Med Term chapter 5

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Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term anesthetic?

an (not) + esthestic (feeling, sensation) = a drug that causes loss of sensation

Read the following excerpt from this patient's health record: ASSESSMENT 1. Schizophrenia: Stable on new medical regimen. 2. Insomnia. Likely related to new job stress. According to this patient's health record, she suffers from:

an inability to sleep and a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered sleep.

A negative emotional state is known as:


Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term echoencephalography into its component parts?


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term encephalalgia?

encephal (brain) + algia (pain) = brain pain

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term encephalography?

encephalo (brain) + graphy (writing procedure) = procedure for studying the brain

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term encephalopyosis?

encephalo (brain) + py (pus) + osis (condition) = pus-filled abscess in the brain

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term encephalomyelitis into its component parts?


The brain is divided in to how many lobes?


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term ganglioma?

gangli (nerve bundle) + oma (tumor) = tumor of the ganglion (nerve bundles)

Which root refers to the nerve bundle?


Identify the correct pronunciation for the term meningocele.


Which root refers to the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord?

mening/o, meningi/o

Which root refers to the spinal cord or bone marrow?


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myelocele?

myelo (spinal cord) + cele (hernia) = hernia of the spinal cord

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myelodysplasia?

myelo (spinal cord) + dys (bad) + plas (formation) + ia (condition) = defective formation of the spinal cord

Another word for "mind" is:


A person with prosopagnosia has an inability to:

recognize faces.

Identify and define the roots in the term somnambulism.

somn-sleep; ambul-walk

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term synesthesia?

syn (with, together) + esthesia (feeling, sensation) = together sensation; condition where one sensation is experienced as another

The brain is divided into how many layers of matter?


Excessive fear of heights is known as:


Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term endarterectomy into its component parts?


Identify and define the root in the term hypnotic.


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hydrophobia?

hydro (water) + phobia (excessive fear) = fear of water

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term polyneuritis?

poly (many) + neur (nerve) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of multiple nerves

Which of the following roots is associated with the function of the nervous system (as opposed to the structure of the nervous system)?


Read the following excerpt from a brief admission summary letter: She presented to the ED last night with a sudden onset of left-sided hemiparesis and hyperesthesia. She was also noted to have mild agnosia and aphasia. She was brought to the ED by her husband, who is not sure when the symptoms began. A cerebral CT and CT angiogram showed middle cerebral artery occlusion and ruled out intracranial hemorrhage or hematoma. She was treated with a thrombolytic. Her symptoms have improved. According to the excerpt, which of the following was NOT a symptom noted by the medical professionals?

A tumor-like mass made up of blood

Which of the following is NOT true about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

It refers to the underdevelopment of the muscles on the spinal column that leads to nerve softening and weakness.

Read the following excerpt from a brief admission summary letter: This letter is to inform you that your patient Sally Chia has been admitted to Bed 4 of the ICU for observation and treatment of a recent cerebrovascular accident. As you know, I have been following Mrs. Chia for cerebrovascular disease. She has had two transient ischemic attacks in the past 2 years and underwent a carotid endarterectomy last February. According to the excerpt, which of the following is part of the patient's PMHx?

Disease of the blood vessels of the brain and two TIAs

Translate the medical term encephalomyeloneuropathy as literally as possible.

Disease of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves

Build a medical term that means "bad feeling or sensation."


Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of a nerve."


Which abbreviation describes the system of nerves that is around the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord)?


Build a medical term that means "disease affecting multiple nerves."


Read the following excerpt from this patient's health record: Patient Name: Manuel Skayken Chief Complaint: Confusion, fever. History of Present Illness: Manuel Skayken is a 15-year-old boy who presents with a 2-day history of fever to 104°F. He has been more lethargic today and his headache has worsened. He has photophobia and his parents are concerned that he is acting abnormally. He is not using his right arm and legs as much as his left arms and legs. He appears ataxic in his gait and has been hypersomnolent at home. His parents are concerned that he is not responding to questions normally. Past Medical History: Somnambulation, otherwise noncontributory. Medications: None. Allergies: NKDA. Social History: Lives at home with his parents. Sophomore in high school. A/B student. Nonsmoker. Surgical History: None. Which of the following is NOT true about this patient's medical history?

The patient is fainting and losing consciousness.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term craniosynostosis?

cranio (skull) + syn (together) + ost (bone) + osis (condition) = premature fusing of the skull bones

Translate the medical term craniotomy as literally as possible.

Skull incision

Translate the root/suffix paresis.

Slight or partial paralysis

Translate the medical term cerebral palsy as literally as possible.

"Pertaining to brain paralysis": paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement

Translate the medical term hydrocephaly as literally as possible.

"Water head condition": abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain

A suffix that means excessive desire, is?


Which of following statements most accurately describes MRA?

A procedure used to examine the blood vessels

Which drug relieves pain?


Which drug lessens anxiety?


Build a medical term that means "removal of a piece of the skull."


Build a medical term that means "abnormal narrowing of the skull."


