Media Specialist Part II

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The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

(ALCTS) A division of the ALA, formed a Continuing Education Committee in 209.

selective practice

critical incident analysis

The logical operator "OR" is used in an online search to

group terms that represent the same concep

U.S. constitutional rights and principles are the basis for guidelines offered by the ALA's Intellectual Freedom Committee for developing

policies and procedures to regular how public library facilities are used.

Blooms Digital

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluation Creating

Program Budget

Concentrates on what library users receive

If money is available to hire an assistant the first action the librarian should take is

Draw up a complete job description of the position

The U.S. District Court case concerning the book Annie on My Mind involved

Removing books from a school library collection. The case concerning Annie on My Mind involved removing books from a school library's collection (E). The book concerns a romantic relationship between two teenage girls. A copy had been in a high school library in Olathe, Kansas, for ten years when the principal removed it to avoid controversy. The ACLU challenged this action in court and won

A library media specialist is planning a lesson to introduce third graders to simple bibliographic citation. Which of the following should the library media specialist do first?

Show students how to locate the title, author, publisher, and date of publication on a title page

When answering a request for a specific item, the library media specialist should consult which of the following resources first?

The library media center's catalog

Lump-sum Budget

The librian is allotted a sum of money to run the library

Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)

recommends the following resources for ILL assessment information. Their website:, including it's assessment blog.

AASL 8 key area

1. Advocacy for Librarys 2. Diversity 3. Education and lifelong learning (PL opportunities 4. Equitable Access to Information and Library Services 5. Intellectual Freedom 6. literacy-The ability to read 7. Organizational Excellence 8. Transform Libraries

3 Professional Association for Librarians are

1. Arizona Library Association 2. American Library Association 3. American Association of School Librarians

A library media specialist is building consensus with a group of stakeholders who are considering a proposal to alter the library media center's borrowing policy. In which order should the steps of consensus building be followed? A. Calling for concerns and problems on the proposal B. Presenting the proposal C. Hearing general feelings on the proposal D. Acting on the proposal E. Evaluating the effectiveness of the proposal

2, 3, 1, 4, 5. The steps in consensus building are initiating discussion, recognizing and clarifying general feelings, deliberating, implementing, and evaluating.

A visual supplement to the library catalog that displays the breadth and depth of the media center's holdings is called a

A collection map is a visual representation of the library's materials.

Which of the following is the most crucial element in planning a new or remodeled school library media center?

A crucial consideration when building or remodeling an older facility is how the facility will be used. The library media specialist must take into account the needs of the students and staff and their access to materials and equipment.

Mr. Glass, a first-year library media specialist, is being mentored by an experienced colleague in his school. He should expect his mentor to function in which of the following ways?

A. Inform him of school policies and procedures B. Offer encouragement and support D. Recommend conferences and other learning opportunities E. Collaborate on instructional design

distance education is characterized by which of the following?

A. Teacher and learner are separated for most of the learning process. B. The course of the program is influenced or controlled by an organized educational institution. C. Some form of media is used to overcome the physical separation of teacher and learner and to carry course content. D. Two-way communication in some form is provided between teacher and learner.

What is the national organization whose primary focus is to provide leadership by linking professionals holding a common interest in the use and application of educational technology to the learning process?

AECT - (Association for Educational Communications and Technology) is the professional organization that specifically provides leadership in the educational technology arena.

According to ALA guidelines, whenever public libraries from any policies that restrict the access of users to the libraries, such policies should never be on the basis of user behaviors or appearances that are simply annoying, irritating, or angering t other people.

ALA standards for restrictive policies regarding users require that they be objective and reasonable, and relate to actual behaviors, rather than to subjective negative reactions from others.


AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION-The leading advocate for librarians-committed to enlargin library services worldwide

Which of the following policies should be consulted to answer questions about a school district's technological resources?

Acceptable Use Policy The acceptable use policy is a document that defines the acceptable uses of the district's technology and the consequences for failure to comply.

Which of the following policies should be consulted to answer questions about a school district's technological resources?

Acceptable use. The acceptable use policy is a document that defines the acceptable uses of the district's technology and the consequences for failure to comply.

