be an acceptable counseling principle applicable to funeral service would be?

1385) none of these

would Not be an advantage of the directive counseling approach ?

1685) A Memorial Service

would Not be anticipated part of the disposition of human remains when the service is a traditional funeral ?

947) American Legion

would be a nonsectarian funeral rite would be?

224) Professionalism

would be a part of a funeral director's individual/ personal ethics?

911) Business

written description of a new idea that projects marketing operational, management skills to produce useful outputs of goods and services so as to earn a profit is know as?

186) Negotiable instruments

written instruments drawn in a special form, which can be transferred from person to person as a substitute for money or as instruments of credit are called ?

967) Note payable

written promise of a business to pay a creditor a certain amount in the future is?

1536) Are package funeral permissible under the FTC funeral rule?


1599) May a funeral director disclaim warranties on the merchandise sold in the u.s under federal law


1790) Sheradizing

zinc is applied to the steel by imbedding the metal in zinc powder and raising the temperature to about 300 degrees centigrade. after galvanizing, the metal is pained ?


zinc ornaments, handles and tram should be _?_ before loading into retort ?

348) Consideration made for service is?

Professional fees

1454) the primary purpose of a business is?


260) Douglas McGregor developed?

Theory X and Theory Y of Management

218) Fungible Goods

Goods of a homogenous nature which are sold by weight or measure are know as?

374) An account used to accumulate decreases in value of fixed assets?

Allowances of depreciation

542) All known religious practices

An ethical funeral director is expected to be knowledfeable and give factual representation of all except

482) Bereavement

An event producing acute deprivation and loss due to death of one in whom emotional

532) An offer

An expressed willingness form a person to enter into a contractual agreements is?

550) Monsignor

An honorary title conferred upon Roman Catholic priests is?

726) Corner

An optional part of the hardware that is attached to the our corners of the body panel?

574) Nuncupative will

An oral will stated to a witness is a?

1106) Owners equity

An owners financial interest in a business is termed?

892) District attorney

Another name for a prosecutor is?

413) Receiver focusing on the speakers voice, screening out all other stimuli is an example?


305) An example of an ordinance?

Zoning law, Building codes, and Safety laws (speed limits, school zones) etc.

Stationary bed

_?_ not able to be raised or lowered ?

1301) 16

__?__ Gauge steel is the thickest and most durable carbon steel used in the manufacturing of caskets?

815) Zinc

__?__ can produce thick, white smoke that is difficult to control


__?__ in its broadest sense includes the patient and family prior to the time of death, at the time if death of the patient and care of the family during the bereavement period ?

1697) A 21/2 inch diameter cardboard roller

___?___ is/ recommended to assist in loading or containerized human remains into the cremation unit ?

663) turbulence

________ is the mixing of gases in the cremator's exhaust flow

209) Megalith

a "big rock". the most famous of these are not sepulchral but things or places like Stonehenge"

1260) A summons

a "process" is issued by a court may be referred to as?

363) All honorably discharged veterans are entitled to?

a Flag

1338) At any time

a Profit and Loss Statement can be prepared when?

906) Ceremony

a Ribbon cutting" at the opening of a supermarket could be described as a?

608) A gasket sealed container used as either as insert into or as a shipping case is?

a Ziegler case

667) workweek

a __ is a regular recurring period of 167 hours in the form of 7 consecutive 24 hour periods

258) Oral will

a an oral willa nuncupative will is

295) A non-movable handle consisting of lug only is?

a bail handle

1749) Ritual

a baptism could best described as a ?

1436) Ledger

a book of accounts is called?

1119) Journal

a book of original entry in which business transactions are recorded in chronological order is?

1700) Default

a breach of contractual obligation other than money is?

1095) Summary

a brief review of points in a portion of the counseling session or the summary at the close of a session is termed ?

380) An individual who brings together contracting parties is called?

a broker

1189) Columbarium

a building specifically designed with niches for the disposition of cremated remains is called?

Air seal

a burial vault which is closed by placing the dome over the base is called a ?

452) an air seal burial vault

a burial vault which is sealed by placing a dome over the base

Remains which are used for scientific or educational study ?

a burial- transit permit NOT needed for remains which ?

1703) Merchandising Business

a business firm that obtains income through the buying and selling of goods?

794) Corporation

a business owned by stockholders?

1608) A check

a business paper that is a claim on cash and which may be transferred legally by endorsement is?

1364) Service business

a business that provides a service as opposed to a product is ?

216) Sole Proprietorship

a business with a single owner?

