Mblex Study

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The origin of the deltoid is identical to the insertion of which muscle?


What is an action of all fibers of the deltoid?

abduct the shoulder

What is the insertion of the extensor carpi ulnaris?

base of fifth metacarpal

What is primary muscle of respiration?


What is the insertion of the rectus capitis posterior minor

inferior nuchal line of occiput

What is the origin of aconeus?

lateral epicondyle of humerus

Adduction of the wrist would ______ the extensor carpi radialis brevis.


What is an action of pronator quadratus?

pronate the foream

Which abdominal muscle creates the washboard look?

rectus abdominus

The serratus poster superior and inferior muscles affect the movement of what area of the body


What is the only muscle of the posterior arm?

triceps brachii

How many muscles of the thumb are located in the thenar eminensce?


How many muscles act upon the thumb?


What action can you ask your partner to perform at the shoulder in order to contract the entire deltiod?


What shoulder movement would lengthen the fibers of latissimus dorsi?


In which movement of the scapula do the rhomboids and trapezius act as synergist?


What shoulder movement would shorten the fibers of teres major?


Which of the following is the primary muscle of supination?

Biceps Brachii

To feel the middle fibers of trapezius contract, you should ask your prone partner to perform what action?

Bring your shoulder up off the table

Flexing the shoulder and pulling the arm anteriorly while palpating the pectoralis major in a side lying position has what benefit?

Brings pectoralis major off the chest wall while breast tissue falls away from the area

The pectoralis minor attaches to which bony landmark?

Coracoid process

To locate the subscapularis tendon, move you fingers about one inch inferiorly and laterally from which bony landmark?

Coracoid process

What is the origin of the coracobrachialis?

Coracoid process of scapula

As you follow the biceps brachii belly proximally, it becomes deep to which muscle.....


If you follow the fibers of the pectoralis major laterally, they blend with the fibers of which muscle?


What arm muscle is completely superficial?


What is an action of teres major?

Extend the shoulder

Which shoulder movement would lengthen the anterior fibers of the deltiod?


What is an action of the biceps brachii?

Flex the elbow

What is an action of the coracobrachialis?

Flex the shoulder

The lumbricals sprout from the tendons of which muscle?

Flexor digitorium profundus

What is the insertion of suprapinatus?

Greater tubercle of humerus

What is the origin of the external and internal intercostals

Inferior border of the rib above

What is the origin of infraspinatus?

Infraspinous fossa of scapula

What are true statements about the deltoid?

It's an antagonist to itself. It's posterior fibers laterally rotate the shoulder. It's posterior fibers extend the shoulder.

What is NOT and action created by contracting latissimus dorsi?

Lateral rotation of shoulder

What muscle helps to create downward rotation of the scapula?

Levator scapula

Which head of the biceps brachii passes through the intertubercular groove?

Long head

What is the insertion of pectorali minor?

Medial surface of coracoid process of sapula

What is the insertion of the coracobrachialis?

Medial surface of mid humeral shaft

When exploring the origin attachment site of the levator scapula, there is a potential to create what condition?

Nerve compression

What muscle is divided into three segements: clavicular, sternal, and costal?

Pectoralis Major

The pectoralis minor is located deep to which muscle?

Pectoralis major

What acts as an antagonist to the biceps brachii during shoulder flexion?

Pectoralis major

What muscle is an antagonist to itself?

Pectoralis major Trapezius Deltoid

What muscle acts as an antagonist to the lower fibers of the trapezius during depression of the scapula?

Rhomboid major

What muscle is located in the space between the vertebral column and the scapula?


What muscle acts as a synergist with pectoralis minor during abduction of the scapula?

Serratus anterior

Which movement would lengthen the fibers of the coracobrachialis?

Shoulder abduction

What is the origin of rhomboid minor?

Spinoud processes of C-7 and T-1

What is the origin of rhomboid major?

Spinous processes of T-2 - T-5

What is the insertion of the brachioradialis?

Styloid process of radius

What is the origin of subscapularis?

Subscapular fossa of scapula

What is part of the origin of latissimus dorsi?

Thoracolumbar aponeurosis

What is the origin of the levator scapula?

Transverse process of the 1st-4th cervical verterbrae

The rhomboids are superficial to the erector spinae and deep to which muscle?


What is the origin of teres minor?

