MCB Exam 2

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A characteristic symptom of necrotizing fasciitis is that the pain __________.

is disproportionate to the appearance of the infection

Which of the following are properties of exotoxins?

Exotoxins target specific cellular structures or molecules. Very small amounts of exotoxin can be lethal. Exotoxins are protein molecules.

Which of the following media is used to isolate Gram-negative organisms?

MacConkey's agar plate

What area of the country has the highest incidence of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

The Appalachian mountains and Ozarks

What is the recommended course of therapy?

oral fluids

What disease is afflicting Jacob?


Deeply branching bacteria are thought to be similar to some of Earth's earliest life forms. What is a characteristic that the earliest life forms would likely have had?

The earliest life forms were most likely autotrophs.

Some strains of E. coli have __________ allowing them to bind and then enter into epithelial cells of the urethra.


Virulence factors associated with this organism include all of the following, EXCEPT __________.


Which of the following is NOT a virulence factor associated with Francisella tularensis?


What are swollen, painful lymph nodes called?


In which of the following methods of prokaryotic reproduction does the parental cell remain intact after the reproduction event to continue the process?


What is the recommended medication for treatment of this disease?


I-Clicker:Among the virulence factors produced by the gram-positive bacterium staphylococcus aureus the factor that contributes to the ability of S aureus to invade tissue is...


The BCG vaccine is available to immunize people against tuberculosis. Had Lance been vaccinated, he would not have been concerned about becoming infected on the airplane. Why was he NOT vaccinated?

Immunized patients have a positive skin reaction when tested, even if they have not been infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Such "false positive results" hinder the work of epidemiologists trying to track the spread of the disease.

An indirect immunofluorescence assay is described as the CDC "gold standard serological test" for RMSF. Keeping in mind the principles behind indirect fluorescent-antibody (indirect FA) testing, which of the following characteristics contributes to its choice as the gold standard?

Indirect FA uses an antibody that reacts with any human antibody. Indirect FA is more sensitive than direct immunofluorescent testing. Indirect FA will detect R. rickettsii-specific antibodies present in the patient's serum. Indirect FA is rapid, sensitive, and specific.

From the preliminary analysis, it would appear that individuals who consumed barbecue with Bubba-Qs sauce had the highest attack rate, followed by the dry-rubbed barbecue. Some of the individuals who said they ate the barbecue with the sauce did not become ill. Which one of the following is the most likely explanation for such an occurrence?

Individuals who became ill may have consumed larger quantities of the food than individuals who did not become ill.

Which of the following Brucella species is most likely indicated in this case?

Brucella abortus

Which of the following conclusions are supported by the current research data?

Burkholderia cepacia complex appears to be very diverse in its habitat and distribution. It would appear that the environment may serve as a reservoir for acquiring Burkholderia cepacia complex strains. Genomovars III and II appear to be the most virulent or transmissible to humans.

The pathology of cepacia syndrome is often complex and due to multiple factors. All of the following factors may contribute to the development of cepacia syndrome EXCEPT which one?

Burkholderia cepacia produces an inducible beta-lactamase.

Some pathogens are able to cause disease within a host without penetrating the body. What is the most likely cause of this couple's disease?

Campylobacter jejuni

Which of the following characteristics would NOT be used to aid in classifying a newly discovered bacterial species?

Cellular Size

Why did his sexual partners believe they were not infected with a STD?

Clinical signs/symptoms in females are often not detectable, especially early in the infection.

The sauce was prepared on an overcrowded steam table and, as a result, did not reach an appropriate temperature to kill any organisms.

Contaminated food or drink

How might an infected patient transmit listeriosis to another human?

During pregnancy.

Which of the following tests would be useful in identifying Escherichia coli?

E. coli is a Gram-negative bacillus that ferments lactose and glucose, but not sucrose. It is motile and does not utilize citrate or urea.

Choose from the following statements the ones that correctly discuss reproduction using binary fission in a bacterial cell.