1292) Coffin

a case or receptacle for dead human remains which is anthropoidal in shape (Widest at the shoulders, narrowest at the feet) is a ?

1419) Casket

a case or receptacle in which human remains are placed for protection, prectival utility, and suitable memory picture is?

233) Urnside

a casket design which displays a body panel with the shape of an urn

1482) Perfection full couch casket

a casket designed to display the display the deceased from head to foot is a?

1655) Octagon

a casket having eight angles or corners and therefore has eight sides or surfaces on the side of the body panel is?

1309) Perfection half couch

a casket having ends in the shape of a half circle would be?

1602) Single hinged panel

a casket in which the cap is in two pieces; the rim and foot panel is one piece which is hinged to the top body molding; the head panel being the second price which is hinged to the rim is?

1015) Perfection full couch

a casket in which the rim, crown and pies are formed as one unit and which raises as one piece is?

1337) a State Casket

a casket which has sides that are vertical, or at right angles to the bottom is called?

180) 9

a casket which is XXX in length, would be _?_ longer than the standard casket ?

1210) 6 inches

a casket which is XXX in width, would be _?_ wider than the standard width is?

1775) Memorial Park

a cemetery which has adopted a park like style and abolished the use of upright memorials ?

1269) Memorial service

a ceremony commemoration for the deceased with out the remains present is called?

A lien

a charge against another's property as security for a debt or claim is?

1465) Trial balance

a check of equality of debits and credits is?

283) if a caskets cost $2,000 wholesale and was sold for $7,000 and the average overhead per funeral was $3,500 what would the gross profit be?

$2,000.00 (b/c 7,000 - 2000.00 - 3,500.00 = 2,000.0

276) A plant asset was purchased by the funeral home costing $8000. It has a useful life of 3 years and salvage value of $2000. Using the straight line of depreciating would be the yearly amount depreciation?


956) All accounts

A ledger must contain?

554) maple

A light, closed grained wood that may be finished in any stain. Consumers are familiar with it as it is found in furniture and bowling alley lanes?

302) The person who usually makes the notification of death to the funeral home ?

A member of the family

507) Educational grouping

A merchandising method of using three or four caskets to educate the selecting party regarding the elements of casket construction is know as?

511) Vault

A metal or concrete enclosure designed to protect the casket is called?

390) A reason or desire that acts as a catalyst to spur one to a pacific action is called?

A motive

1107) Mores

A must behavior, the basic patterns of ideas and acts of a people are?

516) Limited Partnership

A partnership in which one's partner's liability is limited to a capital contribution only is a

447) An injuction

A permanent order, issued by a court, forbidding activities which would be detrimental to others

473) Drawee

A person or concern, usually a bank, that has been ordered to make payment on a check or draft is called the

483) Creditor

A person to whom a debt is owed is called?

522) A crucifer in the Roman Catholic church is

A person who carries the crucifix in an ecclesiastical procession

811) Executor

A personal representative of the decedent appointed in the will to carry out the provisions of the will is call ?

1399) Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

A prediction or expectation of an event that makes the outcome more likely to occur then would otherwise is?

586) Fixed multiple pricing

A price determination method whereby the casket cost in multiplied by a constant factor describes

1017) Fixd multiple pricing

A price determination method whereby the casket cost in multiplied by a constant factor describes?

723) Tort

A private of civil wrong, either intentional or caused by negligence, for which there may be action for damages is called?

498) Crime

A punishable offense against society is defines as a?

718) A Ceremony

A ritual filled event with no deep symbolic meaning?

870) Software

A set of instructions that directs the computer's operations is the ?

722) Keyboard

A set of labeled keys to permit the entry of data into the computer system?

753) A patty cash fund

A special fund for use in disbursing small sums of money is called an?

1146) Impromptu

A speech "given off the top of one's head" without preparation is called?

477) Pyamid

A structure whose shape is geometric where the outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single point at the top?

546) Profit and Loss Statement

A summary of the result of operation for a specified period of time?

535) code of ethics

A system or code of morals of a particular philosopher, religion, group or profession is called?

637) Consanguinity

A term for blood kin

745) Shirred

A type of casket interior style in which the casket is drawn together, in parallel fashion, which a specific sewing process is?

544) Empathetic listening

A types of listening would involve listening in which the goal is to help the speaker solve a problem?

430) A life insurance policy in which premium payments continue to death or until age 100, whichever occurs first is?

A whole life policy

1449) the difference between the two sides of an account is call the?

Account Balance

579) Current asset

Account receivable is a?