Upper two thirds of lateral border of scapula

What is the insertion of the transverse abdominus?

abdominal aponeurosis to the linea alba

What resisted action can you ask your partner to do that will contract the muscles of the hypothenar eminence most prominently?

abduct the fifth finger

What is an action of pectoralis minor?

abduct the scapula

What is an action of serratus anterior?

abduct the scapula

What is an action of supraspinatus?

abduct the shoulder

What is an action of the flexor carpi radialis?

abduct the wrist

What is the best action to ask your partner to perform to feel the supraspinatus contract?


Which shoulder movement would shorten the fibers of supraspinatus?


What movement would shorten the fibers of pectoralis minor?

abduction of the scapula

What muscle is located between the pisiform and base of the fifth finger?

abductor digit minimi

The distal tendon of which muscles from the anatomical snuffbox?

abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus and brevis

What muscles acts as antagonists to the brachialis during elbow flexion?


What triangular shaped muscle is a weak elbow extensor located lateral to the olecranon process?


What is an action of rhomboid major?

adduct the scapula

What is an action of extensor indicis?

adduct the second finger

What is an action of extensor carpi ulnaris?

adduct the wrist

What is an action of the extensor carpi radialis longus?

adduct the wrist

What is an action of the flexor carpi ulnaris?

adduct the wrist

What movement will lengthen the fibers of extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis?

adduction of the wrist

What is the origin of the flexor digitorum prfundus?

anterior and medial surfaces of proximal three-quarters of ulna

What is part of the insertion of the external oblique?

anterior part of the iliac crest

What is the insertion of serratus anterior?

anterior surface of medial border of the scapula

What ist the insertion of the supinator?

anterior, lateral surface of proximal one-third of radial shaft

What is an action of extensor digitorium?

assist to extend the wrist

What is an action of extensor carpi radialis brevis?

assist to flex the elbow

What is an action of pronator teres?

assist to flex the elbow

What is an action of flexor digitorum profunus?

assist to flex the wrist

On what structure could the pectoralis minor create a neurovascular compression?

axillary atery brachial plexus axillary vein

What is the insertion of flexor carpi radialis?

base of second and third metacarpal

What is the insertion of extensor carpi radialis longus?

base of second metacarpal

What is the insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis?

base of third metacarpal

What is part of the insertion of flexor digitorum profundus?

bases of distal phalanges, palmar surface

What is the insertion of the extensor digitorium?

bases of middle and distal phalanges of 2nd - 5th fingers

What is the insertion of oblique capitis superior

between the nuchal lines of te occiput

What is the insertion of semispinalis capitis

between the superior and inferior nuchal lines of occiput

Palpating medial to the distal tendon of which muscle can help you locate the pronator teres?

biceps brachii

The subscapularis tendon can be palpated between the two tendons of which muscle?

biceps brachii

What muscle is a synergist to the supinator during forearm supination?

biceps brachii

What is the thin sheet of fascia extending off the distal tendon of the biceps brachii?

bicipital aponeurosis

What muscle is a strong elbow flexor located deep to the biceps brachii?


Which muscle creates a helpful dividing line between flexors and extensors of the wrist and hand?


Which muscle runs the length of the forearm but does not cross the wrist joint?


What two structures clearly divide the forearm flexors from the extensors?

brachioradialis and the shaft of the ulna

Flexor digitorium superficialis and profundus each have four thin tendons that pass through which sheath of connective tissue?

carpal tunnel

What is the insertion of rectus abdominus?

cartilage of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs and xiphoid process

What is the insertion of the diaphragm?

central tendon

What is the origin of extensor carpi ulnaris?

common extendor tendon from lateral epicondyle of the humerus

What is the origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis?

common extensor tendon fro the lateral epicondyle of the humerus

What is the origin of extensor digitorium?

common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of the humerus

What is a portion of the origin of pronator teres?

common flexor tendon

What is part of the origin of the flexor digitorum superficialis?

common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus

What is the origin of palmaris longus?

common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus

What is the origin of the flexor carpi radialis?

common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus

What is the MOST important aspect of your approach to palpating near breast tissue?

communication with your partner

What is an action of the transverse abdominus?

compress abdominal contents

What is the origin of the biceps brachii's short head?

coracoid process of scapula

What is the insertion of pectoralis major?

crest of greater turbercle of humerus

What is the insertion of teres major?

crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus

If you follow the fibers of infraspinatus laterally, they converge underneath which muscle?


