Medieval Europe

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Which king began feudalism?


Which situation is considered a cause of the other three?

European involvement in the Crusades


French word meaning "middle class." It includes merchants and artisans

3. Why was Charles Martel's victory at the Battle of Tours in 732 significant

It stopped the Muslim advance into western Europe

What was the Hundred Years War?

It was a war between England and France. Joan of Arc saved France from defeat.

In what ways was trade during the Middle Ages different from trade in the Roman Empire?

It was organized according to a guild system

During the Middle Ages, why did feudalism and manorialism become the most effective form of political, social and economic organization in Western Europe?

Its emphasis on local administration protected small farmers from invaders

Which of the following cities is considered a site of great religious importance by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?


Richard I (Lionheart)

King of England who led the 3rd Crusade


King of the Franks (r. 768-814); emperor (r. 800-814). Through a series of military conquests he established the Carolingian Empire, which encompassed all of Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy. Illiterate, though started an intellectual revival.

Which was a characteristic of feudalism?

Land was exchanged for military service and obligations

All skilled workers began as an apprentice, after learning their craft they became a journeyman. A Journeyman became a master only after his or her "masterpiece" was accepted by the guild.

Master, Journeymen (Paid, but must work for a master), Apprentices (Receive No Pay)


Persecution and discrimination against people who practice Judaism

Which of the following helped ensure the economic success of the manor during the Middle Ages?

Self-suffiency and agricultural advancements such as the three-field system


Seljuk Turk Sultan who led the Muslim forces in the 3rd Crusade


Similar to a modern day union, it was an association of people who held the same job and worked together to control price and ensure quality products

What were the effects of the Black Death?

The Black Death led to social changes like a decreased faith in the church, and economic changes like labor shortages that allowed serfs to win their freedom which means manorialism was coming to an end. Also, Anti-Semitism increased.

The Crusades have been called "History's most successful failure." Which statement best explains this expression?

The Crusades did not achieve their original goals, but they helped bring many desirable changes to Europe

Joan of Arc

The French peasant girl who led the French army to victory during the Hundred Years War


The Pope's abiltiy to expel a person from the Catholic Church making it impossible for them to achieve salvation (heaven)

The Middle Ages in Europe were characterized by

the manor system and feudal ties


-Followed a code of conduct and honor known as the code of chivalry taught knights how to behave -the knights are considered to be the warrior class of feudal Europe, they were necessary because feudal society was filled with instability, danger, warfare and frequent invasions -Knights participated in tournaments to practice and display their fighting skills. Events included the Joust.

Effects of the Crusades 1096-1291

-feudalism and Manorialism starts to break down. -Trade develops: Money returns, turning point* -Growth of religious intolerance: Anti-Semitism, bitter division between Muslims and Christians -Europe begins to desire Byzantine and Muslim products -Growth of middle class and towns and cities -Cultural diffusion: Muslim and Byzantine Knowledge

Why was King John forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215?

1. He had thrown nobles into prison without a trial 2. He had heavily taxed people causing resentment and anger 3. He had lost many battles causing his lords to lack confidence in his leadership

The Crusades

1st Crusade (1096-1099) Pope Urban II Byzantine Emperor asked for help Christians captured the holy land (Palestine) including Jerusalem and divide into four states 2nd Crusade (1147-1149) Louis VII Conrad III One of the Crusader states fell, but not Jerusalem Total failure for the Christians 3rd Crusade (1189-1192) Richard the Lionheart Philip Augustus II Frederick Barbarossa Saladin Muslim Seljuk Jerusalem fell to Muslims in 1187 Failure for the Christians 4th Crusade (1202-1204) Pope Innocent III and French nobles -merchants from Venice Saladin dies European Christians "backstabbed" the Byzantine Christians and sacked the Constantinople Children's Crusade (1212) Nicholas of Cologne Religious Passion, desire to recapture the Holy Land Thousands of children sold into slavery

Charlemagne was known for all of the following except 1. spreading Christianity throughout his kingdom 2. his revival of learning in the clergy 3. signing the Magna Carta 4. being crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope in 800 A.D.