661) Current Liability

Accounts payable

391) From the point of view of the business- a written promise of a customer to p;at that business a sum of money at a future date is?

Accounts receivable

272) Contemporary (modern) funeral rite?

Adaptive Funeral Rite

734) Codicil

Addition or modification of a will is know as?

841) Income statement

Advertising expense would be reflected on ?

1002) Funeral rite

All inclusive term used by people to encompass all funeral and or memorial services is called?

750 Overhead

All the Expenses incurred in the normal operating of a business is called?

712) Health codes, fire and safety standards, fixed location, adequate licensed personnel, access to rolling stock, adequate facilities for conducting funerals, display room with adequate number and selection of caskets, adequately equipped preparation room?

Although the standard vary among the various States, most have laws impacting funeral homes in regards to

407) Best describes a disconfirming response with more than one meaning?


823) Legislation that guarantees disabled people equal access to employment

Americans with Disabilities Act

1441) the most easily discernible by a crematory operator with regard to determining the sequence of cases for that day would be?

Amount of body fat and container type

670) Capacity

Amount of waste incinerated, usually expressed in pounds per hour, characteristics or type of waste stipulated

478) Cost

Amount paid by a business for merchandise?

382) A commemorative inscription on a tomb or monument is?

An Epitaph

306) When a buyer takes actual possession of goods which has been offered for sale, this action is called?

An acceptance

1067) Ritual

An act performed as a part of a rite or a ceremony is ?

591) Limited liability

An advantage to a corporation is?

504) Corporation

An association of individuals united for a common purpose and permitted by law to use a common name and to change its members without dissolution of the associations is a?

308) Laws that are designed to protect or prevent any individual from controlling a large share of market or products are?

Anti-Trust Laws

431) Doimen

Any Neolithic monument consisting of a large, flat stone supported by two or more rocks (like a table)

1010) Protestant

Any Western Christian who is not adherent to the Roman Catholic faith is know as?

635) Counseling

Anytime someone helps someone else with a problem.

560) Sanctuary

Architecturally in the liturgical Protestant chrch, the part of the church containing the altar is the?

695) Routine/program, target inspection, complaint, inspection, accident inspection, follow up inspection

Are types of Osha inspections

481) The accounting equation may be stated as?

Assets= Liabilities +Owner's Equity or Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity

298 )The upper most part of the cap extending from rim to rim, everything above the rim?


634) Current debt Ratio

Current Assets divided by current liabilities

632) Round corner

Curved corner formed by the addition of a rounded corner piece that has been stamped or milled during the manufacturing process.

1552) Rights of the party having priority for disposition of the body

Custody of body, ability to convey custody, superinted the funeral, do that which is necessary to effect final disposition, act as trustee for survivors, settle survivor disputes is?

418) Social Behavior as dictated by tradition?


966) Self-Esteem

Degree of regard a person holds for himself?

1443) to violate that sanctity of, to treat disrespectfully, irreverently or outrageously ?


376) The right a minor has to avoid a contract is termed?


318) written agreement such as a death, is delivered to a third person. That person is to deliver it to another person only on performance of a specific action by the person. This type of agreements is know as?


639) Disinterment

Exhumation is a term for?

296) Decrease in owner's equity resulting from a business transaction is a ?


997) Profit and loss statement are the income statement

Expenses are listed as?

1439) Contracts may be?

Express, Implied, Quasi

992) Personal letters, congratulatory notes, letters of references

External communication includes?

503) Negligence

Failure to exercise ordinary care?

824) Perjury is

False testimony

402) Might pass regulation specification for funeral homes?

Federal government, State governments, County Governments, City governments.

1220) Cardboard


1341) it is hard to know all families you serve personally

For the funeral director, urbanization has meant that?

1587) Industrialization

Ford's assembly line of the early 1900's is an example of?

1008) Income Statement

Formal statement which presents the revenue and expenses of a specified period of time is called?

1063) Gasket channel

Found on cut top gasketed casket; is an integral part of the foot panel header on gasketed caskets; the function is to hold the transverse gasket to seal the space between the head and foot caps.

1423) Assets = liabilities + owners equity

Fundamental Accounting Equation is?

1590) Fixed Asset

Funeral Coach

1006) Mortuary Law and Mortuary Jurisprudence

Funeral Service Law is also known as?

607) the purchasing, pricing, display and sale of merchandise items specific to the funeral service is typically referred to as?

Funeral Service Merchandising

748) Cultural Relativity

Funeral directors who sense all the cultures and subcultures have valid sets of values are seeing their client?