To access the supraspinatus tendon, you must first sink your fingers deep into which muscle?


When locating the proximal attachment of the long head of triceps brachii, you will be palpating deep to what muscle?


What is the insertion of the deltoid?

deltoid tuberosity

What is an action of serratus posterior inferior

depress ribs during exhalation

What movement of the scapula would lengthen the fibers or the rhomboids minor and major?

depression - moving shoulder down

Contraction of the lower fibers of the trapezius creates which movement?

depression of the scapula

What is the origin of serratus anterior?

depression of the scapula

Which action shortens the fibers of serratus anterior?

depression of the scapula

In contrast to the erector spinae group, the fibers of the transversospinalis group run in which direction


What is the origin of the brachialis?

distal half of the anterior surface of humerus

What is the origin of the extensor carpi radialis longus?

distal one-third of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus

What is an action of the internal intercostals

draw the ribs inferiorly (decreasing the space of the thoracic cavity)

What movement shortens the fibers of triceps brachii?

elbow extension

What is an action of serratus posterior superior

elevate the ribs during inhalation

What action can you ask your partner to perform to enable you to feel the levator scapula contract?

elevate the scapula

What in an action of the levator scapula?

elevate the scapula

What is an action of rhomboid minor?

elevate the scapula

What muscle of the spine is most superficial

erector spinae

What is an action of aconeus?

extend the elbow

What is an action of the semispinalis capitis

extend the vertebral column and head

What is an action of the multifidi

extend the vertebral comlumn

Bilateral contraction of the upper fibers of the trapezius will create what movement of the head and neck?


What movement of the vertebral column will shorten the fibers of the semispinalis capitis on the right side of the body


What movement will lengthen the fibers of brachialis?

extension of the elbow

What muscle acts as a synergist to the flexor carpi radialis during abduction of the wrist?

extensor carpi radialis brevis

Which forearm muscles comprise the "wad of three"?

extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, and brachioradialis

What extensor muscle can be palpated alogside the shaft of the ulna?

extensor carpi ulnaris

What muscle is an antogonist to the flexor digitorum profundus during flexion of the wrist?

extensor carpi ulnaris

What muscle acts as an antogonist to the flexor digitorium superficialis during flexion of the second-fifth fingers?

extensor digitorium

Wiggling your fingers as if typing or playing piano, will create an undulating contraction of which muscle?

extensor digitorium

Which muscle's primary task is extension of the second, or index finger?

extensor indicis

What muscle acts as a synergist with the internal oblique during flexion of the vertebral column

external oblique

You are palpating lateral to the edge of rectus abdominis and the fibers you feel are superficial and running at an angle. What muscle is it?

external oblique

What is part of the origin of the trapezius?

external occipital protuberance and medial portion of superior nuchal line of occiput

Which movement lengthen the fibers of extensor digitorium?

finger flexion

What is an action of the flexor digitorum superficialis?

flex the 2nd-5th finger

What is an action of brachialis?

flex the elbow

What is an action of brachioradialis?

flex the elbow

To best locate the infraspinatus and teres minor tendons with your partner in a supine position, how would you position your partners arm?

flex the shoulder 90 degrees then horizontally adduct and laterally rotate slightly

What is an action of rectus abdominus?

flex the vertebral column

What is an action of palmaris longus?

flex the wrist

What movement of the vertebral column would shorten the fibers of the rectus abdominus?


Which movement shortens the fibers of brachioradialis?

flexion of the elbow

What muscle runs between the pisiform and the medial epicondyle of the humerus?

flexor carpi ulnaris

What is the insertion of palmaris longus?

flexor retinaculum and palmaris aponeurosis

To access supinator, you must palpate deep to which muscle?

forearm extensors

What is the shared attachment site for three out of four rotator cuff muscles?

greater tubercle

What is the insertion of infraspinatus?

greater tubercle of humerus

What is the insertion of teres minor?

greater tubercle of humerus

What could you ask your partner to do so you can differentiate between the quadratus lumborum and the erector spinae

hike up your hip

What is an action of pectoralis major's upper fibers?

horizontally adduct the shoulder

What is part of the origin of the internal oblique?

iliac crest

What muscle acts as a synergist with the quadratus lumborum during lateral flexion of the vertebral column

iliocostalis on the right side

What is an action of the diaphragm?

increase the volume of the thoracic cavity

What is the insertion of rectus capitis posterior major

inferior nuchal line of the occiut

What is the origin of the splenius capitis

inferior one half of ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of C-7 to T-4

Which portion of the serratus anterior is most accessible?

inferior to the axilla

What is the origin of triceps brachii long head?

infraglenoid tubercle of scapula

When you lay your fingers on the spine, medial border and leteral border of the scapula, you're isolating which muscle?