Each daughter cell is an exact copy of the other, both genetically and morphologically. Due to the stretching of the cytoplasmic membrane, both cells will contain a complete genome.

What is empyema?

Empyema refers to a pocket of pus in between the lung and the inner surface of the chest wall.

Which of the following correctly describes the function of bacterial endospores?

Endospores are produced as resting stages of the bacterium that can survive inhospitable conditions.

What is the function of endospores?

Endospores are survival structures.

Into which type of cell are the Rickettsia introduced in the human host?

Endothelial cells

Which of the following are coliforms?

Enterobacter Serratia Klebsiella

Which of the following is not usually used for treating tuberculosis?


__________ is the treatment of choice for C. trachomatis.


The organism isolated from the sprouts is oxidase negative, motile, ferments glucose and lactose, and cannot utilize citrate. What organism is it?

Escherichia coli

What is the best way to prevent nosocomial MRSA infections?

Everyone should wash their hands before eating and after contact with any potentially contaminated surface/person.

Most microbes that reside in the intestines are facultative or obligate anaerobes. Describe the growth of facultative anaerobes in the presence of and also in the absence of molecular oxygen.

Facultative anaerobes can grow without molecular oxygen, but grow faster in its presence.

The HE results indicate the presences of Salmonella.


Which demographic is most likely to develop a urinary tract infection?


The name Propionibacterium is derived from the fact that the organism produces propionic acid during fermentative metabolism. Which of the following statements about fermentative metabolism is true?

Fermentation produces significantly less ATP than aerobic respiration; however it generates NAD+, which can be used in glycolysis.

Why is Francisella tularensis considered a select agent?

Francisella tularensis can penetrate unbroken skin. Disease can result from as few as 10 organisms and there are many different modes of transmission.

Why was Jacob given streptomycin, not penicillin?

Francisella tularensis produces β-lactamase.

Which of the following best describes the Enterobacteriaceae group (enteric bacteria)?

Gram-negative bacillus found in many locations including animal intestines

What is the difference between Gram-positive bacteria and mycoplasmas?

Gram-positive bacteria have thick cell walls, while mycoplasmas lack cell walls.

Why does Dr. Johnson order a PPD for Mr. Williams?

He wants to rule out the possibility of bovine tuberculosis.

Which of the findings listed below support the hypothesis?

Histological observation indicates that morphological alteration and sloughing of epithelial cells occurs up to a maximum of 1000 units. ,Increasing levels of sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and chloride ions, as well as water, are secreted as toxin concentrations are increased from 25, 50, 100, and 150 units., Protein levels within the ileum loop fluid are increased up to 1000 units of toxin.

Streptococcus pneumoniae is found as part of the normal microbiota of the mouth and pharynx and yet can cause disease in some people when it is inhaled into lungs. Why do you think this is?

If Streptococcus pneumoniae is inhaled from the nasopharynx into lungs damaged by a previous viral infection or in an immune compromised person, it can flourish.

Various types of damage can lead to acute inflammation, including cuts and abrasions, heat, and microbial damage. Some microbes have structures which can trigger the acute inflammatory response when they invade tissues.

Lipid A, External polysaccharides

Bacteria are grouped into two categories reflecting structural features of their cells. Bacteria are classified as Gram-positive or Gram-negative based on whether or not they retain the crystal violet dye used in the Gram stain procedure. Cell wall structure determines the ability to retain the dye, thus cell wall structure is the basis of categorization into Gram-positive (G+) and Gram-negative (G-).


I-Clicker: Listeria virulence is directly related to its ability to:

Live within cells and thus avoid exposure to the immune system of its host.

__________ is an antiphagocytic factor and helps S. pyogenes attach to nose and throat cells.

M protein

Which of the following symptoms is LEAST characteristic of Clostridium perfringens food poisoning?

Moderate vomiting and fever

The IV regimen administered by Ron's doctors is consistent with the CDC's recommendation that doxycycline be administered when RMSF is suspected. Apply your knowledge of RMSF to choose the most likely reasons behind this recommendation.