533) insolvent estate (state statute controls priority of claims)-usual priority of claims

Funeral expenses, administration expense, taxes, last illness?

1412) Humanistic

Funeral rites which are devoid of religion are know as?

344) the study of psychological theories principles and applications as related to funeral services?

Funeral service psychology

954) Computerization

Funeral service will be greatly effected by _?_ in the future?

1024) Potter's Field

Generally State or Country owned and operated for the indigent or unclaimed is called?

379) the ability to present one's self sincerely?


378) A unit of measure of memory space equal to 1024 megabytes?


626) Laminate

Gluing together sheets of different materials. Occasionally, wood caskets may be covered with it. I can be described as a thin covering or layer over a thick base material. Often it is of finer quality than the base material.

417) A will written entirely by the testator which his own hand is properly termed a ?

Holographic will

401) Eligibility for the social security lump sum death benefir is measured by?

Hom many quarters of coverage the deceased has accumulated.

494) Religion

Humanistic funerals are devoid of?

514) Plastics

Hydrogen chloride is produced in the cremation process when __ containing chlorine are cremated

717) Debit Purchases; Credit Accounts Payable

If a funeral director purchases caskets from a casket manufacturer on a 30 day account, he would record the transaction as?

524) 30

If the authorizing agent agrees to take possession if the cremated remains and does not take possession within ___ days after cremation or on an agreed date, the crematory shall send written notice to the last known address and the authorizing agent to take possession of the remains.

450) shut machine down

If the operator encounters unforeseen emissions problems, he or she should

592) $650

If the total overhead for a funeral home was $65,000 for a fiscal period, and the firm did $100 service, what would the average overhead per funeral??

488) Home

In an extended (joint) family, religion is taught at?

415) embalming, professional services, facilities, casket, clothing, transportation, cemetery/cremation costs, headstone/ monument, flowers, newspaper notices, outer burial container.

In filing claims against an estate: which of the following have generally been allowable cost items of a funeral

547) 20, 30, 60

In many States, the permit states that the opacity not exceed ____% except for ____ seconds in any ___ minute period?

457) Defamation of competitor

In regards to competitive relationships, which of the following is NOT good ethical practice

562) Yahrzeit

In the Jewish faith, the one year anniversary of the death is?

362) the loss of craftsmanship of a term?


427) ISA stands for

Industry data processing

1452) increases in the owner's equity resulting from business operations is known as?


292) The type of lighting used in a funeral home that reflects off of the ceiling is?

Indirect lighting

989) Tallith

Jewish term for a tasseled shawl worn by men during prayer is called?

1184) 22.50 hr

John Brown works for College funeral Home. His standard hourly pay rate is $15.00/hr. He is paid time and a half for any hours over 40 hours each week. His over-time pay rate would be?

237) Regression

John, age five, began using "baby talk" and bed wetting after the birth of a baby brother. He was using the defense mechanism of?

1442) when two or more persons enter into a contract with one or more persons, the contract may be ?

Joint and Severable

425) The death of a child would be softened simply by the number if children in a?

Joint family

1007) Posting reference

Jornal pape numbers and ledger account numbers which, when present, confirms that an entry has been posted is called?

426) Book in which the first formal double entry record of transactions is made?


648) Guardian

Judicial appointment of a person to administer the affairs of another person who is incompetent by virtue of age or legal disability.

698) Covenant not to compete

May be considered a permissible restraint of trade

891) Vivisepulture

Meaning: Burial alive

286) Physical identification of a space where one, several or multitude of people died in a common occurrence. The deceased may or may not be interred at the place?

Memorial cenotaph

326) those goods or stock goods which are held for resale at a profit.


803) Zinc

Metals is notorious for producing thick white smoke which will set off the pollution controls during the cremation process

578) Double Declining Balance and Sum of the years digits

Methods of depreciation that allow the business to recover the cost early in the life of the asset include?

644)functional bi-unit and unit

Methods of figuring a formula price are

871) Special use permits

Might be allowed to override restrictions on mortuary sites as limited by municipal ordinance is>?

762) land dedicated, reserved or used for interment graves, mausoleums, crypts, columbaria, niches, or other interment spaces roadways, walkways and ponds or lagoons (water features)

Might gall under the jurisdiction or use of cemetery is?

1062) DD 214

Military Discharge Papers

701) Unclaimed cremated remains should ___?

NOT be thrown away, Discarded, or dumped

904) To distract

NOT general a general purpose for making a speech?