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term neurolysis?

neuro (nerve) + lysis (loose) = destruction of nerve tissue

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term neurorrhaphy?

neuro (nerve) + rrhaphy (suture) = suture of a nerve

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term neuroarthropathy into its component parts?


Identify the correct pronunciation for the term nystagmus.


A patient experiencing an abnormal sensation, usually numbness or tingling in the skin, is experiencing:


Identify and define the root in the term schizophrenia.


Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord is known as:


Which term refers to the time between seizures?


Translate the root gnosi/o.


Build a medical term that means "involuntary muscle contraction."


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term apathy?

a (no) + path (suffering, disease) + y (condition) = without feeling; lack of emotion

Translate the medical term cerebral thrombosis as literally as possible.

"Pertaining to brain clot condition": blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a blood clot

Translate the medical term endovascular neurosurgery as literally as possible.

"Inside vessel nerve surgery": surgery on the nervous system performed by entering the body through blood vessels.

Translate the medical term monoplegia as literally as possible.

"One paralysis": paralysis of one limb

Translate the root tax/o.

Arrangement, order, coordination

Which nerve is responsible for carrying impulses toward the central nervous system?

Afferent nerve

Translate the medical term postictal as literally as possible.

After seizure

Which of following statements most accurately describes PET?

An imaging procedure that uses radiation to produce cross sections of the brain

Translate the medical term subdural hematoma as literally as possible.

Blood tumor located beneath the dura

Build a medical term that means "head pain."


Which of the following procedures is used to examine blood vessels in the brain?

Cerebral angiography

Which of the following procedures is used to examine the electrical activity of the brain?


Build a medical term that means "brain hernia."


Translate the medical term pseudesthesia as literally as possible.

False sensation

Translate the root esthesi/o.

Feeling, sensation

Which anesthetic causes a complete loss of consciousness?

General anesthetic

Translate the medical term cephalalgia as literally as possible.

Head pain

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the abbreviation CVA?

It is an accident involving the blood vessels of the brain.

Translate the medical term lobectomy as literally as possible.

Lobe removal

Build a medical term that means "incision into a lobe."


Build a medical term that means "large head condition."


A procedure used to examine blood vessels is an MRA or

Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Translate the medical term myoclonus as literally as possible.

Muscle turmoil

Build a medical term that means "spinal cord softening."


Build a medical term that means "nerve pain."


Build a medical term that means "nerve tumor."


Build a medical term that means "mind disease" and refers to a mental illness.


What do you call the study of the effects of drug on mental processes?


Translate the root/suffix asthenia.


A condition characterized by reduced muscle tone is called:


The widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain is known as a:

cerebral aneurysm.

A loss or decline in mental function is called:


Which root refers to the tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord?


An excessive desire to steal is called:


Which syllable receives the emphasis in the term neurasthenia?

3: then

Read the following excerpt from this patient's health record: Mrs. Ewing is here for follow-up for her schizophrenia. At her last visit, she complained of dystonia while taking her haloperidol. I changed her to a newer antipsychotic, and she is here today to follow up with the results. Overall, her condition is improved, and she has not had any new hallucinations. Her only concern today is recent insomnia (the past week). She noticed the insomnia started when she began a new job. She says that learning her new job has been stressful. She has been anxious at night, and that has made it hard for her to sleep. According to this excerpt, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Because of the side effects of haloperidol, the doctor prescribed her a new medication to relieve her anxiety.

Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the brain and meninges."


Translate the medical term myelomeningocele as literally as possible.

Hernia of the spinal cord and meninges

Read the following excerpt from this patient's health record: Emergency Department Course: Manuel was driven to the emergency room by his parents. On arrival, he appeared very confused, though not agitated. With his encephalopathic picture, we were most worried about psychotropic drug abuse or infection. A normal urine drug screen and a CBC with an elevated WBC count were suspicious for infection. Because encephalitis and meningitis were the main concerns, we performed a lumbar puncture. The opening pressure was consistent with elevated intracranial pressure. The CSF showed an elevated WBC count. The culture is pending. Shortly after his lumbar puncture, Manuel had a tonic-clonic seizure. We treated him with an anticonvulsant and the seizure stopped. The electroencephalogram showed paroxysmal lateral epileptiform discharges (PLEDs), which are characteristic of herpes encephalitis. The pediatric team was called, and they admitted him to the PICU. Which of the following is NOT true about the patient's Emergency Department course?

The EEG showed characteristics of an infection of the brain

Which drug dissolves clots?


Read the following excerpt from this patient's health record: PLAN 1. I will begin her short-term on an anxiolytic. 2. Continue antipsychotic. 3. Follow-up visit in 2 months. 4. Continue following up with psychologist. According to this patient's treatment plan, she will:

begin to take a drug that will lessen her anxiety, will continue to take drugs to oppose any mind conditions, and will continue following with a doctor who specializes in the study of the mind.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cerebrotomy?

cerebro (brain) + tomy (incision) = incision into the brain

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term dysphasia?

dys (bad) + phas (speaking) + ia (condition) = bad speech condition (difficulty speaking)

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