Most tests that can definitively identify R. rickettsii are not very effective early in infection. The symptoms of RMSF are similar to those of several other infections, making definitive diagnosis difficult.Without prompt treatment, RMSF can have a mortality rate as high as 20%. A delay in treatment can lead to complications that include respiratory, cardiac, and renal failure.

Using a mouse model, the investigator orally inoculates mice with a mutated strain of Brucella lacking the gene for production of urease. Indicate which of the following would LEAST support the hypothesis that urease plays a role as a virulence factor in establishing Brucella infection.

Mutant and nonmutant strains will demonstrate the ability to transition through intestinal mucosa.

Mycoplasmas are pleomorphic bacteria. How do the unique structural characteristics of mycoplasmas relate to their bacterial morphology?

Mycoplasmas have a low G + C genome content.

A male patient comes into the clinic complaining of painful urination and a purulent discharge. A sample of the discharge is taken to the lab and after Gram-staining pink spheres in pairs are observed. Which of the following organisms is most likely causing the infection?

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

A twenty-year-old patient exhibiting headache, stiff neck, vomiting, and convulsions has Gram-negative diplococcal bacteria in her spinal fluid. The nurse practitioner will likely diagnose infection with


Which of the following bacterial genera plays an important role in environmental nitrogen cycles?

Nitrobacter, Rhizobium, and Azospirillum

Are Clostridium botulinum vegetative cells required to be present for foodborne botulism to occur?

No, foodborne botulism is caused by the botulinum toxin produced by the bacteria, not the bacteria themselves.

I-Clicker: Which of the following is not a reason archaea thrive in extreme environments?

Nuclear Composition

Scott's pimples result from the inflammatory response generated in his hair follicles. The statements below describe events that occur during this response. Place the following statements in the chronological order that best describes the sequence of events leading to the appearance of acne.

Overproduction of sebum leads to an accumulation in the follicle., P. acnes metabolizes glycerol in sebum, forming free fatty acids, Free fatty acids stimulate the release of proinflammatory cytokines within the follicle, The blood vessels surrounding the follicle dilate and become more permeable., Immune cells such as neutrophils and phagocytes move into the follicle to try to eliminate P. acnes., The buildup of dead cells, bacteria, and body fluids causes a raised pustule to appear on the skin surface.

What type of arrangement occurs when bacilli divide by snapping division?

Palisades and V-shapes

If ampicillin is the prescribed treatment for listeriosis, why might a physician instead prescribe trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole?

Patients may be allergic to penicillins

How will the prescribed penicillin kill S. pyogenes that is causing Shelly's infection?

Penicillin will interfere with peptidoglycan synthesis, ultimately weakening the cell wall and leading to cellular lysis.

Which of the following is a characteristic of biological transmission from Dermacentor to a human host?

R. rickettsii is transmitted to the human host during a bite, when tick saliva enters the wound.

Why is exposure to the rabbit significant?

Rabbits are reservoirs for Francisella tularensis.

What disease does Paul suspect Ron might have contracted?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Part of the reason for Scott's acne is the overproduction of sebum. Scott's initial instinct is that shutting down production of sebum would be the quickest route to eliminating his acne; however, sebum actually plays an important role in maintaining the skin as a first line of defense against pathogens. Which of the following best describes the role of sebum as a component of the first line of defense?

Sebum forms a protective layer over the skin. Sebum helps to keep the pH of the skin low, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms.

Although the proteins they transfer may be different, the type 3 secretion systems of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, and Yersinia function similarly in that they________

Secrete bacterial protein toxins into the medium to act on the host.

Further testing reveals this is a strain of E. coli O157:H7. What virulence factor produced by this strain could cause the heart and lung damage observed in this case?

Shiga-like toxin

Which of the following lists the criteria for a diagnosis of Staphylococcus aureus infection?

Staphylococcus aureus cultures are coagulase positive, catalase positive, yellow colonies that are composed of Gram-positive cocci.

Which practice would NOT be a good way to prevent foodborne botulism?

Storing canned foods at room temperature.