896) Religious affiliation

NOT needed to complete the death certificate

968) Prayer Shawl

NOT provided for deceased Catholic's rosary services are?

347) after any disaster, airplane, ship, train etc. an investigation will be conducted by the?

NTSB- national transportation safety board

618) Another term for autopsy is


329) Omission to do something which a reasonable prudent person would do under ordinary circumstances are the doing of something which a reasonable and prudent would not do?


609) the proprietorship of a business may be increased by?

Net income and investment Assents in the business by the owner.

1632) Adult children, Parents, Brother and sisters

Next of kin (degree of kindred)

1039) Telephone

Ninety-eight percent of the notification if deaths comes to the funeral home by means of?

250) Copper and Bronze

Non Ferrous metal used in casket construction ?

780) Common Law

Non Legislated principles and rules of action predicated upon usage and custom?

1387) they are not healing by the family

Not true about humanistic funerals are?

1118) cotton, polyethylene foam, shredded paper, spun polyester, excelsior

Padding materials ?

1165) occupational safety and health act

OSHA is an acronym for ?

647) Duty

Obligatory tasks, conduct, service or function that arise from on's position in life.

585) Public Communication

One person speaking with limited verbal feedback?

548) Taphophile

One who loves cemeteries and funerals?

338) A program in a computer which tells it hoe to go about performing its basic functions such as accepting, storing, and retrieving data from memory, printing output, etc is.

Operating system

1161) Sales

Ordinarily refers only to sold is?

787) Business

Organization that combine inputs of raw materials, capital, labor, and management skills to produce useful outputs of goods and services so as to earn a profit ?

439) the head of the Roman Catholic church is the?


558) Length of employment plus thirty years

Osha's formaldehyde standard requires that records be kept for

1464) fit test is a part of

Osha- respiratory protection standard

416) represents the difference between the total assets and the total liabilities?

Owners Equity, Net worth and Capital

523) Stock certificates

Ownership of corporate stocks is represented by

358) Spoken words

Parol evidence

1616) Roman Catholic Faith

Paschal candles or easter candles are used in the ?

627) Cultural Universal

Patterns identifiable in all cultures

307) A person or company who will receive payment on a promissory note, check, draft or money order is called?


387) Kohlbergs stage of moral development in which moral reasoning is based on reward and punishment form those in authority is the?

Per conventional stage

643) Length of time on restriction Geographical area covered, Scope of activity

Permissible restraint of trade, covenant not to compete, must have reasonable terms with respect to?

327) the set values, ideas and opinions of an individual or group is know as?


322) The highness or lowness of the voice is know as?


396) Thin sheets of wood glued together so that the grains are at right angles to one another, an odd number of sheets will be used so that the grain on the front and back will always run the same direction?


330) The power to adopt laws for the protection of the public is?

Police power

395) that facility in a funeral home especially designed and equipped for embalming and otherwise preparing dead human bodies?

Preparation Room

1098) Illegal

Price fixing agreements are?

557) Identification if the deceased

Probably one of the most important tasks for a funeral director in serving a family requesting cremation is the same as in the most any funeral

372) The crown and ogee are parts of the casket?


267) A gathered type of casket interior made on a sewing machine with a multiple number of needles is called?


333) A partner who take No active part in the management of the business, but who possible may be known as a partner is a?

Silent patner

264) We have seen the greatest acceleration in the use of embalming

Since WWII (Wold War 2)

1018) Bail handle

Single handle in which the lug, are and bar are combined in one unit is called?

517) Exigent circumstance

Situation requiring immediate action or urgency

334) F.I.C.A refers to?

Social Security

1174) S.S.A.8

Social Security application for lump sum death benefit (claimant's form) is?

1027) Bureaucratization

Struct departmental standards with little or no variation is typical of?

280) The science that deals with organization of social groups and how they change or stay the same is called?


1234) Social Science

Sociology is a branch of?

446) sloping ground or hillsides

Some modern lowering devises are equipped with telescoping legs to accommodate ____ at the location of the grave.

598) Common law

Spouse, parent or child liability for funeral expense is a concept born our of?

1132) Rubrics

Stated direction in the Liturgical Protestant church regarding church practices and procedures are referred to as?

1159) SSA 721

Statement of Death by Funeral Director is what form?

680) Income Statement

Statement of income, expenses and net income or net loss for a period of time?

377) The main purpose of grave liners is to provide?

Support from the earth load

529) Interior

Tailored is a style of casket

428) The right to sue the federal government is derived from?

The Federal Claims act

825) Independent contractor

The Johnson Funeral Home hired a plumber to do some much needed work around the funeral home. The plumber is considered a?