Which of the following activities is most likely to require school board approval?

Adopting a district material selection policy The board of education is entrusted with approving and enforcing policies that govern the operation of the district. A selection policy determines what materials are available to users of the district media centers, and, as such, it requires the approval of the board of education.

ACRL Instruction Section (IS) Education Committee

An organization which the AASL and ACRL's Joint Task Force advices should identify and expedite opportunities for instruction librarians to pursue continuing education, and should also work to develop library instruction courses in graduate school programs.

Of the following skills used in the library research process, which requires the highest order of thinking?

C. Evaluating the information - evaluation is a higher level thinking skill than any of the other choices.

The federal law enacted in 2000 that requires schools to protect children from harmful materials on the Internet is known as

CIPA, the Children's Internet Protection Act, requires schools to protect children from harmful material on the Internet. To comply with the law, schools must install Internet filters and monitoring software.

The media center policy that is most concerned with user confidentiality is

Circulation Policy The circulation policy protects the confidentiality of borrower records as part of a commitment to intellectual freedom. Confidentiality extends to all records with identifying information about users, including the materials they have borrowed.

The primary purpose of a collection assessment is to

Collection assessment is an organized process for systematically analyzing and describing a library's collection.

It was ordered that the Harry Potter series was to be restored to the libraries of the schools in a district as a result of this case?

Counts v. Cedarville School District 2003 Brown v Board of Education - In this case, separate schools for blacks and whites was ruled unconstitutional. Bethel School District v Fraser - This case involved a student who used 'free speech' to give a speech in which he used sexual double entendres and was later suspended. The court ruled against the student. Case v. Unified School District No. 233 - Court case that reviewed a school board's removal of Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden from a school in its district. Monteiro v. The Tempe Union High School District - court case where the use of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and "A Rose for Emily" come up as possibly violating Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The court ruled in favor of the school district.

A group of eighth graders who work well in the library media center when accompanied by their teacher regularly misbehave when there for independent study. In an attempt to address the situation, the library media specialist asks herself, "Why do the students misbehave when working independently?" and "What am I doing to support acceptable behavior?" This aspect of reflective practice is called

Critical Incident Analysis Critical incident analysis helps educators to make sense of and find meaning in events that expose a gap in understanding or capabilities or cause them to view a situation differently. It is a useful tool for identifying learning needs or for reflecting about an issue or situation.

Regular and systematic evaluation of the school library media program should focus primarily on the

Degree to which educational objectives are achieved The mission of the library media center is to support the educational objectives and programs of the school in which it is found.

A library media specialist examines the current holdings of the library media center, categorizes them according to age and classification, identifies areas of need, and creates a list of new acquisitions. This process is known as

E. collection analysis - the steps described in the question — analyzing current holdings based on age and classification, determining need, and recommending works to balance the collection — are the components of collection analysis.

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) designation for school library media specialists is:

ECYA/Library Media The library media standards are listed as Early Childhood through Young Adult (ECYA). NBPTS groups students by ages (Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Early Adolescence, Young Adulthood) and lists certifications by subject area. Media specialists should be able to work with children from ages 3 to 18.

Provides shelving and work space, adjacent to the media materials storage area, with direct access to the corridor."

Equipment storage

A librarian should draw up a budget to present to the principal for future funding of the library

Every 3 to 5 years

The most effective method for a library media specialist to use to keep the library media center attuned to the community it serves is to

Friend's group or library advisory committee The role of a friends' group or library advisory committee is to make recommendations on the delivery of library programs and services, to review and comment on policies, to act as advocates for the library, and to provide input for future planning.

A librarian writing a Fair Use Policy for the district should not include

Guidelines for student access to the internet, including whether or not students may have email accounts

A library media specialist and a fifth-grade teacher are planning a unit on endangered species. The teacher has expressed a desire to have the students move beyond a simple recall of facts to higher levels of thinking and understanding. Which of the following learning activities would be appropriate for the library media specialist to suggest for this purpose?

Having students design and discuss brochures that discuss why animals become endangered species and possible ways to save the species. For students to move beyond rote learning or simple recall of facts, they need to be challenged with problems that require critical thinking and problem solving. When students plan and create, they use these skills.