Which of the following bacteria is the primary cause of necrotizing fasciitis?

Streptococcus pyogenes

Which genus of high G + C Gram-positive bacteria synthesize antimicrobials such as chloramphenicol, erythromycin, and tetracycline?


I-Clicker: Why do doctors caution patients who are pregnant to avoid deli meats, cold cuts, and soft cheeses?

The Listeria bacteria can easily grow in the uncooked food stored in the refrigerator. Also the foods are soft and easy for the bacteria to spread throughout.

I-Clicker: When Pseudomonas aeruginosa is grown in LB under aerobic conditions and then stained for biofilm formation the results are a ring as shown for the left tube. When the bacteria are grown anaerobically in the presence of arginine (Arg), the results on the right are obtained( completely covered). Which statement best explains the observed results?

The P aeruginosa bacteria used Arg to grow anaerobically so that it no longer had to grow at the air-liquid interface which allowed it to form a biofilm all over the tube wall.

I-Clicker: Why do male teenagers typically have more acne than male adults?

The P. acnes bacteria overgrow during puberty when sebum is abundant due to higher testosterone levels, particularly in males.

I-Clicker:How do archaeal ribosomes differ the most from bacterial ribosomes

The RNA in archaeal ribosomes differ from those in bacteria

Streptococcus pneumoniae was originally named Diplococcus pneumoniae. Why was the genus name Diplococcus originally given to this organism?

The prefix "di-" means two, and these organisms are usually found in pairs under the microscope.

I-Clicker: Why dont archaea appear to cause pathogenesis in humans?

We havent found one yet

Which of the following measures would be most effective in preventing a UTI?

Wiping front to back after defecation

What is the word used to refer to diseases transmissible from animals to humans?


A patient diagnosed with bacterial meningitis likely was infected through

The respiratory route

Which of the following is NOT a property of Lactobacilli?

They are members of the high G + C Gram-positive bacteria.

How was this disease transmitted?

This is most commonly transmitted by unprotected sex.

Some studies have indicated that the ID50 for Vibrio cholerae can be as high as 108 organisms. Which of the following most likely explains the requirement for this relatively high ID50?

To establish infection, V. cholerae must survive the host immune response and the acidic environment of the stomach.

Bacteria in the genus Cytophaga are capable of digesting a wide range of complex carbohydrates and are important for degrading raw sewage.


The EMB results would accurately be reported as two fecal coliforms / 100 ml water sample.


Various species of Streptomyces are important sources of antibiotics.


How do clinicians primarily screen for tuberculosis in patients?

Tuberculin skin test

Which might be the best way to prevent getting infected by Rickettsia rickettsia?

Use tick repellants and remove ticks quickly.

In 90% of cases, a spotted non-itchy rash forms on the __________, particular to rickettsiosis.

palms and soles

Analysis of the second swab has confirmed that the causative organism is Streptococcus pyogenes, a gram-positive organism. Imagine that you are the technician looking at the Gram stain from Shelly's culture. What would you expect to see as you look through the microscope?

purple, spherical-shaped organisms arranged in chainlike formations

Which of the following is an amplifying host of Yersinia pestis?


Which of the following is a reservoir for the natural endemic cycle of Yersinia pestis?


Of the following food products, which one was the most likely the source of Mr. Williams's infection?

raw milk

Because Chloe is complaining of stomachache and is refusing food, Dr. Turner orders tests to evaluate Chloe for pancreatic insufficiency. Which of the following test results would indicate pancreatic insufficiency?

reduced pancreatic elastase levels detection of fat in the feces, which indicates that fats are not being digested and appropriately absorbed in the intestine

One of the primary reasons the disease is able to evade the body's immunity is that it __________.

resists digestion by phagocytes

In approximately 10% of patients tubercles rupture and reactivate infection. This is known as _____ tuberculosis.


Which of the following pathogenic characteristics would best allow Brucella organisms to produce a chronic infection in a host?

sequestering of organism within the endoplasmic reticulum

What are flexible, spiral-shaped bacteria called?