What muscles acts as a synergist with teres minor during lateral roation of the shoulder?


Which muscle is a synergist with teres minor in lateral rotation of the shoulder?


Which muscle's dense quality is due to its multipennate fibers and thick, superficial fossa?


Which rotator cuff muscle is not involved in rotation of the shoulder?


During what activity is the diaphragm's central tendon pulled inferiorly


What is part of the origin of the diaphragm?

inner surfaces of lower six ribs

What muscle acts as an antogonist to the rotatores during rotation of the vertebral column to the right side

internal oblique of the left side

What is part of the origin of the transverse abdominus?

internal surface of the lower six ribs

What is part of the insertion of the internal oblique?

internal surface of the lower three ribs

What is the insertion of latissimus dorsi?

intertubercular groove of the humerus

As a group, the transversospinalis muscles can be most easily located in which area.

lamina groove of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae

What is the insertion of the quadratus lumborum

last rib, transverse process of 1st-4th lumbar vertebrae

What edge of the quadratus lumborum is most accessible


What is the insertion of pronator quadratus?

lateral anterior surface of distal radius

Considering their attachment sites, which bony landmark can help you distinguish the teres major from the latissimus dorsi fiber?

lateral border of the scapula

In general, the origin of the extensor group can be found on or near which bony landmark?

lateral epicondyle

What is the origin of the supinator?

lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral ligament, annular ligament, and supinator

What movement would lengthen the fibers of the quadratus lumborum on the right side of the body

lateral flexion to the left

What is the origin of the deltoid?

lateral one third of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula

What is the insertion of the trapezius?

lateral one-third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula

What shoulder movement would lengthen the fibers of subscapularis?

lateral rotation

Which shoulder movement would shorten the fibers of infraspinatus?

lateral rotation

What is an action of infraspinatus?

laterally rotate the shoulder

What is an action of teres minor?

laterally rotate the shoulder

What is an action of quadratus lumborum

laterally tilt the pelvis

Adduction of the wrist would __________________ the flexor carpi radialis.


Extension of fingers 2-5 would __________________ the flexor digitorum superficialis.


Extension of the elbow would __________________ the brachialis.


Flexion of fingers 2-5 would ________________ extensor digitorium.


Supination of the forearm would ___________ the pronator quadratus.


What is the insertion of subscapularis?

lesser tubercle of humerus

Which muscle is situated between the splenius capitis and posterior scalene muscles on the lateral side of the neck?

levator scapula

Asking your prone partner to hold his hand in front of him, like Superman, is a good way to feel the contraction of which part of the trapezius?

lower fibers

What is part of the origin of teres major?

lower half of lateral border of scapula

To experience the antagonsit capabilities of teres major and teres minor, ask you partner to perform what actions?

medial and lateral rotation of the shoulder

What is the insertion of rhomboid major?

medial border of the scapula between spine of scapula and inferior angle

What is the insertion of the levator scapula?

medial border of the scapula, between superior angle and superior portion of the spine of scapula

The common flexor tendon attaches to which bony landmark?

medial epicondyle of humerus

What is a part of the origin of the pectoralis major?

medial half of clavicle and sternum

What action could your partner perform from a side lying position to gently contract the subscapularis?

medial rotation

What is the origin of pronator quadratus?

medial, anterior surface of distal ulna

What is an action of latissimus dorsi?

medially rotate the shoulder

What is an action of subscapularis?

medially rotate the shoulder

What is the insertion of pronator teres?

middle of lateral surface of radius

What portion of the latissimus dorsi is the easiest to grasp?

middle portion next to the lateral border

What are the only muscles with fibers that lie across the posterior surface of the sacrum