Which of the following is the Black Death responsible for

3. A decline in trade and labor shortages

1. In western Europe during the Middle Ages, education declined as a direct result of the

3. fall of the Western Roman Empire

Following the collapse of the Roman Empire, Western Europe was

4. ruled by decentralized tribes

Define sacrament. Provide examples.

A christian religious ritual. Two examples are baptism and communion.

How did this increase in trade impact Europe?

A money economy returned, growth of a middle class (merchants, craftsmen, bankers - the bourgeoisie), growth of towns and cities, cultural diffusion occurred as Muslim learning and knowledge made its way to Europe (for example, the Arabic Numerals, astrolabe, and the Canon of Medicine)


A noble who served a higher ranking noble who gave him land

What is manorialism?

A system of self-sufficient manors in which peasants (serfs) farmed the land for their Lord and their Lord provided protection for the serfs.


A trainee who spent approximately 7 years learning his or her craft


A written document that guaranteed the rights and privileges of a town

Economic Revival of the High Middle Ages (1000-1300)

A. Agricultural Production Increased 1. Three Field System 2. Heavier Plow 3, Horse Power B. Revival of Trade 1. Money Economy Returned 2. Trade Fairs — Hundreds of merchants meeting in one convenient location (For Example — Champagne, France) C. Growth of Cities and Towns First towns were built close to castles for protection High walls were built around them Very cramped, poor sanitation, tremendous fire hazards Towns applied for Charters — documents signed by the local lord or king guaranteeing rights and freedoms for the townspeople Italian City-States — Many Italian cities became powerful enough to rule themselves without interference from kings and lords. These city-states dominated trade in the Mediterranean region. The Hanseatic League — Group of towns which got together to control trade in Eastern Europe and the North Atlantic. D. Rise of the Middle Class 1. Merchants, Bankers, and Artisans (skilled workers) 2. A Medieval Town was called a "burg". Therefore, people living in towns came to be known as: burghers (Germany) burgesses (England) bourgeoisie (France) E. Medieval Guilds (Kind of Like a Union) 1. Merchant Guild — Association of merchants who controlled all trade in a town. 2. Craft Guild — Association made up of skilled workers (for example, blacksmiths, carpenters, shoemakers) who controlled all wages and prices, and enforced standards of quality. *** All skilled workers began as an Apprentice, after learning their craft they became a journeyman. A Journeyman became a Master only after his or her "masterpiece" was accepted by the guild.

Rise of European Monarchies (1000 - 1300)

A. England 1. William the Conqueror - defeated England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 - mixing of Anglo-Saxon culture with French culture - Domesday book (census) 2. Henry 11 (r. 1154 - 1189) - increased the power of royal courts - development of common law - grand jury gave names of suspects - petit jury decided on guilt or innocence 3. Magna Carta (Great Charter) - signed by King John in 1215 - guaranteed freemen the right to trial - prevented the king from taxing without the consent of the Great Council -Great Council evolves into the English Parliament B. France l. Capetians - Ruling Family from 987 to 1328 - extended French territory - created a strong bureaucracy - centralized power by paying for a "standing army" and paid middle class people to work in the government (weakened the nobility) 2. By 1200 France was the largest and best governed state in Europe C. Holy Roman Empire (Germany) 1. Holy Roman Emperor remained weak WHY? - constant civil war - constant battle between the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire 2. Investiture Controversy - lay investiture = when secular rulers (kings) appoint clergy leaders (bishops) - in 1073 Pope Gregory VII made lay investiture illegal and excommunicated any ruler who tried to appoint clergy members - Henry IV challenged the pope Concordat of Worms 1122 Main Idea: During the later Middle Ages as kingdoms and monarchies developed, the governments of France, England and the Holy Roman Empire developed very differently. The Holy Roman Empire remained weak and divided as their kings often fought with their lords and the Pope as they tried to increase their power. France became the most centralized and powerful country and laid the foundation for an Absolute Monarchy. Meanwhile, England developed a representative government called a Limited Monarchy in which kings shared their power with Parliament.