Which food is the most likely source of the infection?


Which of the following does not play a role in diagnosing meningitis?

sputum sample

A bacterial species with spherical cells that have random planes of cell division will form which of the following arrangements?


One of the virulence factors produced by Group A Streptococcus is __________, which can kill neutrophils, the immune system's first responders.

streptolysin S

What part of the United States is endemic for RMSF?

the Appalachian region (North Carolina, Kentucky)

Protection against Neisseria or Haemophilus meningitis can be provided by


What was the most likely choice for the second antibiotic this patient received?


How does β-lactamase contribute to the virulence of Staphylococcus spp.?vancomycin

β-lactamase breaks down penicillin and cephalosporin.

How does coagulase facilitate bacterial virulence?

Bacteria can hide in the protein clots that result from the action of coagulase.

Acne is the result of the inflammatory response. In this case, the inflammation is resulting in acne that is very painful (physically and emotionally) for Scott. However, inflammation is a critical component of a normal immune response. What are the main functions of the inflammatory response?

"walling off" the site of injury or infection, destroying and eliminating the invading pathogen, repairing tissue damage resulting from inflammation

Gram-negative bacteria in the genus ________ prey on other Gram-negative bacteria.


Dr. Smith assures Scott that although inflammation may sound scary, there are several possible options for treating Scott's moderate acne. Which of the following would be the most appropriate for Scott's case?

topical treatment with a product containing benzoyl peroxide, Clear Light, a nonchemical, light-based system an oral antibiotic such as erythromycin

What percent of patients are estimated to die from the disease?


Why are doxycycline and rifampin ideal agents for treating intracellular pathogens such as Brucella and Mycobacteria?

Both agents provide for good penetration of body tissues and reach therapeutic levels.

Chloe's mother wants to have another child. However, she is concerned that a second child might also have CF, so she encourages Chloe's stepfather to be tested. Tests reveal that he does NOT carry the CF gene. What is the chance that a second child born to Chloe's mother and stepfather will have CF?

0% chance of having CF

As an epidemiologist, Dr. Thompson is interested in determining the frequency with which a specified event occurs within a particular population at a certain instant or during a particular period. This measure is known as a rate. In epidemiologic practice, an attack rate is the most commonly used method of determining the extent or frequency with which a disease is experienced by a population of individuals. In this instance, Dr. Thompson is interested in knowing what percentage of the individuals who attended the July 4 celebration became ill. The attack rate is the number of individuals treated and/or had symptoms divided by the number of attending individuals.What is the attack rate of food poisoning among the group who attended the July 4 celebration?

105/150(100)= 70.0%

It is estimated that _____ of the world's population may be infected with tuberculosis.


What is the difference between the cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria and those of Gram-negative bacteria?

A Gram-positive bacterium has a thick layer of peptidoglycan and lacks an outer membrane.

In which of the following cases would you suspect wound botulism?

A person injures herself while gardening. Four days later she begins to feel weak and dizzy, with blurred vision and progressive paralysis.

Lance's physician administered a tuberculin test to determine whether Lance had been infected during his flight from South Africa. How was this test performed?

A small amount of cell wall material from Mycobacterium tuberculosis was injected into Lance's forearm skin.

Which is the vector of Rickettsia rickettsia?

A tick

I-Clicker: Botulism toxin is a _______ that binds to the synapses of motor neurons and prevents release of the_________ resulting in temporary____________ paralysis of associated muscle

AB-type neurotoxin, acetylcholine neurotransmitter, flaccid

An appropriately stained smear was prepared of a sputum specimen obtained from the sick woman on Lance's flight. Using oil-immersion magnification on your microscope, what would you observe that would aid in the diagnosis of tuberculosis?

Acid Fast Rods

Which of the following is definitively diagnostic for tuberculosis?

Acid-fast stain of sputum

Rickettsia rickettsii is a gram-negative, obligate intracellular pathogen. Which of the following statements about the R. rickettsii life cycle is FALSE?

After entering a host, R. rickettsii multiplies to levels high enough to successfully invade cells and establish an infection.