What suboccipital muscle does not attach to the occiput

oblique capitis inferior

To outline the distal tendon of triceps brachii, which landmark do you want to locate?

olecranon process

What is the insertion of aconeus?

olecranon process and posterior, proximal surface of ulna

What is the insertion of triceps brachii?

olecranon process of ulna

The rotatores span between how many vertebrae

one or two

What muscle is primarily responsible for creating opposition of the thumb?

opponens pollicis

What muscles are difficult to access due to their placement deep to the lumbricals and between the metacarpal bones?

palmar interossei

Pinching the fingers together highlights which muscle at the wrist?

palmaris longus

What are the three superficial muscles in the flexor group?

palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, and flexor carpi ulnaris

To locate the belly of the coracobrachialis with your partner in the supine position from which muscle would you slide off into the axilla?

pectoralis major

In anatomical position, the coracobrachialis is deep to which muscles.....

pectoralis major and anterior deltoid

Through which muscle tissue must you palpate to isolate the intercostals

pectoralis major, external obliques, latissimus dorsi

What is the insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris?

pisiform, hook of hammate, and base of fifth metacarpal

What is the origin of the quadratus lumborum

posterior iliac crest

What is the origin of extensor indicis?

posterior surface of distal shaft of ulna and interosseous membrane

What is the insertion of serratus posterior inferior

posterior surface of ninth through twelfth ribs

What is the insertion of serratus posterior superior

posterior surface of second through fifth ribs

In anatomical position, you will find the the extensor group on which portion of the forearm?


Which movement would lengthen the fiber of biceps brachii?

pronation of the forearm

What muscle is a synergist to pronator teres?

pronator quadratus

What muscle is an antagonist to both biceps brachii and supinator?

pronator teres

Which is the origin of brachioradialis?

proximal two-thirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus

What is the origin of rectus abdominus?

pubic crest, pubic symphysis

Locating the last rib, posterior iliac crest and the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae will help you isolate which muscle tissue

quadratus lumborum

What is an abdominal muscle located on the posterior side of the thorax

quadratus lumborum

What muscle acts as an antaogonist to the multifidi during extension of the vertebral column

rectus abdominus

Which abdominal muscle runs vertically from the rib cage to the pubic crest?

rectus abdominus

With your partner in a prone position what movement of the shoulder can he perform to create a strong contraction of the latissimus dorsi?

resisted medial rotation

The serratus anterior abducts the scapula, making it a direct antagonist to which muscle?


Accessing the insertion of serratus anterior by curling your fingers around the medial border of the scapula, your fingers will inherently have to work through which two muscles?

rhomboids and trapezius

What is an action of the oblique capitis superior

rock and tilt the head back into extension

What is an action of the rectus capitis posterior minor

rock and tilt the head back into extension

Which is part of the insertion of the splenius capitus

rotate head and neck to the same side

What is an action of the oblique capitis inferior

rotate head to same side

With your partner in a supine position, which adjustment will make the levator scapula more accessible?

rotate his head 45 degrees away from the side you are palpating

What is an action of rectus capitis poster major

rotate the head and the neck to the same side

What is the action of rotatores

rotate the vertebral column to the opposite side

What is an action of the external oblique?

rotate vertebral column to the opposite side

What is an action of the internal oblique?

rotate vertebral column to the same side

Which of the following movements occur when the upper fibers of the trapezius are unilaterally contracted?

rotation of the head and neck to the opposite side

What movement of the head and neck would lengthen the fibers of levator scapula on the righjt side of the body?

rotation to the left

What movement of the head and neck would lengthen the fibers of the oblique capitis inferior on the right side of the body

rotation to the left

What movement of the verterbral column will shorten the fibers of the splenius capitis on the left side of the body

rotation to the left

Which movement of the head and neck would shorten the upper fibers of the trapezius on the right side of the body?

rotation to the left

What movement of the head and neck would shorten the fibers of the rectus capitis posterior major on the right side of the body?

rotation to the right

What movement of the vertebral column will lengthen the fibers of the multifidi or the right side of the body

rotation to the right

What movement of the vertebral column would lengthen the fibers of the external oblique on the right side of the body?

rotation to the right

What movement of the vertebral column would shorten the fibers of the internal oblique on the right side of the body?

rotation to the right

To distinguish trapezius fibers from splenius capitis fibers, you could ask your partner to perform what movement of the head and neck

rotation toward the side you are palpating

What is the origin of the multifidi

sacrum and transverse processes of lumbar through cervical vertebrae

The extensor digitorium creates movement of which finger?

second - fifth

What muscle of the transversospinalis group attaches to the cranium

semispinalis capitis

With your partner in a supine position and her fist raised toward the ceiling, place your finger pads between the edges of latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major to palpate which muscle?

serratus anterior

Abduction of the wrist would ____________ the extensor carpi radialis longus.