531) Cemetery authority

The State, in its exercise of Police Power, would create one of these to regulate the creation of cemeteries by providing for their establishment and discontinuance as well as to monitor their use?

485) Capital

The net value of an owners financial interest in a business?

433) A cenotaph

The Washington Monument is an example of a? A monument erected to the memory of the dead without the dead human body present

525) Empathy

The ability to project oneself into another person's point of view, so as one experience the other's thoughts and feelings?

259) Output

The act of returning data to the user in some form or transferring data from a primary storage device to a secondary device is known as?

1061) Interment

The burial, entombment, or inurement of human remains is?

703) Scattering

The ceremonious distribution of cremated human remains over a large area with the aid of the wind ?

538) The probate court

The court having sole jurisdiction over estates is?

492) Gross Margin

The difference between net sales and cost of goods sold?

1049) Licensure, Business Operations, and Health Standards.

The exercise of police power might include?

518) Ademption

The extinction or withdrawal of a legacy by an act equivalent to revocation is called?

490) 1783

The first recorded pre-planned cremation in the US took place in Charleston, South Carolina.

479) Body

The portion of the casket shell containing the top body molding, body panel base molding

513) Jurisdiction

The power or authority which each court has to hear cases is called

1047) it is against the law in all states to cremate a deceased human body without

The proper permit, family authorization, and authorization form the proper public authority

543) An easement

The right that one person has to use the property of another for a special purpose is known as

502) Sociology

The science of social group study?

521) Direct presentation method

The selling method in which the funeral director is in the selection room whith the family throughout their selection process is the?

702) Square Corner

The side and ends are joined at a 90 degree angle

293) The average person inherent dislikes work and will avoid it at all possible.

Theory X

509) 2 years from the date of cremation, permanent burial, or declaration of death

The time limit for the V.A applications for burial benefits is?

1447) would be an ethical obligation to your professional association?

To share time and talents

340) The Greek called the swollen ground or mound which marked gravesides a tumulus. Today, the word tomb is used chiefly to refer to whose burial places which are above?


1451) the part of the casket hardware that covers the exposed ends of the bar is the?


409) Debit petty cash and credit cash

To establish a petty cash fund, one would:

994) TAT stands for

Transportation Security Administration

349) Check of equality of debits and credits?

Trial Balance

707) Rim flange or ogee flange

Turned under edge or horizontal portion of the rim which comes into contact with the gasket or body ledge flange?

279) A textile weave in which threads are crossed over one another to give an appearance of diagonal?

Twill weave

736) Vertical market software

Types of software would the funeral director most likely employ to keep track of details of a funeral arrangement; casket, vault, cemetery, clergy person, etc.

1696) A Tort

Unauthorized Embalming, Unauthorized Photos, Burial in absence of next of kin, Breach of privacy or confidentiality, Failure to comply with wishes of party having the right and duty of disposal, Hospital or other institution withholding body or misidentifying body, Cemetery open wrong grave or the wrong body is cremated are all examples of a ?

1438) another term for insurer is ?


303) has no stain or protective varnish?

Unfinished wood

1450) a pricing procedure which creates a total price for service and casket is called?


619) the expression of gauge is a standard measurement often referred to as?

United States Standard Gauge

419) Which of the following does NOT describe the joint/ extended family unit?

Urban based

914) Sales Journal

Used to record selling of merchandise on credit is?

386) Cash receipts Journals?

Used to record the receipt of cash

1202) Processed Cremated Human Remains

Used to refer to cremated human remains after they are pulverized and cleaned, leaving primarily small bone fragments as small as particles of sand or smaller is called?

528) Excess interest

Usury is a style of casket

1314) Lining material

Velvet is a type of casket?

743) 0 to 100%

Visible emissions- opacity- os rate on a scale from

388) Like mahogany, this is an expensive wood, found in few hardwood caskets. It is a brown wood that is decreasing in popularity due to the high cost o raw lumber. In fact, it represents approximately two percent of all hardwood casket sales?


1105) Debit casket coach and debit accounts payable

When a funeral director buys a casket coach on credit she would?

476) Banking Professional

Which of the following is not an allied profession or service to the funeral industry?

539) Parties to the funeral contract, Decedent's estate, Common law, Volunteer, Public authority

Which of the following may have liability for funeral expenses

472) Land

Which one of these does not qualify as a current asset?

519) Clergyman

Who leads the processional and recessional of a non-liturgical protestant funeral service?