The Black Death (1346-1351)

A. Source 1. Began in Asia and spread along trade routes to the Middle East and then Europe 2. Filthy conditions of towns helped spread the disease 3. Spread by rats carrying infectious fleas B. Results 1. Killed 1/3 of Europe's population 2. Economic Disaster - trade declined - labor shortages - farms abandoned 3. Manorialism crumbled - many serfs won their freedom 4. People lost faith in the Catholic Church 5. Increased anti-Semitism


An estate granted by a lord to his vassal

The Hanseatic League was composed of

Baltic cities that dominated commercial traffic in northern Europe

The behavior of knights was governed by a code of honor called



Christian religious rituals like baptism and communion

Which statement expresses a direct result of the Crusades?

Contact with the Muslim and Byzantine worlds brought new ideas to Western Europe

Which of the following most accurately describes the migration patterns of the Vikings?

Descending from Scandinavia, they swept along the European coastline raiding villages and towns

The Hundred Years War was fought between

England and France


English weapon used during the Hundred Years War which could pierce a knight's armor

A direct result of the Crusades was that

Europeans increased their demand for goods from the East

Define excommunication.

Excommunication is being formally expelled (kicked out) of the Roman Catholic Church.

What were some of the other effects the Crusades had on Europe?

Feudalism and Manorialism began to breakdown, Increased Anti-Semitism, and greater bitterness developed between the Muslim and Christian Worlds

Why is the Hundred Years War important?

Feudalism and Manorialism declined greatly because of the invention of the canon (Lords could no longer protect their serfs) and the longbow (knights became obsolete). This is why the end of the Hundred Years War symbolizes the end of the Middle Ages. Nationalism grew in both England and France

What is feudalism? Memorize the pyramid. Know examples of what each class provided one another. Also, know the definition of a fief.

Feudalism in a social system in which people are divided into rigid social categories. It is also a political system in which a king grants land to a Lord in exchange for loyalty and military service. A fief is the plot of land including all buildings and peasants that live on the land that is given by a higher ranking lord to his vassal (Lower ranking lord) Feudalism is a hierarchal system of mutual obligations

Identify the most important characteristics of medieval Europe

Feudalism, Manorialism, and the Roman Catholic Church.

Which style of architecture is characterized by stained glass windows, pointed arches, and flying buttresses?


Other than the church what were the most powerful and important institutions within a Medieval Town?

Guilds - Two Types = Merchant and Craft Similar to a modern day Union

Henry II

Increased the power of the English monarchy by developing a system of common law, increasing the power of the king's (royal) courts and setting up a new jury system

What effect did the Black Death have on European feudalism?

It brought about its eventual decline since large death tolls prevented manors from functioning

Which of the following was not a reason why the medieval church was most important European institution of the time?

It developed the system of feudalism after the collapse of the Roman Empire

As the description above indicates, what effect did the plague have on European society during the middle of the 14th century?

It generated waves of anti-Semitism since Jews were used as scapegoats

Why was feudalism necessary?

It provided order, stability and protection during the violent times of the Dark Ages (Early Middle Ages)

Why was the Magna Carta important?

It said the king must obey the law

Why was Charles Martel's victory at the Battle of Tours important?

It stopped the Muslim advance into Europe

Which of the following accurately describes the patterns of the Black Death during the 14th century?

It was mostly spread along commercial trade routes

Craft guild members who received pay but were not allowed to open their own shops were called


Which King developed the common law system? What is common law?

King Henry II developed a common law, common law is law that was practiced throughout England. It made laws equal throughout his kingdom.

Which King was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215? Why was he forced to sign the Magna Carta?

King John signed the magna Carta, King John's nobles refused to send him knights and provide military service because of high taxes and harsh illegal punishment of other nobles.

William the Conqueror

Led the Normans to victory over England in the Battle of Hastings in 1066

How did a craft guild operate?