The Patriot Act of 2001 affects libraries and school library media centers in that it

Increases the access of government agencies to users' borrowing records and Internet use. Under the Patriot Act, law enforcement agencies are granted access to an individual's business, medical, and library records, including stored electronic data and communications.

The Patriot Act of 2001 affects libraries and school library media centers in that it

Increases the access of government agencies to users' borrowing records and Internet use. Under the Patriot Act, law enforcement agencies are granted access to an individual's business, medical, and library records, including stored electronic data and communications.

Which of the following actions by a library media specialist is most effective for promoting the use of new acquisitions?

Integrating the new acquisitions into class activities. The other options make members aware of the new acquisitions but do not create opportunities for the acquisitions to be used.

AASL and ACRL (Association of College and Research Laboratories

Joint Task force for coordinating the implementation of the New National Guidelines and Standards

Which of the following aids can a media center reasonably provide for students with visual impairments?

Large print signs and a selection of magnifiers are reasonable accommodations for users with visual impairments.

The portion of the Library Bill of Rights that deals with library materials for minors explains

Librarians and governing bodies should maintain that parents—and only parents—have the right and the responsibility to restrict the access of their children—and only their children—to library resources.

Formula Budget

Money is allocated according to a formula usually involving numbers or kinds of people. It is usually applied to how and which library materials are purchased and when

National Center for Education Statistics-catagorized LMS as non-instructional staff, however (AASL) catagorize the job as instructional employees.


When sharing resources librarians should know federal rules and regulations. Best practices include

National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyright Works (CONTU)'S

Zero-based budget

Not concerned with what happened in the past and not with what is happening, but rather what WILL happen in the future

CONTU'S rule of 5

Not requesting more than 5 articles from the same journal title from the last 5 years within one calendar year without paying copyright fees.

For a school library media program to be effective and remain vital

Ongoing assessment that identifies needs for improvement


Online Public Access Catalog-A COMPUTERIZED CATALOG THAT PATRON CAN USE TO SEarch for resoruces

The document that contains guidelines for library media center activities such as collection development and selection of resources is the

Policies and procedures manual Procedures manuals provide instructions and directions for the day-to-day operation of an organization. They are essential to ensure consistency and quality in programs and services.

A primary goal of an organization such as the American Library Association (ALA) is to

Provide leadership for the improvement of the profession. An organization such as the ALA does not mandate what is taught, nor can it control what is published. It does not enforce standards, though it can suggest them. Professional organizations are not entrepreneurial advisers.

The American Library Association Code of Ethics addresses which of the following issues?

Providing children and young adults with the same rights of privacy as adults. he ALA Code of Ethics states, "We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests."

Which of the following strategies applies the findings of brain research to instructional design?

Providing opportunities for peer interaction during learning A key aspect of brain-based learning is that valuable interaction with peers increases students' cognitive abilities.

Before creating a statement of standards for a media center, the librarian should

Research all applicable national, state, and district funds. A librarian should thoroughly read all applicable standards and write a statement that complies with them.

Ms. Claybourne is a media specialist traveling between two elementary schools. Each houses a small collection of fiction titles and several computers with Internet access in a classroom-sized facility. She would like to increase her students' access to information resources so they can conduct research. Which of the following actions is most likely to fulfill this goal?

Subscribing to a children's online information database that gives access to periodicals, newspapers, and reference works on a wide variety of topicsB. Subscribing to a children's online information database that gives access to periodicals, newspapers, and reference works on a wide variety of topics

A library media specialist is teaching students how to evaluate a resource for currency. Which of the following should the library media specialist instruct the students to examine first?

The date of publication is the first indicator of a work's currency.

The library media specialist in an elementary school relies on a paraprofessional for certain technical services, such as entering bibliographic and descriptive data into the school's computerized catalog system. Which of the following resources would be most helpful in completing this task

The library media specialist in an elementary school relies on a paraprofessional for certain technical services, such as entering bibliographic and descriptive data into the school's computerized catalog system. Which of the following resources would be most helpful in completing this task

Which of the following documents outlines the procedures for reviewing resources in the library media center about which parents or the community have raised concerns?

