Medical-surgical drugs

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Parkland Burn Formula

4mL x body weight (kg) x percentage of body surface= total fluid requirement in mL for 24 hours to calculate what the IV will run at NOW, take that # and divide it by 2, now divide it by (8-however long it took to get to the ER) to get your hourly IV flow rate half to be given in 1st 8 hours, 1/4 in second 8 hours and 1/4 in last 8 hours...starting at the time of the burn, not arrival to ER

A nurse is evaluating the results of treatment with erythropoietin. Which assessment finding indicates an improvement in the underlying condition being treated? 1. 2+ pedal pulses 2. decreased pallor 3. decreased jaundice 4. 2+ deep tendon reflexes

2, Erythropoietin stimulates red blood cell production, thereby decreasing the pallor that accompanies anemia

After surgery for cancer, a client is to receive chemotherapy. When teaching the client about the side effects of chemotherapy, what advice should the nurse share about alopecia characteristics? 1. Usually rare 2. Not permanent 3. Frequently prolonged 4. Sometimes preventable

2, Once the drugs that interfere with cell division are stopped, the hair will grow back; sometimes the hair will be a different color or texture. Alopecia is a common side effect of chemotherapy

A nurse teaches a client about the dangers of using sodium bicarbonate regularly. What effect of sodium bicarbonate is the nurse trying to prevent? 1. Gastric distension 2. Metabolic alkalosis 3. Chronic constipation 4. Cardiac dysrhythmias

2, Prolonged use of sodium bicarbonate may cause systemic alkalosis, as well as retention of sodium and water

After a surgical thyroidectomy a client exhibits carpopedal spasm and some tremors. The client complains of tingling in the fingers and around the mouth. What medication should the nurse expect the primary health care provider to prescribe after being notified of the client's adaptations? 1. Potassium iodide 2. Calcium gluconate 3. Magnesium sulfate 4. Potassium chloride

2, The client is exhibiting signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia, which occurs with accidental removal of the parathyroid glands; calcium gluconate is administered to treat hypocalcemia

A client is receiving total parenteral nutrition. Which nursing assessment finding would indicate that the client has hyperglycemia? 1. Paralytic ileus 2. Respiratory rate below 16 3. A fruity odor to the breath 4. Serum glucose of 105 mg/dL


A client with Hodgkin disease is placed on an ABVD combination chemotherapy regimen. Because doxorubicin is part of this therapy, what education will the nurse provide about this drug? 1. Cease taking any medication that contains vitamin D 2. Keep the doxorubicin in a dark place protected from light 3. Expect urine to turn red for a few days after taking this drug 4. Take the doxorubicin on an empty stomach with large amounts of fluids

3, the client should be informed of this expectation so as not to become alarmed when it occurs

What information should the nurse include when teaching a client about antacid tablets? 1. Take them at 4-hour intervals 2. Take them 1 hour before meals 3. They are as effective as the liquid forms 4. They interfere with the absorption of other drugs



MAOI, prevents the breakdown of dopamine treating parkinson's disease


excessive ketones in the blood, making it acidic. occurs when blood sugar is too high for too long


inhibits peristalsis and prolongs transit time by its effect on the nerves in the muscle wall of the intestines


interferes with growth of certain cells and used to treat certain cancers


used to prevent increased uric acid levels, increase fluids to increase excretion of uric acid


used to treat active tuberculosis, avoid foods containing tyramine such as red wine, tuna, and aged cheese


used to treat type 2 diabetes by stimulating the pancreas to produce insulin

A client is admitted to the hospital for an adrenalectomy. The nurse is providing postoperative care before the client's replacement steroid therapy is regulated fully. The nurse should monitor the client for which complication? 1. Hypotension 2. Hypokalemia 3. Hypernatremia 4. Hyperglycemia

1, Because of instability of the vascular system and the lability of circulating adrenal hormones after an adrenalectomy, hypotension frequently occurs until the hormonal level is controlled by replacement therapy

A healthcare provider prescribes an antibiotic intravenous piggyback twice a day for a client with an infection. The healthcare provider prescribes peak and trough levels 48 and 72 hours after initiation of the therapy. The client asks the nurse why there is a need for so many blood tests. What reason does the nurse provide? 1. They determine adequate dosage levels of the drug 2. They detect if you are having an allergic reaction to the drug 3. The tests permit blood culture specimens to be obtained when the drug is at its lowest level 4. These allow comparison of your fever to when the blood level of the antibiotic is at its highest

1, Drug dose and frequency are adjusted according to peak and trough levels to enhance efficacy by maintaining therapeutic levels

The client who takes furosemide and digoxin reports that everything looks yellow. How will the nurse respond? 1. This is related to your heart problems, not to the medication 2. It is a medication that is necessary, and that side effect is only temporary 3. Take this dose, and when I see your healthcare provider I will ask about it 4. I will hold the medication until I consult with your healthcare provider

4, The response "I will hold the medication until I consult with your healthcare provider" is a safe practice because yellow vision indicates digitalis toxicity

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