Medical Sociology Chapter 1 & 2

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A researcher is interested in reporting how many people in a community were diagnosed with HIV during the past month. He/she would measure the:


Medical sociology is an important area of study because:

It recognizes the role that social factors play in determining or influencing health.

Talcott Parsons's book The Social Systemcontained which concept important for medical sociology?

The Sick Role

The article "Body Ritual of the Nacerima" is a look at the ritual behaviors an symbolism of which of the following:


Medical sociology, as a subdiscipline, began gaining strength:

After World War II with the infusion of large amounts of federal funding for research.

Which is NOT a major area of investigation in medical sociology?

All of the above answers are major areas of investigation in medical sociology.

The Hippocratic Oath requires the physician to swear that he or she will:

All of the above.

The World Health Organization defines health as:

All of the above.

Which of the following have been significant factors in the most recent epidemiologic transition, which has seen a reemergence of infectious diseases?

All of the above.

Symbolic Interactionism is a sociological paradigm that views the social world:

As structured by norms, values and beliefs sustained through shared understanding.

Germ theory provided a framework for understanding the causal agents of disease. What are the five agents recognized today?

Biological, nutritional, chemical, physical, and social

In the case of the sick role, illness is seen as __________, and its undesirable nature reinforces the motivation to be healthy.


In developing his concept of the sick role, Parsons linked his ideas to which two classical theorists?

Durkheim and Weber.

The _____________ study was important for showing that arteriosclerosis does not strike people at random as they age, but that highly susceptible individuals can be identified in advance.


One of the earliest attempts in the Western world to formulate principles of health care, based upon rational thought and the rejection of supernatural phenomena, is found in the work of the Greek physician:


Decline in deaths from infectious diseases in the second half of the nineteenth century was mainly due to:

Improvements in diet, housing, and public sanitation.

As a nation shifts from primarily rural-agricultural to urban-industrial, what changes are seen in the health profile of the nation?

Leading causes of death change from mostly infectious diseases to chronic diseases.

Unlike infectious diseases, chronic diseases typically are _____________ and ______________.

Long term; incurable.

From Crash Course Sociology #2: Major Sociological Paradigms, Conflict Theory views society as:

Made up of varying groups fighting over scarce resources.

Which term describes an individual's most important position in society and typically comes from one's occupation?

Master status.

From Crash Course Sociology #2: Major Sociological Paradigms, which of the following definitions best describes the sociological paradigm of Structural Funtionalism?

Society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote stability and social order

Which of the following is TRUE about incidence and prevalence?

The incidence for a given disease can be low at the same time that its prevalence is high.

A scientist who studies the origin and distribution of all types of diseases is best described as a(n):


_________________ has special significance for a society because it is traditionally used as an approximate indicator of a society's standard of living and quality of health care delivery.

infant mortality rate.

In which study were syphilis patients intentionally not treated and allowed to die?


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