526) Quasi property theory

With regard to the dead human body, the courts have adopted a?

1011) Islam Orthodox Judaism

With the exception of _?_ and _?_, most major religions readily accept cremation?

285) Species of wood and amount of workmanship required to construct them?

Wood casket prices

540) Softwood

Wood from cone baring trees. Lighter and more easily cut than other woods

520) Cloth covered

Wood is covered with cloth

666) Sarcophagus

Word comes from the Greek meaning " flesh-eater" it has come to mean any large burial receptacle

588) Evaluating

Word for controlling

1592) To experience the pain of grief

Worden's second task of mourning is?

1025) Crucifer

Would lead a liturgical Protestant funeral procession is called?

653) Liens

Wrongful withholding of a dead human body

590) Option

choice of actions provided through counseling as a means of solving the client or counselee's

1784) Furniture

classified as movable personal property is?

281) non-directive method of counseling which stresses the inherent worth of the client and natural capacity for growth and health is called _?_ counseling?

client centered

1325) Hardwood

close grained resistant wood, usually fount in the more expensive caskets would be?

657) Modified extended family

cluster of two or more nuclear families united by a social bond for security protection.

359) A case or receptacle for dead human remains which is anthropoid in shape describes a?


1620) Cash

coins, currency, checks, and money orders received from others, as well as money deposited in the bank is?

1793) Burning

combustion aka?

248) England

common law or statutory law was developed in?

1651) Poplar

common species of this genus are cottonwood tulip, willow and salix. it is found in the eastern and central US and is noted for its rapid growth and luxurious foliage it is a soft white wood and will adapt to most any type of stain ?

778) Generally more liberal in though

compared to the joint family, a nuclear family is?

1534) Body panels

compose the sides and ends of the casket shell is?

1315) Pressed board, Particle board, or Flake board

composition board is also known as?

398) Organization of hardware and software designed to accomplish a data processing function is a

computer system

1026) Final dispostion

conclusive act of service which respect to the sead human body is ?

917) Property, money and a promise of service

consideration in a contract could be?

1597) Making an apology

considered appropriate opening technique for a speech except?


not listening because he is only interested in what he has to say is ?

State- Hogging

not listening because he is only interested in what he has to say is ?

1788) Decent burial

not necessarily stated but held to be true by most citizens of the united states is the right to a ?

1426) Society does not choose funeral rites according to family tradition

not true in reviewing responses to death though sociology would be?

964) Gauge

number of sheets of ferrous metal necessary to equal approximately one inch thickness is?

754) Goals

objectives or adjustments to be achieved?

863) Quasi Contract

obligation which law creates in the absence of agreement, is invoked by courts where there is unjust enrichment. The function is to raise obligation in law here in fact the parties made on promises.

867) facilities management

obtaining and maintaining of adequate work space and funeral equipment

1354) the word contemporary means

of the smae

812) Medical bill

of the these is necessary ?

1551) 300 Series

often referred to as austenitic stainless steel, this series contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel. this is the highest known alloy content in stainless caskets products today. it can be found in fine table ware, sailboat cleats and shackles ?

389) Which of the following is Not one of the normal reactions on Lindemann's symptomatically of normal grief?

on interruptions is patterns of conduct

846) PPE

one of the most important aspects of universal precaution is

831) Employee Handbook

one of the most important documents for good personal management is?

987) Informed consent

one reason why the funeral director must practice "informational counseling" is so that when the family gives their permission to do something they are giving is called?

1636) Solders and sailors will

one type of special will is that made by a person on active duty in the armed forces, it may be oral or written is?

1411) A casketbearer

one who carries the casket during the funeral service is?

1214) Vendor

one who has made a sale is called a?

1333) Trustee

one who holds title to property or another position of trust to a beneficiary; in funeral arrangements, the person who has the right to control duneral dose so on behalf of all survivors would be ?

179) Fraud

one who induces another to enter into a contract as a result of an intentionally or recklessly false statement of a material fact is guilty of?

1208) Legatee

one who inherits personal property under a will is called?

645) Devisee

one who inherits real estate under a will

779) Reader

one who is authorized to read lessons and scriptures in a Christian Science Church is the?

1511) Debtor

one who owes debts is?


oral contracts are ?

332) in those states in which it is permitted, it is valid only if made during the maker's final illness and in the presence of witnesses?

oral will

1554) Administrative Law

orders and decrees from government agencies which have the force of law is considered?

940) Zoning

ordinances that might place restrictions on mortuary sites is?

895) Database

organized collection of related data describes a?

