Medical Terminology by Jane Rice Chapter 1 -Vocabulary

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Paleness, a lack of color


Surgical puncture of a body cavity for fluid removal para- beside -centesis surgical puncture


Literally means a process of being badly shaped, deformed; a structural defect that fails to form normal shape and therefore can affect the function; e.g., cleft lip mal- bad format a shaping -ion process


Literally means a process of being stuck together. An abdominal adhesion usually involves the intestines and is caused by inflammation of trauma. This type of adhesion may cause an intestinal obstruction and require surgery. adhes stuck to -ion process


Literally means a state of foreknowledge; prediction of the course of a disease and the recovery rate of the affected person pro- before -gnosis knowledge


Literally means formation of a bad kind; growing worse, harmful, cancerous malign bad kind -ant forming

centigrade (C)

Literally means having 100 steps or degrees; unit or temperature measurement (Celsius scale) with a boiling point at 100 degrees and a freezing point at 0 degrees. Each degree of temperature change is 0.01 (1/100) of the scale. centi- one hundred, one hundredth -grade a step


Literally means lack of ease; a pathological condition of the body that presents with a series of symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings peculiar to it and sets it apart from normal or other abnormal body states; a disruption of normal functioning of the body by a process that can be congenital, infectious , or the failure of normal activity to maintain and sustain health dis- lack of -ease ease


Literally means pertaining to a different formation; composed of unlike substances; the opposite of homogeneous hetero- different gene formation, produce -ous pertaining to


Literally means the study of tumors; the study of the etilolgy, the characteristics, treatments, etc., of cancer onc/o tumor -logy study of


Localized collection of pus, which may occur in any part of the body.


New disease neo- new -pathy disease


Occurring in or having many shapes; an object that has more than one defined shape multi- many, much -form shape


Pertaining to among the people; the rapid, widespread occurrence of an infectious disease that can be spread by any pathological organism transmitted by and to human, birds, insects, etc. In 2009 H!N! (swine flu) reached an epidemic level, and in the same year the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a worldwide pandemic, with more than 207 countries being affected. epi- upon dem people -ic pertaining to


Pertaining to an agent that is used to lower an elevated body temperature (fever). anti- against pyret fever -ic pertaining to


Pertaining to an agent that works against coughing. anti- against tuss cough -ive nature of, quality of


Pertaining to an agent that works against sepsis (putrefaction); a technique or product used to prevent of limit infections. anti- against sept putrefaction -ic pertaining to

abnormal (AB)

Pertaining to away from the norm or rule. A condition that is considered to be not normal. ab- away from norm rule -al pertaining to


Pertaining to fever, a sustained body temperature above 96.6 F degrees


Pertaining to objects large enough to be examined by the naked eye macr/o- large scope to examine ic- pertaining to


Pertaining to preventing or protecting against disease or pregnancy prophylact guarding -ic pertaining to

axillary (ax)

Pertaining to the armpit axill armpit -ary pertaining to


Pertaining to the greatest possible quantity, number, or degree maxim greatest -al pertaining to


Pertaining to the least possible quantity, number, or degree minim least -al pertaining to


Pertaining to the palm of the hand palm palm -ar pertaining to


Pertaining to the production of heat; a fever pyr/o- heat, fire -genic formation, produce


Pertaining to time; denotes a disease with little change or of slow progression; the opposite of acute


Process of cutting into in- in, into cis to cut -ion process


Process of cutting out, surgical removal ex- out cis to cut -ion process


Relationship of understanding between two individuals, especially between the patient and physician


Scientific instrument designed designed to view small objects micro- small -scope instrument for examining


Small living organisms that are not visible to the naked eye micro- small organ organ -ism condition


State of being sick


Study of the cause(s) of disease eti/o- cause -logy study of


Study off x-rays and other imaging modalities that use x-rays radi/o ray, x-ray -logy study of


Substance given to counteract poisons and their effects.

acute (ac)

Sudden, sharp, severe; used to describe a disease that has a sudden onset, severe symptoms, and a short course.

biopsy (Bx)

Surgical removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic examination; used to determine a diagnosis of cancer or other disease processes in the body. bi(o) life -opsy to view


The ability to sense intellectually and emotionally the feelings of another person


The use of chemical agents in the treatment of disease, specifically drugs used in cancer therapy chem /o- chemical -therapy treatment


To carry through sweat glands; profuse sweating dia- through -phoresis to carry


To lessen , ease, decrease, or cease. Used to note the lessening of pain or the decrease in severity of symptoms.

Centimeter (cm)

Unit of measurement in the metric system; one hundredth of a meter centi- one hundred, one hundredth -meter measure


Unit of volume in the metric system; 0.001L milli- one thousandth -liter


Unit of volume in the metric system; 1000 mL; a liter is equal to 33.8 fl oz or 1.0567 qy


Unit of weight in the metric system; 0.001 g milli- one thousandth -gram a weight


Unit of weight in the metric system; 1000g; a kilogram is equal to 2.2 lb kil/o- a thousand -gram weight


Unit of weight in the metric system; a cubic centimeter or a milliliter of water is equal to the weight of a gram


An instrument used to measure degree of heat, especially the temperature of a person therm/o- hot, heat -meter instrument to measure


Carrying impulses away from a center


Carrying impulses toward a center.


A general feeling of discomfort, uneasiness; often felt by a patient who has a chronic disease


A group of signs and symptoms occurring together that characterize a specific disease of pathological condition syn- together, with -drome that which runs together


A system of prioritizing and classifying patient injuries to determine priority of need and treatment


Abnormal condition of tissue death necro death -osis condition


An apparatus that sterilizes instruments and items using steam under pressure (15 pounds of pressure per square inch) to reach a hear of 250 F to 254 F for a specified time, such as 30 minutes for single wrapped items.


Chemical substance that can be applied to objects to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria dis- apart infect to infect -ant forming


Condition in which one lacks feelings and emotions and is indifferent.

ambulatory (Amb)

Condition of being able to walk, not confined to bed.


Condition of being self-governed; to function independently. auto- self nom law -y condition


Condition of ill health, malnutrition, and wasting. It may occur in chronic diseases such as cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis. cac- bad -hexia condition


Description of a body part in relation to the anatomic region in which it is located top/o- place -graphy recording

diagnosis (Dx)

Determination of the cause and nature of a disease dia- through -gnosis knowledge


Device used in a laboratory to separate solids from liquids centr/i center -fuge to flee


Without decay; sterile, free from all living microorganisms. a- without -sepsis decay


a unit of weight in the metric system; 0.001 mg micro- small -gram. a weight

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