The reconsideration policy A reconsideration policy outlines the procedures for determining whether or not challenged items will remain in or be removed from the library collection.

In which of the following situations might a user consider a Boolean search when seeking information in a search engine?

The user wants to eliminate any results that contain a specific term

ALA Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT)

This organization starts and continues communications among ALA groups about issues that are pertinent to library instruction.

A library media specialist is seeking the titles, descriptions, and pertinent information for magazines on extreme sports to add to the high school periodicals collection. Which of the following resources is most likely to provide this information?

ULRICH'S PERIODICALS DIRECTORY- provides bibliographic, descriptive, and access information for popular magazines, as well as academic and scholarly journals. It is also searchable by subject.

A student need help with a research project on butterflies

Use OPAC to find MARC entries about Monarch butterfly migration

Due to space limitations, a library media specialist is reviewing records to retain or discard. Which of the following records should be retained for the shortest amount of time?

User circulation policy User records should be retained only as long as needed to ensure that materials can be located or are safely returned to the library.

A library media specialist requests permission from the board of education for the district to join a county-wide library consortium. Which of the following is the library media specialist's most effective argument in support of participating in the consortium?

Users will have increased access to information resources not available in their own libraries.


Where curriculum materials collections are physically located to serve the resedarch and teachning needs of faculty and students college and university programs that prepare P-12 school educations

If a teacher has made 35 copies of the 1 page of a 7 page article, are the teacher's action allowable under copyright law?

Yes, under the Fair Usage Provision of the copyright law: The Fair Usage provision states that copying and using selected parts of copyright works for specific educational purposes is permitted, especially if the copies are made spontaneously and are used temporarily.

The best time to evaluate a school library's operations, services, and resources and their effect on student performance is during

a stable period-a time when changes in library resources have not occured for some time

ILL) Interlibrary loan

a system in which one library borrows a book from another library for the use of an individual.

Who has the right to censor the material checked out of the school library media center by an individual student?

arent. The ALA's Free Access to Minors affirms the "right of all parents and guardians to guide their own children's use of the library and its resources and services."

when accessing a library media center catalog remotely, users are generally able to

check the current status of an item

The LMS should work with a

committee to demonstrate to key stakeholders how the resources and services of the library media center correlate with improving the curriculum, and increase student achievement.

which of the following is the most crucial element in planning a new or remodeled school library media center?

consulting with those who use the facility

5th grade social studies students are researching nation of the world. which of the following actives is most likely to build their critical thinking skills?

creating a brochure to entice tourists to visit the nation

what action is most likely to build broad support for the library its services and programs

developing a network of library advocates amount the staff parents, and community members

the patriot act of 2001 affects libraries and school library media centers in that it

increases the access of government agencies to users' borrowing records and internet use

When maintaining a professional collection, a library media specialist should be especially mindful of the currency of resources dealing with

laws relating to students' rights - Currency is an important consideration for all resources, but since laws relating to student discipline and to students with learning disabilities or medical or social problems change frequently, incorrect information in these areas would affect teachers' safe practice.

what is the most critical reason for changing a library program from a fixed, isolated skills approach to a flexible, integrated info-processing approach

maintaining current/in-depth knowledge of the research and best practices in all aspects of the field, collaborating with teachers, administrators, and others to identify learning needs, exploring and presenting to staff new methods and ideas for integrating information technology into instruction.

The area of school library media center services most concerned with censorship is

materials selection - The selection of materials should be based on the library's selection policy, not the library media specialist's anticipated approval or disapproval of the item by users.

The Internet address extension ".org" indicates that the Web address is owned by

nonprofit entity

In the case of United States v. American Library Association (2003), the Supreme Court upheld the right of

the federal government to require libraries receiving federal funds to install Internet filters to block access to obscene materials

which of the following situations might a user consider a boolean search which seeking information in a search engine

the user wants to eliminate any results that contain a specific term

the portion of the library bill of rights that deals with library materials for minors explains

who holds the right to allow or deny access of minors to library materials

Ensembles d'études connexes

CH 1 - important of business ethics

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