1435) Business Guest, Social Guest, Trespasser

premises liability in relationship of the funeral establishment. Level of care depends upon status of visitor- put these in order from highest to lowest level of care required is?

910) Format

prepare a new diskette for use by the computer or an old one for re-use by erasing all previous information and sectors and mapping out the disk fir storage is to ?

1578) Masselin

pressed paper in sheet form used in casket construction as a backing material?

1418) Bi-Unit Pricing

pricing method that shows separately the price of the services to be rendered and price of the casket is?

192) Ethics

principles of morality, including both the science of goods and the nature of right is ?

926) Arrangement from

printed from the funeral home uses specifically for the funeral director and the family to make funeral and financial arrangement the?

414) A device that makes computer output visible on paper?


766) A laser printer

printer in which an intense ray of light positions dot of magnetically charged ink-like toner on a rotating drum, then transfers the image onto paper by a xerographic process know as a ?

320) the size of the estate and hence the availability of money may also determine the?

priority pf claims

852) family

private cemeteries located on private family owned homesteads


private investors who are willing to supply financing for new and risky small venture start-ups ?

662) Cold galvanizing

process has advantage of being carried out at ordinary temperatures. Substantial coating of zinc is then applied. Smooth the zinc coating, the metal must be heated to 460 degrees centigrade

802) Input

process of entering data into a computer system ?

1082) Communication

process of human beings responding to verbal/ nonverbal behavior is?

1169) Marketing management

process or planning and executing the development, pricing, promotion and distribution of an organization's goods and services are?

1347) Cremated remains

proper term for the remnants of the human body that remain following the remation is?

184) Asset

property ( real or personal) of monetary value owned by a business ?

1417) Orthodox Jewish

religions place restriction on the removal of their dead?

1022) Judeo- Christian

religious structure of American society is primarily?

1097) Mobility

relocation, travel is another term for?

668) Ceremony

ribbon cutting at the opening of a supermarket could be described as a?

902) right of interment

right to inter human remains in a designated lot as provided in the conveyance given to the original purchaser, or his designated successor?

Quasi- Property Theory

rights associated with the dead body are as if it were property for the purpose of disposition only is ?

275) Which of the following is of religious having deeper meaning than the simple acts or gestures which are performed during this?


1259) Funerals

rites of funeralization with the body present are called ?

912) Memorial service

rites of funeralization without the body present is referred to as?

243) Memorial Service

rites without body present ?


rules of civil conduct commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong defines ?

1376) Country

rural, roadside cemeteries, many with homemade grave markers describe?

1708) Religion

sacred beliefs reflected in the daily conduct of an individual are part of?

1051) Gross profit

sales minus cost of goods sold equals is?

336) the "two-factor theory" of human motivation states that there are two factors in job satisfaction. these are?

satisfies and dissatisfies

856) Psychology

science of human behavior is called?

952) A Bond

sealed written contract usually issued by a corporation, municipality, or government which contains a promise to pay a sum certain in money as a fixed determinable future time is called?

937) Nave

seating or auditorium section of the church were members of the congregation are seated is know as?

725) in "theory X and theory Y" concept of job management, theory y holds that people?

see work as a natural part of life, enjoy as much as play, believe that when people are left alone they will do their work without supervision.

1370) Persuasion

self concept factors would Not affect the ability of the funeral director to effectively communicate with his clientele ?

646) the funeral

serves as the first event signaling the beginning of the new family unit?

Balance Sheet

Statement of assets liabilities and owner's equity on a certain date ?

Lawn crypt, Garden crypt

a pre-placed enclosed chamber, which is usually constructed of reinforced concrete, poured in place or precast unity installed in quantity, ether side by side or multiple depth, and covered by earth or soil ?

Common Carrier

a carrier that transports goods or persons for a fee all who apply for the services and without discrimination is called a ?

Veterans cemeteries

a cemetery created by an act of congress for the burial of those that served in the military ?


a conscious postponement of addressing anxieties and concerns defines ?

A trial court

a court of original general jurisdiction is ?


a crematory shall not accept a casket or cremation container from which there is evidence of ?

Blended family

a family consisting of 1 mail, 1 female and children from their previous marriages as will as children from the present marriage ?

A writ

a formal written command issued by a court of law ?

An Icon

a holy picture in the eastern orthodox church is ?

Christian Burial Certificate

a letter or form from a priest stating the eligibility of the deceased for burial in a Roman Catholic Cemetery is known as a?

Swing bar

a moveable casket handle with a hinged arm. It can be full length, individual or single ?

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