I-Clicker: Toxins are the sole cause of symptoms of ...

Botulism from Clostridia

What is the best way to prevent the spread of this infection?

All food handlers are required to wash their hands thoroughly after using the restroom.

What is listeriolysin O?

An enzyme breaks the bacteria free from the phagosome.

In the case of gastrointestinal disease, how can an intoxication be distinguished from an infection?

An intoxication is usually apparent shortly after ingestion, while an infection takes longer

Although cholera can be treated with antibiotics, data suggest that antibiotic treatment alone is NOT the most effective therapy. Which of the following statements describes the most likely reason for supplementing antibiotic therapy?

Antibiotic therapy addresses only the growth of V. cholerae; it doesn't address the extreme dehydration suffered by a person infected with V. cholerae.

Why are antimicrobial drugs of limited usefulness in Bacillus anthracis infections?

Antimicrobial drugs are unable to neutralize anthrax toxin.

I-Clicker: Which of the following statements about archaea is true?

Archaea lack peptidoglycan in their walls

Choose the characteristics that separate the archaea from other prokaryotic cells.

Archaea lack true peptidoglycan in their cell walls. The cytoplasmic membrane lipids of archaea have branched or ringform hydrocarbon chains.

Considering that the digestive system is a major route of infection in most human cases of brucellosis, an investigator hypothesizes that the production of urease by the organism plays a key role as a virulence factor as well as in the organism's survival in the upper digestive tract. Indicate all of the following explanations that accurately describe the mechanism of action of the enzyme urease.

As a result of urea hydrolysis, there is an increase in pH due to the production of ammonia. The increased production of ammonia by urea hydrolysis serves to neutralize stomach acid, promoting survival of the organism.

Which of the following habits will best prevent infection due to listerosis?

Avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables

What is the name of the vaccine given to prevent TB in countries where it is endemic?

BCG vaccine

Based on its Gram status, why are penicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics effective against Streptococcus pneumoniae?

Beta lactam antibiotics are effective against Streptococcus pneumoniae because it is a Gram positive organism and does not have an outer membrane.

Research has indicated that during the inflammatory response to P. acnes, both the classical and the alternative complement pathways are activated. Which of the following are outcomes of activating complement pathways?

Inflammation, Opsonization, Cytolysis

The pneumococcal vaccine was made using the purified capsular material from 23 common strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae, but it is not effective against all strains. Why is this?

It cannot cover all the strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae because not all strains have the same antigens on their surface.

Why is necrotizing fasciitis so difficult to prevent?

It is part of the normal microbiota.

Which of the following bacterial genera includes species that protect areas of the body such as the intestinal tract and the vagina from invasion by pathogens?


Which of the following findings are key to the cause of the outbreak?

Large quantities of meat were prepared and kept warm for a long time before they were served., The sauce was prepared on an overcrowded steam table and, as a result, did not reach an appropriate temperature to kill any organisms.

What might a clinician expect to observe in the urinalysis of a patient with a UTI?


Gram-negative bacteria are responsible for the majority of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI's, also known as nosocomial infections). Serious disease may result when Gram-negative bacteria establish opportunistic infection of nearly all body systems. These HAI's have several signs in common.

Lipid A

I-Clicker: A toxin common to most gram-negative bacteria is...

Lipid A

Which component of a Gram-negative cell wall can cause fever, vasodilation, inflammation, shock, and blood clotting?

Lipid A

I-Clicker: A stain of the Gram- negative bacterium Neisseria gonorrhea, which causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea, has a mutation that has caused the bacterium to lose the ability to produce fimbriae and so it has become less avirulent as a consequence. What function has this pathogen lost?

The ability to grow inside of a host cell.

How is the dormant form of Rickettsia rickettsii activated?

The bacteria are activated after the tick feeds on a host for several hours.

Why does tuberculosis involve months of antibiotic treatment?

The bacteria grow very slowly.

Strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae can cause disease only when a capsule is present. Why is the presence of a capsule considered a virulence factor?