Merchant guilds controlled all trade in a town and set all prices Craft guilds controlled all wages and prices and ensured standards of quality


Mock battles between knights that became a very popular form of Medieval entertainment

How did the Roman Catholic Church Impact Western Europe during the Early Middle Ages?

Monasteries: Centers of Education 3-5 things that the RCC provided medieval society Courts, Hospitals, orphanages, schools Additional Positive Contributions? The church provides unity, stability, order and hope in violent, uncertain times. Anti-Semitism: Persecution of Jewish people, a form of religious intolerance. Heresy: Any practice or statement that goes against the teachings of the Roman Catholic church. Inquisition: A powerful church court that put people on trial for heresy. A guilty verdict often leads to execution.

The Hundred Years War (1337 - 1453)

Participants _England_ fought _France ___ _Joan Of Arc___ (1412 - 1431) Peasant girl who took command of the __French__ army in __1429___ First important military victory was at the Battle of __Orleans____ Her victories allowed ___Charles VII___ to become the king of France A church court found her guilty of __heresy___, __witchcraft____, and wearing __mens clothes___ and had her burned at the stake. B. Weapons 1. The invention of the __longbow____ ended the Age of Chivalry by making knights useless 2. The __longbow____ could penetrate __armor____ from distances of almost 300 yards away 3. The invention of the __cannon____ simplified siege warfare because it allowed attackers to break through castle and town walls much more easily C. Results 1. Strong feelings of _nationalism____ (loyalty and devotion to your nation) grew in both __England____ and __France____ 2. __Feudalism____ and __manorialism____ both declined greatly because of the invention of the __longbow____ and __cannon____ The end of the Hundred Years War in 1453 symbolizes the end of the __Middle Ages______ in Europe

Why was the peasantry so important to medieval society? What was the life of a serf like?

Peasants farmed the land for their lords and provided other farms of labor as well. The life of a serf was hard. They lacked protein in their diet and lived in cramped huts with poor hygiene.

Medieval Church (500-1300)Religious Role, Secular (worldly) Role, Religious Intolerance

Religious Role 1. to provide sacraments such as Communion and Baptism 2. church services Secular (worldly) Role 1. Church courts—dealt with issues concerning the clergy, marriage, religious teachings, and morals 2. Monastic centers of learning—scribes preserved ancient texts and the gospels by copying them down by hand 3. Held extreme wealth and power—the Catholic Church was Europe's largest landowner, and it became rich due to donations and tithes which were taxes that took one-tenth of a believer's salary 4. Provided hospitals, orphanages, and schools Religious Intolerance 1. Anti-Semitism—persecution of Jews -Christians blamed the Jews for the death of Jesus -Many countries expelled Jews -Jews were forced to live in Ghettos -Jews lost the right to own land/property 2. Inquisition -A catholic court which tried and punished people for heresy which means religious beliefs that differed from the Catholic Church

Buildings that had large heavy arches, barrel vaulting, rounded domes and tiny windows set in thick walls were called


Romanesque vs. Gothic

Romanesque Shorter Barrel Vaulting (Rounded Arches) Thick Walls with small windows Darker Roman Empire and Early Middle Ages Gothic Taller with flying buttresses Ribbed Vaulting (Pointed Arches) Thin Walls with large stained glass windows Large play of light Highly detailed, ornate High Middle Ages starting around 1150

Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe?

The church provided a sense of unity, stability and order

What caused the Black death?

The filthy conditions of towns It was spread by fleas along trade routes from Asia all throughout Europe.

Which of the following was a result of the Hundred Years War?

The invention of the longbow and cannon greatly decreased the importance of knights

What was the investiture controversy? Make sure to state the position of both Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII.

The investiture controversy was the conflict between church and king authority. Pope Gregory VII ended and outlawed the lay investiture or the practice of important church officials that could be chosen by kings instead of the pope causing the kings to have more support from bishops and archbishops. Pope Gregory VII wanted to reform the church and get rid of corruption by gaining the power of appointing clergy members and having kings obey his orders by excommunicating rulers that challenged him. The king Henry IV believed he should appoint clergy since they rule over land. While trying to defeat Pope Gregory VII with his strong support of clergy, Pope Gregory VII excommunicated him.