Adduction of the wrist would _________ the flexor carpi ulnaris.


Adduction of the wrist would ________________ extensor carpi ulnaris.


Flexion of fingers 2-5 would ________________ the felxor digitorum profundus.


Flexion of the elbow would _________________ the brachioradialis.


Flexion of the elbow would ____________________ the pronator teres.


Flexion of the wrist would _____________________ palmaris longus.


Pronation of the forearm would ________________ the pronator quadratus.


What resisted action could you ask your partner to perform to feel the contraction of the long head of triceps brachii?

shoulder extension

What is the insertion of the flexor digitorum superficialis?

sides of middle phalanges of 2nd-5th finger

Compared to the flexor group, how do the muscles of the extensor group tend to feel during palpation?

smaller and more sinewy

What is the origin of serratus posterior superior

spinous process of C-7 to T-3

What is the origin of supraspinatus?

spinous process of scapula

What is the origin of oblique capitis inferior

spinous process of the axis C-2

What is the origin of rectus capitis posterior major

spinous process of the axis C-2

What is the origin of serratus posterior inferior

spinous processes of T-12 to L-3

What is the insertion of multifidi and rotatores

spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae through second cervical vertebrae

What primarily deep muscle can be accessed in the cervical region where it is superficial between the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid

splenius capitis

What muscle can be outlined by finding the spinous process of C-2, the transverse process of C-1, and the space between the superior nuchal line and C-2


Which muscle is sandwhiched between the subscapular fossa and serratus anterior?


Which rotator cuff muscle attaches to the lesser tubercle?


What is the insertion of the external and internal intercostals

superior border of the rib below

What is an action of the supinator?

supinate the forearm

Which rotator cuff muscle creates shoulder abduction?


What is the insertion of the extensor indicis?

tendon of the extensor digitorium at the level of the second metacarpal

What muscle is a complete synergist with the latissumus dorsi and is sometimes called lats little helper?

teres major

Which muscle is an antagonist to teres minor in rotation of the humerus?

teres major

Under what two muscles should you slide your thumb when accessing the subscapularis from a side lying postion?

teres major and latissimus dorsi

The long head of triceps brachii weaves between which two muscles before attaching at the infraglenoid tubercle?

teres major and minor

Sliding laterally off the lateral border of the scapula, you can feel the tube shaped belly of which muscle?

teres minor

What is the origin of pectoralis minor?

third, fourth, and fifth ribs

Which abdominal muscle plays a major role in forced exhalation ?

transverse abdominus

What is the origin of the semispinalis capitis

transverse process of C-4 to T-5

What is the insertion of oblique capitis inferior

transverse process of the atlas C-1

What is the origin of oblique capitis superior

transverse process of the atlas C-1

The edge of which muscle is especially useful in locating the suboccipitals


To locate the supraspinatus belly you must palpate through which muscle?


List back muscles superficial to deep......

trapezius, rhomboids, erector spinae

What is the insertion of brachialis?

tuberosity and coranoid process of ulna

What is the insertion of biceps brachii?

tuberosity of radius and aponeurosis of biceps brachii

What is the origin of rectus capitis posterior minor

turbercle of the posterior arch of the atlas C-1

The multifidi span between how many vertebrae

two to four

Which portion of the trapezius muscle elevates the scapula?

upper fibers

What is the insertion of rhomboid minor?

upper portion of medial border of scapula

What is an action of the trapezius?

upwardly rotate the scapula

Which movement shortens fibers of extensor carpi ulnaris?

wrist adduction

What movement will lengthen fibers of palmaris longus?

wrist extension

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NCLEX-PN (Elsevier): Cardiovascular & Respiratory

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Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop - Level B - Unit 1 - Antonyms

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Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB)

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