The capsule prevents the bacterium from being digested after endocytosis in the cells of the host.

I-Clicker: Which of the following is false?

The cells of prokaryotic organisms are divided into compartments by internal membranes.

Which of the following is an advantage for a bacterium having the ability to invade and reside inside host cells:

The host cytosol is rich in nutrients, if access can be gained by the bacteria

Disease research and epidemiology bring together many different facets to help us better understand disease pathology and spread. Which of the following statements are true?

The interactions that occur between a microbe and host influence the evolution of both. Bacterial exotoxins can be altered to create toxoids, which can be used to produce protective immunity in a host. Some pathogens are able to cause disease within a host without penetrating the body

Why does Dr. Turner change Chloe's initial antimicrobial therapy? Which of the following are valid reasons why Chloe's antimicrobial therapy should be changed?

The isolate is confirmed to be Burkholderia cepacia. Results of antimicrobial susceptibility testing were conflicting.

I-Clicker: Which of the following capillaries contain a Chemoattractant?

The one with the tube full of organisms

What effect will the penicillin have on Shelly's cells?

The penicillin will not have any impact on Shelly's cells because it targets peptidoglycan, which is found only in bacteria.

The polymerization of actin filaments allows Listeria to form pseudopods extending from the host cell. How does this aid the bacteria during infection?

They are able to spread to neighboring cells sheltered from detection by the host immune system.

Which of the following are true for the Chlamydia group of bacteria?

They are all very small in size. They are all intracellular parasites.

Which of the following is CORRECT about the prokaryotes known as deeply branching bacteria?

They are commonly found in acidic, anaerobic conditions.

Why were corticosteroids contraindicated in this case?

They are immunosuppressive

The ability of Vibrio cholerae to cause disease depends on a number of factors. Which of the following are general requirements for any organism to cause disease within a host?

adherence to host tissues, gaining access to the host via a portal of entry, evasion of host defenses

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is considered a(n) __________.


How is tuberculosis transmitted?

aerosol droplets released by a cough or sneeze

MDR-TB is more problematic in a hospital than "regular" tuberculosis because MDR-TB is

antibiotic resistant

The Texas Department of Health has isolated Yersinia pestis from wood rats and prairie dogs in West Texas and the Texas panhandle. In addition to the fever, chills, and severe headache, this patient has developed hemorrhages under the skin. What disease is this camper likely to have?

bubonic plague

Trachoma __________.

can be passed to a child during birth, is the leading cause of nontraumatic blindness in humans, can be caused by introduction of bacteria into the eye via a fomite in adults, is an infection of conjunctiva

Genes for beta-lactamase are present in Burkholderia cepacia but are not normally expressed unless they are induced. Exposure to which of the following agents most likely induced the expression of beta-lactamase resistance in Burkholderia cepacia? (Select the one best answer.)


Based on the recommendations in this textbook, which antibiotic would be the treatment of choice for this disease?


To diagnose meningitis due to Listeria infection, physicians will first examine a patient's ___.

cerebrospinal fluid

The nutritional requirement to oxidize amino acids and Kreb's cycle intermediates means Rickettsias are __________.

obligate intracellular parasites

Which condition is associated with bacterial infection of the bladder?


In cystic fibrosis, a defective gene and its protein product lead to the production of thick and dehydrated mucus because of __________.

defective secretion of chloride ions and excess absorption of sodium

Dr. Smith prescribes oral erythromycin for Scott. She also recommends that he consider using an over-the-counter gel or cream containing benzoyl peroxide. Although this regimen should be effective at treating Scott's acne, there are some possible side effects. Which of the following are possible side effects of Scott's treatment?

excessive drying of the skin, gastrointestinal problems resulting from a reduction/elimination of normal intestinal flora

What is the primary source of infection for UTIs?

fecal contamination

What disease does this patient have? What is the common name for this disease?

gonorrhea; " the clap"

How did this couple become infected with C. jejuni?

ingestion of contaminated, raw milk

A primary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis typically occurs in the


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