Medieval Kingdoms

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The establishment of the - brought representative government to England


King _____ fought English dominance and gained control of several French territories, King _____ was known for trying to bring justice to the people, and King _____ created a French parliament.

Phillip II Augustus, Louis IX, Phillip IV

What change in crop rotation increased farm yields?

A change from a two field crop rotation to a three field crop rotation increased farm food production.

Who owned the land that serfs farmed?

Lord owned the land, or manor which was an agriculture estates that a lord ran and peasants worked in

William of - conquered England in the year -

Normandy, 1066

What was the feudal contract?

The feudal contract was sealed by an oath of omage and fealty sealed it. It was the granting and receiving of feifs which was confirmed by a contract. This contract lasted until death, the exchange of rights over land given by a lord for military and other honorable services given by a vassal. It determined the relationship between a lord and a vassal.

How did increased trade give rise to commercial capitalism?

Increased trade flourished with the new coin system which made commercial capitalism rise because of the investments and profits being made.

How did feudalism develop?

The Vikings constantly threatened Europe, people began to turn to local aristocrats, or nobles, to protect them. To survive they needed a powerful lord who could offer protection, this led to feudalism

King Henry II expanded the power of English -; he strengthened the power of the royal - and struggled for power of the -

monarchy, courts, Church

How did the use of iron affect medieval farming?

The use of iron made farming grow, caruca was the first tool made out of iron, helping farming expand. It also increased food production and made farming more efficient

Who were the Norsemen, and what effect did they have on western Europe?

They were the Vikings who consisted of mostly Scandinavians. After causing much destruction, they started to build settlements. A Frankish ruler granted them land and they became part of the civilization.

How did the concept of chivalry influence medieval life?

Chivalry was a code of ethics by which knights pledged to defend the Church and defenseless people, treat captives as guests, and treat aristocratic women with respect.

When the Carolingian Empire was divided in 843 into _____ sections, the western Frankish lands formed the kingdom of _____.

three, France

Caught up in disputes with _____ in Italy, and the _____ in German lands, the emperor had no real power in either part of his empire.

Pope, lords

By 929 A.D the ___ had begun and Spain was divided into a group of ____ kingdoms in the north and ____ emirates in the South

Reconquista, Christian, Muslim

The ____ peoples of _____ Europe divided into three major groups, each of which formed new kingdoms.

Slavic, Central

Who were the nobility during the Middle Ages?

The kings, dukes, barons, counts and even bishops who had political power

What were the rights and responsibilities of lords?

They had political authority, had to protect their serfs, and could not treat them as slaves or take away their land.

Where were Europe's main medieval trading centers?

It started off with Italian cities, towns in Flanders, Belgium, and France. It expanded to become the Hanseatic League.

How was the Carolingian Empire divided after Charlemagne's death in 814?

It was divided into 3 sections, West Frankish lands, East Frankish Lands, and the middle kingdom. It was all done by his grandsons.

Some eastern Slavic peoples were converted to _____ by the missionary brothers, _____ and _____.

Orthodox Christians, Cyril, Methodius

King _____ and his successors attempted to rule both Germany and _____ as the _____ Empire.

Otto I, Italy, Holy Roman

In what ways were knights central to feudalism?

They were the backbone of the aristocracy, powerful nobles who took ownership of land. They fought, feudalism would have not developed without them

What was the status of medieval vassals?

They were wealthier than others because they were higher on the hierarchy. Lords might have their own vassals with smaller pieces of land. These vassals might also have vassals, who were simple nights with little land.

When did townspeople gain new rights and why?

Towns people gained new right in 1100. Towns people needed freedom for trade. Women were still being treated as a lower class, but if their husbands died they could live a more free life.


In the High Middle Ages, however, population increased dramatically—nearly doubling between 1000 and 1300 from approximately 38 million to 74 million people. The climate changed during the High Middle Ages, resulting in improved growing conditions. Food production also grew because more land was devoted to agriculture. Trees were cut down and land cleared in order to increase the land available for farming .Changes in technology also aided the growth of farming. The Middle Ages witnessed an explosion of labor-saving devices. People harnessed the power of water and wind to do jobs once done by human or animal power. Many of these new devices were made from iron, which was mined in various areas of Europe. Iron was crucial in making the carruca, a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare. Shifting from a two-field to a three-field crop rotation also increased food production. In the Early Middle Ages, peasants divided their land into two fields

Spain was conquered by the ____ in 725 A.D resulting in centuries of ___ rule over much of the area which greatly affected Spanish culture.

Umayyad Caliphate, Muslim

The eastern Slavs who lived in present-day Ukraine and Russia were conquered by _____, who were in turn conquered by _____

Vikings, Mongols

____, the first Russian state, ended in 1169

Kievan Rus

In the year -, the - recognized the rights and obligations of the king and vassals

1215, Magna Carta

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