What issue caused a conflict between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperors? Be sure to provide a definition as well.

The investiture controversy. The controversy is over who should act to appoint high ranking clergy members that control land.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between vassal and lord in the feudal system?

The lord provided protection and land to vassals in exchange for loyalty and military service

What is suggested by the excerpt above regarding the Black Death?

The plagues potency rested in its ability to be spread from touching infected inanimate objects

What was the solution to the Investiture controversy?

The solution to the Investiture controversy was the compromise made by representatives of Pope Gregory VII, Henry IV, and important nobles. They created the Concordat of Worms stating that church officials alone would have the authority to elect cardinals, bishops, and abbots. Meanwhile, only the king could grant land to the church officials. This helped divide the power and temporarily stabilize relations between the church and rulers.

Why was the revival of towns a significant development in Medieval Europe?

The towns stimulated trade and intellectual activity

Who were the Vikings? What are the Vikings best known for? (identify at least 3 things)

The vikings were raiders from the North (Scandinavia), They are known for exploring, shipbuilding, psychological warfare and violent tortures.

Which of the following was an important effect of the Crusades on Mediterranean seaports like Genoa, Pisa, and Venice?

They grew economically as a result of increasing international trade


This form of prejudice and discrimination greatly increased as a result of the Black Death

What was the single most important effect the Crusades had on Europe?

Trade increased between East and West



Define secular.

Worldly (of this world)

Feudal society was characterized by

a hierarchical system of relationships and obligations

A demographic profile of Western Europe during the High Middle Ages (1000-1300) would show

a population increase as new agricultural methods resulted in a larger harvest

The Concordat of Worms was

a treaty that ended the struggle between rulers and popes over investiture

The original cause of the Crusades was

an appeal made by the Byzantine Emperor to Pope Urban II for help against the Turks

Which of the following is an example of religious intolerance practiced by the medieval Catholic Church?


Between 1347 and 1351 an estimated one-third of the population of Europe

died in an epidemic of bubonic plague (Black Death)

Feudalism began to take hold of Europe

during the reign of Charlemagne in the early Middle Ages

Medieval towns were

important in an emerging international economy

An important long-term result of the Crusades in the Middle East was the

increased tension between Muslims and Christians

Identify 3 reasons why Charlemagne was important.

increased the size of his empire, Revived learning, Unified Western Europe under Christianity, Established feudalism throughout Western Europe.

Which of the following was a result of the Crusades?

increased trade between Europe and the Middle East

The Magna Carta can best be described as a

list of feudal rights that limited the power of the English monarchy

Which of the following groups dominated the economic and political life of towns during the High Middle Ages?

merchant and craft guilds

One reason why agriculture prospered during the High Middle Ages was that

new labor saving advances such as a heavier plow were used

The goal of the Inquisition was to

seek out and punish anyone suspected of heresy

Identify 3 things that the manor economy was based on. Hint: one thing is the term that best describes manorialism.

self sufficiency, Agriculture, protection

An important contribution of the medieval craft guild was that they

set standards of quality for the production of crafts

The Hundred Years War is historically important because

strong feelings of nationalism grew in both England and France

The greatest cause of conflict between popes and medieval kings was the dispute over

the church's right to select high ranking church officials

An immediate result of the Hundred Years War was that

the development of new weapons weakened feudalism and manorialism

"Western Europe went into a long, deep sleep. Learning was found only in the religious Orders. Unceasing terror consumed the people as fear and chaos reigned over the land." This quotation best describes

the fall of the Roman Empire and the early Middle Ages

One important reason for the development of feudalism was

the people's desire for protection after the brutal Viking attacks

What was the chief goal for the Christians in the Crusades?

to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims

Which of the following was the most important economic activity in a medieval town?


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